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Photos: Real Encounter performs bike tricks on Center Street

By Howard B. Owens

A rider performs a trick called "The Superman" during a trick riding event Tuesday evening in a parking lot off Center Street put on by a traveling evangelical group called Real Encounter.

The group, led by Brad Bennett, travels the nation performing stunts on bicycles and motorcycles and preaching the Gospel.

About halfway through the program, Bennett delivered a sermon about salvation, led the group in prayer and then asked all those who accepted Jesus Christ as savior that night to come forward. More than two dozen people gathered around Bennett. The group met briefly with Bennett and received a Bible and instructions on joining a local church.

The group performs again tonight in Pembroke and tomorrow in Attica.

Attorneys argue fate of Frost Ridge and now await ruling from Judge Noonan

By Howard B. Owens

Top photo, Greg and David Luetticke-Archbell, owners of Frost Ridge. Inset, Attorney Reid Whiting, representing the Town of Le Roy.

In a 90-minute hearing, all three attorneys in the Frost Ridge land use lawsuit had a chance to make their case before Judge Robert C. Noonan, who said at the end of the hearing he will rule soon on whether the more than 50 year old campground in Le Roy should be shut down.

The two plaintiffs in the dispute -- the Town of Le Roy in one lawsuit; and David Cleere, Marny Cleere, Scott Collins and Betsy Collins in the other -- are seeking a temporary judgement to stop the campground from hosting any concerts and to bar camping altogether at the facility.

David Roach, representing the owners of Frost Ridge, David and Greg Luetticke-Archbell, said even a temporary order would potentially drive the campground out of business.

A shutdown would lead to more than $100,000 a month in lost revenue, as well as put at least 38 people out of work, according to court documents filed by Roach. The campground has at least $1.8 million in local economic impact accounting for $148,000 in sales tax revenue for the county.

At issue is whether the campground constitutes a legal, nonconforming use in the current residential/agriculture zoning district and whether concerts at the venue are covered by that existing variance.

There are very few points the two sides agree on.

The land now occupied by Frost Ridge (purchased for $174,000 by David and Greg in 2008, according to mortgage documents on file with the county) was originally owned by Janet McPherson Frost, the grandmother of two of the plaintiffs, Marny Cleere and Betsy Collins.

In 1957, the land was leased to John Mattern for winter skiing.

At some point, Mattern added camping. Roach maintains in court documents that campsites were first installed in 1963. Reid Whiting, attorney for the Town of Le Roy, and Mindy Zoghlin, attorney for the other plaintiffs, maintain there is no proof of campsites on the property prior to 1967.

That year is significant because that's the year the area was rezoned to R+A. Prior to that, according to the Luetticke-Archbell team, the land was considered a recreational use area by town planners.

In 1972, the McPherson Family sold the land to Frost Ridge, Inc.

In 1998, the owners of Frost Ridge at the time sought to clarify the zoning of the land and asked the Zoning Board of Appeals for an interpretation of the code.

The ZBA declared the property a nonconforming preexisting use and, as such, legal as a campground (the defendants maintain as a "recreational facility," which would include music entertainment). The ruling also barred any expansion of the campground without zoning and planning board approvals. The owners were not allowed to add buildings or amenities.

Whiting told Noonan today that the ZBA reached the conclusion in error because it was told incorrectly that there were campsites on the property prior to 1967.

The assertion that there were campsites prior to 1967 is merely a self-serving claim by the current owners, who couldn't possibly know whether it's true because they didn't live in the area at the time, Whiting said.

Neither Whiting nor Zoghlin shared what Cleere and Collins, who apparently grew up in the area, might know about campsites prior to 1967.

In 2002, the site was sold to Lei-Ti Too, LLC.

Lei-Ti applied for and received building permits to add buildings to the property as well as an above-ground pool and an in-ground pool.

These approvals were granted in apparent contradiction of the 1978 ZBA ruling.

Whiting said that these building permits, given in error, do not mean the current town board has no right to now enforce the local zoning ordinance. Zoghlin agreed.

"The long and the short of it is a building permit cannot grant rights in violation of zoning laws even if the permits were granted illegally," Zoghlin told Noonan. "Improperly granting a use doesn't prevent the town from later correcting the error."

She cited a case in New York City where a builder was ordered to remove the top 12 floors of a newly constructed building after it was found he received permission for the taller building in error.

David and Greg Luetticke-Archbell purchased the property in October 2008.

