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Career con man still owes $15K in restitution locally

By Howard B. Owens

Earlier today, we told you about Schoen LaBombard, the former Batavia resident who bilked several local businesses out of more than $27,000 with a phony story about a chance to drive a bobsled in the Olympics.

This afternoon, we learned that LaBombard still owes more than $15,000 in restitution from the 1994 conviction.

Because of the outstanding restitution, Judge Eric Adams signed a warrant for LaBombard's arrest April 21.

Adams, normally a Family Court judge, is handling the case because Robert C. Noonan was the county prosecutor in 1994.

The warrant may be the one a Florida TV station said is the reason LaBombard is being held by authorities in Daytona Beach after he allegedly pulled a scam to get free food, a free hotel room and $500 by impersonating a Navy Seal.

The ruse was uncovered after LaBombard, who was going by the name Alex Seppi, broke his leg and hotel employees found his correct ID in his hotel room.

No word on when LaBombard might be returned to Genesee County custody. He allegedly hasn't made a restitution payment since 2007.

BREAKING: Child molester Sean Vickers sentenced to 107 years in prison

By Howard B. Owens

Sean Vickers, convicted at trial of molesting five children in Batavia, was sentenced today by Judge Robert C. Noonan to 107 years in state prison.

"I agree with the prosecution in this case," Noonan said. "I see no reason to impose anything less than the maximum available terms under the law."

Vickers received 25 years each on his conviction of the first four counts of the indictment against him and a seven-year sentence on count five, plus a couple of decades of post-release supervision (at which point he would be 152 years old if still alive).

On July 31, a jury found Vickers guilty of two counts of sodomy in the first degree, two counts of criminal sexual act in the first degree and sexual abuse in the first degree.

One of the child victims, who was in court today for the sentencing, had Det. Kevin Czora read a statement for him prior to sentencing.

"Sean came to my house and took me to fun places and bought us candy," read the boy's statement. "I called him Uncle Sean. He hurt me. I want him to go to prison for a lifetime."

The mother of a victim also had a statement read by Erin Martin of the Child Advocacy Center.

She said that Vickers hurt her family and her children tremendously.

"Sean did not take into account what he was doing or how it would effect the kids," read the statement. "I don't think you should take into account Sean's feeling in his sentence, because he was only thinking of himself when he hurt my son."

In August, Vickers accepted a plea deal in Niagara County for molesting the same three boys. He entered a guilty plea to three felonies in exchange for a 20-year sentencing cap.

The 20 years, once imposed at a Sept. 26 hearing, and will be served concurrently with the Genesee County sentence. It will also stand even if the Genesee County conviction is overturned on appeal.

Public Defender Jerry Ader indicated in court today that an appeal will be filed and did not make a statement regarding sentencing on his client's behalf.

Vickers also made no statement.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman noted that the plea offer extended to Vickers in Genesee County before the trial would have offered a 40-year prison term, but Vickers turned it down.

"If the crimes he's convicted of are not horrific enough, we know he sexually assaulted at least five other boys," Friedman said. "We know that's not all. We know that he has a history of pedophilia that goes back decades, literally decades. There are victims of his crimes who have come forward that occurred so far back that they can't be prosecuted under the statute of limitations."

Noonan said the mother of one of his victims from Monroe County was in the courtroom today because she's been tracking Vickers for 24 years.

"She's here to see the justice is finally done," Friedman said.

Noonan opened his brief statement about the 107-year sentence he was about to impose by saying, "This case is the worst one I've ever had. I've been in the criminal justice system for 40 years both as a prosecutor and a judge and I've never had anybody who has been prolific a predator as you have been Mr. Vickers."

Photos: 9-11 remembrance at VA Center

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia PTSD Peer Support Volunteers led a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at the VA Center this morning.

Participating were local veterans and the Batavia police and fire departments.

The event honored those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, and those who have died or gone missing in action in American wars.

Law and Order: Pratt Road resident accused of stealing neighbors checks, cashing them

By Howard B. Owens

Michael Robert Sigl, 22, of Pratt Road, Batavia, is charged with five counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument, 2nd. Sigl allegedly stole some of a neighbor's checks, forged them and cashed them at banks in the City of Batavia. He was jailed on $10,000 bail.

