The Kiwanis Club of Batavia, with the support of the Salvation Army, along with supporting volunteers handed out nearly 100 gift baskets to local families at the YWCA on Wednesday evening.
This is the first year local Kiwanians organized the holiday gift program for families identified through schools and social service agencies.
The holiday totes contained food, candy, toys, games and vouchers for a free turkey along with all the other fixings that go with a traditional Christmas Day dinner. The families also received a ready-made piecrust and the fillings for baking a pie. Children received winter gloves and a book donated by the Richmond Memorial Library.
Santa visited and children could share their wishes for Christmas and the family will receive a free 8x10 print of the children with Santa.
Financial support game from numerous local businesses.
Pictured are some of the people who helped with the project. From left, front row, Jeanne Walton, Jacob Lewis, Pete Guppenberger, Patti Pacino, Mark Lewis; Middle row, Patricia Kurtz, Katie Landers, Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Kristi Tretter, Jim Pacino, Mike Rimmer; Back row: Matt Landers, Cindy Baldwin, Jonathan Tretter.