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Derek Sheldon remembered with tears, laughter and duck calls

By Howard B. Owens

Derek Sheldon lived life wide open.

Among some friends, he was known as WFO (what the F means should be obvious).

In his 19 years, to hear his friends and family tell it, he lived more of life than many of us will live in 80.

He was a teller of tall tales who loved to hunt. He loved his red truck and red tractors ("if it's not red, it belongs he the shed"). He endured more than one trip to a hospital emergency room after one accident or another.

But he always came out smiling.

Sheldon was remembered Tuesday night during in a candlelight memorial at the intersection where he lost his life Sunday. He was remembered with tears, laughter and duck calls.

"Derek, we love you," the 150 or so friends and family yelled toward the heavens, candles held high, near the end of an hour of stories about his life's adventures.

"I've thought of texting him and telling him 'you don't know how many people are here who miss you so much and love you so much,' " said Amy Fagan, who recalled meeting him while ice skating in 7th grade.

"He was shorter and had braces and he asked everybody for my number," Fagan recalled. "We've been inseparable ever since."

His stepfather, Steve Lashbrook, said Derek was fearless with a gift for calling in geese and ducks and hitting his limit.

One winter day, Lashbrook recalled, he and others in his blind hadn't gotten their limit and Derek called him on his phone and said he had his, so Lashbrook told him to come over and help them out so they could get out of the cold weather.

Derek climbed in the blind and said, "Dude, I've got this. Go back to the truck."

Lashbrook didn't even get back to the truck before Derek had three kills.

There were other stories of Sheldon taking over the blinds of other people and quickly hitting the limit.

"He was lucky and he was good and that makes a hell of a combination," Lashbrook said. "Like I said, he had no fear. He had all the confidence in the world that he was going to get his birds every day. He didn't get his birds every day. Nobody does, but he did it more often than a lot of us. The kid had a gift. There's no doubt about it."

Derek was the kind of guy who was a better softball player in work boots than he was in baseball cleats, one friend said, or would strip down to his shorts on a winter day and cross a creek to retrieve a deer he had just killed.

Several people remembered the time he rolled his blue pickup truck. He wasn't seriously injured, but he still was taken to the emergency room.

When a friend arrived, Derek was smiling and said, "I need my phone. I'm looking for my phone."

"What, you need to get ahold of your family?"

"No, my family's here. I need to find a new diesel. I'm looking for a new diesel. That truck's totaled."

His hunting prowess was displayed both in his kills and in the tales he told.

His brother, Trevor remembers being out with him one time bow hunting and they were talking on radios. Neither had seen anything. Five minutes later, Derek radios, "I just killed a buck."

Trevor was incredulous. Five minutes ago, there was nothing, and now you're saying you killed a buck? "Yeah, dude, I put my radio down and looked down and there was this buck right under my stand. I put the radio down and picked up my bow and I shot him."

Sure enough, when Trevor came over to Derek's location, there was Derek cradling a big rack.

"Another time he asked me, 'how many did you see?'  I said, 'one or two,' and he said, 'I had this whole herd come right under my stand. There was like this 10-point and then this 12-point right next to him.' 'Why didn't you shoot? 'Well, that's the thing ...' and there was always a story."

"There was always a story," added his mother Karen Lashbrook.

Which brings us to the story of the woodchuck on Cockram Road.

Derek and some friends were out riding around in a red Neon when Derek spotted a woodchuck by the side of the road. He wanted to shoot it, and Trebor asked, "well, what's your plan." 

Derek wouldn't say, but Trevor said, "He always had a plan. He just wouldn't always tell you."

So they drive by and pull along side the woodchuck. Derek pulls out his gun and starts blasting. Bang, bang, bang.

Just then, the driver looks in the rear view mirror and there's a car behind them. "He's grabbing all the gears," Trevor says of the driver.