Whiting and Zoghlin claim they've increased the number of campsites.

Roach said, actually, they've reduced the number of RV sites from 167 to 157 and maintained the count of 30 tent sites.

What has perhaps caused a misunderstanding by the plaintiffs, Roach told Noonan, is that Luetticke-Archbell have run the business more successfully and attract more guests. More RVs at the campgrounds make it look like there are more campsites.

In July 2013, the Frost Ridge owners went back before the ZBA asking about the campground's nonconforming-use designation.

The ZBA -- and the county planning board -- determined it was a legal nonconforming use.

Whiting told Noonan the ZBA should not have reached that conclusion without consulting with the town's attorney, which is Whiting.

"The ZBA met in an informal session," Whiting said. "They did not seek my involvement. They didn't seek my counsel. They didn't interact with the planning board or the town board. I'm not hear to slam the ZBA. They're good people doing their best, but in these difficult matters, they should step back and seek the advise of counsel."

Both Whiting and Zoghlin argued that claims by the defendants that the statute of limitations has expired on the plantiff's legal standing to challenge the ZBA determination is faulty. Zoghlin said that by state law, the clock doesn't start ticking until the ZBA notifies the town clerk, and the town clerk was never notified.

Roach told Noonan that as an experienced municipal attorney, he finds Zoghlin's assertion unreasonable and out of step with actual practice throughout New York. New York law is complex and boards such as the ZBA are populated with volunteers and everyday citizens who do not know the nuances of every state law. It would be unreasonable to expect such boards to comply with every bit of minutia in state code, and in fact, he said, there's case law to support that conclusion. If the failure of a board to notify a clerk of a decision was upheld in the manner asserted by Zoghlin, there would be municipalities throughout the state that could find prior decisions challenged going years back. The clock started ticking on the statute of limitations, Roach said, when the decision was published in the board's minutes.

It was notable, Roach told Noonan, that there was no attorney in the courtroom representing the ZBA, even though the ZBA is named as a defendant in one of the suits.

Whiting said the ZBA was served but chose, by their non-attendance, not to be represented.

Roach responded, again citing his experience as a municipal attorney, that Whiting had the responsibility to ensure counsel was retained to independently represent the interests of the ZBA.

In June 2013, the town board passed a noise ordinance that prohibits unnecessary noise after 9 p.m. and prohibits noise that can be heard across a property line.

Whiting argued that one reason Noonan should grant the injunction against Frost Ridge is that the Cleeres can hear concerts on their property.

Roach argued in his court papers that the ordinance was clearly passed with the sole purpose of targeting Frost Ridge.

Greg and David claim Frost Ridge has hosted live music shows going back to at least the 1970s. Roach produced a photograph showing a large loudspeaker that was installed decades ago. Greg and David claim such loud speakers were all over the property at one time.

Roach said among his exhibits is a poster advertising a concert by the Ghost Riders in the 1990s.

The defendants claim they've had live music shows every season since 2009.

They've also produced two thank-you notes written by Marny Cleere in 2011 thanking them for tickets to a show and for running a good campground.

Zoghlin said the notes are being taken out of context. She also said her client doesn't remember being bothered by -- or even knowing about -- shows prior to 2011. The shows have gotten bigger and louder with each successive year since 2011, Zoghlin said.

The Cleeres have claimed that they can't sit outside their home on concert nights, the noise is so loud, and that when they try to go inside and close the windows, the walls shake because of the noise.

Roach argued that this assertion is merely anecdotal and the plaintiffs have failed to produce any empirical evidence that the volume of music has ever reached a nuisance level.

Meanwhile, he said, his clients hired a professional sound engineer to measure the noise levels on a concert night and found at the Cleere's home a noise level of 51 decibels, "which is 11 decibels above a rain drop and 7 decibels less than the nearby creek."

The Frost Ridge owners also requested a deputy come to the property one night and go to the Cleere residence and see if the noise rose to the level of a nuisance. The deputy, they said, found no problem with the noise level.

Zoghlin said these claims by Roach were hearsay and shouldn't be used as evidence.

The Luetticke-Archbells want to be good neighbors Roach said, and when they heard that the Cleeres had claimed to be bothered by the noise, they reduced the output of their loudspeakers on two different occasions and are prepared to lower the output again to 100 decibels.

 "The Cleeres have never come to my clients directly and said, 'we have a problem with the music,' " Roach said. "Not once. They've gone to the town, but never to my clients."

