From Marybeth Stefani:
I recently moved to Ross Street. My cat Mittens was always an indoor cat, but since moving to the new place she was eager to get outside, so we let her. She was only going as far as the neighbor's and would show up periodically throughout the day. We have been here for a month and a half. Well last Monday is the last I’ve seen of her
She is a female cat who is about 14 years old. She has a scar on her lower side (from a cat fight from before I adopted her). When she went missing, she was wearing a purple flea collar on which I had written her name and address. She is friendly but hides from people she doesn't know.
She could be hiding under a porch or even a garage, so I am asking people to keep their eyes out for her. She is a family cat and we are missing her terribly! I can be contacted by phone 585-297-7418.
I live on Ross as well... I
I live on Ross as well... I've seen a cat that looks very similar to this photo quite frequently lately near Bryant St as I've passed by. This one looks like a fairly healthy weight... And there's another much larger (heavier, taller) cat around that area as well. Maybe someone around there thought she was a stray (or maybe you live around there) and took her in. I'll keep my eye out.
Hi marbear long time no see.
Hi marbear long time no see.
Put some food outside and maybe some of her toys and or bed. If she is that scared of people she may be returning at night and being scared off during the day when things get busy. Give her some food and somewhere to hide that she is comfortable with, that way she is more likely to stay if she is returning at night.
I've heard that if you put
I've heard that if you put their litter box outside, they'll recognize the smell and come to it (as crazy as that may sound.) It's worth a try. Good luck. I hope you find your kitty. She's beautiful .
Cats like to take vacations
Cats like to take vacations in the Summer. I use to have a large male tiger cat and he would leave home for up to a month to visit his buddy who live down the street. I would walk down and talk to him to try to convince him to return. He would give me that look that said: Leave me alone. I will return when I am good and ready.
Thank you I will check out
Thank you I will check out Bryant St. area. I've tried tho whole litter box thing outside and no luck. She was returning home everyday several times so I thought she was okay outside...so it's weird she just poof was gone so I was afraid maybe someone picked her up even though she clearly had a collar on and was not a stray and of course there's the worse thing that could have happened but she was so skeptical about going in the street so I refuse to think the worse. I've hung flyers and called animal shelter. I've done all I can and can only hope for the best! I know she isn't coming back at night because we've been out there at night and if she was outside at night...she'd sleep on my patio chair and be awaiting me in the morning. I appreciate anyone thinking they may have seen her and telling me. She's like family and we miss her