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Photos: City responds to grass fires near Dewitt Park lake

By Howard B. Owens

Multiple grass fires were reported late this afternoon in the wooded area between the lake at Dewitt Park and Western New York Concrete, 638 E. Main St., Batavia.

The fires were spotted nearly simultaneously by a passerby and a State Trooper.

Town of Batavia Supervisor Greg Post was called to the scene by the passerby and Post said he counted at least 12 separate hot spots.

Officials suspect the fires were set intentionally. 

There was also a series of small fires near the railroad tracks in the area of Buell Street and Webster Avenue yesterday afternoon, which may also have been intentionally set.

The initial call for today's fire came in around 5:35 p.m. The largest of the first was contained some time after 6 p.m.

Three companies of city firefighters and Town of Batavia Fire were called to the scene.

(The Batavian's Initial Report)

More pictures after the jump:

Car on fire in field off Judge Road, Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A car is reportedly on fire in a field, well off the road, near Judge Road in Alabama.

A dispatcher reports, "nobody is around," and adds, "It appears to be a File 1." (anybody know what that means?)

Alabama Fire is responding.

UPDATE 7:41 p.m.: A chief in the area reports, "Nothing showing." Alabama vounteers are checking the area.

UPDATE 7:49 p.m.: The car has been located off Klossen Road.

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Grass fire reported off East Main Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A large grass fire has been reported behind Western New York Concrete at 638 E. Main St., Batavia.

A State Trooper on scene says there are several small grass fires. "It was definitely started by somebody," he said.

City fire is responding, as well as city police.

UPDATE: 5:45 p.m. (Billie): The Second Platoon is handling the fire now. The First and Third platoons are requested to stand in at the main fire hall. It is reported that fire has spread eastward, nearing the sand wash.

UPDATE 5:53 p.m. (Billie): Now declaring a general alarm fire. Requesting a Town of Batavia grass/brush fire truck to the scene.

UPDATE 6:03 p.m. (Howard): The fire is now along the back of DeWitt Park. Flames are up to five-feet high. It is reported that at least 12 different fires were most likely intentionally set.

UPDATE 6:06 p.m. (Billie): Fire crews from the Town of Batavia are asked to stand-by at the town's fire headquarters.

UPDATE 6:55 p.m. (Howard): Left the fire scene about 6:30. Fire crews were checking for hot spots. Pictures to come in a separate post shortly.

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Photo: Birds at the bath

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, we bought a birdbath at Pudgie's, and it's already a big hit with the neighborhood birds. I think the one on the right is saying, "Hey, quit hogging up the bath! Can't you see there are others waiting?"

Darien resident killed in motorcycle accident in Wyoming County

By Howard B. Owens

An 18-year-old man from Darien was riding a motorcycle in Wyoming County about 9:30 a.m., Saturday, when he may have swerved to avoid a deer and lost control of his bike.

Kyle Walker's bike hit the deer and then struck a utility pole.

Emergency responders found him unresponsive when they arrived on scene.

(via Buffalo News)

Giant hogweed in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

I never heard of a giant hogweed until one day a couple of years ago  I went for a walk in Corbett's Glen in Rochester.

There was this big leafy plant surrounded by yellow police caution tape and a hand-made sign explaining the dangers of hogweed.

It produces a sap that burns like acid. You don't want to get exposed to it.

The Democrat & Chronicle has a story today about a DEC eradication program that is running out of funding.  This year and next its running on federal stimulus money, but after that, local property owners will be on their own for learning how to properly remove the plant.

The info graphic at the end of the story is a map that includes Genesee County.  A similar, wider-area graphic, is on the DEC site, with a DEC article about hogweed. The maps show two areas of heavy infestation -- more than 400 plants -- in Genesee County. One is roughly in the Bethany area and the other in the Corfu/Darien area. There are another four sites with as many as 400 plants, and four sites being monitored.

And those are only the identified infestation areas. The DEC believes there are many more unidentified locations in the state.

From the DEC site, "Its sap, in combination with moisture and sunlight, can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and blindness. Contact between the skin and the sap of this plant occurs either through brushing against the bristles on the stem or breaking the stem or leaves."

As for plant distribution, "Giant hogweed grows in wet areas along streams and rivers, on waste ground, near houses, in vacant lots, and along railways and roads. It prefers moist soil and can quickly dominate ravines and stream banks."

Photos: Michael Napoleone Memorial Baseball Tournament

By Howard B. Owens

For the past two days, young ball players from all over Western New York converged on the ball fields at MacArthur Park for the annual Michael Napoleone Memorial Baseball Tournament.

The tournament is named after a Batavia boy who succumbed to a form of leukemia and raises funds for a foundation in his name that assists families of children with cancer.

Ten teams in the 9-10 year old range and 10 teams in the 11-12 year old range competed. There was also a tournament for T-ball-age players.

More pictures after the jump:


Today's Deals: It's all about food

By Howard B. Owens

Delavan's Restaurant and Tavern, 107 Evans St., Batavia, NY: To me, Delavan's is one of those restaurants where you want to eat frequently until you try everything on the menu. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Margarita's Mexican Restaurant, 15 Jackson St., Batavia, NY: When you're looking for an authentic Mexican meal, Margarita's is the place to go. The food and atmosphere are perfect and the service is always outstanding. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Matty's Pizzeria, 4152 W. Main St., Batavia, NY: Matty's is another Batavia favorite for pizza and wings. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Settler's Restaurant, 353 W. Main St., Batavia, NY: Settler's has a 25-year history of serving great, affordable breakfasts,lunches and dinners to Batavians. We have a $20 gift certificate for $10.

