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Truck hauling travel trailer overturns on Thruway

By Howard B. Owens

A truck hauling a travel trailer overturned on the Thruway this morning in the area of mile marker 392.3 in the westbound lane.

No injuries were reported, though the passenger had a complaint of head pain.

Town of Batavia fire and Mercy EMS responded.

The call was dispatched at 6:57 a.m.

Photos courtesy Town of Batavia Fire Department.

Pedestrian crossing sign stolen in Village of Elba

By Howard B. Owens

The pedestrian crossing sign in the Village of Elba was stolen sometime Saturday night.

The village would like it back.

If you have information that can assist, contact the village office at (585) 757-6889 or the State Police at (585) 344-6200.

Investigators still trying to determine how Batavia woman died Sunday evening

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators have yet to determine the cause of death of Summer Ogden, the 38-year-old Batavia woman who was found unresponsive Sunday evening on the steps of 131 Jackson St.

Batavia detectives attended an autopsy today at the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office, but Det. Eric Hill said, with tests still pending, there is nothing to report from the autopsy yet.

Hill said investigators have not determined exactly how much time elapsed from the moment Odgen collapsed until police were called, but they do not believe it was a long interval.

"It was a relative short time between the time a couple of witnesses saw her awake and OK and when they got back and saw her passed out," Hill said.

The call for an unresponsive female came in at about 7:19 p.m., Sunday.

Foul play has not been ruled out, but it's not considered a likely scenario, Hill said.

"We're certainly not closing that door, because we don't know what happened," Hill said. "It's something we're still keeping open, but it's not really an active aspect that we're definitively pursuing."

Ogden was well known to veteran police officers who had numerous encounters with her while intoxicated, Hill confirmed, but it's unclear what role, if any, alcohol may have had in Ogden's death.

"That's why we're sending everything out for tox," Hill said.

Ogden's boyfriend, Eric Duda, is one of the residents at 131 Jackson St. Hill said it's unknown if Ogden had been visiting or intended on visiting Duda on Sunday evening.

The couple have had mutual orders of protection in place and both had been previously charged with violating the orders.

Hill said the investigation is continuing and Ogden's death is receiving a full and complete investigation in an attempt to determine exactly what happened.

"Anybody who is in this situation is a victim," Hill said. "It doesn't matter if we've had contact with you in the past or we've had no contact with you. Ultimately, it comes down to the same level of service we offer to everyone. You could be suspect yesterday and a victim today. You still get he same level of service."

Inmate at county jail found hanging by bed sheet, pronounced dead at the scene

By Howard B. Owens

Early this morning, an inmate was discovered hanging by a bed sheet inside his cell at the Genesee County Jail.

The 36-year-old victim was pronounced dead at the scene by Coroner Karen Lang.

The Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation into the death.

His name is not being released pending notification of relatives.

The inmate was found by a correctional officer at 12:34 a.m.

Attempts to revive the individual were unsuccessful.

City fire and Mercy EMS responded to the emergency. 

An autopsy will be performed by the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office.

The inmate was recently arrested on a felony charge and was being held on bail.

The investigation is continuing.

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of stealing hedge trimmer from landscape truck

By Howard B. Owens

Jeffrey Cornell Nelson, 46, of Coretta Scott Crossing, Rochester, is charged with petit larceny. Nelson is accused of stealing a Stihl HS81T hedge trimmer from the rear of a landscape truck while the crew was working at ESL Credit Union. The alleged theft was reported at 11:32 a.m. Monday.

Paul Robert Benson, 33, of Sprucewood Terrace, Williamsville, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, uninspected motor vehicle and following too closely. Benson was stopped at 11:46 p.m. July 2 on Genesee Street, Darien, by Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Local semi-pro football team may finish out season if new ownership is lined up

By Howard B. Owens

The season may not be over for the Lyndonville Tigers.

Then again, it might be.

One thing President of Football Operations Taylor McCabe is pretty confident about is the team is not done and there will be a team on the field next season.

The semi-pro football team plays its home games in Pembroke and there's been reports recently that the team has folded.

It's true, McCabe said, that owner Harold Suhr has pulled out, but there are other people ready to step into the ownership role. It's just a matter of whether the ownership situation can be straightened out before this Saturday's 5 p.m. game in Pembroke.

"Harold Suhr chose to close up shop and his involvement is coming to an end," McCabe said. "There are other interested parties, current players, current management, people who are going to stay involved if the interested parties pick up the ball and run with it. We may be able to play our next game. Worst case, we forfeit the rest of the season and re-emerge next year."

McCabe said contrary to some reports, the Tigers have not lost eight players to another team. They lost two. The team has enough players to finish the season if an owner or owners can be found.

Semi-pro teams survive primarily on fundraisers and donations, and this season the fundraising hasn't gone so well, which has meant Harold Suhr had to dig into his own pocket, as owner, to ensure refs were paid, insurance was paid, and other minor miscellaneous expenses were covered.

"This year, we were last in fundraising," McCabe said. "One of the big things with this league is everybody has family, kids, social lives, family and work obligations. It's not like anybody is doing this full time."

