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Photos: Corfu Fire Department annual installation and awards dinner

By Howard B. Owens

Six probationary members of the Corfu Fire Department, all juniors and seniors at Pembroke High School, were recognized for their service to the fire department with the Service Person of the Year award. Collectively, they put in more than 800 hours of firefighter training in 2018.

The members are Casey Felski, Cyle Felski, Elizabeth Tebor, Megan Stiles, Ethan Librock, Jayden Eck and Dylan Lang.

In 2018, the department responded to 129 calls. Chief Brian Schollard said after the department fell just shy of 2,000 training hours in 2017 he set a goal of more than 2,000 training hours for the department in 2018. In 2018, collectively, members of the department reached almost 4,000 training hours.

To find out how you can join your local department, visit

Installation of Officers

Installation of Fire Police

Jim Mallory was recognized by the department and Assemblyman Steve Hawley for 65 years of continuous volunteer service.

Jacob Stiles received an award for completing the most training hours.

Candle lighting in remembrance of members who have passed.

Ethan Librock, one of the probationary members from Pembroke HS, made this wooden flag for the department in his woodshop class.

Zambito tries to balance punishment and rehabilitation in sentencing drunken driver involved in serious injury accident

By Howard B. Owens

In deciding how to sentence a 24-year-old from Oakfield who caused a serious injury accident while drinking and driving on Route 33 in Corfu on April 18, just weeks after a prior DWI arrest, Judge Charles Zambito said he had to wrestle with how to balance punishment, protecting the community, and providing the young man with the best chance at rehabilitation.

To that end, he decided that Jacob Szumigala should serve an intermittent jail sentence in the Genesee County Jail followed by five years under the watchful eye of the County Probation Department.

Nothing against state's parole supervision but Zambito said he believed Szumigala would be more closely monitored by local probation and if there was a violation, Szumigala would be returned quickly to Zambito's court.

"I'm more confident that this type of sentence will provide the community with more protection and you with more supervision," Zambito told Szumigala in Genesee County Court Tuesday afternoon.

Szumigala was stopped by State Police on Lockport Road in Oakfield in March and charged with DWI. With his driving privileges already revoked, Szumigala was driving through Corfu when his gray Hyundai Sonata was heading eastbound on Route 33 at high speed when it struck a Honda sedan.

That Honda struck a black pickup truck. The driver of the Honda, James Hoskins, of Corfu, suffered serious injuries -- considered so serious at the time of the accident that the Crash Management Team was called to investigate the crash in case the Hoskins didn't survive.

Assistant District Attorney Shirley Gorman said the injuries sustained by Hoskins are life-altering. She argued for a harsh prison term, especially in light of an alleged violation of Szumigala's terms of release while awaiting sentencing.

Szumigala's attorney, Tom Burns, didn't dispute Gorman's assertion that Szumigala tried to get high and when the drug was ineffective, he stopped taking medication to soothe his craving for alcohol and then got drunk.

"That decision to not only use alcohol but to deliberately use a substance intended to induce a high and then stop his treatments that he was authorized to be on and required by his treatment counselor," meant Szumigala deserved a prison term, Gorman argued.

"If there was a time in which you follow the letter of what is expected of you, it's while you're at the mercy of the court before sentencing. But within a month of his appearance, he used alcohol."

Gorman concluded, "how can anything here stop him from drinking other than state incarceration?"

Burns said everybody was disappointed in his client's relapse, including Szumigala. What separated Szumigala from many other defendants in a similar situation is that all the treatment Szumigala has been through -- in-patient, a halfway house, residential treatment -- have all been voluntarily, and other than the one relapse Szumigala's performance throughout treatment has been excellent.

"I was extremely disappointed in his relapse," said Burns, while several members of Szumigala's family sat in the first row of the gallery. "I know his family was disappointed in his relapse."

And unlike many other defendants, Szumigala isn't thinking just of himself, standing before the court expressing remorse over his addiction. Szumigala acknowledges the harm his actions caused other people.

