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Police Beat: Traffic stop leads to heroin bust

By Howard B. Owens

Michael Maloy, 30, of Batavia, was pulled over by Sheriff's deputies on a routine traffic stop Wednesday when a K-9 dog alerted on the vehicle, according to a Sheriff's Office report.

Further investigation revealed Maloy allegedly had heroin and hypodermic needles in his car.

He was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. Bail is set at $1,200.

Scott Doll picks up 47 votes in Corfu election

By Howard B. Owens

CORFU, N.Y. -- Todd Skeet won an easy re-election as mayor of Corfu tonight, but the vote count that will probably get the most attention is the 47 ballots cast for Scott Doll.

Doll is the GOP candidate accused of murder. The unusual Corfu election has received a little national news coverage.

Skeet received 109 votes.

In the trustee vote, Ralph Peterson received 138 votes and Al Graham tallied 97. Ken Laur received 56 votes.

Lorie Longhany, chair of Genesee County Democratic Committee, said: "Todd, Al and Rosey Peterson exemplify a common sense approach to local public service.  They work tirelessly for the betterment of the village of Corfu and that is what local government is about.  I congratulate them on their re-election. The Democratic Committee is proud to have endorsed Todd Skeet and Al Graham."

UPDATE: Here's the official results from the Corfu clerk's office:

Results of Village of Corfu Elections were as follows:
(Winner in Bold & Underlined)

Mayor: (2) Years – Democrat    – Todd A. Skeet          109
Mayor: (2) Years – Republican  – Scott F. Doll           47
        Write –in                David Bielec             2

Two Positions
Trustee: (2) Years – Democrat   – Albert Graham Jr       97
Trustee: (2) Years – Democrat   – Ralph Peterson         84
Trustee: (2) Years – Republican – Kenneth J. Lauer       56
Trustee: (2) Years – Republican – Ralph Peterson         54
          (Ralph Peterson – Total votes  138

Justice: (4) Years – Democrat   – Robert Alexander       85
Justice: (4) Years – Republican – Robert Alexander       62
                                         Total           147


Closure of Pembroke Plaza on Thurway could impact county sales tax

By Howard B. Owens

BATAVIA, N.Y. -- County officials are concerned that the closure of the Pembroke Plaza service area on the Thruway is costing the county sales tax revenue and they're looking to the state for help.

It's impossible to estimate the potential lose in fuel and sales tax because precise business tax information is confidential, according to County Manager Jay Gsell, but such taxes are an important source of revenue for the county.

The issue was raised by Legislator Mary Pat Hancock at Monday's Public Safety Committee meeting and Legislator Jay Grasso accepted the assignment of talking with State Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer.

Grasso works part-time for Ranzenhofer.

"Our first approach is to go through the appropriate channels as far as seeking insight or getting in touch with the right people," Gsell said.

One option, Gsell said, is to convince the Thruway Authority to erect signs letting people know fuel and convenience stores are located at Exit 48-A.

"It's a fairly close alternative," Gsell said. "Pricingwise, it's more competitive, or that's our anecdotal understanding, than what you might typically get at a rest stop."

Directing drivers to an alternative stop in Genesee County will help keep some of that revenue in the County, Gsell said.

Here's the section of the minutes covering the Pembroke Plaza issue:

Legislator Hancock reported that she became aware that the Thruway Gas Plaza in Pembroke was being closed today for renovations and it could remain closed for “several months.” This could have a big impact on Genesee County Sales Tax and she is anxious for everything possible to be done to try and redirect travelers to exit the thruway to make their gas purchases in Genesee County.  Closing this particular Plaza for gas sales means no gas from Angola to Scottsville which could be dangerous to travelers. It was the consensus of the Committee that Chair Grasso will speak to Senator Ranzenhofer to see what might be done to assist in this matter with the Thruway Authority.

I have a call into Jay Grasso to see if he has anything to add, or he can leave a comment.

UPDATE:  Jay Grasso called me as I was driving home, so I couldn't take notes. Hopefully, we can talk more later, but the main point is: A sign did happen to go up Monday evening suggesting 48-A as alternative.

