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Police Beat: Man accused of stealing ex-girlfriend's cell phone

By Howard B. Owens

Brian P. Griffin, 24, of Batavia, is charged with grand theft and endangering the welfare of a child after he allegedly forced his way into the car of an ex-girlfriend, climbed over her children and grabbed a cell phone from her hand. The alleged incident took place Saturday around 7:20 p.m.  Griffin is being held without bail.

John C. Townley, 33, of Alexander, is charged with criminal mischief. Townley allegedly got involved in a verbal argument with another patron at MY Saloon early Saturday morning. Because of the disturbance, an employee reportedly asked Townley to leave the bar. Once outside, Townley reportedly punched a window of the building and broke it.

Cory J. Rigdon, 22, of Holley, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or higher and unlicensed operation of a vehicle. Rigdon was arrested after reportedly driving off the end of Hessenthaler Road in Byron on Sunday evening. Upon further investigation, deputies found he had a prior DWI conviction.

John Tullar, 30, of Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana following a traffic stop on Pratt Road.

Jeffery S. Leonard, 22, of Tonawanda, is charged with DWI, a BAC of .08 or greater and ticked for failure to stop at a stop sign. He was cited early Sunday morning on Pearl Street in Batavia.

Two Deals Today: Adam Miller Toy and Bicycles and T.F. Brown's

By Howard B. Owens

We're putting up TWO items today: Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle and T.F. Brown's.

Both are $25 gift certificates for $12.50. Half Off!

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  Gift certificates cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. on MONDAY to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Adam Miller Toy and Bicycles


T.F. Brown's


New New York Senate Web site is quite impressive

By Howard B. Owens

When I heard earlier this week that the New York State Senate had launched a new Web site, I was skeptical that it would really matter much.

Given the dysfunction and high level of partisanship in Albany, my expectations where that new site would serve as nothing more than a promotional brochure for the new Democratic majority.

But, taking a page from the quality and openness that the Obama Administration brought to, the new Senate site is truly a Web platform that is open and hits the target of serving the public good.  The site is not perfect -- for example, users can't comment on news or blog items -- but it is impressive.

First, there's no attempt -- yet, at least, -- to use the site to favor Democratic legislators. Every Senator who has content to display, whether a press release, blog post or video, is treated equally (based on timestamp).

And every Senator has a full range of tools to communicate with the public.

Let's tour, by way of example, our senator's home page, Mike Ranzenhofer.

From this page, you can not only get his latest press releases, but an aggregation of YouTube videos related to Ranzenhofer's senate service. These aren't just videos produced by Senate staff, but include, for example, a video produced by The Batavian.

Ranzenhofer also has a blog, but he has yet to post any items.

From this page, you can also sign up for e-mail and/or mobile alerts from Ranzenhofer's office. The sign-up process also allows you to select notifications from each of the Senate committees, so if there is a specific topic of interest, you can follow that issue in the Senate.

Much of the rest of Ranzenhofer's page is standard fair that you find on any legislative Web site, such as a district map, contact info, legislation and a biography.

When Ranzenhofer's office posts news, blog items or video, it could appear on the home page and it get aggregated into general parts of the site along with all the other Senate content. For example, Ranzenhofer's videos are right on the main video home page (at least at the time of this writing).

For the most part, the Senate is using YouTube for video, which is smart not only from a superior distribution standpoint, but the free hosting (which from commercial providers is VERY expensive) saves taxpayers money.

I looked through a few of the Senate blog posts. It's clear, even if some of these guys are writing their own posts, they still don't quite get the whole blogging thing. The writing is often stiff, there are no links out to items of interest or other bloggers, and the posts often lack any real substance, but presumably just in giving these guys the tools, over time more and more of them will get it and the blog as a communication tool for senators will become something that is useful.

But just about every page has RSS feeds attached, for easier updates for users with RSS readers.

And, like I mentioned above, the site still isn't really a two-way communication tool. Users can't comment on items or make any other public communication that would allow citizens to engage in a two-way conversation with their representatives.

Still, the Senate Democrats are to be applauded for creating a site that brings a great deal of more information about the Senate -- from both sides of the aisle -- to citizens in an easy-to-use and follow format. (One usability quibble: It's really not a good idea to serve an irritating little alert box every time a user clicks a link that will take him off the site.)

