Event Date and Time
2017-04-06T16:00:00 - 2017-04-06T19:00:00
Ascension Parish, Slomba Hall @ 17 Sumner St, Batavia, NY 14020, USA
Genesee Cancer Assistance will hold Joe Gerace’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner at Ascension Parish Hall, 17 Sumner St, Batavia, NY on Thursday, April 6, 2017 4PM-7PM. Please note the NEW location!
Adults $10, children (5-12) $5. Takeouts available. Raffles will be held on site. Funds raised assist cancer patients in Genesee County.
Complete details are available at www.geneseecancerassistance.com or by calling either the GCA office (585-345-0417) M-F 9AM-1PM or Fred (585-409-6486). Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door.