Molino given raise by council after discussion on whether raise was discussed enough

By Howard B. Owens

On a 5-3 vote, the City Council agreed Monday to give City Manager Jason Molino a 2.5 percent raise, retroactive to April 1.

It was a merit raise, said Councilman John Canale.

Councilman Eugene Jankowski expressed concern that the public hasn't been given adequate opportunity to hear from council members on why Molino deserves a raise and to voice their own opinions.

"At this point, we're limiting ourselves to only one discussion," Jankowski said. "It sends a message of some kind of exception being made and I don't think that's the case. It's just an oversight."

Councilwoman Rose Mary Christian also objected to the seeming lack of public discussion prior to the vote.

"This was all handled in executive session and never brought to the floor for any kind of discussion," Christian said. "You can't vote for spending public monies without a discussion, so we should have the discussion and take it from there."

City Attorney George Van Ness explained to council members that Molino's raise this time around is being handled no different than it's been handled in the past and no different from any other employees or any labor agreement.

The particulars are discussed in open session, a consensus is reached among council members, and then a vote is held at a business meeting, where more discussion can take place -- as was taking place Monday night -- before the vote.

"Matters related to the employment issues of a particular individual are appropriately discussed in an executive session," Van Ness said. "If it comes to a situation where there's a decision about the award of or wage adjustment, that's a matter that's presented for public discussion and a public vote. That's what's teed up here this evening."

Councilman John Deleo missed Monday's meeting because of another obligation, but provided Jankowski with a written statement on his behalf objecting to the raise and stating that the hiring of an assistant city manager was supposedly intended to lesson Molino's workload.

Councilman Kris Doeringer said he believed that was a misstatement of why an assistant city manager was hired.

"She was hired to do more work, not lesson Jason's workload," Doeringer said. "We were concerned about Jason's workload and everything he needs to get done and everything the city needs to get done to move forward."

Councilwoman Patti Pacino said the merit of the raise was discussed extensively over two executive sessions.

"We did talk at length," Pacino said. "We discussed whether we should give him a raise or not give him a raise, what did he do to deserve a raise. We really discussed it all. I understand we should bring it out in the open and people can say negative things as well, but we really did discuss this a lot."

Members Kathy Briggs, Jankowski and Christian all voted no on giving Molino a raise.

City to appoint new members to Cable TV Advisory Board as Time Warner and Comcast prepare to merge

By Howard B. Owens

With the pending acquisition of Time Warner Cable by Comcast, the City of Batavia will have an opportunity to comment on the merger as well as renegotiate its franchise agreement for cable television service in the city.

Typically, municipalities enter into franchise agreements with cable providers that determine infrastructure specifications as well as some services the provider might offer along with fees the cable operator pays to the city.

Currently, the city gets $200,000 a year from Time Warner, but the franchise agreement expired a decade ago and has just been automatically renewed without revision by the state's Public Service Commission.

"Time Warner is noncompliant with some franchise benefits," the City Manager told the council Monday night. "We haven't had negotiations since 1993. There are a number of improvements that need to be made."

Comcast contacted the city and expressed an interest in working with the city on a new agreement and gave notice that the city has 120 days to comment to the FCC on the proposed merger.

Both providing comment to the FCC and negotiating a new franchise agreement are specialized, complicated legal issues and the city will likely need to retain the services of an attorney who is expert in the field, Molino said.

The city must also appoint members to the Cable Television Advisory Board, which has been dominant so long, the terms for all the previous members have expired. The city will be inviting residents to apply for seats on the board.

The cable franchise agreement covers terms such as access to cable service throughout the city, franchise fees, construction standards, indemnification and insurance requirements, underground facilities, installation of services, operation and maintenance.

Among the services a municipality can require a cable operator to provide what is known as PEG channels (public, education, government), something that Time Warner hasn't fully provided to Batavia.

A public access channel, for example, would allow local residents to make their own TV shows in the cable operator's local studio. Schools could broadcast plays.  Politicians and the politically minded could host talk shows. Local bands could air concerts. Churches could broadcast their services. Pastors could conduct Bible studies. Historians could provide lectures. The whacky and insane could find an audience, too, as long as it wasn't profane.

Councilman Eugene Jankowski raised the issue during Monday's discussion in response to a question from a constituent. Molino said the topic is certainly one the city -- and the cable advisory board -- could address with Comcast. It would be one more point of negotiation.

Photos: City honors recent retirees at council meeting

By Howard B. Owens

Three of the city's recent retirees were honored by the City Council on Monday night with signed proclamations recognizing their years of service to the city.

Above, retired police Det. Pat Corona.

Retired Det. Chuck Dudek with Councilwoman Kathy Briggs.

Bill Ficarella, former Bureau of Maintenance supervisor, with Councilman John Canale.

Car reportedly flipped over on Thruway near State Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

A vehicle has reportedly flipped over on the Thruway near mile marker 389.9 in the eastbound lane.

No word on injuries.

Town of Batavia fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

The location is just west of the State Street Road overpass.

UPDATE 10:21 p.m.: A first responder reports the vehicle is on the guard rail, inverted. One female trapped in the vehicle, though conscious and alert. The vehicle will need to be stablized before firefighters can get her out.