Speaking of senators and the Internet, here's Ranzenhofer's Facebook profile.

Senate bill could opens opportunity for WNY farmers to sell products in NYC

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County farmers may soon have an opportunity to see their products sold in urban farmers markets in New York City, thanks to a bill unanimously passed by the State Senate last month.

The program creates a revolving loan program to help entrepreneurs open farmers markets in NYC's urban neighborhoods, providing residents in those neighborhoods with fresh farm products from New York State farms.

“One of our goals as a state must be to put quality New York produce from our farms on the plates of New York consumers,” said sponsor, Senator Darrel J. Aubertine (D-Cape Vincent), a retired dairy farmer who continues to raise livestock and grow crops on his farm in Northern New York. “This legislation is an important step toward achieving that. By giving consumers the opportunity to buy the highest quality and freshest products from New York farmers, we are giving our farmers new opportunities to sell their products, bringing healthy foods to underserved communities, and helping our environment by encouraging people to buy local.”

Hat tip to Lorie Longhany for finding this bill.

Police Beat: Brockport teen accused of sending nude pictures to Bergen minor

By Howard B. Owens

A 17-year-old from Brockport is accused of sending digital photos depicting nudity from his computer to a minor at a home in Bergen. The youth was arrested and charged with a felony count of disseminating indecent material to a minor. He was arraigned in Town of Bergen Court and released under supervision.

Chrisopher Bey, 32, of Attica, is charged with driving while under the influence of drugs and possession of a controlled substance. Bey was allegedly spotted by a Sheriff's investigator operating a car erratically, swerving all over the roadway on Route 33, so a Sheriff's deputy was called to the scene. Deputy Thompson observed the car pull off the road, the driver jump out, open the hood and then quickly close it. Deputy Thompson pull behind to see what the problem was and observed activity that led him to believe the driver and passenger were under the influence of narcotics. A K-9 search by "Jay" revealed Bey possibly possessed heroin. Bey was also cited for failure to keep right and expired inspection.

Amber Ellison, 19, of Cheektowaga, is charged with possession of marijuana. The marijuana was reportedly found following a traffic stop in Alabama. Ellison was released on an appearance ticket.

Deals of the Day: Three today, Adam Miller, Herbly Wonderful and Main St. Pizza

By Howard B. Owens

We're putting up THREE items today: Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle, Herbly Wonderful and Main St. Pizza Company.

All three are $25 gift certificates for $12.50. Half Off!

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won a certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible to win a certificate from the same business as before.  Gift certificates cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. on MONDAY to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.

Adam Miller Toy and Bicycles


Herbly Wonderful


Main St. Pizza Company


Parents line up all day for tickets to recital at Suzanne's School of Dance

By Howard B. Owens

No, Bruce Springsteen isn't coming to town. Yes, you're not missing a secret show by the Gwen Stefani on Center Street.

This ticket-seeking camp out began at 6 a.m. and it's filled with parents hoping for the best available seats for a Suzanne's School of Dance recital at Batavia High School this Friday and Saturday.

"Yes, we're crazy," said Cathy Chmielowiec, who arrived at 11 a.m. "This is what we'll do for our kids.

Candice Wells was the first in line. "It's important to my daughter," she said.

At the back of the line, a woman noted that no person is allowed to by more than 12 tickets. "We can't buy tickets for each other."

She declined to give her name.

"I don't want to face the wrath of Suzanne," she said. "I'm anonymous."

Another parent said the tickets used to be sold at the school each year, but administrators objected to the long, day-long lines, so now people queue up on Center Street the day of the sale.

The door for tickets opened a little early (scheduled for 6 p.m.), at about 5:40 p.m.

Genesee County nurse charged with falsifying records

By Howard B. Owens

A nurse with the Genesee County health department has reportedly lost her job and is accused of forging two clinical notes about a patient she did not examine.

Sherri Allen, 47, of Elba is charged with two counts of filing a false instrument.

Allen allegedly submitted clinical notes containing false information about a client she did not examine. The notes were dated March 16 and March 30 for clients who skipped their appointments on those dates.

Deal of the Day: Larry's Steakhouse

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $50 gift certificate from Larry's Steakhouse in Batavia. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $25 -- HALF off!