Jamie Renae Wilkins, 37, of Route 31, Holley, is charged with unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, 3rd, and driving a vehicle with a suspended registration. Wilkins was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 5:08 p.m. Monday on Route 77 in Alabama by Deputy Joseph Corona. Wilkins was jailed on $250 cash bail or $500 bond.

Former local con man accused of impersonating Navy Seal in Daytona Beach

By Howard B. Owens

A Batavia man who once scammed local business owners out of more than $27,000 was allegedly caught this week in Daytona Beach, Fla., impersonating a Navy Seal.

The alleged scam enabled Schoen LaBombard to enjoy free meals, a free hotel room and a $500 loan.

It was only after LaBombard broke his leg while frolicking with his new friends that the scam was uncovered by hotel employees.  

The folks in Daytona Beach knew him as Alex Seppi, but while he was in the hospital, employees entered his hotel room to secure personal items on his behalf and found an identification with his real name.

There was apparently another person assisting LaBombard in the alleged scam. At one point, a manager spoke with a person who identified himself as Seppi's Navy Seal commander.

At this point, LaBombard is not facing charges in Daytona Beach, but he is in custody on a warrant out of New York (the jurisdiction is not specified in this WESH story). 

For the 1994-era scam in Batavia, LaBombard was required to pay restitution. According to news reports in 2004, he paid about $7,000, but there was still $20,000 outstanding. It's unclear if he ever completed payments.

In that case, LaBombard represented himself as a promising bobsled driver with Olympic dreams and convinced local business owners to donate money to help him pursue his dream. It turned out, he was not on the Olympic bobsled team, though he was a member of the federation.

His criminal history includes stints in prison for forgery and grand larceny, with convictions in Essex County and Albany County.

In Albany, he was once accused of impersonating a police officer to scam a prostitute out of money. According to another news report on that arrest (no link available), he was also accused of stealing more than $8,000 from business partners in the Albany area. He also accused of burglarizing his grandmother's house and stealing checks.

In 2012, the Albany Times Union ran a laudatory story about LaBombard about how he was turning his life around, getting off drugs, and leading a casting call for a reality TV series called "The Comebacks."

Casino night in Byron raises funds for Reis Memorial Scholarship

By Howard B. Owens

To help restore depleted funds in the Reis Memorial Scholarship, community volunteers hosted a casino night fundraiser at the South Byron Fire Hall this past weekend.

Members of the Reis family lost their lives in a fire in Byron on May 19, 2008.

The night's live auction included selling an apple pie made by Jean Allyn, grandmother of the three Reis children, Ginny, Emily and Tim, and mother to Cheryl Reis, who died in the fire.

The fundraiser included a basket auction with 32 baskets available.

The scholarship was formed in 2013 to reestablish a fund that was depleted in 2012. The annual scholarship awards $1,000 to a graduating senior from Byron-Bergen who demonstrates both academic merit and the admired characteristics of the Reis children. The 2013 recipient of the award was Kim Lovett, who is attending Nazareth College to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy. 

The success of successive fundraisers by the foundation enabled the group to provide financial assistance to former community members whose home was destroyed in a fire this year.

Sponsors this year included: Dewey Produce, Stafford Painters. Ray and Jean Allen, Kircher Construction, Inc., Roberts Accounting, Ernie and Wendy Haywood, Crazy Cheap Cars, NAPA Auto Parts - Bergen , WNY Concerete, Pudgie’s Lawn and Landscape.

Info and photo submitted by Jon Flannery.

City firefighters rescue child and two adults from second-story apartment on Lewis Place

By Howard B. Owens

City firefighters rescued three people trapped in an apartment during an early morning fire at 2 Lewis Place.

The fire was put out quickly, but upon arriving at scene at 1:30 a.m., firefighters had to first use a ladder to a second-floor window to rescue two adults and one child.

City police officers got two other adults out of the lower apartment.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

The fire was in the second-floor apartment.

The fire went to a second alarm because of the potential for the fire to spread into the attic of the row of apartments on Lewis Place. Town of Batavia fire was put on standby. Alexander's FAST team was requested to the scene. Darien fire was requested for their air bottle refill capabilities. Mercy EMS was on scene on standby.

Before other units arrived, they were told to back down from an emergency response because the fire was knocked down.

Four adults and one child were provided temporary housing by Red Cross.