UPDATE: Photos submitted by Town of Batavia FD.

Car hits store facade on Ellicott Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A driver apparently hit the gas when she meant to hit the brake while parking outside the Southside Deli at 300 Ellicott St., Batavia, late this afternoon. Her car jumped the curb and hit the Olive Branch health food store. The driver was transported to UMMC for a precautionary exam.

Photos submitted by Frank Capuano.

Meet the contestants for the 2014 Fair Queen and her court

By Howard B. Owens

Here are the contestants for the 2014 Genesee County Fair Queen and members of her court. The contest starts Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the entertainment tent. The queen will be crowned at 8 p.m., Wednesday.  The contestants will particpate in the fair parade, which is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday.

I am Heather Dries, I currently am 17 years old and a junior in high school at Byron Bergen Central School. My Father’s name is Lenny Dries and my Mother’s name is Eileen Dries. I have a sister named Michelle she is 22 years old and graduated from Byron Bergen Central School and Bryant and Stratton College. I played volleyball back in 7th grade. I love to play with family and friends. I work on our family dairy farm, I help feed calves and do hay in the summer months. I am the President of Byron-Bergen’s Senior National Honor Society for the 2014-2015 school year. I have become an active volunteer for a local barn where I board my horse. My horse’s name is Trouble O Mine, he is a 12 year old paint quarter horse gelding who I compete with, and I have had him for five years. I would love to go to GCC for a business degree then continue with college in a 4 year school after that is done.

My name is Courtney Jones and I am eighteen years old. I have been a 4-H member since I was eight, and have participated in three clubs – the Shaggy Paws Dog Club, the Teen Leader Club, and the Rustic Riders Horse Club. I have been President of the Teen Leader Club, and I am in my second year of being Secretary for the Rustic Riders Horse Club. My parents are Diana Miller and Carl Jones, and I have two older siblings in college – Amanda and Kristopher.
I have just graduated from Batavia High School this past June. During my time at Batavia, I was a member of the Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Teams, competing in the Discus Throw and the Shot Put. I have been a member of National Honor Society, as well as National Art Honor Society, where I served as Public Relations Coordinator for two years. Through my involvement with NHS and NAHS, I have partaken in various community services, such as helping with Going Bad for Anna’s Wish, painting park benches, setting up for craft shows, assisting with Bingo nights at the Genesee County Nursing Home, and babysitting during parent nights at Jackson Primary School in Batavia. I have also attended the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference, commonly referred
to at HOBY.

Through 4-H, I have attended the State Teen Action Representatives Retreat for two years, as well as completing many hours of community service. I have helped with various Christmas events at the Salvation Army, cleaned the Genesee County Fairgrounds numerous times, and helped a local horse rescue prepare for the winter. On my own, I have spent a summer volunteering at the Holland Land Office Museum with their “History Heroes” summer program, spent two summers coaching youth cheerleading for the Batavia Youth Football and Cheerleading Program, and spent a spring serving soup at Soup and Scripture at Ascension Parish in Batavia.

My two greatest hobbies are riding horses and creating artwork – some would even consider them my two greatest talents. I started riding horses when I was eleven years old, and continue to have weekly lessons to this day. My summers are filled with competing in local horse shows, the county fair, and the state fair. This fair will be my second year showing a horse that I helped to train, which makes the shows even more rewarding. With my artwork, I have taken classes in painting, drawing, sculpture, and a class to help build my portfolio. I always create artwork that is meaningful to me or someone close to me. I have had my artwork displayed in two district art shows, where I have received the Principal's Choice Award, the Art Teacher’s Award, and the Superintendent’s Award. My artwork has also been displayed in the 2014 Congressional Art Show.

In the fall of 2014, I will be attending Niagara University, majoring in Early Childhood/Childhood Education. This program enables me to be certified to teach children from birth through grade six. If I am able to, I would like to become dual-certified to teach special education. I would also like to travel to Australia at some point, since it has been a dream of mine to do so. During my time at Niagara, I hope to be volunteering at a therapeutic riding center, since it will give me the chance to be around horses and to help children.

The master of ceremonies for the contest will be Corrin Stellakis, Miss New York Teen USA 2014.

Corrin Stellakis, the 16 year old, green eyed, brunette was crowned Miss New York Teen USA 2014 at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College, New York on Sunday, January 19th. She will represent the Empire state in the upcoming Miss Teen USA 2014 pageant.

Although this was Corrin’s first attempt at the title, she is a natural born leader and competitor. She has been riding horses her entire life, and competed for the first time when she was eight years old on her first and favorite horse, Precious. Precious is now 23 years old and completely blind but Corrin still continues to ride her. She also rides on an Inner Scholastic Equestrian (IEA) team and absolutely loves it.

She has used her passion for horses and riding to begin an after-school program for elementary school children. Her program is called ‘A Horse Of Course’. Corrin teaches beginner basics and more importantly the love and respect for horses and all other animals. She has rescued horses at auctions from meat dealers and from neglectful owners. She truly does have a passion for all animals and would like to share this with others.