While the plaintiffs assert the concerts have grown bigger and louder, Roach said the Frost Ridge owners have actually reduced the volume of the loudspeakers and that no concert in the entire history of the "Jam at the Ridge" series has ever drawn more than 400 to 500 people. While conceivably, the venue could accommodate 5,000 music fans, no concert in modern times at Frost Ridge has ever drawn even a fraction of that size crowd.

As part of his answer to the complaints filed by the plaintiffs, Roach attached affidavits from 10 neighboring property owners who all stated that Frost Ridge doesn't disturb their peaceful enjoyment of their property and specifically rejected the contention by the town that Frost Ridge is a public nuisance and is doing irreparable harm to the neighborhood.

The signers are Mark Buchman, Janet M. Whitney, Paul Klein, Karl Kleik, Deborah Kerr, Drionna Hall, Barbara Buchanan, Doreen Paladino, Carrie Poray and Ameka Cooper.

Whiting dismissed the complaints in his argument before Noonan saying that all of the signers lived too far away to truly be affected by Frost Ridge and that this case "isn't a popularity contest." He said no number of duplicative affidavits would address the substance of the alleged zoning code violations.

Roach argued that all of the signers are either close neighbors or direct neighbors of Frost Ridge. Ameka Cooper, for example, lives directly across the street from the concert venue on Conlan Road.

The Cleeres did have a couple of supporters in the courtroom audience today: Jen Gilligan, who lives around the corner from Oatka Trail, and Steven Osborne, who said he lives on the other side of the hill from Frost Ridge. Both said they are bothered by the noise from concerts.

"It's loud," Gilligan said, "and when I put my children to bed, with the air conditioner on, I can still hear the thumping and the beating."

She said she's been to the Cleere's house during the day during band rehearsals and witnessed tables rattling from the noise.

Osborne said the noise problem got worse last year and really upset his wife.

"I don't have a real problem personally with the concerts, but the decibel levels are way up high," Osborne said. "I don't know if there is (a solution that works for all parties), but from my perspective as an old fart that I am, the law is the law and if they're not doing what the law says, then they need to change what they're doing or change the law. Isn't that the way it works?"

Noonan told all parties they can expect a quick decision on the request for a preliminary injunction. A ruling on the injunction either way won't, per se, settle the lawsuit. Regardless of who prevails or to what degree, the suit could, in theory, go forward, even to a trial stage.

Clarification from yesterday's story: We indicated the Le Roy Fire Department had found minor code violations. The items cited by the Fire Department were not in fact violations, but recommendations.

City Schools election results

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia City School District unofficial results for today:

Budget - $42,986,362: 

  • Yes  -  402 (70.77%)
  • No  -  166 (29.23%)

Student Ex-Officio non-voting member of the Board of Education

  • Yes  -  493 (85.89%)
  • No  -  81 (14.11%)

Sale of Property (279 East Ave.) for $150,000

  •  Yes  -  466 (82.04%)
  • No  -  102 (17.96%)

Non-Binding Advisory Proposition (pending Board of Education action) - Veterans' Exemption

  •   Yes  -  428 (75.09%)
  •   No  -  142 (24.91%)

Three Board of Education positions:

Two (2) from 7-1-14 to 6-30-17 (the two highest votes)

  • Jessica M. Maguire-Tomidy:  470
  • Andrew Pedro:  445


One (1) from 5/21/14 to 6/30/15 (least number of votes)

  • Leslie Johnson:  430

Oakfield-Alabama election results

By Howard B. Owens

Voters approved the Oakfield-Alabama budget today, 226 to 70. 

There were three vacancies on the school board.


  • William Snyder, 217
  • Bonnie Woodward, 213
  • Tim Edgerton, 212
  • Joel D'Alba, 195

Photos: New utility pole off Jackson Street

By Howard B. Owens

National Grid crews had Jackson Street closed off late this afternoon for the installation of a new utility pole behind the old Bank of Genesee building. The pole is one of two put up today to replace one in Jackson Square. The old pole interferred with the third story reconstruction of the former Carr's warehouse. The old warehouse is being converted into apartment units.

Law and Order: Woman accused of pawning tablet she didn't own

By Howard B. Owens

Desiree Michele Hutchinson, 18, of Walnut Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged misapplication of property. Hutchinson allegedly failed to appear on the initial charge, which stems from an accusation that she pawned a tablet computer that she did not own or have the consent of the owner to pawn. 