Alex's Place, 8322 Park Road, Batavia, NY: People come from all over the region for a fine dining experience at Alex's. It's best known for its ribs, of course, but Alex's seafood is also a favorite of the restaurant's diners. We have a $25 gift certificate for $12.50.

Kravings, Valu Plaza, W. Main Street, Batavia, NY: Kraving's offers soups, salads and sandwiches, fresh and flavorful; Monday through Saturday. We have $10 gift certificates for $5.

T.F. Brown's, at 214 E. Main St., Batavia, NY: T.F.Brown's is a great place for a good meal, good friends and to catch up on what's going on in the sports world. "If it happens in sports, it happens at Brown's." We have a $20 gift card for $10.

Center Street Smoke House, 20 Center St., Batavia, NY: Authentic Southern BBQ, from ribs to brisket with all the fixin's. We have a $20 gift card for $10.

NOTE: If you've never bought Deal of the Day before, or are otherwise unfamiliar with the rules and process, click here.


Police Beat: Pair of marijuana charges

By Howard B. Owens

Scot Geoffrey Judd, 27, of Caroline Street, Albion, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Judd was stopped for an alleged traffic violation by Sgt. Brian Frieday on West Main Street Road in Batavia.

Lee J. Zawicki, 22, of Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Zawicki was cited by State Police at 1:05 a.m., Thursday, in Pembroke.

Three people arrested after melee in hospital's ER

By Howard B. Owens

An apparent fight broke out in UMMC's emergency room Thursday evening, and two men were jailed as a result on $7,500 bail each.

The incident started around 7:35 p.m. while a Batavia Police officer and a State Police officer where at the ER on unrelated and separate investigations. The officers observed a commotion in the waiting room and moved to intervene and separate the parties.

One of the men in the waiting room struggled with officers and a woman who was in the ER for treatment of an earlier head injury jumped on the back of the Trooper.

She was Tasered by police.

Another man apparently involved in the altercation is accused of threatening to kill hospital staff.

Backup was called in from Batavia Police and State Police to help get the situation under control.

Charged with disorderly conduct and menacing, 3rd, was Ryan M. Norton, 35, of 45 Summit St., Le Roy. Norton is accused of threatening hospital staff.

Kyle W. Nash, 22, of 38 Church St., Le Roy, is charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Alexandria M. Zarty, 18, of 38 Church St., Le Roy, is charged with obstructing governmental administration.

Norton and Nash were jailed. Zarty was released on her own recognizance so she could receive treatment in ER for her earlier head injury.

Gas Spill reported at Yellow Goose station in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reported a "substantial" gas spill at the Yellow Goose station in Elba.

A first responder from the Elba Fire Department reports a "smaller gas spill."

The original call said the gas was flowing into a storm drain.  The caller said the driver who caused the spill left the station.

UPDATE 7:07 a.m.: Spill contained. Elba Fire back in service.

Photo: Gulls on the Tonawanda Creek Falls

By Howard B. Owens

Gulls -- I guess around here we don't call them seagulls -- on the falls of the Tonawanda Creek behind the County Courthouse.

Photos: Fishing by the falls

By Howard B. Owens

Late this afternoon, Chris Hamel and his friend James Bonning were on the Tonawanda at the falls fishing.

Police looking for man who struck another with unknown object

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia Polcie are looking for a man allegedly involved in an altercation on Wood Street around 5:30 p.m.

The man allegedly stuck another person in the face with an unknown object.

According to Det. Kevin Czora, the suspect and the victim were involved in a verbal argument. The assailant went to his car, grabbed some sort of object, came back and struck the victim in the face.

The victim suffered facial cuts and was transported by ambulance to UMMC.

The suspect is described as a black male in his late 20s. He fled the scene in a red Chevy Monte Carlo. The Monte Carlo may already have had a busted passenger window.

It's unknown, Czora said, whether the suspect was also injured.

Former corrections officer admits workers comp fraud

By Howard B. Owens

A former corrections officer admitted in Genesee County Court this afternoon that he filed false workers compensation claims and stole thousands of dollars from the state.

James S. Gibbs, 34, faced a 24-count indictment, but reached a plea agreement to admit to one count of grand larceny and one count of filing false instruments.

As part of the plea, Gibbs will be required to pay back to the state $40,000, with a $20,000 payment due before he is sentenced. 

The maximum sentence under the plea agreement is four months of intermittent incarceration and five years probation and a $5,000 fine.

Gibbs was also required to resign from New York State Corrections.

Gibbs was arrested in October for receiving disability benefits while operating a company plowing snow and sealing driveways.

Courthouse event highlights foster care

By Howard B. Owens

Representatives of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and other community groups were at the courthouse this afternoon to raise awareness, in particular, of foster care programs.

CASA set up 60 cardboard life-size cutouts representing children in foster care.

Pictured below are Tara Pariso, director of CASA, and Amanda Rissinger and Mary Shaughnessy.

Suspect in alleged Alabama meth lab succumbs to heart attack

By Howard B. Owens

One of the three suspects in an alleged meth lab operation uncovered in November died May 17.

At the time of this death, charges were still pending against Kenneth Mosholder, 45, as well as the other two defendants in the case, Dustin R. Benham, 20, of Darien and a 41-year-old woman from Batavia.

Mosholder's obituary was published on The Batavian by Burdett & Sanford Funeral Home yesterday. We confirmed today with the Sheriff's Office and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Buffalo that the obituary was for the same Mosholder charged in the case.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office said only that, "the case is proceeding."

Mosholder, according to the obituary, suffered a heart attack.

Local law enforcement as well as the DEA announced a raid on a property in Alabama on Nov. 12. It was one of five suspected meth labs uncovered in the county over a couple of months late in 2009. The property was auctioned off in March for back taxes.

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