Corrin is also very devoted to her family. Over a four year time span her family fostered 14 children ranging in ages from 3 months old to 14 years of age. Accepting the children in to her life was the easy part. Watching them grow and improve in all aspects of their life was an amazing experience for her. She and her family gave each child the stability he or she needed to improve their health, and their developmental and social skills until they were able to return to their biological parents. Although seeing the children leave their family was hard, knowing she had positively impacted their future gave her strength.

In her spare time Corrin loves to play volleyball, athleticism comes naturally to her. As a sophomore she is a starter on her high school’s varsity team and is already being scouted by colleges and would love to play throughout her college career. With all of her extra-curricular activities, Corrin still keeps her main focus on her academics. She takes all advanced classes, she maintains an A average and her GPA is unweighted. She is a very diligent, determined student and is a member of the Junior Honor Society. Corrin would like to share her many aspirations with her peers throughout her year as a titleholder. She would like to teach the importance of setting goals and having a positive impact on the lives of others. Like every other goal Corrin has set, she plans to do her very best to bring Miss Teen USA title home to the state of New York.

The Princess and Little Miss contestants are after the jump:

Little Miss

Madelynn Pimm  is 10 years old and will be going into 5th grade at Byron-Bergen Elementary School. She is the daughter of Norm and Colleen Pimm and the sister of Brendan Pimm. Madelynn is active in softball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, Byron-Bergen Elementary Chorus and plays trumpet in the Byron-Bergen Elementary Band. She is also a member of the Gilliam Grant Drama Club where she participated in the Scrooge’s Christmas Tale, recently finished her fourth year as a Jr. Girl Scout, is the treasurer of The Genesee County 4-H Sheep Club and has shown at the New York State Fair.

Madelynn and her fellow students pioneered the efforts to make yogurt the official snack of New York State. This included writing letter to the members of the New York State Senator, Assemblymen, the Governor, as well as making videos, touring local yogurt plants and traveling to Albany to sit in on a Senate and Legislative meeting. She is a believer in giving back to the community; her volunteer efforts include caroling at the Greens of Leroy, serving senior meals at the Gilliam-Grant Community Center and assisting The Jr. Angel in Action of Genesee County.

This past year Madelynn donated the money she made from selling her 4-H market lamb to the Muscular Dystrophy Association in honor of Sundae Duyssen and plans on donating the money from this year’s project to the Gilliam-Grant Community Center to help fund community activities.

Madelynn plans on attending SUNY Brockport then The University of Rochester and aspires to be a Pediatrician. 

Hello! My name is Eva Rhoads and I’m 10 years old I’m in 4th grade and my parents are Katie and Tim Rhoads. I have a younger sister, Corinne, who is 5 years old. Sports that I do are dance, horseback riding, running, biking, soccer, and hiking. I am in Daring Girls Club for 1 year and 4-H (Genesee Green Thumbs, Family Consumer Science, Rustic Riders, and Horse Bowl) for 3 years.

I started making natural dog treats to help support animal shelters until I am old enough to help in the shelter. I have volunteered at Leroy Farmers Market for the past 3 years, and at the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast. I also like to help my older neighbors with their yard work and getting their mail and recycle box. My talents are art, cooking and baking. My hobbies are running 5ks and triathlons, biking, reading, and gardening. 

I would like to work with animals when I grow up. I really want to train them and keep them healthy.


Hello my name is Maggie Winspear and my parents are Brad and Kathy. I have a brother, Evan. I’m a member of the Genesee County 4-H Clubs: Cool Clover Buds, Fur and
Feather, and Green Thumbs. I’m also a member of the Rochester Poultry Association and American Rabbit Association.

I have been dancing for 4 years at Dancing Place Dance Academy. At school I have been in the musicals: The King and I and the Velveteen Rabbit.

I enjoy showing my rabbits, chickens and ducks at several different shows throughout the year. 



My name is Annalee Winnicki. I am 9 years old. I have 3 sisters, Josie, Alyssa and Emilee. I have 1 brother whose name is Jesse. I am the youngest child in my family. I live with my mom, Diana, who is a music teacher and my step dad, Mike, who works at the School for the Blind.

I do community service with my Jr. Grange group. Last weekend I pulled garlic mustard plants at the nature preserve.

I had lots of fun there even though I did lots of work. I do community service at church by cooking with Mr. Ken. We feed people at church. I play softball. It’s a lot of fun.

One of my talents is singing. I love to sing. I even sing on the bus. It makes me feel happy. I sing about the trees, the bees, and the flowers. It makes me feel happy inside like nature is talking to me.

I like to catch butterflies and pollywogs. I like to play outside. I like going to the movies with my grandparents.

Someday I want to be a ballerina because they have great posture and great grace. Being a princess sounds wonderful, so does being a ballerina. 

Junior Princess

Emily Boldt. My parents are Crista and Steven Boldt. I have a younger brother named Alex. We all reside on Clipnock Road in Stafford with three loving dogs, and 8 horses and ponies.