Burns pointed out that if placed on probation, a violation would subject Szumigala to a potentially much longer prison term than available to Zambito under terms of the plea agreement reached in this case. Zambito later said Szumigala could be sent to prison for from five to 15 years if Szumigala violated his probation terms.

In November, Szumigala entered a guilty plea to aggravated vehicular assault and DWI as a misdemeanor and aggravated unlicensed operation. The DWI case in Oakfield is still pending and under terms of his plea agreement, he must plead guilty in that case.

Zambito said that if he sent Szumigala to prison, that would mean he would be taken out of treatment at the Oxford House, cause him to lose his job, and eventually return Szumigala to the community without treatment. That would mean, Zambito said, Szumigala would still be a potential threat to the community.

Szumigala will serve his intermittent jail term on Mondays through Wednesdays.

There is still the issue of restitution to the victims to be resolved and a hearing on restitution was set for March.

Law and Order: Alexander woman accused of driving while ability impaired by drugs

By Billie Owens

Julie Marie Neale, 37, of Alexander Road, Alexander, is charged with: driving while ability impaired by drugs; driver's view obstructed, uninspected motor vehicle, and failure to keep right. At 2:20 p.m. on Nov. 16, Neale was stopped on Oak Street in the City of Batavia following the observation of vehicle and traffic violations. Upon investigation, it was determined that Neale was allegedly operating her vehicle while her ability to do so was impaired by drugs. She was processed at the jail and released on appearance tickets and is due in Batavia City Court on Nov. 27. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong.

Dave W. Case, 60, of Corfu, was arrested Nov. 20 and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle, inadequate headlamps, and unsafe tires. He was arrested on Route 354 at Burrough Road in the Town of Bennington by Wyoming County Sheriff's Sgt. Colin Reagan following a traffic stop because a headlight was out. He was released to a family member and is due in Town of Bennington Court on Dec.17 to answer the charges.

Comptroller's office finds issues with Corfu's sewer service bookkeeping

By Howard B. Owens

Officials in Corfu neglected to properly manage budgets and accounting for the village's sewer fund according to a recent office by the state's comptroller's office.

The three key findings of the audit:

  • The board routinely adopted budgets that were not reasonably estimated, which resulted in operating deficits;
  • The board did not develop and adopt multiyear capital and financial plans;
  • The board did not annually audit financial records and therefore did not identify inaccuracies.

There is no accusation of malfeasance in the report.

The auditor found that the lack of realistic budgets led to a gap between actual revenues and expenditures. The board did not "adequately consider the effect that problematic cash flow issues and the formation of two new sewer districts would have on the annual budgets," according to the report.

The auditor said estimates were inadequate because the board anticipated the village would receive additional revenue from new sewer districts sooner and greater amounts than it actually did. The board also underestimated expenses.

The clerk-treasurer, according to the report, did not include a cash flow analysis in her reports to the board.

"In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer recorded that the sewer fund owed the general fund $61,0003 as of May 31, 2017, but she could not explain the purpose of these entries or provide evidence for their accuracy," the report reads. "As a result, we question the accuracy of her records."

These discrepancies would have been detected by the board with annual audits but board members told the auditors that the board did not hire a CPA annually for an audit as a cost-saving measure.

Annual audits are required by law.

The audit did find that sewer customers were billed properly and the proper amount of sewer rents were collected.

In a letter to the auditor from Mayor Joseph Johnson, the board said it would correct the discrepancies by adopting the auditor's recommendations, including drafting more realistic budgets, develop a multi-year financial plan, and hire a CPA to annually audit the district's financial records. 

Driver who caused serious injury accident in Corfu pleads guilty to vehicular assault

By Howard B. Owens

A 24-year-old Oakfield resident involved in a serious injury accident in Corfu in April is facing up to six years in prison after pleading guilty this afternoon in County Court to aggravated vehicular assault.

Jacob J. Szumigala also agreed to plead guilty to DWI as a misdemeanor and aggravated unlicensed operation.

As part of the plea deal, Szumigala must also plead guilty in Town of Oakfield on a pending DWI case.

Szumigala is out of jail pending sentencing at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 15 and must abide by court instructions and the agreement or statutory enhancements could be added to his guilty plea, which would mandate a five- to 15-year prison term.