Jennifer Lyn Stack, 28, of South Main Street, Batavia, was arrested on three warrants stemming from three separate petit larceny charges. Stack was arrested following a traffic stop by Deputy Joseph Corona and taken into custody on the warrants. Stack is accused of shoplifting Nov. 19.

Sheriff's Office participating in 'Click It or Ticket' campaign this month

By Howard B. Owens

Not wearing a seat belt while in a moving vehicle is always perilous to your health, but for the remainder of the month it will represent a little extra danger to your pocketbook.

The Sheriff's Office is participating in a nationwide effort over the next couple of weeks to more diligently enforce seat belt and child restraint laws.

Deputies routinely enforce these laws, Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble noted in a press release, but during this mobilization, there will be extra patrols on the streets and roadways specifically looking for seat belt violators.

The national program is called "Click It or Ticket."

The extra patrols will continue until June 1.

According to stats included in the press release, among motorists who were involved in a crash, those who were unrestrained were almost eight times more likely to require hospitalization. Unrestrained motorists are five times more likely to suffer traumatic brain injury. 

In 2011, 47 motorists in Genesee County who did not wear a seat belt were treated at a hospital for injuries. Those treatments resulted in $309,000 in emergency room charges.

Town of Le Roy lawsuit aims to end 50 years of camping and concerts at Frost Ridge

By Howard B. Owens

Greg Luetticke and David Luetticke, 
owners of Frost Ridge Campground
(file photo)

The Town of Le Roy has filed a lawsuit that, if successful, would put Frost Ridge Campground out of business.

Frost Ridge, according to the suit, is a cancer on the community.

The chief complaint in the suit is the summer concert series in the facility's natural amphitheater, but the complaint also says the campground violates the town's zoning law, and it has since 1967.

The defendant's uses and occupancy of the property, the suit states, "corrupt the general area so as to destroy the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of residents of the Town in the vicinity, having endangered, impaired and imperiled and threaten to endanger, impair, imperil the health of the public."

The campground, that paragraph continues, "(has) caused and will cause irreparable injury to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the town."

No evidence of such harm is stated in the complaint, which was filed May 2.

While the suit purports to represent all the residents of the town, the town's own Frost Ridge file -- a copy was obtained by The Batavian through a FOIL request -- lists only one neighboring couple as ever filing any written complaints about Frost Ridge.

"By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff and residents and taxpayers of the Town will continue to suffer great and irreparable harm, damage and injury from the further continuance of the public nuisance, which cannot be caused to cease except by the injunctive order and in a court of equity," the suit states.

Frostridge, operating under various names over its long history, was opened as a winter ski resort in 1957 and has included campground sites since at least 1961, according to the town's documents.

It's currently owned by David Luetticke and Greg Luetticke, who purchased the business in 2008 and moved from San Diego to Le Roy to operate it.

In 2012, David and Greg started a summer concert series, but records show they weren't the first owners to host live music at the campground.

Last summer, David and Marney Cleere started complaining about the concerts and since then the Town has built a long paper trail of town board meetings, zoning board meetings, attorneys' letters, accusations and counter claims as the town has sought to block David and Greg from bringing some of the nation's biggest country stars to Le Roy.

A hearing on the suit is scheduled for 9 a.m. in the Genesee County Supreme Court in front of Judge Robert C. Noonan.

The lawsuit takes direct aim at the concerts and an alleged plan by David and Greg to open a bar and grill called The Barn on the property.

It also accuses the previous owners of operating and expanding the property as a campground illegally.

"In June 1998, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) held a public hearing concerning the upcoming sale of the premises by Frost Ridge, Inc., to Molly Perry," the suit reads. "The ZBA determined, erroneously in the view of the current Town Board, that the use of the premises as a campground was a preexisting nonconforming use and thus could continue to be used as a campground after her purchase of the premises."

The property sits within a residential/agriculture zone that was established in 1967. The R/A zone in the Town of Le Roy typically allows only for single-family homes or various types of agriculture use, according to the suit.

The campground has undergone several expansions that violated even a nonconforming use allowance, if such a use were even permitted, which it doesn't, the suit states.

And now what David and Greg have done, and want to do, with their country music concerts and proposed restaurant and continued family camping fun is a cancer that must be eradicated, the suit alleges.

