tndentionsionso keep increasing taxes, but combine redundant funcI am over 65, so my taxes aren't too bad. In fact, very good. But I caution every one that is eligible to vote in the very near future, to do so. Unless I am not understanding the Tax Rebate program correctly, increased taxes must be under the 2% cap the state has place . If not, we would forfiet the rebate.
I also live in the Pavilion School District. The last count, we had fewer that 800 children in the entire district. The proposed budget is 5,221,011.00, THATS $69,000.00 per student!!! Thats about what it costs to go to Yale.(Wink nod)
I am for public education. We all have a stake in it. I myself am a result of public eduction. I went to John Marshall in Rochester. We had almost 200 seniors in my class. Our scool alone had 1200 students. And yes, we did NOT have a Supertindent making more than the governor. Something will have to give pretty soon. Our population is aging, and the young people leave. The tax base is shrinking. The solution is not to keep increasing taxes, but combine redundant functions, including Superintendant. Every little fifedom in NY does not require their own Sperintendant and others. Remember to vote. And send a message.