Stafford man accused of threatening another person with a loaded rifle

By Howard B. Owens

STAFFORD, N.Y. -- A Stafford man is facing a felony assault charge after allegedly brandishing a loaded rifle during an argument early this morning.

Michael A. Nicometo, 24, was taken into custody without incident by Sheriff's deputies at 4:40 a.m.

Nicometo is being held in Genesee County Jail on $10,000 bail.

The Weather Service and 'Extreme Cold' alerts for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

I've been getting these "extreme cold" e-mail alerts from and when I open them the predicted temperature is something like 22 degrees.

After some of the below-zero frigidity we went through the past few months, it's hard to get much concerned about 22 degrees.

Here's the weather forecast for the next 24 hours. Yes, it will get cold -- one last wintry blast, I suppose. There might even be some snow.

Stay safe and stay warm.

Scott Doll could be free on bail, with conditions, as soon as today

By Howard B. Owens

BATAVIA, N.Y. -- Scott Doll, accused of murdering Joseph A. Benaquist, could be released on bail as early as today, according to District Attorney Lawrence Friedman, pending implementation of additional release conditions of the judge and fitting Doll with a GPS tracking device.

Doll must also surrender his passport and his pistol permit. He will also be prohibited from carrying guns.

"This is a unique situation," Friedman said. "It's what I call a hybrid. (In addition to bail) the judge is imposing numerous conditions on his release."

Depending on when all of the conditions of his release are met, Friedman said, Doll could be free either today or tomorrow.

Bail was set at $100,000 cash or $200,000 bond, Friedman said, and the defendent secured a bond.

His next scheduled court appearance is May 20 for pre-trial motions.

Friedman said the investigation is ongoing and there are no new developments that he can discuss.

Asked if a motive has been uncovered, Friedman said, "The nature of our obligation is to prove elements of the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Motive is not an element of the crime, and as you know, both sides have an obligation to ensure a fair trial so motive is not something I would even discuss."

Doll is the Republican candidate for mayor in Corfu and that election is being held today.

UPDATE: The Daily News has additional information from this morning's bail hearing.

UPDATE II: WBTA has audio of an interview with Friedman posted.

UPDATE III: The national media continues to pick up on the "accused killer running for mayor" angle. Here's MSNBC's short story.

Power outage hits 2,200 customers in Batavia and Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA reports that 2,200 homes and businesses have been hit by a power outage that has also disabled the stop light at Route 33 and Route 5.

The power outage effects the Aldi's shopping center, reaching into the Town of Batavia and Stafford.

UPDATE: Photo of downed lines along Seven Springs Road, submitted by Chris Olin.

Police Beat: Two early morning DWI's in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Brian Coffta, 36, of Sanford, Maine, was arrested in Batavia last night, on a charge of aggravated DWI. Coffta was allegedly observed driving in an erratic manner. Police say his BAT was .18 or higher.

Beth A. Brugger, 26, of LeRoy, is charged with aggravated DWI and leaving the scene of an accident. Brugger was allegedly spotted by another motorist driving erratically on Main Street in Batavia. A police officer subsequently observed her swerving on the road and then side-swipe a parked vehicle. Police say her BAT was .18 or higher. She was taken into custody this morning at about 1:20 a.m.

County Public Safety Committee meeting minutes

By Howard B. Owens

PRESENT: Chair Grasso, Legislators Zambito, Cianfrini, and DeJaneiro. County Manager Gsell. Also Present: Legislators Hancock and Leadley, Sheriff Deputy Vllack, Planning Director Duval, Sheriff Maha, Highway Superintendent Hens, Daily News Reporter  Mruzek, and Legislature Clerk Pratt.

Chair Grasso called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM in the Legislature Conference Room.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator Cianfrini.

Sheriff Maha requested approval of an award of bid for professional assistance with regard to exploring opportunities for new Federal Financial Participation, reviewing prospects for expansion of existing participation and securing additional participation as appropriate for Genesee County.  One bid was received with our current provider, Justice Benefits, Inc. Payment will be in the form of 15% or revenue received.  Last year, approximately $15,000 was received as a result of their efforts.  This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Cianfrini seconded by Legislator DeJaneiro.