I am a member of numerous clubs, both in and out of school. I am president of the Mystic Riders Genesee County 4-H horse club. In the 4-H program I participate in public speaking, horse bowl and hippology. As for public speaking, I have been in County, Regional, and State competitions through 4-H. I have done well enough at Counties 4 times to continue to Regionals, and have won the Regional division to continue on to States three times. I won Hippology, an equine knowledge contest, at the Regional Level this spring and am looking forward to competing in the event at the State Level in August at State Fair. I also did well enough in Horse Bowl this year to qualify for State Competition.

At my school, I play volleyball and tennis, and take part in plays and musicals. I am also a member of Page Turners, Mock Trial, and Chorus. I recently participated in Solo Festival and All-County Chorus.

I volunteer my time at the Stafford Firemen’s Carnival each year. I also help raise money for the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign and participate in other community service projects with my club.

I am a member of the New York State Pinto Horse Association and serve as Treasurer of their Youth Club. I am also a member of the Pinto Horse Association of America, Pittsford

Carriage Association and American Quarter Horse Association.

Horses are a major part of my life. I have been riding horses since I was 2 and driving since I was 5. My family owns 8 horses and ponies and I help provide their care on a daily basis. I compete in horse shows at the county, state and national levels. My current horse, Mia Pokydots Jewell, and I have won many awards. Last November we travelled all the way to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a show and won a championship. I have participated in the County Fair’s horse division ever since I was old enough and have been to State Fair twice.

I also enjoy sewing and craft projects. I have entered some of my completed projects at the County Fair and even had some exhibits selected for State Fair.

Even with all of the extra-curricular activities I participate in, I manage to keep my school average at a 98.5.

Last year I was nominated to Genesee Community College’s Math and Science Tech Prep program which is designed for gifted and talented students in the GLOW region. I completed the application process and was accepted. I currently attend GCC once a week to take Algebra and Physics and already earned some college credits last semester.
I hope to continue my education after high school to become a civil engineer or a lawyer. I also hope to continue riding horses when I am in college and have a career, and some day own a riding complex and house of my own. 

My name is Karly Smith. I go to Oakfield-Alabama Central School and I am in fifth grade, going into sixth grade. When I was given the opportunity to participate in this pageant, I was super excited and I can’t wait to see what a pageant is like.

A loving and close family has helped me to become the person I am. My mom, Kristin Smith, is a pediatric physical therapist who supports me with school activities and athletics. Raymond Smith, my dad, owns and operates businesses, which work closely with local farmers. Brayden Smith is my 9-year-old brother who is a talented basketball, football, baseball, and golf player. Brea Smith is my 6-year-old sister, but thinks she is 30. She loves to play outside where she can get dirty. I am very lucky to have four grandparents who attend all of my many activities. My family is very supportive and loving.

I participate in most activities offered at school. In fourth grade, I chose to play the alto saxophone and I have been playing ever since. This year I had the chance to participate in solo festival. Out of many players I was selected to be in all-county band. I also sing in the chorus at our school. My teacher chose me to sing at all-county chorus this year too. In both all-county chorus and band I had a blast with all of my friends. Math Olympiads is a program where I was challenged advanced math problems. For student council I was elected to be vice-president. This provided opportunities for me to practice my leadership skills.

I also volunteered to say the morning and afternoon announcements on the loud speaker. This year, for the first time, I am participating in 4-H. I have a steer named, Loco, that I am hoping to be able to show at the fair. He is not gaining as much weight as he is supposed to. We are all hoping that I can show and sell him at the fair. In all of these activities I learn new things, all of the time.

Sports have always interested me. My Dad had the experience of playing defensive end for 3 professional arena football teams. I guess I have some of his genes. In the winter I played point guard in basketball with my mom as my coach. I also played indoor soccer. Mostly, I was the goalie until I sprained my finger. Then I was an offensive player. Currently, I play softball. I enjoy practicing to be a great pitcher. Recently, I completed my seventh year of dance. Lyrical, ballet, and hip-hop interested me the most this year. Next year, I plan to perform a lyrical solo. A big part of my life has always been sports.

When I am not participating in all of the clubs I am in, I love to be outside and have fun! After and sometimes before school, I go to my babysitters where I love to play and help out with the toddlers. Recently, we were given a new trampoline at our house. I love to jump and play games on it. One of my passions is to do all of the little girls nails and hair just for fun. For Christmas, I received a sewing machine and use it all the time. My nana and
I even sewed a dress for a school project. My family and I love to snowmobile and swim. I love to be active and on the go!

Hopefully, all of what I do today will help me in the future. I plan to attend college. At this point, I am not exactly sure what I want to become when I get older. I have thought about being President of the United States of America. This is where I could make the most difference in the world. I like solving problems and working with other people. Another idea of mine is to pursue my interest in music with either my saxophone or voice.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me.

My life so far has been filled with adventures and fun. As my life goes on I plan to continue to try new things. I can’t wait to see what next year has to hold. 

My name is Alexandria Tarbell but everyone calls me Jomni. I am twelve years old. My dad's name is Ross. He is a pharmacist. My mom is a stay-at-home mom. Her name is Julie. She home schools my brothers and me. My older brother is named Quinton. My little brother is named Colton.