There is no minimum prison term and Szumigala could receive a probationary sentence if he abides by the terms of the plea agreement.

On April 18, Szumigala was driving a 2008 Hyundai Sonata with North Carolina plates on West Main Street Road through Corfu when his car rear-ended a Honda driven by James M. Hoskins, of Corfu. Hoskins' car then struck a westbound pickup truck. Hoskins was seriously injured in the accident.

In court today, Szumigala admitted that his BAC exceeded .18 percent at the time of the accident and that he was driving recklessly.

A month earlier, Szumigala was arrested by State Police for allegedly driving drunk on Lockport Road, Alabama. That case is still pending in the Town of Oakfield Court.

Photo: File photo of April 18 accident.

Law and Order: Ellicott Street man charged with sex crimes against underage victim

By Billie Owens

Thomas Dale Young, 38, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with: criminal sex act in the third degree -- being age 21 or more with a victim less than 17; criminal sexual act in the first degree -- by forcible compulsion; and sex abuse in the first degree -- contact by forcible compulsion. Young was arrested at 4:58 a.m. on Oct. 9 after allegedly committing the crimes for which he is charged. Batavia police were called to a residence on Ellicott Street for an incident that had recently occurred. After an investigation, Young was arrested, arraigned and put in jail in lieu of $50,000 bail or $100,000 bond. He was due in City Court on Wednesday. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Felicity DeGroot, assisted by Officer Nicole McGinnis.

Susan Ann Samanka, 55, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with a sex offender registry violation. She was arrested at 10 a.m. on Oct. 10 at 4054 W. Main Street Road, Room #7, in Batavia following an investigation for allegedly failing to register her change of address. The registered sex offender was issued an appearance ticket for Town of Batavia Court and is scheduled to appear there on Nov. 1. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong.

Jamie L. Edenholm, 31, of Gabbey Road, Corfu. She was arrested at 4:13 p.m. on Oct. 5 on Richmond Avenue in Batavia and charged with: driving while ability impaired by drugs; criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree; possession of a hypodermic needle; criminal use of drug paraphernalia; and failure to keep right. The arrest was made after a car vs. telephone pole accident. She was issued appearance tickets and is due in City Court on Nov. 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Frank Klimjack.

Katty L. Jackson, 22, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree criminal trespass. She was arrested at 6:45 a.m. on Oct. 8 on Central Avenue in Batavia after previously being told she was not welcome at her ex-boyfriend's residence. She allegedly entered the residence and knocked at the interior door for an extended period of time. She was released on an appearance ticket. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Marc Lawrence.

Elena E. Vega-Vazquez, 36, of Washington Avenue, Batavia, is charged with: aggravated DWI -- with a BAC of .18 percent or more; common law DWI; and failure to keep right. She was arrested at 12:17 a.m. Oct. 5 on Harvester Avenue after a traffic stop for allegedly failing to keep right. She is due in City Court again on Oct. 17. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen, assisted by Officer Stephen Cronmiller.

Joshua D. Sumeriski, 33, of Buffalo Road, Alexander, is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. He was arrested after allegedly operating a motor vehicle at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 5 on West Main Street in Batavia without the owner's consent. He was arraigned on Oct. 8 in City Court and put in jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. He was due back in City Court on Oct. 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jamie Givens.

Janeen A. Young, 21, of William Street, East Randolph, is charged with petit larceny in connection with an incident which occurred at 11:20 a.m. on Jan. 3 at an apartment on Jackson Street in Batavia. Young was arrested on Oct. 5 on an outstanding City Court warrant. She was arraigned and released on her own recognizance. She is due in City Court again on Nov. 20. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Catherine Mucha.

Christopher J. Wiegman, 30, no permanent address, Batavia, is charged with failure to appear. He was arrested on a warrant out of City Court for failure to appear on Sept. 27 in court. He was due in City Court on Oct. 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen, assisted by Officer Chad Richards.