Larry's, located at 60 Main St. in Batavia, is one of the newer and finer dining establishments in Batavia. The menu offers many great items, but of course the speciality is steak.  Larry's also features a full bar.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  People who have won this certificate in the past 30 days are not eligible for this offer.  Gift certificates cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.


County's new employee health plan puts emphasis on wellness

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County is putting together an employee health plan for the 21st Century, according to County Manager Jay Gsell.

In 1996, the county switched employees to a self-funded insurance plan, but then didn't update it for more than a decade.

Gsell said today that the old plan no longer really served employees well and hadn't kept up in changes in medicine.

"Over time, we've made little changes here and there and most of them are subtle, but now we're here in the 21st Century," Gsell said. "That old plan is not very responsive to the health care needs of people here in 2009 ... and it's not very cost effective."

The new plan has been in the works for two years, with employee unions, management and a consultant participating in putting together the new plan, which even though it was implemented in January is still a work in progress.

The new plan puts a greater emphasis on wellness, well being and prevention.

The plan now covers health care screenings for men and women and preventative diagnostic tests.

"Those kinds of things are in the plan to keep people from getting really sick or avoiding visiting a doctor's office until they have to go to the emergency room," Gsell said.

Still under consideration is coverage for gym memberships.

The committee is also reviewing prescription benefits, such as allowing employees to bulk order medicines through mail order and allowing over-the-counter remedies where patents have expired and a script is no longer necessary.

The main goal of the changes is to be cost neutral, Gsell said, but over the next five or more years, the county could save from $100,000 to $200,000.

"So what we're looking at is whether this plan over the next five years will help us better provide for our employees, but also save us money."

So far, not all employees have opted into the program, but Gsell expects more workers to see the benefits of the plan.

Ranzenhofer co-sponsors bill to reinstate STAR rebates

By Howard B. Owens

Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer is still fighting for tax relief under the STAR rebate program, which Ranzenhofer has made central to his legislative agenda since Gov. Paterson announced his intention to cut the program from the state budget.

Ranzenhofer and Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos announced a bill today to restore the STAR rebate checks for the 2009-2010 school year.

SB 5248 would cut 1 percent from Agency Contracts for $519 million in savings and draw on $1 billion in unitemized spending in the state budget.

The full press release follows the jump:



Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer and Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos called on State lawmakers to support Senate Bill 5248 that would reinstate the Middle Class STAR Rebate for the 2009-2010 school year and thereafter.  Ranzenhofer and Skelos also proposed a plan to pay for the STAR Rebate Check Program by cutting 1% from Agency Contracts for $519 million in total savings and utilizing $1 Billion in unitemized appropriations in the Public Protection Budget and General Government Bill passed in the State Budget earlier this year.  The use of these funds is at the sole discretion of Governor David Paterson. 

The proposed legislation, sponsored by Senators Skelos and Ranzenhofer provides $386 in property tax relief on average for 82,767 homeowners in the 61st Senate District.  Under the Skelos/Ranzenhofer plan Erie County residents would receive $73 million in overall property tax relief while Genesee County residents would receive $7 million. 

“Western New Yorkers received the short-end of the stick earlier this year when the New York City controlled Senate eliminated the STAR rebate checks from the State Budget which amounts to raising taxes on property taxpayers throughout Erie and Genesee Counties,” said Senator Ranzenhofer.  “Instead of having their taxes increased, Western New Yorkers deserve property tax relief now to defray skyrocketing property taxes.  My proposed legislation would restore STAR rebate checks to homeowners without any new State spending or additional taxes and fees.”

Senator Skelos praised Senator Ranzenhofer for his efforts to provide property tax relief for New Yorkers.

“At a time when so many families in Western New York are struggling to make ends meet, the last thing they need is the Governor and the Legislature taking even more money out of their pockets,” said Dean G. Skelos. “Families count on these rebate checks to help pay their bills, and I commend Senator Ranzenhofer who has been a tremendous advocate to get the STAR rebate checks restored. Our families need action; they are hurting. This legislation will provide much-needed relief to homeowners in Western New York and throughout the entire state.”