"The size and scope of the planned uses are unsuitable and inappropriate for the area, constituting a maligancy which cannot be allowed to metastasize any further," the suit reads.

The suit was written and filed by Le Roy attorney Reid A. Whiting.

In recent years, Frostridge has booked such name acts as Marty Stuart, the Little River Band, Restless Heart, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Connie Smith -- a 2012 inductee of Nashville's Country Music Hall of Fame, Jerrod Neimann, Jo Dee Messina and Phil Vassar as well as rising stars like Blackjack Billy.

Last year's line-up included a homecoming show for Alexander native Krista Marie and her band The Farm.

The ampitheter can accommodate up to 5,000 people, making it a much smaller venue than Genesee County's only other notable concert venue, Darien Lake. But even so, while Darien Lake's concerts require a substantial law enforcment presense and dozens, if not more than 100 arrests, might be reported following a show, there hasn't been a single arrest reported at Frost Ridge related to a concert since 2011.

There is no immediate information available on the local economic impact of Frostridge, and David and Greg said they could not talk with the press on advice of their attorney. But from previous conversations with The Batavian over the past view years, we know they book thousands of guests every season as well as attract tens of thousands of tourists to Genesee County for their concerts.

Each season, they employ nearly 40 people for concerts and camping.

The town's file on Frost Ridge also contains an apparent notice from earlier this year of violations and an order to cease certain activities, listed by code number. It's signed by the town's code enforcment officer, Jeff Steinbrenner.

David Roach, attorney for Frost Ridge, responded March 17 and stated the notice was dubious in meaning, sweeping in scope, constituted discrimintory enforcment because only Frost Ridge is targeted and runs counter to findings in 1989 and 2013 by the town Zoning Board of Appeals that the campground was operating legally as a preexisting, nonconforming use.

Roach accuses the town of merely perpetuating a political agenda driven by the Cleeres.

"We are aware that one married couple, David and Marny Cleere, just last year expressed their displeasure for the first time with the ongoing 50-plus year tradition of live music at Frost Ridge," Roach wrote. 

He continues, "they in fact demand the town 'abate the violations of the Town Code,' in what seems like a frontal assault on Frost Ridge's very existance. If not entirely arbitrary and capricious, the town's intended action against Frost Ridge may be construed as furthering the Cleere's personal agenda, which has absolutely no legitimate bearing on Frost Ridge's compliance with the Zoning Code."

The suit also alledges that the campground's current use and configuration constitutes a serious fire hazard to the surrounding area, campground guests and the campground's owners.

The town's file on Frost Ridge contains a Jan. 9 letter from the Le Roy Fire Department finding five minor possible fire safety violations, including problems with signage, no site map and no letter in the department's file on how many permanent residents there are at the campground.

The campground sits on two parcels of a combined 31 acres with an assessed value approaching $130,000.

Marty Stuart performing at Frost Ridge, Sept. 2011.

Alexander native Krista Marie peforming at Frost Ridge, August 2013.

Blackjack Billy performing at Frost Ridge, June 2013.

Phil Vassar performing at Frost Ridge, July 28. During his performance, Vassar praised Frost Ridge. He praised the setting. He praised the hospitality. He praised the acoustics of the venue. "This is a special place," Vassar told the crowd after his fourth song. "We play a lot of places around the country and there's no place else like this."

Law and Order: Seven weekend arrests

By Howard B. Owens

John M. Englerth, 43, of 6534 Main Road, Stafford, is charged with DWI and failure to submit to breath test. Englerth was stopped at 11:48 p.m. Friday on Bank Street in Le Roy by a village police officer. Englerth was allegedly observed driving without wearing a seat belt and allegedly failed to keep right.

Jordan R. Smart, 22, of 6 Gibson St., Oakfield, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC. of .08 or greater. Smart was allegedly seen driving erratically and stopped at 1:39 a.m. Saturday on East Main Street, Le Roy, by a village police officer.

Justin Thomas Hemmer, 33, of South Main Street, Elba, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Hemmer was jailed on $500 bail.

Aaron Mark Sechrist, 23, of Jackson Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Sechrist allegedly stole $26 in merchandise from Walmart.

Ajia Rae Hasenauer, 21, of Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with a violation of probation. Hasenauer was arrested following a traffic stop at 8 a.m. Friday on Main Street, Le Roy, by Deputy John Weis. Hasenauer is also accused of aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, unlicensed operator, failure to stop at a red light, failure to signal a right turn and no headlights during inclement weather.