Brian P. Suttell, 41, of Lake Street Road, Le Roy, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana in the fifth degree. He was arrested at 9:20 p.m. on Oct. 6 on East Main Street in Batavia after police allegedly witnessed him smoking marijuana in a public parking lot in the city. He was issued an appearance ticket for City Court and is due there Oct. 23. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen, assisted by Officer Nicole McGinnis.

Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars invite you to eat at Denny's Wednesday in Corfu and find out about free money

By Billie Owens

Attention juniors and seniors at Pembroke High School, BOCES and home-school students and their parents and guardians: the third annual Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars Meet, Greet & Eat will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 10, at Denny's Restaurant in Corfu.

It is located at in the Flying J Travel Plaza at 8484 Alleghany Road.

Denny's will award 20 percent of all meal proceeds generated between the hours of 4 and 10 p.m. on Oct. 10 to Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars.

By attending, you can learn how to increase your chances of winning one or more of 17 locally provided scholarships, which range from $250 to $4,000.

Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars plans to award $13,000 in scholarships next June. The smaller graduating classes put ODDS of winning one or more of these scholarships from our organization in your favor!

In the last 10 years, Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars organization has awarded more than $65,000 dollars to 107 Pembroke graduates.

Grades count, in some instances, so do service, character and intended area of study after graduation. Scholarships are available for those interested in being involved in art, the medical field, health care, special education and much more.

Interested? Then contact Mr. Beahan in the PHS Guidance Office. (585) 599-4525, ext. 1922, or and please attend Wednesday's Meet, Greet & Eat at Denny's.


Dr. Paul J. Mroz, Treasurer, Corfu-Pembroke DFS

P.O. Box 72

Corfu, NY 14036

Quinn Audsley of Corfu named to dean's list at St. Lawrence University

By Billie Owens

Quinn D. Audsley, of Corfu, has been selected for inclusion on St. Lawrence University's dean's list for academic achievement during the Spring 2018 semester.

Audsley is a member of the Class of 2020 and is majoring in Sociology. Audsley attended Pembroke Central School.

To be eligible for the dean's list, a student must have completed at least four courses and have an academic average of 3.6 based on a 4.0 scale for the semester.

About St. Lawrence University

Founded in 1856, St. Lawrence University is a private, independent liberal arts institution of about 2,500 students located in Canton, New York. The educational opportunities at St. Lawrence inspire students and prepare them to be critical and creative thinkers, to find a compass for their lives and careers, and to pursue knowledge and understanding for the benefit of themselves, humanity and the planet.

Ed Arnold Scrap honored for support of regional recycling

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

At the Sept. 28 meeting of the GLOW Region Solid Waste Management Committee, Ed Arnold Recycling was recognized for its support of the GLOW Committee and its efforts, along with its overall recycling work.

Unbeknownst to the Arnold family, at its June 22 meeting, the Committee passed a resolution that noted, among other things, Ed Arnold’s valuable input to GLOW in GLOW’s formative years, the support they have given to GLOW’s efforts to promote recycling; and contributions to GLOW’s household hazardous waste collection from the time it began in 1996.

Ed Arnold takes numerous lead acid vehicle batteries and propane tanks each year at the collections at no charge to GLOW. Ed Arnold Jr. attended the meeting, not knowing why he was asked to attend.

Dan Pangrazio, GLOW chairman and Peggy Grayson, Recycling Administration, presented the award. Pangrazio noted that Grayson felt the award was essential that the company be recognized and Committee members agreed. Grayson added that at least in her 20-plus years with GLOW, and most likely since GLOW began in 1987, it was the only time such an award was given.

After Grayson read the resolution, Ed Arnold Jr. was presented with a recycled glass award with an inscription that read “In appreciation for contributions toward regional recycling efforts and assistance given to GLOW Solid Waste through the years” by Pangrazio and Grayson on behalf of the Committee. Arnold thanked the Committee and gave members an overview of how the materials collected are recycled.

Ten firefighters from six local departments complete basic rope rescue course

By Billie Owens

Press release from the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management:

Ten area firefighers from six fire departments successfully completed the Rope Rescue Basic course held at the Genesee County Fire Training Center on Sept. 17.