The Sheriff requested approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $5440 to be used for payment of services provided by Bergmann Associates as authorized in October of 2008 from E911 Money from Deferred.  This was referred to Ways & Means with a recommendation for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator DeJaneiro.

The Sheriff requested approval of a budget amendment in relation to a Homeland Security Grant which has $3067 of remaining funds that can be used in 2009. This was referred to Ways & Means with a recommendation for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator Cianfrini.  It is understood these funds will be used towards a new emergency response vehicle.

Chair Grasso asked the Sheriff for confirmation that paperwork has been received on new Byrne Grant funding.  The Sheriff stated it was.

Planning Director Duval recommended that a Public Hearing be set to consider inclusion of new parcels into existing Ag Districts as requested during the annual 30 day enrollment period.  One such request was received from the Town of Bergen. The hearing is proposed for April 8, 2009 at 7PM in the Old Courthouse.  This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator DeJaneiro.

Highway Superintendent Hens recommended three reappointments to the Airport Advisory Board through December 2011.  The members include John Sackett of Byron, Thomas Geles of Darien and Kenneth Alfes of Darien.  This was referred to Ways & Means with a recommendation for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator DeJaneiro.  Chair Grasso commented these were all excellent choices for the Board.

Highway Superintendent reviewed projects submitted for the Economic Recovery Program and announced that two in the Town of Batavia have been accepted as eligible. The two projects amount to $860,000 and will receive 100% reimbursement which is generally received within 2-3 weeks. The Projects will extend the life of the roads 10-15 years and the work as required, will be contracted out.  The resolution accepting this funding, establishing Capital Projects, amending budget, etc. was referred to Ways & Means with a recommendation for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Zambito seconded by Legislator Cianfrini. The timeline is that the design and approval are needed by April, to be bid and awarded by June, completion by September.  Legislator Hancock noted there were three other projects she thought were under consideration and Mr. Hens stated that these will be administered by the State.
Concern was expressed about a possible shortage of asphalt as experienced last year.  Mr. Hens reported that bridges are not covered under the project because the design and approval process is too long to have an immediate effect on the economy.

Mr. Hens reported that Parks Supervisor Osborn has recommended that a 1999 zero turn mower be declared surplus and sold either at auction or under the sealed bid process.  This was referred to Ways & Means with a recommendation for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Cianfrini seconded by Legislator Zambito.

Legislator Hancock reported that she became aware that the Thruway Gas Plaza in Pembroke was being closed today for renovations and it could remain closed for “several months.” This could have a big impact on Genesee County Sales Tax and she is anxious for everything possible to be done to try and redirect travelers to exit the thruway to make their gas purchases in Genesee County.  Closing this particular Plaza for gas sales means no gas from Angola to Scottsville which could be dangerous to travelers. It was the consensus of the Committee that Chair Grasso will speak to Senator Ranzenhofer to see what might be done to assist in this matter with the Thruway Authority.

The next meeting will be April 13th.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM upon motion of Legislator Cianfrini seconded by Legislator Zambito.

Jerome Grasso, Chair
Public Service Committee

Submitted 03/17 cpp

County Ways and Means Committee agenda for Wednesday

By Howard B. Owens

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Old Courthouse

4:00 PM    Approval of March 4 minutes

4:00 PM    Lorie Cleveland, Real Property Director
1.    Department Review

4:15 PM    Referrals from Public Service
1.    Budget Transfer-Sheriff/Geodatabase Replication Program
2.    Budget Amendment-Sheriff/Homeland Security Carryover
3.    Airport Advisory Reappointment
4.    Establish Highway Capital Projects-Stimulus Package
5.    Surplus Equipment-Parks

County Manager Report
1.    Contract Renewal-NYMIR
2.    Out-of-state travel request-Undersheriff

Administrative Office Report

Chairman Report


    John Demske, Nursing Home Administrator
1.    Award RFP-Professional Design Services-Power Grid
2.    Budget Amendment-Capital Project

