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Today's Poll: Are you looking forward to the Batavia Muckdogs season starting?

By Howard B. Owens
Bea McManis

Tis' the season! Good luck to the team, can't wait to go to the games.
Howard, what are the chances of having a THE BATAVIAN night at the stadium so we can all watch the game and enjoy a picnic together - the cost each of us would have to pay shouldn't be a hardship on anyone.
Also, for FB folk, you can be a fan of the Muckdogs at…

Jun 17, 2009, 8:21am Permalink
Brian Schollard

The Batavia Clippers were an original club of the New York Penn League. They should have stayed with the clipper name,after they changed back from the Trojans. I never liked the Muckdogs I voted for the Thunder Bats. Anyhooo,,,Minor league ball is still fun to go and watch either here or in Buffalo.

Jun 17, 2009, 5:02pm Permalink
Russ Salway

Im looking forward to another great Muckdog season! I enjoy the game and all the friends that have become part of my baseball family! I hope we can keep our team here where it belongs for many generations. Here is a link for thebatavian people who also have a FB page and are interested in the Muckdogs: Thank you Howard for all your great coverage and its nice to know we can keep up to date information on thebatavian for the upcoming season!!! Let's Go Muckdogs!

Jun 17, 2009, 10:03pm Permalink

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