This 24-hour course prepares students for a wide variety of possible rescue scenarios.

Specialized rescue, search, technical rescue management, risk and priorities, use of ropes, knots and rope systems in a low angle environment as well as establishment of landing zones for helicopter operations were addressed. The program involved demonstrations as well as practice sessions.  

Congratulations to the following personnel:

City of Batavia FD

  • Stefano Napolitano

Town of Batavia FD

  • Joshua K. Boyle
  • Clayton A. Gorski

Bethany FD

  • Richard J. Klunder III

Corfu FD

  • Glenn J. Eck
  • Daniel Smith
  • Jacob D. Stiles

Elba FD

  • Michael Pfendler

Stafford FD

  • Dean A. Brooks
  • Randal J. Henning

Visit your local fire department to find out more about volunteer opportunities.

Corfu man pleads guilty to crime after receiving nearly $2K in benefits he was not entitled to get

By Billie Owens

Press release from the GC Department of Social Services:

Edwin Stancliff, 39, of Corfu, was sentenced to a five-month intermittent jail term in Batavia Town Court on Monday, Sept. 24, after pleading guilty to one count of petit larceny.

Stancliff was originally charged with grand larceny in the fourth degree and offering a false instrument in the first degree in June 2017 after an investigation by the Genesee County Department of Social Services revealed he had failed to report his receipt of NYS Disability.

He subsequently received $1,933.21 in assistance benefits to which he was not entitled.

Stancliff accepted the plea deal to the reduced charge of petit larceny and was sentenced to the five-month intermittent jail term, was disqualified from receiving cash assistance and Food Stamp (SNAP) benefits and has made full restitution to the Genesee County Department of Social Services.

Anyone wishing to report suspected cases of Welfare Fraud in Genesee County can contact the Genesee County Department of Social Services Investigation Unit at (585) 344-2580, ext. 6417 or 6416.

Free educational programs about dementia to be offered at Le Roy Village Green this fall

By Billie Owens

The Alzheimer’s Association® Western New York Chapter is partnership with Le Roy Village Green in Le Roy to offer a series of free educational programs this fall.

All classes will begin at 7 p.m. in The Greens facility at 10 Munson St. in Le Roy.

"Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia" kicks off the three-part series on Oct. 2. This educational program covers the basics about the disease and related dementias.

On Nov. 6, the second program, "Effective Communication Strategies," will help care partners of those living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia identify verbal and non-verbal strategies to more effectively understand and communicate.

The final program, "Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors," is set for Dec. 4. The program helps care partners recognize that behavior is a powerful form of communication and is one of the primary ways for people with Alzheimer’s disease to communicate their needs and feelings as the ability to use language is lost. However, some behaviors can present realchallenges for caregivers to manage. It will cover some common struggles and offer sound strategies to address them.

Additionally, the Chapter trains facilitators to lead several monthly caregiver support groups across the county, which allow caregivers to connect with others facing similar challenges and hear advice for overcoming them:

  • 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. – Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St. in Batavia
  • 3rd Thursday at 1 p.m. – Genesee County Office for the Aging, 12 Bank St. in Batavia
  • 2nd Monday at 2 p.m. – The Greens of Le Roy, 1 West Ave. in Le Roy

Telephone Support Group:

  • 2nd Wednesday from 12:10-12:55 p.m. – For more information, call the Genesee County Office for the Aging at (585) 343-1611.

Respite Available for Caregivers:

A community social program, or respite, is also available every month in Corfu. This program provides relief to those who care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia and offers them some time to refresh and recharge, while their loved one is engaged in social activities in a safe environment.

Indian Falls United Methodist Church at 7908 Allegany Road offers a respite service on the third Wednesday of every month. For more information, call Celinda McQuiston at (585) 762-9105.

To learn more about other Alzheimer’s Association programs and services, contact the WNY Chapter office at 1.800.272.3900.

'Pistol' missing in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens

Pistol has been missing from the Indian Falls Road area of Corfu since Tuesday.

He's a friendly pooch and greatly missed at home.

If you find him or know where he is, call Tom (585) 233-0095 or Danielle (585) 356-5592.