City fire was back in service at 3:45 a.m.

Photo: Photo submitted by Kameko Barlog.

(Initial Post)

Collins supports Obama on ISIS plans

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) released the following statement after the President’s address laying out his strategy to eliminate the ISIS threat.

“It is clear, we cannot allow for the same mistakes that have gotten us into this situation,” Congressman Collins said. “The current events in Iraq and Syria prove the absence of American leadership enables and emboldens our enemies, and puts our country and citizens at risk. I fully support actions to eliminate the threat posed by ISIS and protect our citizens at home and abroad.”

Trial date set in Dashawn Butler case

By Howard B. Owens

It looks like Dashawn Butler will get his day in court.

So far, Butler has turned down a plea offer to reduce the top charge against him from a Class C violent felony to a Class D violent felony, so today, Judge Robert C. Noonan set a trial date for Butler of Nov. 17.

Butler still has until Oct. 8 to accept the plea, under Noonan's plea-cut off rules.

The Batavia resident is charged with criminal use of a firearm, 2nd, a Class C violent felony, criminal possession of a weapon, 2nd, a Class C violent felony, and attempted assault, 1st, also a Class C violent felony. He's also accused of firing a weapon at another person Sept. 27 on State Street.

Noonan ruled against the defense on a motion to have the charges dismissed. Defense attorney Thomas Burns argued in a hearing two weeks ago that Batavia PD didn't exercise due diligence in trying to locate Butler after a warrant was issued for his arrest in October. That lack of due diligence violated Butler's right to a speedy trial, Burns said. Noonan found that there was not enough evidence that BPD did not try to locate Butler in a timely manner.

The plea offer from District Attorney Lawrence Friedman was unconditional, meaning Noonan would have all the sentencing options available for a person convicted of a Class D violent felony, including a lengthy prison term.

Le Roy town supervisor given chance to avoid further prosecution on criminal charges

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy's town supervisor, arrested a little more than a year ago on a harassment charge stemming from a dispute with a neighboring property owner, has been granted an opportunity to have the criminal charges dismissed.

Known as "adjudication in contemplation of dismissal" (commonly, ACD), the determination does not include a guilty plea, but does require Supervisor Steve Barbeau to avoid criminal contact with the police for six months.

Barbeau's case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Will Zickl in Bethany Town Court.

While Barbeau was originally arrested on a charge of harassment, the criminal charge was later upgraded to include third-degree assault because of the extent of the injuries suffered by the victim, Peter McQuillen.

ACDs are common in misdemeanor cases involving defendants with a long history of avoiding trouble with the law.

As part of the plea deal, Barbeau was required to pay restitution to McQuillen in advance for medical expenses and lost wages.

The agreement was finalized last month, Zickl said.

The confrontation 13 months ago on McQuillen's property behind Barbeau's residence in the Village of Le Roy stemmed from a long-standing feud related to McQuillen trying to develop the 13-acre parcel.  

Barbeau was part of a successful lawsuit that killed McQuillen's "Robbins Nest" development.

At the time of the confrontation, McQuillen was constructing a red storage shed as close to Barbeau's property line as possible.

The construction of the shed, as well as McQuillen's construction and planned construction of duplexes in the subdivision known as Presidential Acres, are the subject of a second lawsuit that is still pending.

Barbeau is not a party to the second lawsuit, though most of his neighbors are.


Remains turned over to BPD by resident identified as Native American

By Howard B. Owens

The skeletal remains from a residence on Seneca Avenue, Batavia, have been identified as male, 17 to 25 years of age and of Native American ancestry, Batavia PD said in a statement today.

The findings are consistent with what police were originally told by the resident who contacted BPD, that a relative had located the remains in Letchworth State Park in the 1950s while hunting for arrowheads.

The Tonawanda Seneca Nation has been contacted. The remains will receive a proper burial by the tribe.

Det. Kevin Czora led the investigation into the remains, which included numerous interviews and an examination of the remains by anthropological scientists. 

There is no evidence of injury to the individual and the remains were likely buried in the park for an extended period of time.

Jacquetta Simmons shows up in court without attorney or financial statements on restitution request

By Howard B. Owens

On a follow up to her request for smaller monthly restitution payments, Jacquetta Simmons showed up without the two things Judge Robert C. Noonan said she needed today: An attorney and a certified financial statement.