Senator Ranzenhofer and members of the Senate Republican conference launched an online petition drive last week to pressure State lawmakers to reinstate the program.  Since then, tens of thousands of citizens across New York have signed the petition at <> .  In addition, hundreds of people have joined Senator Ranzenhofer’s Facebook Group, New York State Taxpayers Need STAR Rebate Checks.

Senate Republicans initiated the STAR Rebate Check program in 2006, which provides a yearly check mailed to homeowners to help defray sky-rocketing school property taxes.  The Democratic controlled Senate Majority eliminated the rebate check program in the 2009-2010 State Budget.

'Swine Flu' update for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Randy Garney, interim director of the county Health Department, says that results are not back yet on the one suspected "swine flu" case and no new H1N1 cases have been reported in Genesee County.

UPDATE: Not more than 10 minutes after I posted this, Randy Garney received notice from the state that the remaining suspect case is negative.  He sent this statement

NYSDOH has just reported to Genesee County Health Department that our remaining suspect H1N1 ( Swine Flu) case is reported as negative.

Steve Hawley hosts constituents in Albany on Gun Day

By Howard B. Owens

Steve Hawley hosted a number of constituents in Albany last week for "Gun Day," a day in which 2nd Amendment supporters traveled to Albany to oppose new restrictions on gun ownership. Hawley's office sent along the picture to the right. Click on the picture for a larger version.

Stimulus money being used to expand two jobs programs in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Job stimulus is coming to Genesee County in the form of two programs that are designed to either help laid off workers get back work or youths find jobs and learn new careers.

A total of $1.6 million of stimulus money is going to the Job Development Bureau, according to Director Scott Gage.

In one program, out-of-work people can apply either for a job that will involve on-the-job training, and the government will pay 50 percent of their wages, or youths can take part-time jobs in July and August with the agency picking up 100 percent of the tab.

"Our goal is to get the money into the community as quickly as possible," Gage said. "The majority of the money will be spent this year, because obviously, the goal of the stimulus plan is to turn the economy around quickly."

These are not new programs, but the amount of funding for them is substantially more than originally budgeted.

Yesterday, the County's Ways and Means Committee approved an increase in the budget for the youth summer job program so the bureau can hire two additional temporary supervisors.

Youths from 16- to 24-years-old can apply for work through the program and any agency, public or private business, can apply to hire workers from the program.

"There's no commitment for the business to hire the youth after the summer program, but we hope  that if a business likes the youth the employer will pick them up for a permanent job," Gage said. "Obviously, a lot of employers don't have the ability to that immediately."

Youths or employers interested in the program should contact Jay Lazarony at 344-2042, ext. 212.

For the jobs training program, employers must be able to provide documented on-the-job training with specific learning tasks, or out-of-work individuals can apply for job retraining through BOCES or GCC.

Each program is being funded with an additional $600,000 from the stimulus package, with the balance of the stimulus money going to help disadvantaged or underemployed workers.

Hundreds of South Beach gift certificates redeemed at local restaurants

By Howard B. Owens

When South Beach closed without warning, many people in the community were concerned about gift certificates that had purchased but not redeemed.

In comments on The Batavian, representatives of Alex's Place and Sunny's step forward and offered to redeem the gift certificates.

Matt Gray, owner of Alex's Place says his restaurant on Park Road redeemed more than 350 gift certificates.

Maggie Fasano, manager at Sunny's said 139 gift certificates were redeemed there.

Gray said the offer brought in some new customers and people who hadn't visited Alex's in some time and were grateful, noting that they would be back soon.

"It was very well received from every one who had gift certificates and had a chance to redeem them, not only from us but from the other restaurants as well," Gray said. "It was well received as a gesture of good will."

The exchange was also a big hit at Sunny's.

"People were definitely positive," Fasano said. "People were grateful it wasn't a total lose for them and we picked up lots of new customers, and we're very glad to have them."

Ken Mistler recently revealed that he's purchasing the South Beach location and will seek a new tenant looking to open a new restaurant in that location.

Deal of the Day: Alex's Place

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $25 gift certificate from Alex's Place in Batavia. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $12.50 -- HALF off!

Before I even decided to start a business in Batavia, people were telling me about Alex's Place.  It wasn't until last week that my wife and I finally went there for lunch. Wow.  Alex's definately lives up to its reputation.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value.  It cannot be used, by state law, to purchase alcohol.

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.


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