"I'm like, 'Derek, are you crazy?' He's like, 'I think I got him. Let's go back. I think I got him.' I was like, 'We've got to hide the Neon. We've got to get out of town.' I'm like, 'this is absurd. What are you thinking?' I had no idea what he was going to do. I said, 'you're crazy.' He was like, 'No, I know I killed it. We've got to go back.'"

Amy asks, "is that when the Neon went into hiding?"


Trevor continues, "It was like two months later and I'm with Mr. Pollock, our substitute teacher. We were in the computer lab, and he comes up to me, 'Hey, you don't do any road hunting, do you?'"

"No, I don't road hunt, what are you talking about?"

" 'Craziest story,' he says. He said, 'I was with my wife, we're coming back from the mall, and you know Cockram Road, right?' I'm like, 'oh, no.'  He says, 'we're following this little red car and my wife says, 'there's guns in that car,' and this idiot has no idea we're behind him because someone just sticks a gun out the window and he just starts shooting.' "

"I'm like, 'NO WAY!' "

" 'Yeah,' he says, 'it was the craziest thing. He just kept shooting and then all the sudden they must have realized I was behind him because they took off. They had to be doing 100 miles per hour.''

"I'm like, "WOW!, no way.'" 

" 'I know you hunt and I thought it might be you, and I said, 'little red car? We don't drive little red cars. We drive pickup trucks.' " 

" 'Well, I didn't think it would be you.' " 

"No, I never heard of such a thing before."

It was another story that brought peals of laugher from Derek's friends and family. 

As the stories wound down, his mother said, "I appreciate all of you being here and sharing in his life. We should remember the good times."

Calling hours are today from 3 to 7 p.m. at H.E. Turner, 51 S. Lake Road Bergen. Derek's funeral is at 3 p.m., Thursday, at the First Presbyterian Church, Bergen.

Ashley Stillwell, Derek's girlfriend, who was a passenger on his bike at the time of the accident Sunday, remains in critical condition at Strong Memorial Hospital. She's been through 17 hours of surgery so far. She did receive visitors yesterday.

Derek Sheldon's family.

Derek Sheldon's close friends. "The Crew" is (not in order): Andy Underhill, Justin Beverly, Jake Maurer, Jamie Maskell, Amy Fagon, Austin Richardson, Mason Muoio, Trevor Wasman, Zachary Gillard, Steven Underhill, Cody Naylor, Evan Cole, Casey Cole, Andy Boyce, Khari Sabb, Josh Lathan, Mike Richard, Shawna Adams, Whitley Stefaniak and Clayton Lovelace.

Two-foot snake in back yard of home on Rose Road

By Howard B. Owens

Animal control has been dispatched to a home on Rose Road, Batavia, for a two-foot snake spotted in the back yard.

UPDATE 10:45 a.m.: The call has been turned over to the DEC. The animal control officer is back in service.

Law and Order: Deputy allegedly assaulted while trying to arrest man on marijuana charge

By Howard B. Owens

Dave Wayne Case, 55, of Prole Road Extension, Bergen, is charged with assault, 2nd, injury to a police officer, resisting arrest and unlawful possession of marijuana. Following a traffic stop at 1:41 a.m., by Deputy Joseph Corona on West Main Street Road, Batavia, Case allegedly assaulted the deputy in an attempt to avoid arrest on a charge of unlawful possession of marijuana.

Denise Niccole Clamon, 32, of Main Street, Clarence, is charged with felony DWI, refusal to take breath test, aggravated unlicensed operation, failure to keep right, failure to use turn signal. Clamon was stopped at 1:41 a.m. on West Main Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Rosemary R. Waters, 27, of 17 Spencer Court, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt. Waters is accused of contacting a person she was barred from contacting by court order.

Merrick D. Hampleton, 23, of Batavia, is charged with 13 counts of petit larceny and one count of scheme to defraud. Hampleton was taken into custody by State Police at Walmart in connection with an alleged incident reported at 10:54 a.m., Monday. No further details released.

Searchers looking for missing woman in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

Law enforcement and Le Roy Fire are in the Munson Street area near Oatka Creek looking for a woman who was reported missing just before 5:30 a.m.