PCD Kiwanis to hold 11th annual Car Cruise and Fall Festival Sunday at Pembroke Town Park

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo of John and Charlene Drogi with their little grandson, Mason Gowenlock.

Press release:

The PCD Kiwanis 11th Annual Car Cruise and Fall Festival will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 16th, at the Pembroke Town Park, rain or shine. It is located at 8799 Alleghany Road (Route 77 next to the high school).

At 9 o'clock that morning, the 2018 Unique Dash Plaque will be revealed; cruise registration also begins at 9.

There is something for all ages: more than 40 vendors, food trucks, food booths, music, kids games and activities as well as a bounce house/slide for the kids.

This year a train will provide rides for all ages.

Usually, 200 cars register for the show and each year it continues to grow. If you would like to preregister your car, please download the application from for the discounted registration fee. Preregistration fee is $10; day-of-event fee is $15 per vehicle. (Includes free ticket for a hot dog and pop.)

Vendors…there are only a few days to complete the registration form and sell your goods at this awesome event. The vendor form is also available on the website.

Many people come to see the HUGE Basket Raffle that Crossroads House has at this event. There are more than 50 baskets. This year Kiwanis is going to raffle a party package that consists of a 10’x10’ pop-up tent, two XL quad chairs, a stainless steel tabletop grill, cooler filled with many goodies, and a $50 gift certificate from M&M Meats and Archery. There's also a unique Wine Raffle this year.

Trophies will be awarded for vehicles at 2:45 p.m.

Please mark your calendar, and if you need to register your vehicle, do so right away!

Any questions, please contact John Drogi at (716) 937-9918, or email:

Grand Jury: Man indicted for first-degree sexual abuse of Bergen girl, Stafford boy

By Billie Owens

Colin R. Wickings is indicted for first-degree sexual abuse, a Class D violent felony. It is alleged in count one that in late June or early July, 2016, in the Town of Bergen, that Wickings subjected a 9-year-old female to sexual contact. In count two, he is accused of the same crime for allegedly subjecting the girl to sexual contact by forcible compulsion. In count three, he is accused of endangering the welfare of a child, a Class A misdemeanor, for acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than 17. In count four, he is accused of first-degree sexual abuse for allegedly subjecting a 6-year-old male to sexual contact on Sept. 16 in the Town of Stafford. In count five, Wickings is accused of endangering the welfare of a child for acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the 6-year-old male.

Walter B. Hale Jr. is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated, as a Class D felony. It is alleged that on May 15 in the City of Batavia that Hale rode a 1984 Kawasaki on various public highways while intoxicated. In count two, he is accused of aggravated driving while intoxicated, as a Class E felony, for allegedly doing so while a child age 15 or less was a passenger. In count three, the defendant is accused of the crime of circumvention of an interlock device, a Class A misdemeanor, for operating a motorcycle not equipped with an ignition interlock device, which he was court-ordered to have. In count four, he is accused of reckless driving, as a misdemeanor. It is alleged in count four that he rode the Kawasaki in a manner that unreasonably interfered with the free and proper use of a public highway -- while intoxicated, traveling at a high rate of speed, failing to yield to an emergency vehicle, failing to stop at a number of stop signs, all while a child age 15 or less was a passenger. In count five, he is accused of endangering the welfare of a child for allegedly knowingly acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than 17. In count six, Hale is indicted for the crime of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class E felony, for riding the motorcycle when he knew or should have known that his driver's license was suspended, revoke or otherwise withdrawn by authorities. In count seven, Hale is accused of the offense of speeding, for riding on Washington Avenue in the City of Batavia May 15 in excess of the maximum speed of 30 mph. In count eight, the defendant is accused of failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of Washington Avenue and State Street. In count nine, he is accused of failing to stop at the stop sign at Washington Avenue and Summit Street. In count 10, he is accused of failing to stop at the stop sign at Summit Street and North Street. In count 11, he is accused of failing to stop at the stop sign at Ross Street and North Street. In count 12, he is accused of failing to stop at the stop sign at North Street and Vine Street. In count 13, Hale is accused of failing to stop at the stop sign at Vine Street and East Avenue. In count 14, he is accused of failure to stop for an emergency vehicle. It is alleged in count 14, that while operating the 1984 Kawasaki on May 15, that Hale failure to yield the right of way to a City of Batavia police vehicle blaring its siren. In Special Information filed by the District Attorney, Hale is accused of having been convicted of the crime of aggravated DWI, as a Class E felony, on Nov. 28, 2012 in Genesee County Court; and DWI, as a Class E felony, on Sept. 18, 2008, and those convictions were within 10 years of the crimes alleged in the current indictment.

