Event Date and Time
2016-07-14T17:00:00 - 2016-07-14T20:00:00
Ilette Park @ Stafford, NY 14143, USA
The Stafford Historical Society will be holding its 12th Annual Taste of Stafford event from 5 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 14th, at Ilette Park, located at the corner of routes 5 and 237. This fundraiser benefits the Stafford Museum of History and the Stafford Historical Society.
Featured will be: the famous Red Osier roast beef sandwiches; pizza from Shell’s Post; sundaes from Dave’s Ice Cream; beverages, pies & desserts from organizations and churches.
Included will be the Dairy Princess Court and a Theme Basket Auction. Music will be supplied by Mark Time Marchers: A Brass Marching Band.
The Society is featuring the New Veterans Monument Project “For All Who Served.” It is their desire to errect a monument in Ilette Park, honoring veterans from World War II to present. The museum will be open and we will have a display regarding the “Wars of the 20th Century.”
Bring your own comfortable chairs. Parking is free, and if we have rain, we will meet at the Stafford Fire Hall.