Batavia PD releases annual report for 2021
It was a busy year for the Batavia Police Department, with officers answering 20,341 calls for service in 2021, according to an annual report released by the deparment.
Those calls included:
- 1,115 domestic calls
- 658 mental health calls
- 805 reported thefts
- 868 disturbances
Officers also:
- Handled 185 fraud complaints
- Conducted 338 escorts
- Responded to 311 alarm calls
- Responded 408 times to 911 hang-up calls
- Handled 492 animal complaints
- Served 386 subpoenas
- Conducted 187 sex offender registrations
- Conducted 594 welfare checks
There was one murder investigation, 13 rape investigations, 11 robbery investigations, 49 aggravated assaults, 61 burglaries, 12 kidnappings, 41 DWI.
Officers made 501 arrests, of those, three were juveniles.
There were eight arrests for rape, 14 for aggravated assault, 21 for burglary, 52 for theft, 22 for drugs, 40 for DWI
Investigations included 651 motor vehicle accidents. Of those, 107 were injury accidents.
Patrols conducted 2,526 traffic stops and issued 1,490 traffic tickets.
They also handled 1,712 parking incidents and issued 612 parking tickets.
Domestic violence calls were down from 2020, 248 to 233.
The report also states that in response to community feedback during the 2020 meeting of the Batavia Police Advisory Collaboration Stakeholder Group, there is additional training available for officers, including mental health training and implicit bias training, as well as de-escalation, defensive tactics, and community engagement.
There is also an officer wellness training program available.
The stakeholder group discussion also prompted the department to work on recruiting more minority candidates.
Goals for the department include working with architects at Ashley-McGraw on a new police facility and obtaining police accreditation for the department.
To read the full report (pdf) click here.