Noonan lectured her briefly on the need to have a proper financial statement, said that he wants to get restitution payments started in this case, and then gave her until Sept. 16 to get her documents together.

And perhaps show up with an attorney.

What Simmons arrived with in court today was a handwritten statement on a blue-lined piece of notebook paper.

"Ms. Simmons, what we need from you is a sworn statement of income and expenses for you and each person in your household," Noonan said. "We need an itemization of all the things you've done while looking for work, not just your conclusionary statement saying you can't find work."

When her case was called, Simmons ambled to the defense table dressed in faded blue jeans and a white T-shirt holding her piece of paper.

Asked about her attorney, Simmons told Noonan that she was under the impression that Key would be in court with her today, and that she spoke with Key after her Aug. 26 court appearance.

In June, the Buffalo News published a report about Key moving from the Buffalo area. His Web site says his office is located in Buffalo.

So when Simmons said she had spoke with him since August, Noonan expressed some surprise.

"Really?" Noonan said. "I thought he left town before that. Perhaps he kept the same cell phone."

Noonan told Simmons she could appear Sept. 16 with or without an attorney. "It's your choice," he said.

Simmons is under court order to make $100 monthly payments in restitution for $2,000 in medical expenses to Grace Souzzi, whom she punched in the face Christmas Eve 2011 after Souzzi asked for a receipt for items Simmons and her brother had purchased earlier at Walmart.

Because she's not working, Simmons has asked that the amount of monthly payments be reduced.

After the brief hearing, Simmons turned from the bench and walked away, mumbling something under her breath.

No injuries reported after car strikes house in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A car has struck a house in Alabama, but no injuries are reported.

The location was originally given on Route 77, but deputies on scene say it is actually on Bloomingdale Road.

Alabama fire is responding.

Unofficial Genesee County Primary election results

By Howard B. Owens

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and former Genesee County congressional representative Kathy Hochul have been declared the winners of the Democratic Primary race.

They also were the top choice of local Democrats.

According to Genesee County unofficial results, Cuomo beat Zephyr Teachout 427-187, with Randy A. Credico receiving 45 votes.

Hochul topped Tim Wu 505 to 156.

In the Republican Primary for supervisor in Bethany, Carl L. Hyde Jr. beat Edward F. Pietrzykowski Jr. 74 to 26.

In the primary for Independence Party delegates to the 8th Judicial District convention of the 139 Assembly District, Debra M. Buck-Leaton beat Carol A. Sheehan 14-7.

Collins releases statement on passage of bill limiting EPA on water regulation changes

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) released the following statement today on the passage of H.R. 5078, the Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act, which would prevent the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers from implementing the proposed rule that would redefine “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act.

“Redefining the scope of ‘waters of the United States’ is a dangerous expansion of government authority,” Congressman Collins said. “I have heard from many farmers and small business owners in my district who believe the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers rule will have a devastating effect on their productivity and ability to stay in business. In May, I led a bipartisan letter with Rep. Schrader of Oregon, signed by a majority of the House, asking the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw this overreaching rule. The passage of today’s legislation will ensure that this rule is withdrawn and our farmers and small business owners will be protected.”

Program can stem the tide of rising flood insurance costs, but only to a point

By Howard B. Owens

Here's what residents living in flood-prone areas in Batavia need to know: The city can help lower the cost of flood insurance, but nothing can stop it from going up.

Assistant City Manager Gretchen DiFante, hired primarily to help the city get a comprehensive flood insurance program going, said the cap on annual insurance-rate increases is 18 percent (it used to be 25 percent). If the city's program works as intended, the best result would be 15-percent lower premiums for local homeowners.

Rates will rise, she explained after the Monday City Council meeting, until an insurance company reaches 100-percent coverage for an individual property according to its actuarial tables.

"Not everybody is going to go up and not everybody will go up at the same rate," DiFante told the council.

This is an important issue, she said, because the rising cost of flood insurance will make it harder and harder for property owners to sell their homes. That leads to more sub-par rentals, more abandoned houses, higher crime and less tax money for local schools.

"When you look at the map, you have to realize, this is more than a thousand homeowners who are not going to be able to sell their homes if something doesn't change," DiFante said.

"I don't care where you live, it ought to be a concern," she added. "If it's not, it should be."

