The treasurer of the Parent Teachers Organization in Pavilion has been arrested, accused of stealing $40,406.10 from the group.
Cynthia R. Eggleston, 48, of Walker Road, Pavilion, is charged with third-degree grand larceny, a Class D felony.
It's alleged that Eggleston began writing checks to herself and depositing them in her own bank account to spend the funds for personal use starting in September 2013, shortly after she became treasurer. She allegedly continued to siphon off funds for personal use until this month.
Eggleston has been relieved of her duties.
She was arraigned in Pavilion Town Court and released under supervision of Genesee Justice.
The investigation was conducted by Investigator Kris Kautz, Sheriff's Office.
This is horrible. She should
This is horrible. She should be in jail not at home!?!?! What a disgrace to the Pavilion PTO, children & families she has hurt. She walked around school like she was something special the queen bee, huh now we all know why. She needed something to give her some power to cover up her wrong doing. May you live with the guilt eating you away & knowing that no one person will ever trust you again!
What ever happened to the PTA
What ever happened to the PTA? Why is it called the PTO? It doesn't even sound correct.
Ricky, instead of calling it
Ricky, instead of calling it an Association, they call it an Organization. Same thing, just different name
Why do people think they'll
Why do people think they'll get away with stuff like this? She literally signed off on her own paper trail the whole way through!
John, a rose is still a rose
John, a rose is still a rose by any other name. Why are people compelled to change things that don't need changing?
Jason, the answer is simple.
Jason, the answer is simple. Most criminals are dumb. The only smart ones are in Congress or are bankers on Wall St.
It sure would have changed
It sure would have changed the 1968 Jeannie Riley hit
Pavilion is known as a "farming community".
Therefore, the PTO designation makes a lot of sense.
The National Parent Teacher
The National Parent Teacher Association is, well, a national organization.
My guess is that to be a PTA you must be chartered by the National PTA, and that probably involves some expense that local parent-teacher groups wish to avoid.
Hmmm-she also is co-owner of
Hmmm-she also is co-owner of diner in Leroy on Main Street.......strange things happened w/similar organization(that the accused in story above) was involved in at the elementary school in Pavilion back around 2003,but nothing could be proven as it was cash(no paper trail).....
Bob, she was the co-owner,
Bob, she was the co-owner, but sold her share to the current owner and has nothing to do with the diner