UPDATE 7:59 a.m. (by Billie): The woman has been found and Le Roy Ambulance is called to the scene, at Red Bridge at Gilbert and Munson streets.

UPDATE 8:14 a.m.: She's being transported to Strong Memorial Hospital.

UPDATE 8:21 a.m.: Pavilion Fire, on standby at Le Roy's Hall, is back in service.

UPDATE 8:22 a.m.: Le Roy Fire, back in service.

Photos: Genesee County on an August day

By Howard B. Owens

It was another beautiful day in Genesee County. I had the chance to drive around a bit today, so here are a few photos.

Above, bailing hay on Harper Road, Darien.

The view from Simonds Road and Ellinwood/Brown Road.

Cow crossing on Brown Road.

The view from Thwing Road, Le Roy, this evening.

Teen victim of man who took her to Tennessee says she caused damage to her and her family

By Howard B. Owens

The teenage victim of Timothy Logsdon said in County Court this morning that she still has nightmares because of the 29-year-old man. She wakes up with shakes, she said. She has trouble trusting people now, she said.

She described a situation where she was emotionally confused and manipulated by Logsdon's "mind games" into dropping out of school and traveling with him to Tennessee. 

She said she didn't really accept at first that she was a victim, but in January she came to the realization that "what everybody else said was true."

"What he did to my family was destructive," she said. "He wasn't thinking of anybody but himself."

Logsdon, sentenced yesterday to four years in federal prison for transporting an individual across state lines for the purpose of engaging in illegal sexual activity, was sentenced in County Court today under the terms of a prior plea deal. Logsdon received a four-year prison term to be counted concurrently with his term in federal prison.

While Logsdon has already spent 10 months in federal lock-up while his case went through the federal legal process, he won't receive any credit for time served with the state because he was technically released on his own recognizance locally.

After being sentenced by Judge Robert C. Noonan, Logsdon signed orders of protection barring him from any contact for eight years with his victim and with his wife, though Noonan did allow one last visit for his wife after court to discuss with Logsdon an issue with one of their children.

While District Attorney Lawrence Friedman asked for the maximum sentence available under terms of the plea agreement, Public Defender Gary Horton didn't really argue for a shorter sentence. He did try to explain Logsdon's actions and that his client accepts responsibility for his actions.

"He has a history of serving his country and as a result of that service suffers from PTSD and suspected traumatic brain injury," Horton said. "I know he regrets his actions. I know he has trouble coping himself, with trying to understand what happened and what he did."

Logsdon has no prior criminal history.  He will now be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life.

When it was his turn to speak, Logsdon said he didn't have much to add to what his attorney already said except that he apologized to his victim, to her family and to his own family.

"I don't know what else to say, I guess, except that I just hope that someday I can come back to my family, if at all possible," Logsdon said.

Hawley critical of Assembly's lack of accomplishment in 2013 session

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

With the State Assembly in session from the beginning of January to the end of June, it’s hard to believe that any stone could go unturned. Unfortunately, due to the misplaced priorities of the Assembly Majority, the legislature failed to address a number of critical topics facing our families and job creators in 2013. In fact, the Assembly left Albany with so much unfinished business that I believe we should return to the Capitol for a special session as soon as possible.

Perhaps the most dismal failure of the 2013 Legislative Session was the Assembly’s inability to pass nine critical pieces of legislation in support of women. While the Senate passed individual pieces of legislation that would combat human trafficking, expand protections for victims of domestic violence and prevent housing discrimination, the Assembly chose to play politics with a controversial catch-all bill that prevented the nine widely supported measures from becoming law. This was a major disappointment for women, who deserve the basic protections and support passed by the Senate. These bills would easily pass the Assembly if voted on individually, and that alone is reason enough to call the chamber into special session.