DiFante's job is to work with FEMA to get the city into community rating system (CRS) of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Cities accepted into the program get class ratings. A Class 7 community gets a 5-percent reduction in flood insurance rates, and a Class 9 community gets 15 percent.

There are two main components to the ratings:

  • Reduce a community's flood exposure through mitigation activities;
  • Obtain individual flood insurance reductions for residents in flood map areas.

But the process is far more complex than those two simple points, DiFante said.

"It is a daunting process, which is why I think there's only 27 communities in New York who have taken this on," DiFante said. "There's so much information you have to put together and in such a specific way you have to do it. Then every time you've got different reps from ISO who come in, everybody's kind of got their own way interpreting what you've done."

On a broad scale, the city will need to review zoning and building codes and make adjustments to mitigating flooding issues.

On an individual homeowner basis, the city can provide guidance and perhaps secure grants for elevation certificates that could lift some homes out of the flood map, or improve an individual property's rating.

The elevation certificate process can also provide property owners with guidance on improving their property from a flood exposure perspective.

It will be at least 16 months before the city realizes any benefits from its flood insurance efforts.

Red areas are floodplain.

Gift from Liberty Pumps puts new technology in the hands of every Byron-Bergen student

By Howard B. Owens

There's a selfish reason Charle Cook got behind the idea of his company donating money to help the Byron-Bergen School District buy 1,100 tablet computers for all of the district's children: He wants potential future employees to have the technical skills to work for the Liberty Pumps of tomorrow.

But the donation is also a good deed that will benefit his and his son's alma mater and perhaps encourage other rural companies to be as generous with their local school districts.

"We felt it's important as kids progress through school that they become knowledgable and comfortable with technology," said Charlie Cook, CEO of Liberty. "It's going to be part of their future employment. To have that as a kind of leg up to students who might not have access is an advantage.

"Somewhat from a selfish standpoint," he added, "we're going to need a certain segment of those graduates, and we're interested in keeping as many kids as we can in the community."

Superintendent Casey Kosiorek said the gift was timely. The district had recently cut a staff position from its library and New York's formula for aid to district continues to disportionately favor affluent suburban districts over rural districts.

"This allows us to do something that most of the school districts in the more affluent areas of the state are able to do," Kosiorek said. "We're very thankful for that."

That was part of what motivated Liberty to seek out a way to assist the district, said Jeff Cook, who initiated the talks with the district that led to the donation.

"The reason Liberty Pumps thought the Learn Pads were a good idea was that we hear a lot about how wealthier, suburban districts seem to have advantages over poorer, more rural districts in terms of course offerings and opportunities for their students," Jeff Cook said. "We were looking for a way to help give our students an edge while minimizing the overhead burden of the district and therefore the taxpayer."

Charlie Cook didn't want to reveal the total monetary amount of the donation, but it's roughly 30 percent of the cost of the 1,100 tablets, which cost a few hundred dollars each. That donation made Byron-Bergen eligible for a technology grant from the state education department that covered the remaining 70 percent of the cost.

There will be no new local spending as a result of the program.

The tablets are known as LearnPads. They are Droid-based tablets with modifications to suit the needs of an educational institution.  

First, there are limits on how students can use them. There's access to YouTube, for example, but they can only watch teacher-approved videos. They can only visit approved Web pages. They can only download and install teacher-approved apps.

Teachers control the entire LearnPad environment according to the education needs of the class.

From a desktop computer program, teachers can customize how the LearnPads can be used, develop each day's lesson plan, then provide a QR code that can be posted to a wall. As students enter the class that day or that hour, the student scans the QR code to receive the lesson plan. As class progresses, teachers can monitor student activity to ensure they're staying on task.

However, Kosiorek stressed, LearnPads don't replace lectures and class discussions.

"This is a great tool for students and for teachers, but it doesn't replace quality education," Kosiorek said. "It's a tool, it's a supplement, an addition to a teacher's toolbox."

There are educational books available on the LearnPad and Kosiorek said the district hopes to someday replace all of its text books with tablets. That would save the district money as well as end the days of one-ton backpacks and multiple trips to lockers for students.

And yes, there are games available to students. Math games and vocabulary games, for example.