    Debbie Kerr-Rosenbeck, Youth Director
    1. Americorps Application-Stimulus Funding

    Matt Landers, Deputy Treasurer
1.    GCC Bonding Recommendation from Bond Counsel

    Karen Marchese, Personnel Officer
1. CSEA Contract Negotiations-expected to be held in Executive Session

LeRoy resident already in prison arrested on new charges

By Howard B. Owens

Candy R. Coleman, 53, of LeRoy, who is already serving time in the state corrections facility in Albion, pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 90 days incarceration.

Coleman was facing other charges stemming from a December 2007 investigation.

The sentence for the guilty plea to the single charge will run concurrent to her current sentence, which stems from a conviction in Monroe County.

Detective John Condidorio, who arrested Coleman yesterday at the prison, said the other charge included alleged possession of stolen property.

In 2007, a search warrant of Coleman's Genesee Street apartment led to the discovery of alleged cocaine and paraphernalia along with items reportedly stolen from a neighbor, Condidorio said.

The investigation was delayed while Coleman went through the legal system in Monroe County on unrelated charges.

State police looking for Buffalo-area sex offender who could be anywhere

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE, March 18, 10:30 a.m.:  We received this note from the State Police:

Reference the attached press release sent on 03/17/09, NYSP Clarence BCI received an anon. tip that WEBSTER WIGGINS was staying at a location in the City of Buffalo.  WIGGINS was located and arrested without incident.

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- State Police are looking for a sex offender from Buffalo who could be anywhere in the state, according to Investigator Daniel Strozyk.

Webster E. Wiggins, Jr. 33, has refused to register as a sex offender since March 2004, according the Strozyk.

"He knows he's wanted," Strozyk said. "He could be anywhere. We know he was in Buffalo last week, but we received information that he moved and we don't know where."

Wiggins last resided at 2763 Main St., Buffalo. He's been known to travel elsewhere in the state.

Wiggins is 5-8, 155 lbs and has tattoos on both arms.

State Police are requesting anyone with information on Webster E. Wiggins Jr.  contact State Police at 716-759-6831.

News Round Up: Corfu election delayed a day in observance of St. Patrick's Day

By Howard B. Owens

People curious how many votes Scott Doll might get in the Corfu mayoral election will wait until tomorrow to find out.

Doll is charged with second-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of his business partner, Joseph A. Benaquist.

The unusual election made the CBS national news on WBTA this afternoon.

Village elections are usually held on Tuesdays, but Corfu, which has the only village election this year in Genesee County, delayed its election until Wednesday this year because of St. Patrick's Day.

In other news:

  • Construction on a $5 million roundabout, the first in Batavia, on Walnut Street, begins tomorrow. WBTA posted an interview with Asst. City Manger Sally Kuzon.
  • There will be no curb-side pick up of yard waste in Batavia this year and residents are asked to bring their waste, beginning April 1, to the Law Street collection station.
  • The municipal pools in LeRoy will not open this year due to lack of funds for needed repairs.

For more details on these and other stories, visit the WBTA news page.

Genesee County Chamber announces annual business showcase

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

This year’s Business Showcase will be held Friday, April 24, 2009, from 5:00pm-8:00pm at the Batavia City Center.   The Showcase is the culmination of Small Business Week, celebrated April 20th thru the 25th by the New York State Business Council.  All businesses are invited to “show the community what you do”.  Businesses can Display/Showcase & sell their wares.  We also encourage businesses to share employment opportunities they may have with the community.    

Booths (10x10 spaces) are available for table top displays at the cost of $25.00 for Chamber Members and $35.00 for Non Members.  If tables are needed they will be provided at $6.00 per table.  To obtain an application call Kelly J. Bermingham, Director of Membership & Special Events at 343-7440, ext. 26 or stop in at the Chamber Office in downtown Batavia, 210 East Main Street. 