However, the disappointment in the 2013 session didn’t end there. Job creators took a hit as a significant anti-business cost-driver survived session. A provision passed in 2011 forces businesses to issue a written statement to their employees informing them of their pay level every year, even if their pay, already required to be printed on individual paychecks, hasn’t changed. The state is literally forcing private businesses to waste supplies and manpower to remind their employees how much money they make, even though it’s written out for them every single payday. This is the kind of illogical, job-killing overregulation that earns New York its anti-business reputation, and it needs to be repealed immediately.

Taxpayers were negatively impacted by the 2013 session as well. A hidden fee on utility bills, set to expire in 2014, was extended for four years, costing families and businesses $1.7 billion. I advanced a budget amendment to undo this disastrous extension and have sponsored a bill to repeal the surcharge with bipartisan support since the fee was created in 2009. A special session agenda should include an immediate repeal of this fee, as well as address the continuing problem of unfunded mandates, which drive local taxes through the roof and rob our communities of power over our own finances and programs.

It shouldn’t take six full months for the Assembly to pass legislation supporting women, businesses and taxpayers, but this year’s session left too much unfinished business to wait until 2014 to reconvene. The Assembly must return to the Capitol and finish the people’s business as soon as possible. Anything less is a failure for all New Yorkers.

Law and Order: Recent arrests in the City of Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Timothy A. Hall, 26, of 5463 Ford Road, Elba, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving with registration suspended. Hall was stopped at 2:16 a.m. Sunday on Ellicott Street, Batavia, by Officer Marc Lawrence.

Daniel F. Orlando, 31, of 555 E. Main St., #119, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Orlando was charged following a police investigation. No further details released.

Richard S. Baker, 43, of 555 E. Main St., #213, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Baker allegedly threatened another person at 10:45 a.m., Monday.

Photos: Buffalo Bills players at City Slickers

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, Buffalo Bills Head Coach Doug Marrone put his team through a long and physical practice. It was the first day of scrimmages. By the time it was over, players were tired and running late, but still, several did show up as planned to City Slickers for the taping of Sports Cube TV.

Above former #1 draft pick Marcell Dareus during his interview.

Also joining the party were Aaron Williams, Migel Bradham, Zebrie Sanders, Marcus Dowtin, Crezdon Butler, Jamie Blatnick, Kortnei Brown and Dominque Ellis.

Dareus with promoter Tim Walton.

DJ Macy Paradise

Sports Cube host Muki.

To purchase prints, click here.

Museum and library reps make case for continued county funding

By Howard B. Owens

It's important to fund both history and reading, members of the County Legislature were told today during a meeting of the Public Service Committee.

Representatives of local libraries as well as the Holland Land Office Museum presented annual reviews that both contained requests to keep county funding for these programs at current levels.

"County support is very important to use in order for us to provide the level of service we do to our guests and to our community," said HLOM Executive Director Jeff Donahue. "We are doing what we can (to increase revenue) though our programs such as Wonderland of Trees and the summer program, but this only brings in a small portion (of our budget)."

Laura Cerri Pastecki, from the Haxon Library in Oakfield, said libraries still play an important role in the community. Seniors on fixed incomes still depend on borrowing books and many come into learn how to use computers, and people who can't afford computers depend on the library for online research and creating resumes.

"You might think the library is a thing of the past with technology these days, but just the opposite is true," Pastecki said. "There's more information out there and more entertainment out there and people use the libraries for information and entertainment."

Debbie Rider, a trustee with the Richmond Memorial Library, said there is typically a 30- to 45-minute wait to use a computer there and that many middle school children use the library as a place to do homework after school.

"There's such a huge number of children who come from school to the library directly," Rider said. "It allows the library to reach a population it might not normally reach and a chance for the children to access resources they might not otherwise get."

Donahue gave a detailed report on HLOM actives, which includes school and group tours, visits to local schools and leading history tours in the local area.

"Our history just isn't in one building," Donahue said. "It's our entire area."

In the past year, 3,000 people have visited the muesum and more than 400 artifacts were added to the collection.

