Emily Tomczak is crowned Elba Onion Queen during the 2015 Elba Onion Festival on Saturday evening by outgoing queen Alexandra Lacey. Runners up, from left, are Cecilia Villanueva and Sierra Holland.
No word yet on who won the Mustang.
UPDATE: The Mustang raffle winner is Clyde Easton, of Oakfield. No word yet on whether Clyde is taking the car or the cash.

History my ass, you 'aint
History my ass, you 'aint YouTube Howard but I do like your blog.
OMG, French Onion Soup is the
OMG, French Onion Soup is the best thing in the world. Is the Purple Onion still in business on Main Street, Buffalo? I know most of y'all have never traveled over county lines but maybe a visitor from elsewhere has mentioned something at one time or another.
Why why why, george? Now I
Why why why, george? Now I want french onion soup. Real french onion soup...none of this crap with croutons in it. What is that?
It is the Cambellization of
It is the Cambellization of America and I don't like it either Lorie.
Howard, I am ashamed of you.
Howard, I am ashamed of you. Craigslist would never do that to me. Donald Weirdass said worse just a few days ago. I think you still have too much California in your bloodline.