I am a member of East Pembroke Junior Grange. I have been a member for a long time. I have learned a lot of things from earning badges such as the American Sign Language alphabet.
I enjoy participating in their sign-a-song program. So far I have learned how to square dance, ski, and do lots of crafts. I do a lot of community service such as making cards for veterans and pulling garlic mustard at Beaver Meadow Audubon Center. I have traveled to New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and North Carolina for Junior Grange conferences. I have had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends at the East Pembroke Grange and the conferences.

I am in several 4-H clubs. The Family Consumer Science club does a variety of projects such as sewing, cooking, woodworking, houseplants, and tie-dye. The science club, Aces, studied wind power and robotics this year. Rustic Riders is my horse club. Green Thumbs, the Junior Master Gardener club, grows plants and does related crafts. I have done public presentations, participated in horse bowl and hippology, helped at horse shows, and done community service such as ringing the bells and caroling for the Salvation Army.

I look forward to the county fair every year. I am very busy there. I help at 4-H horse shows by passing out the ribbons, opening the gate for the horses and their riders, and setting up the equipment in the ring. When I get older I hope to volunteer at the East Pembroke food booth.

I like going to Highpoint Community Church. I was in their kids club, AWANA, this year. I am now going to youth group. So far it is fun.

My family and I have visited about 40 states. Some of my favorite places were Assateague Island in Maryland, the Sequoias in California, and Acadia in Maine. I like to hike and take pictures. I like to see wild animals especially when they have babies.

I love to read. I like to go to the Corfu Free Library to get books. It is a nice quiet place to read.

Other things I like to do are play the piano, sing, ride my horse Ace, draw, and sew. I also like to garden. I planted the three sisters, carrots, lettuce, cauliflower, peas, summer squash, winter squash, and some flowers.

I am interested in the history of my family and the farm that they owned for over 200 years. I want to keep the farm in the family and keep farming. Our farm is a great place to grow up. On our farm we have one rooster, three hens, three horses, and two barn cats. I like animals. 

Princess Contest

Rebekah Allen is the daughter of Wendy Allen-Thompson and Scott Allen and step daughter of Terry Thompson and Sandra Allen. She is the youngest sister of four boys and two girls. In the fall, she will be a junior at Oakfield-Alabama High School. In school, she takes honors/Advanced Placement classes and is involved with varsity volleyball and tennis. She is a member of the Senior High Math Team and Senior High Pageturners.

Bekki is currently the president of the Class of 2016. Outside of school, she is actively involved in the Town of Alabama Fire Department. As a member of the department, she volunteers several hours every week by taking training, responding to emergencies, and serving others during fundraisers. She is also a member of Girl Scouts of Western New York and Genesee County 4-H. She is the president of the 4-H Rustic Riders Club and a member of the 4-H Swine Club.

In her free time, she conditions and trains two horses for competition. She has many champion titles including four at the New York State level for barrel racing. Although she prefers barrel racing, she also participates in other disciplines such as Western and English pleasure, trail riding, team penning, and calf roping. When Bekki is not with her horses, she works part-time in child care and helps on the family farm. When she graduates high school with her advanced regents diploma, she hopes to attend Cornell University to become a doctor in veterinary medicine. Someday, she would like to fulfill her dream of owning a large animal veterinary practice and starting a little family in the country. 

My name is Lauren Marie Hull, I am 15 years old, and a freshman at Notre Dame High School in Batavia. I live in LeRoy with my parents, Denise and Charles Hull, Jr., and my brother, Lucas. I have two older siblings, Stacey Hull and Anthony Messina.

I enjoy many activities. 4-H has been a part of my life since I was 7 years old. The events in which I have been most involved are showing dogs and horses. Luckily, I have been able to represent Genesee County in the dog program at the New York State Fair from 2007-2012. Although most of my 4-H time has been with the animals, I have also completed projects in baking, sewing, art, and public presentation. For public presentations, I have also been a teen judge for 3 years, as well as participating at district and state presentations.

School activities are also important to me. I was lucky enough to have two of my art pieces featured in the school art show. Plus, I am a member of the Notre Dame High School yearbook and student newspaper staffs, where I am able to expand on my interest in writing and reading. Further, I love to sing in the choir, and participated this year in the school musical, “South Pacific.”

I have also participated in musicals, including “Les Miserables,” “Cats,” and “The Sound of Music,” with community theater groups. Plus, I enjoy singing in the church choir at Resurrection Parish in Batavia.

The community volunteer work that I do is primarily related to religious education at various summer bible camps. But, I have also volunteered at the Genesee County Humane Society’s semi-annual fur ball. This year, I was able to design the flier for the event’s advertisement. Plus, I participate in community volunteer events with my 4-H club.

For now, I have not decided on firm plans for college. However, a field in science may be interesting, or something related to art or writing.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this year’s pageant. 

Hello I'm Jordana Miles. I currently live in Corfu, New York and I am 16 years of age. I am the daughter of Jessica L. Miles and David C. Pfenninger. I have seven siblings. Their names are Chelsea, William, Amanda, Micheal, Dayna, Tucker, and Heather. I just finished my sophmore year of high school and I was an active member of the jv/varsity football team, swim team, SADD and i also volunteered in the school store.