Upcoming events include the 12th Annual Wonderland of Trees, the Batavia Antique Show and Sale, a bus trip to the New York Central Terminal in Buffalo and a lecture series of women's rights in the 19th and 19th centuries.  

In December, the museum will host a traveling exhibition, "Lincoln, the Constitution and the Civil War."

No budget numbers were discussed and legislators offered no comments on what they might support, or not.

Photos: Gabriella's Lemonade Stand on Sumner, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Five-year-old Gabriella has begun her budding business career, selling "lemonade" on Sumner Street, Batavia.

Well, it's not really lemonade. It's ice tea, but that's the sign her mom made for her, she explained.

After I took the picture above, she proudly showed me the money she's made today (below).

Son of a farmer, Tillotson makes his own way in the dairy business

By Howard B. Owens

This is the fourth in our series on Genesee County's farms and farmers. For previous stories, click here.

When Brent and Polly Tillotson bought their house -- a farmhouse on nearly five acres built on Sparks Road in 1855 -- it wasn't necessarily with the intention of going into the dairy business.

The property put the young couple with two children close to the 1,100-cow dairy farm of Brent's father, Dave Tillotson.

Brent worked at the farm sometimes. He also drove trucks. He liked the idea of being his own boss, especially growing up in a family of farmers, but he hadn't quite arrived at that decision yet.

Then he started to hear about how Upstate Farms needed more dairy farmers who could deliver quality organic milk.

He and Polly started to talk it over, did a little research, tried to figure out what it would take and decided they liked the idea.

It wouldn't be easy -- there's more paperwork, different yields, higher feed prices and just more work -- but it also made a lot of sense, even for a guy who wasn't into organics for health or environmental reasons.

"It was just a business decision," Tillotson said while sitting behind a small, black metal desk in  his cube of an office next to his milking parlor. "You get a contract. The price doesn't fluctuate like it does in a normal milk market. I can bank on what we're going to get paid, make plans and know I'm going to have this place paid off in a certain number of years if I just follow the plan."

Getting a little help from his father certainly made it easier to get started, Tillotson said. He could, of course, tap into his father's expertise, but Dave Tillotson also had pasture land to lease and the kind of strong reputation that helps secure bank loans, even into six figures.

"The banks weren't busting to give me a loan," Brent said. "My father helped. They know he's a good dairy man and a good business man. He's also the best resource in the world with his knowledge of cows."

Dave Tillotson down plays his role in his son's business. He says Brent is his own man. He said he doesn't want to take anything away from what his son has accomplished. He won't take credit for anything.

"I don't stick my nose in it," Dave said. "I let him run his own business. I don't have a clue about their financials or what they're doing day-to-day. They take care of all that stuff. I have my own business to run. If he needs my help, he asks for it and I give it to him. If he doesn't want my advice, he doesn't get it."

If that sounds harsh, know that Dave was smiling and laughing as he said it.

He's clearly proud of his son's business, which has been up and running for about four years.

"I came from a family where there were three brothers and the farm got split up," Dave said. "I have two boys and a daughter. I always wanted to give them the opportunity to have their own farms."

Life on a dairy farm is never laidback, especially when the farm is organic and cows need to be regularly rotated from pasture to pasture and into and out of the milking parlor. The tasks of herd management include the proper timing and care for calving, and filing out of piles of paperwork.

To remain certified organic, Polly -- who has a full-time job away from the farm but also handles the bookkeeping -- needs to file forms that cover daily animal and paddock movements for the animals, what they're eating in pasture and what they're being fed in troughs.

Organic means no herbicides or pesticides in the food the cows eat and no hormone injections to boost production.

"The cow is as good as she is," Tillotson said. "There's no pumping her up to get more production. We can change her feed around, but only as long as it's all organic."

Just to get their initial certification, the pasture had to be properly prepared, which took three years. A mix of rye, fescue and alfalfa was planted and then the grasses had to grow without any ground sprays before the organic herd could set hoof on it.