"Many students have access to video games and those games are very engaging," Kosiorek said. "There are goals that are set and you work toward those goals, so whatever we can do to provide relevance and engagement for students (we will do)."

Every student, starting this week, gets a LearnPad, from kindergarten through 12th grade. The younger students don't get a keyboard and will just use the touch screen, but starting in about third grade, keyboards will be introduced.

At younger grades, the LearnPads stay in school -- at least until the summer, when they can go with the summer reading program already installed -- while older children can bring the LearnPads home for homework once permissions slips and guideline acknowledgments are signed.

"We're very excited to be doing it," Charlie Cook said. "I've got four grandkids in the system right now and when I come to an event, which I do as often as I can, it's amazing to me to watch these kids work with the technology, even what they have currently. I think even in preschool years, they were up operating the touch screen, so this is a natural progression for them."

Jeff Cook said he hopes other business owners will look at this initiative and contact their own school administrators and ask "How can we help?".

Education, after all, is everybody's business.

"My hope is that what Liberty Pumps is doing will gain traction in the business community and others will join in on supporting our schools," Jeff Cook said. "If you are a business that is passionate about something you would be willing to help fund or support, I would suggest talking to the school administration about your idea and see if it is feasible. 

"In the case of Byron-Bergen, they did all the leg work and presented us with their vision based on our ideas. This could be anything from supporting sport programs and class offerings, to equipment for the district. Anything that could enhance a student's learning opportunity."

Photo: Casey Kosiorek, left, and Charlie Cook.

Law and Order: Oakfield resident accused of growing marijuana

By Howard B. Owens

Daniel C. Frey, 50, of Oakfield, is charged with unlawful growing of cannabis and criminal possession of marijuana, 4th. Frey was arrested by State Police at 12:57 p.m. Friday on Klossen Road, Alabama. No further details released.

Jason A. Perry-Murray, 20, of Jackson Street, Batavia, was arrested on warrant for an unpaid parking ticket.

Juan A. Roman, 36, of Portland Avenue, Rochester, is charged with criminal contempt. Roman is accused of violating a stay away order of protection.

Caitlin A. Hayes, 26, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear on a parking ticket. Hayes was arrested following police contact on an unrelated incident.

Elliot R. Sandoval, 38, of Spencer Court, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Sandoval is accused of kicking another person in the back while that person was walking down a flight of stairs.

Joseph J. Kostanciak, 24, of unspecified address, is charged with petit larceny. Kostanciak is accused of shoplifting at Walmart.

Sanders A. Kelsey, 27, of Batavia, and Michelle L. Franks, 33, of Batavia, are charged with petit larceny. Kelsey and Franks are accused of shoplifting at Walmart.

Carol A. Bartucca, 55, of Stafford, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Bartucca was stopped at 10:16 p.m. Saturday on Horseshoe Lake Road by a trooper.

Jeremy D. Eck, 27, of Hornell, is charged with DWI, driving while impaired by drugs and unlawful possession of marijuana. Eck was stopped by State Police at 10:27 p.m. Sunday on Route 20 and Browns Mill Road, Alexander.

Lawrence E. Rutkowski, 50, of Orchard Park, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Rutkowski was stopped at 12:11 a.m. Monday on Route 20, Alexander, by State Police.

Brett F. Dieter, 36, of Basom, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing. Dieter was arrested following an investigation of an alleged incident at 8:10 p.m. Sept. 1 on Lewiston Road, Alabama.

Michael R. Sigl, 21, of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and possession of a hypodermic instrument. Sigl was arrested by State Police following an incident report at 3:32 p.m. Sunday. No further details released. 

Tyler E. Deleys, 20, of Corfu, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th, petit larceny and possession of a hypodermic instrument. Deleys was arrested on Hartshorn Road, Pembroke, by State Police following a report of an incident at 3:32 p.m. Sunday. No further details released.

Steven R. Ryan, 36, of unspecified address, is charged with DWI and refusal to take breath test. Ryan was stopped by State Police at 10:10 p.m. Sunday on Route 77, Pembroke.

Lindsey N. Burdick, 32, of Pavilion, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Burdick was stopped by State Police at 11:29 p.m. Sunday on Route 20, Alexander.

Todd L. Frocione, 50, of Syracuse, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Frocione was stopped by State Police at 11:51 p.m. Sunday on Route 20, Alexander.

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