Taylor Levi Finnin, 21, of Main Street, Le Roy, was arrested on a bench warrant for an alleged failure to pay a fine. Finnin was arrested following an appearance on an unrelated Family Court matter. Finnin was arraigned before Judge Robert C. Noonan and released on a promise to start making $50 per month payments.

Raymond James Radley, 48, of Main Street, Leicester, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st, and harassment, 2nd. Radley was arrested by deputies from Livingston County and turned over to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office on a warrant out of Town of Pavilion Court stemming from an alleged incident May 11 on Perry Road, Pavilion. Radley was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Photos: Out and about in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

It was a gorgeous day in Genesee County today. As I was out and about for a bit this afternoon, I took a few pictures. 

Above, a tree in the parking lot of GCC.

On Bridge Road, Elba.

On Barrville Road, Elba.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley mowing his lawn on Bank Street Road, Batavia.

Photos: The Class of 2014 graduates from GCC

By Howard B. Owens

More than 950 students graduated today from Genesee Community College in a ceremony held before friends and family inside the GCC gym. State Senator George D. Maziarz delivered the commencement address. Norbert J. Fuest received the Alpha Medal of Service Award from the GCC Foundation. John C. Dwyer was awarded an Honorary Associate Degree. Degrees were presented to students who completed studies in August 2013, January 2014, May 2014 and August 2014.

Photos: Remote control racing at the Genesee County Fairgrounds

By Howard B. Owens

After leaving the Vendor Blender at the fairgrounds, I found a group of local residents racing remote control cars on a dirt track nearby. Bob Markek, a racer and race organizer for KRZ Raceway and Hobbies, said this is the third year the group has been racing at the fairgrounds.

Photos: Vendor Blender at the Fairgrounds

By Howard B. Owens

Merchants said today they were happy with the steady flow of visitors walking through the Vendor Blender at the Genesee County Fairgrounds today. The event was hosted by the Genesee County Agriculture Society.

Kathy Brown, left, of The Ray Station talks with customers about cast iron skillets.

Kelli Brian points out options in a catalog to Tom Brown.

Photos: A no-fish fishing derby on the Tonawanda Creek in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

The fish weren't biting on the Tonawanda Creek today, but that didn't stop a group of Batavia residents from having fun during an annual fishing derby organized by John Lawrence.

The water was high and swift, which made it hard to even get a nibble, but the anglers, young and older, stuck with it.

Above, Brian Mruczek with is son Lakoda.

Giana Mruczek.

Nick Grasso puts on a show like he's really hooked something big.

Photos: Gun raffle and auction to benefit Operation Injured Soldiers

By Howard B. Owens

The Medina War Veterans sponsored a Gun Raffle and Spaghetti Dinner today to benefit Operation Injured Soldiers. The event was held at the Sacred Heart Social Center. 

Above, Chris Page, Peggy Johnson and Brittany Johnson contemplate which baskets to put their numbers in for the chance auction.

Photos: Dedication of new Genesee County War Memorial

By Howard B. Owens

Ed Longhany points to the name Richard N. Longhany on the Genesee County War Memorial, which was dedicated today in an hour-long ceremony at St. Jerome's.

Richard Longhany was on a Navy vessal that was hit by two torpedeos from a German U-boat. Some of Longhany's shipmates were rescued, including one seaman who survived 17 days at sea in February weather. Richard Longhany was lost at sea.

There are dozens of such stories about the men and women from Genesee County who died in 20th Century wars, those whose names are on the War Memorial.

It was erected to replace the one that was formerly outside UMMC and it replicates the names and the wars that were on the original memorial.

The names are etched into a very special and rare kind of polished black granite that can only be found in one quarry in India. The granite has a polished black skin, but is white underneath the black, allowing a skinning process to make the names visible. It's the same kind of granite and the same process used on the Vietnam War Memorial. 

The mirror-like black granite will give visitors the opportunity to reflect on the lives of loved ones lost in service to their country.

Anita Dziekan brought a news stories and pictures of her brothers, Rosario A. Mocciaro and Santo Mocciario Jr., who died days apart in World War II. Rosario drowned after the PT boat he was on was torpedoed by the Japanese. Days after the telegram came informing the family of Rosario's death, another telegram came with news of Santo's death, who died in the Battle of Leyte. A third brother was wounded in North Africa during the war.

To purchase prints of photos, click here.

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