When it came time to choose cows, Tillotson went for Jerseys. The black and tan cows may be smaller and don't produce as much liquid milk, but their milk contains more protein and is said to have a creamery taste.

That higher fat content -- what the industry calls components -- commands a higher price. 

A Holstein's milk might be three pounds per hundred weight of protein, the Jersey's milk is about five pounds per hundred weight.

It costs more to raise an organic Jersey and there's less liquid, but the higher milk fat concentration makes up the difference.

"We make more off the components than off fluid," Tillotson said. "Our milk production is lower, but the compenents are higher, so that makes up for a little bit of the milk production deficit."

The organic milk market is still a fraction of the entire milk market, but the demand for organic milk grew 2.3 percent last year, according to Mark Serling, who markets organic milk for Upstate.

The boom in Greek yogurt has also meant a boom for organic Greek yogurt.

"We signed their farm and others because we continue to see nice growth on the organic milk side," Serling said. "There is also additional demand on the yogurt said. It takes three times as much milk to make Greek yogurt and that really drives the need for additional milk."

The organic milk market is one largely built on myth. There's no scientific evidence, both Tillotson and Serling note, that says conventional milk posses any problem for human consumption. The nutritional benefits are the same.

"There's nothing wrong with conventional milk," Tillotson said. "The flavor is a little different. It's processed differently, but it's good milk. It's all about what you want for your family. If you don't want the antibiotics or the hormones in your family's food or what you drink, then that's what you want for your family."

Serling said it's a lifestyle choice, a choice driven by consumers so it's what retailers demand Upstate offers as a product choice.

Asked whether it's the flavor of the milk or health concerns that spurs the demand for organic milk, Serling said, "It's all of that and more. It's the feed, the flavor, the potential for avoiding pesticides, even approved pesticides, things of that nature.

"For our organic farmers, for all of our farmers," Serling added, "we really drive hard on quality, the highest quality milk they can produce. That's our focus."

When it came time to buy the start of Brent's Jersey herd, he and his father had to travel around the Northeast a bit. Many of the cows came from Pennsylvania, but there was one memorable trip.

On the way back from picking up Jersey calves in Vermont -- calves that cost $1,200 a piece -- Brent said he got a little tired of looking at the back of his dad's trailer, so he decided to pass him on the Thruway.

Brent had a full trailer. Dave was hauling four calves. The two trucks were going about 70 mph.

Jerseys have a reputation for being pretty smart animals and Brent doesn't doubt it. His stories about Jerseys often include the notion that they draw straws to try something and if the first one makes it, the others will follow.

"So, a lady pulled up beside him yelling hysterically 'you're cows are jumping out, your cows are jumping out,' but only one had jumped out," Brent said. "I think they drew straws again and said, 'you're going first. If you make it we'll go, too'. When my dad stopped the trailer, the cows were all up front saying, 'we're not going.' "

Of course, Dave worried about what sort of damage a calf could do to a moving vehicle and when he pulled over he could see a car on the shoulder about a half mile to three quarters of a mile behind him.

Unable to turn around, Dave walked back and found a lady had used her car to pin the calf against a guard rail.

"I think she watched too much Crocodile Hunter or something," Brent said. "She had a bandanna tied around the calf's head to cover his eyes."

Dave made a leash from his belt and walked the calf -- which wasn't injured -- back to his trailer.

"We were trucking along, so you know that first step was a doozy," Brent said.

There's some other advantages of milking Jerseys that Tilltoson has picked up on the past few years -- the cows, both because of their build and because they get plenty of exercise grazing -- stay in production about twice as long, or longer, than Holsteins.

The Jerseys do seem to like to walk, Tillotson said. In winter, they'll make several round-trips up the gravel road from the barn to the backwoods and back.

"I've always wanted to put a pedometer on one of them to see how many miles a day they walk," Tillotson.

The other advantage: organic inspectors know all the cows are his, raised on his land.

"Everybody always asks why I picked Jerseys instead of Holsteins and it's because we're organic," Tillotson said. "Nobody can say we're bringing my dad's cows over and milking them."