Previously before I moved to a district that does not have these clubs i was a member of FFA, Pageturners, Rachel's Challenge, Big Buddy, Reading Club, and Softball. Outside of school I work two summer jobs one at McDonalds, the other is the lemonade stand at the Genesee County Fair. At our fair I am

a member of the Fur & Feather club and next year will be a member of Beef club. In past years at fair I showed dairy with my friends. I am a member of youth group and D-group through my church. I am an active junior member of the Attica Rodeo Association where I volunteer in the consession stand.

I have competed in talent shows at school as well as at our fair for singing it is one of my favorite things to do. Often i am found reading, cuddling/taking care of the cows/doing
hay/listening to a variety of music, hunting, fishing, bike riding, and swimming at the town park. I have always wanted to be a Forensic scientist. After high school i plan on spending
two years at Bryant & Stratton then transferring to University of Alaska to fulfill my dreams of being like my idol Paulie Purettee. Paulie is the head forensic on the show NCIS. When I
am old I hope to start a charity organization to benefit group homes as well as one to benefit animals who have suffered through cruelty. These are two of my biggest dreams i wish to accomplish. Hard work an dedication pay off and I will be putting forth my best effort not only in the competition but to help our fair anyway possible. I love doing all these things and I'm very excited to be running this year! 

Hello, my name is Karen Snyder and I am happy to be a contestant in Genesee County Fair's Princess Pageant. I am the daughter of Amy and Wayne Snyder. I have two older brothers, Christopher and Allen Snyder. I am 14 years old and will be a freshman at Alexander High School in the fall.

In the past two years of middle school, I have played in Modified Volleyball and Tennis. In my afterschool time, I am involved in the Middle School Yearbook Club. This past fall, I was nominated to be the Lead Editor. At school, I enjoy helping my fellow classmates with their work. It always puts a smile on my face when I help someone. I have had perfect attendance since 6th grade.

I have been involved in 4-H for 8 years. I am a member of the Genesee County Goat Gang and the Family Consumer Science Club. This year, I was nominated treasurer of the Goat Cub. Every year I strive to win awards showing my goats. At the Genesee County Fair I am always happy to answer anyone's questions about my animals. I have to give them a bath and
clip their body and trim their feet. In FCS, we meet every month to create fun projects to display at fair. As an older member of the clubs I like to help the younger kids. I am looking forward to going to State Fair this year to show my goats. Last summer I represented Genesee County at State Fair in the Goat Judging Contest. I came in 7th place of the novice division.

I am a member of the American Dairy Goat Association. I have participated in local goat shows. My favorite is the Fall Classic which is held in Genesee Country Museum in Mumford,

New York. I have also shown my prized goats in the open class events at Erie and Genesee County Fairs.

I volunteer the past couple of winters to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. I have also volunteered at church dinners.

In my free time, I like to sing, make crafts, and babysit. At home, I like to make needle point and sewing projects to put as an exhibit in the Genesee County Fair. My exhibits have been put on display as 4H and Open Class entries. Every year, I like to do something new; like photography or crayon art.

I live on a small farm and I have daily chores to do. I enjoy going out to see my animals and have learned the value of having to take care of something regardless of the weather. Growing up on a hobby farm I have learned the value of hard work and working as a team.

I would like to go to a college that offers programs about computers, computer software and/or editing. The job that I would like to pursue would be someone who specializes in computers at a school so I can help teachers and students with computer problems. 


Law and Order: Keeney Road resident accused of grand larceny

By Howard B. Owens

James Joseph Argento, 36, of Keeney Road, Le Roy, is charged with grand larceny, 3rd. Argento allegedly stole property with an approximate value of $5,000 from a location on Keeney Road, Le Roy. Argento was jailed on $10,000 bail.

Arlin Joselin Reyes, 31, of Townsend Avenue, Bronx, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Reyes was arrested on a warrant out of Darien Town Court. The incident was reported at 5:30 a.m., Nov. 24. Reyes was arraigned on the charged, entered a guilty plea, paid his fines and was released.

Abraham Lyn Rendon-Matadamas, 31, of Lewiston Road, Alabama, is charged with assault, 3rd. Rendon-Matadamas allegedly struck another person in the face. The alleged victim was treated at Medina Hospital. Rendon-Matadamas was arraigned in Town of Alabama Court and released on his own recognizance. He was also handed an order of protection. 

Devon Michael Husted, 16, of Broadway Road, Alexander, is charged with criminal sale of marijuana, 5th, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Husted allegedly sold marijuana while at Darien Lake Theme Park.

Michael Anthony King Jr., 16, of Oakfield, is charged with first-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. King is accused of sexual contact with a child less than 11 years old. He was arraigned and released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Derek G. Thomas, 37, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child and menacing, 3rd. Thomas was allegedly involved in an incident at 9:30 p.m. July 6 on Lewis Place. He is accused of shoving one person and threatening another. 

Alicia May Lyons, 34, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Lyons is accused of wrapping several items in her coat while at Tops Market and then proceeding out of the store without paying for the items.

