A caller at the Log Cabin Restaurant requests assistance for a distressed person in the water.
A first-responder reports the person is in about a foot of water and "pretty beat up."
The county's rope rescue team is requested to the scene.
Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments dispatched along with Mercy EMS.
UPDATE 6:03 p.m.: A chief request a check on availability of Mercy Flight.
UPDATE 6:08 p.m.: Mercy Flight #9 out of Buffalo dispatched. Landing zone will be the Indian Falls church.
UPDATE 6:11 p.m.: A normal rescue on the northside won't work. The victim is on the southside and the water is moving swiftly. A rescuer has reached the victim.
UPDATE 7:16 p.m.: The patient is in stable condition and Mercy Flight was dispatched as a precautionary measure. The patient became submerged, then came up from the water, clung to a rock, then was pulled under again by the current. He re-emerged about 50 feet down stream and was able to swim to the south bank. He showed no physical signs of injury.