Tillotson's Grassland Farms Dairy is still a small operation. He only has a couple of employees.  The employees do most of the milking, including one old guy who just loves to come to work at 3 a.m. -- a real godsend for Tilltoson since he has a long enough day as it is.

"It's tough getting up in the morning and working until eight at night and then doing it all over again the next day," Tillotson said. "We've got a gentleman who is 66 years old. We put an ad in the paper and he said, 'that's right up my ally. I love getting up early. Even if I'm not working, I'm still up at two o'clock in the morning.''

"I said, 'perfect.' "

Tillotson has two sons, twin boys, Ethan and Cole, age 10. They help a little around the farm, but Tillotson wants them to be boys before they're men and he also wants to protect them from some of the more dangerous aspects of farmwork, so he doesn't demand many farm chores.

They do like helping with the newborns.

Brent enjoys their Little League games. He makes it a point not to let farmwork rob him of the joy of watching them grow up.

"I'm not missing a game because I've got hay to bail," Tillotson said. "The hay will be there tomorrow. I've missed things and then regretted it because they'll only be this age once."

Pavilion teen injured in accident in Wyoming County

By Howard B. Owens

An 18-year-old Pavilion resident was injured in a one-car accident this morning on Route 246 in the Town of Perry.

The Wyoming County Sheriff's Office reports that Nickolas B. Taylor "became distracted from the road" and that his vehicle went into a ditch and then crossed over to the other side causing it to roll over.

Taylor was transported by Perry Ambulance to the Wyoming County Community Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

State Police, Perry Fire and Perry Center Fire assisted at the scene.

Three Muckdogs picked for NYPL all star game

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The 2013 New York-Penn League All-Star roster will include three players from Batavia. They will send infielders Avery Romero and Felix Munoz and pitcher Ryan Newell to the game to be held Tuesday, Aug. 13 at Dodd Stadium, home of the Connecticut Tigers.

Avery Romero

Romero, a 3rd round pick in the 2012 draft, has played in 44 games for the Muckdogs this year and has been among the league leaders in hitting all season. Romero currently ranks third in the league in hitting, with a .340 batting average, third in hits with 54 and fourth in on-base percentage at .408.

Felix Munoz was an undrafted free agent signing in 2008 and has started 43 games at first base for the Muckdogs this season. He is currently batting .295 with 26 runs scored, 13 doubles, four home runs and 28 RBIs. Munoz has also showed great plate discipline this year, as his 23 walks rank third in the league.  

A 7th round pick out of Shorter University in the 2012 draft, Newell is 4-2 in nine games started for the Muckdogs. The right-hander’s ERA of 2.09 ranks him 6th in the league and his 48 strikeouts ranks 4th in the league. Opposing batters are hitting just .229 against Newell so far this season.

Batavia currently holds the 4th-place spot in the Pinckney Division with a record of 23-22 but sit only 3.5 games out of the Wild Card. The Muckdogs sent five players to the 2008 All-Star game, three in 2009, five in 2010, six in 2011, and five in 2012.

Law and Order: Darien Lake patron reportedly didn't like the cost of his Dip'in Dots

By Howard B. Owens

Anthony Gene Stone, 24, of Delmar Road, Greece, is charged with disorderly conduct. Stone reportedly didn't like the price of his Dip'in Dots while visiting Darien Lake Theme Park and Resort at 6:28 p.m. Saturday. While arguing with the Dip'in Dots attendant, Stone allegedly picked up the cash registered and slammed it back down.

Nathan W. Larson

Nathan W. Larson, 23, of 24 South St., Le Roy, is charged with attempted rape, 1st, and two counts of criminal sexual act, 1st. Larson is accused of attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with a person by force while at a residence in the Village of Le Roy on Saturday. During the incident, Larson allegedly engaged in other sexual conduct against the victim both by force and while the victim was incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless. Larson was jailed on $15,000 bail.

