The local outlet of the discount food chain Aldi's is closed for remodeling and will remain closed until Oct. 1, according to a handwritten sign outside the store's main entrance on East Main Street in Eastown Plaza.
There was no prior announcement of the closing and no details of the renovations in the store have been released.
Aldi's is based in Germany. The company has 1,400 U.S. stores and is planning on investing $3 billion in the states, and creating 10,000 more jobs. It plans to open 600 more locations in the U.S., making it 44 percent the size of Walmart. Walmart is reportedly Aldi's competitive target.
The U.S. division of Aldi's is based in Batavia, Ill.
If people went there or
If people went there or receive the Daily News,it WAS announced. There was a full page ad on the 29th,along w/ a $10 off $50 purchase at either Brockport or Medina Aldi's(which I used yesterday at the Brockport one)-the workers were being moved to other locations for the month......there also was a big poster on the window when you exited the store announcing the closing and re-opening date. Unfortuately,they won't be adding more space(due to VOA closing). Manager said all stores that have been open for 15 years get a remodel,said it usually only takes 10 days or so,but they had some extra things to do inside w/ this remodel.
I went there just a week ago
I went there just a week ago or so and didn't see anything.
I searched online and found no announcement.
They didn't send any notice to the largest media outlet in Batavia so they didn't do a very good job of notifying the community.
I shop at Aldi's frequently,
I shop at Aldi's frequently, and about 2 weeks prior to their closing, they were informing customer's of such. I missed the $10 coupon in the paper, unfortunately. Everyone I spoke to seemed to know about it. I'm anxious for them to open again ! Small store, with almost everything one would need, and short check out lines. I'm not a huge fan of the huge ''marts'' , though, I have to go every once in a while.
Yes they did The Daily News.
Yes they did The Daily News.
The only mention of Aldi's on
The only mention of Aldi's on the Daily News website I found was a 5 year old article "Corfu hopes to entice Aldi to replace IGA store that is closing".
Nothing about the temporary closure in Batavia.
I adore you, though I've
I adore you, though I've never laid a hand on you....I love euphemisms too Howard, you impress me more each day.
"They didn't send any notice to the largest media outlet in Batavia so they didn't do a very good job of notifying the community."
Especially your weight loss and second big scary looking dog and you have to put up with Billie until some younger hotter chick wants you to move with her to Buffalo or Rochester or god forbid Schenectady, the only city spelled so screwy that no one can spell it without a spell checker.
My daddy told told me to do this, so I do. He meant I should walk like a man , not that I should be an internet troll but he died before the internet existed in Batavia. We got it in Austin on AOL dial up though. But there was nothing there.
Ya know, George. I've heard
Ya know, George. I've heard tell that, when the 'high-society" people from Schenectady vacation at Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, MA, they just tell the 'locals' there that they're visiting from "a couple hours north of Rye".
Saves confusion, that way.