Thomas C. McJury, 48, of Brooklyn Avenue, Batavia, is charged with deteriorated roof covering. McJury was arrested on a City Court warrant stemming from an alleged property maintenance code violation. McJury posted bail and was released.

Emily N. Indovina, 19, of Erie Street, Mt. Morris, is charged with trespass. Indovina is accused of going to a residence she was advised not to visit by a Batavia PD officer the day before.

Konstantin Logvinsky, 28, of Middlesex Road, Rochester, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd. Logvinsky was arrested on a warrant, posted bail and was released.

Alexandria C. Pisarek, 21, of Oakfield, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Pisarek was arrested by State Police at 2:42 p.m. Saturday in the Town of Batavia on Route 33. No further details released.

Dominique D. Davis, 21, of Rochester, is charged with issuing a bad check. Davis was arrested by state police. No further details released.

Local woman found dead on steps of residence on Jackson Street

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia PD is investigating the unattended death of a local woman who was found unresponsive of the porch steps of 131 Jackson St., Batavia.

The body of Summer Ogden, 38, was taken to the Monroe County Examiners Office for an autopsy.

Batavia PD released no information regarding any potential cause of death.

Ogden's name has come up frequently in arrest reports over the past four years, most often on charges of criminal contempt for violating stay away orders involving her boyfriend, Eric Duda.

Duda has faced the same charges for contacting Ogden.

Twice in 2011, both Ogden and Duda were arrested in Stafford when they were found together.

The Batavian's first encounter with Ogden and Duda was right before Christmas in 2010. Duda was manager of the Batavia Motel, 3768 W. Main St. Road, when he and the other residents were kicked out on 24-hours notice after the motel was condemned. The couple had a 10-month-old infant at the time.

Five arrests reported at Lynyrd Skynyrd concert at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office during the Lynyrd Skynyrd/Bad Company concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Sunday.

Fawn Dockstader, 27, of Council House Road, Alabama, was charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly causing a disturbance at the concert venue. Dockstader was arraigned in Darien Town Court and remanded to jail in lieu of $350 bail.

Ryan J Faulhaber, 20, of Willardshire Road, Orchard Park, was charged with charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Jessica K. Olewniczak, 18, of Briarwood Drive, Lancaster, was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Joseph M. Eck, 46, of Benson Avenue, West Seneca, was charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly fighting in the concert parking lot.

Patrick L. Eck, 50, of Eden Street, Buffalo, was charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly fighting in the concert parking lot.

Maxwell J. Cywinski, 18, of Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, was issued a ticket for possession of a fictitious license after allegedly being found in possession of a fictitious Massachusetts license.

Henry J. Hager IV, 18, of Westgate Drive, East Aurora, was issued a ticket for possession of a fictitious license after allegedly being found in possession of a fictitious Massachusetts license.

Nicola I. Marcucci, 18, of Highland Avenue, Buffalo, was issued a ticket for possession of a fictitious license after allegedly being found in possession of a fictitious Massachusetts license.

UPDATE: There were three tickets issued for alleged under-age drinking.

Second Annual Lite the Knight in Le Roy to benefit family of Deputy Frank Bordonaro

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

It was just about one year ago when we learned of the tragic accident in Wheatland which killed three and seriously injured two members of the “Cal-Mum 5.” Le Roy Physical Therapy and Village Fitness were very proud to have sponsored the first “Lite the Knight 5K,” which with the overwhelming support and generosity of the Cal-Mum and Le Roy communities, raised more than $12,000 for the victims’' families.

Plans for the Second Annual Lite the Knight, to be held on Saturday Aug. 16 at Hartwood Park, have been under way for several weeks now. Our intent is to use the proceeds of this year’'s event to develop a Memorial Scholarship Fund.

We were incredibly saddened to learn of the untimely death of Frank Bordonaro earlier this week. Frank was a 19-year veteran of the Genesee County Sherriff’s Dept., a devoted husband and father, and a true pillar of the Le Roy community who will be sorely missed. At only 44 years of age, he leaves behind his wife, Robyn, and two sons Bryce, 14, and Chase, 12.

Therefore, it is with pride and sadness that I announce we’'ve selected the Bordonaro family as the recipient of this year'’s Memorial Scholarship, and ask the community to rally to support them through this event. All proceeds of the 2014 Lite the Knight 5K will be donated to the family.

More information about Lite the Knight is available at, or visit our Facebook page. In addition to the 5K run/walk on an illuminated course, this year’'s event also features a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, wellness fair, many free childrens' activities, a performance by Le Roy Marching Knights, a chicken barbeque by the Smokin' Eagle BBQ and Brew, and free live music by Flipside. A very special thanks goes out to the Le Roy, Stafford, Caledonia, and Pavilion fire departments who have volunteered their time and assistance in support of the event, and who will be setting up an interactive display of their fire engines for children and families to experience.

You may register yourself or your team for Lite the Knight at The registration page also offers the ability to make a donation or purchase a memorial luminary bag to light the course, whether or not you choose to participate in the run/walk.

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