Jennifer Lyn Stack, 27, of 46 S. Main St., lower, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Stack allegedly stole $105 cash that was stowed in a vehicle.

Adam R. Mcleod, 27, of 37 Austin St., Rochester, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal obstruction of breaking or blood circulation. Mcleod was allegedly involved in a domestic incident at a residence on Elm Street in Batavia at 2 a.m. Saturday.

Steven A. Acevedo, 23, of 238 Ellicott St., upper front, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, menacing, 3rd, coercion, intimidation to instill fear of injury and criminal mischief. Acevedo was allegedly involved in a domestic incident Wednesday at his residence. Acevedo was ordered held without bail.

Kenneth J. Schmoke, 57, of 132 State St., #2, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. Schmoke is accused of possessing prescription medications and drug paraphernalia.

Patricia A. Dulmage, 18, of 20 Dellinger Ave., Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief.  Dulmage is accused of damaging property of another family member during a domestic incident.

Richard C. Hutchinson, 43, of 3 Walnut St., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Hutchinson is accused of shoplifting from Tops.

Nicholas Ian Iacubucci, 24, of Trabold Road, Rochester, is charged with disorderly conduct. Iacubbucci was allegedly obstructing traffic on Route 77 in front of Darien Lake Theme Park at 10:59 p.m., Tuesday. Iacubucci was reportedly intoxicated at the time.

Sean Nevan Lindquist, 50, of Judge Road, Basom, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, felony aggravated unlicensed operation, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and possession of a controlled substance not in original container.  Lindquist was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Patrick Reeves into a one-car accident on Martin Road, Alabama, at 10:19 p.m. Saturday. Lindquist allegedly drove his vehicle too fast around a curve, lost control, and the vehicle went into a ditch.

Cody J. Sundown, 23, of Skye Road, Alabama, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, felony aggravated unlicensed operation, driving without an interlock device, criminal mischief, 4th, no seat belt, loud exhaust and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Sundown was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Jason Saile into a report of criminal mischief on Skye Road at 4:41 a.m., Saturday. Sundown allegedly drove over a mailbox on Skye Road.

Donald Wayne Sczepanski, 50, of Alleghany Road, Darien Center, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, unsafe passing and unsafe tire. Sczepanski was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Patrick Reeves into a motor-vehicle accident at 9:19 p.m. Friday on Route 238, Alexander. Sczepanski reportedly lost control of his vehicle while allegedly attempting to pass another vehicle. His car wound up in a ditch.

Timothy Lee Shuknecht, 23, of Oak Orchard Road, Elba, is charged with unlawfully dealing with a child, 1st. Shuknecht allegedly provided alcohol to a person under age 21.

Larry Charles Bayles, 52, of East Wautoma Beech Road, Hilton, is charged with possession of more than 400 untaxed cigarettes, speeding, consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle and unlawful possession of marijuana. Bayles was stopped at 4:10 p.m. July 28 on West Sweden Road, Bergen, by Sgt. Ron Meides.

Jared L. Long, 43, of Bergen, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Long was stopped at 8:40 p.m. Saturday on Prole Road, Stafford, by State Police.

The Orleans County Sheriff's Office reports that 19 people, including people from Genesee County, were cited Sunday morning for possession or consumption of alcohol under age 21 following a complaint of a loud party on New Guinea Road, west of Upper Holley Road. Deputies found several cars, a camper, several tents and a large bonfire. There were some 60 to 70 people at the party, most of them consuming alcohol, according to the press release. The property owner, who was not present, was notified and he declined to press trespassing charges.

UPDATE: Man accused of sexual abuse found not guilty last month by jury on all counts

By Howard B. Owens

We missed a jury trial last month and we just learned that the defendant was found not guilty. Because of the nature and seriousness of the charges, which we previously reported, we thought there should be some public notice of the outcome of the case.

Timothy J. Petrie, 42, of Pavilion, was found not guilty following a three-day jury trial on all 10 counts of first-degree sexual abuse and on one count of endangering the welfare of a child.

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