The Batavia Improvement District and Batavia City Center Mall Merchants Association will be sponsoring The Ohms Band as the evening entertainment for the evening. Many restaurants & food vendors will be handing out samples of their delicious specialties to satisfy all your cravings and appetites!

Second Annual Tech Wars Competition at Genesee Community College

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

Thursday, March 19, 2009; 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

BATAVIA, NY (03/17/2009; 1023)(readMedia)-- Second Annual Tech Wars Competition


More than 250 students from 10 area middle and high school in the GLOW area.


Second Annual Tech Wars Competition

WHEN: Thursday March 19, 2009 at 09:30AM Eastern Time (US  Canada)

WHERE:Genesee Community CollegeOne College RoadBatavia, New York 14020


Students will have a chance to take what they learn in the technology classroom and compete in an exciting hands-on event at the second annual Tech Wars competition. From catapults to robots, manual drafting to web page design, the imagination and creativity of some of the brightest students in the GLOW (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties) region will be showcased during this day-long event.

The highly visual and adrenaline pumping competition is open to middle and high school students who will participate in multiple project-based events of skill, chance, and ability. Students will compete in bridge building, drafting, sumo robots, T-shirt design, and carbon dioxide dragster racing, among other events.

College Tech Prep helps students explore various career options and make a smooth transition from high school to college, and ultimately to professional careers. The Tech Wars is among several dynamic programs giving students the opportunity to work in hands-on learning encounters, often within business settings and with various professionals. College Tech Prep offers several distinctive career academies to high school students including: Heath, Legal, Information Technology, and the newest Theatre Arts Academy starting in September 2009. In addition, there is also a Virtual Enterprise Business program available to high school students.

For more information, contact Debbie Dunlevy, Program Director for College Tech Prep, at   585-343-0055 x6316. Or, visit

Letter from Democratic congressional delegation indicated Sen. Gillibrand may face primary challenge

By Howard B. Owens

A group of New York's Democratic congressional members are in a snit over the state Democratic Party sending out promotional materially supporting Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, the one-term congresswoman picked by Gov. Paterson to replace Hilary Clinton.

Ten members of Congress, including Eric Massa of Corning, sent party chair June O'Neill a letter urging the party not to openly support Gillibrand because the newly minted senator may face a primary challenge.

"Some of the co-signers of this letter may support Senator Gillibrand. Some are considering running for the seat," the letter, first reported about Monday by the New York Post, states.

"Others remain undecided. However, each of us wants a Democrat to win in a process that is fair, open and inclusive."

(via The Fighting 29th blog)

Genesee's Lady Cougars Capture Conference Championship

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

BATAVIA, NY -- After finishing regular season play with a record of 16-7, the Genesee Community College Lady Cougars basketball team had high hopes of winning a regional championship. The Lady Cougars went into regional play at Genesee seeded number one and came out successful as they beat Erie Community College in the first round in a powerhouse win.

The Lady Cougars then went on to beat Jamestown Community College 72-40 in the championship game. The Lady Cougars also had many players make the All Region Team.  Brittany McCray, Bianca Jones, Jamia Martin, De'Yara Burrell and Cynnetha Bellinger were honored. Jamia Martin, a freshman at Genesee, was named Most Valuable Player of the Regional Tournament.

"This has been a great season and our team is ready to take on the Nationals this coming week," coach Christie McGee-Ross said. "Every player has been contributing her best, and together they are passing, scoring and working as a cohesive squad."

The Lady Cougars basketball team is lead by coach Christie McGee-Ross and assistant coach Matt Phifer and is made up of Cynnetha Bellinger of Binghamton, NY, De'yara Burrell, Shayla Fulton and Ciara Twillie all of Rochester, NY, Bianca Jones of Long Island City, NY, Jayvonna Kincannon of Buffalo, NY, Jamia Martin and Akebulynn Stephens of Syracuse, NY, Brittany McCray of Lyons, NY, Tierra Saunders of Bronx, NY, and Katelyn Thurber of Medina, NY.

The Lady Cougars now travel to East Peoria, Illinois for the National Tournament March 16 - 18.  The Lady Cougars are excited and ready to compete and bring home a National Championship.

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