Jacob J. Szumigala is indicted for the crime of aggravated vehicular assault, a Class C felony. It is alleged that on April 18 on West Main Street in the Village of Corfu that Szumigala committed reckless driving by operating a 2008 Hyundai Sonata with North Carolina plates in a reckless manner. In so doing, he allegedly caused serious physical injury to another person. It is further alleged that he was intoxicated and had a BAC of .18 or more at the time. In count two, he is accused of first-degree vehicular assault, a Class D felony. It is alleged in count two that Szumigala caused serious physical injury to a person on West Main Street while having a BAC of .18 percent or more at the time. In count three, he is accused of second-degree assault, a Class D felony, for recklessly causing serious physical injury to a person by means of a dangerous instrument -- a motor vehicle. In count four, he is accused of aggravated DWI, per se, as a misdemeanor for allegedly driving the Sonata while having a BAC of .18 percent or more. In count five, he is accused of misdemeanor DWI, for allegedly driving while intoxicated on April 18. In count six, the defendant is accused of first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, a Class E felony. It is alleged in count six that Szumigala drove while his driver's license was suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by authorities, and he did so while under the influence of alcohol. In Special Information filed by the District Attorney, the defendant is accused of having been charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated, per se, as a misdemeanor, in Oakfield Town Court. The suspension referred to in count six was mandatory pending prosecution April 9, 2018, for the violation of Vehicle and Traffic Law in Oakfield and was still in effect when he drove without a license on April 18 in Corfu.

Domingo Gomez-Gomez is indicted for the crime of first-degree rape, a Class B violent felony. It is alleged that in the Town of Alexander on April 28 that Gomez-Gomez engaged in sexual intercourse with another person by forcible compulsion. In count two, he is accused of criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, a Class D felony. It is alleged in count two that on May 4 in the Town of Alexander that he possessed a forged Social Security card with intent to defraud, deceive or injure another.

Jennifer A. Roskey is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, a Class D felony. It is alleged that on July 14 in the Town of Oakfield that Roskey possessed a dangerus knife or instrument -- a kitchen knife with an eight-inch blade, with intent to use it against another person. In count two, she is accused of second-degree menacing, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly intentionally placing a person in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury or death by displaying a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. In count three, she is accused of endangering the welfare of a child, a Class A misdemeanor, for knowingly acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than 17 years old. In count five, Roskey is accused of second-degree reckless endangerment, a Class A misdemeanor. It is alleged in count four that on July 5 while in a private vehicle on the Thruway in Erie County, that she engaged in conduct which created a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person. In counts five, six and seven, respectively, the defendant is accused of three more counts of endangering the welfare of a child, for acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of three children less than 17 while traveling on the Thruway July 5 from Genesee County to Erie County in a private vehicle. In Special Information filed by the District Attorney, Roskey is accused of having been convicted of aggravated DWI with a child passenger, a Class E felony, on Sept. 23, 2015 in Erie County Supreme Court, and this conviction forms the basis for count one in the current indictment.

Raymond J. Radley is indicted for the crime of first-degree criminal contempt, a Class E felony. It is alleged on in the first week of March in the City of Batavia that Radley violated a duly served Order of Protection by intentionally being in the presence of the protected party. In counts two through 10, he is accused of second-degree criminal contempt, a Class A misdemeanor. It is alleged in counts two through 10, respectively, that he contacted the protected party in violation of the court's Order of Protection, all in the Town of Le Roy: April 16 by telephone; April 16 by phone; May 8 by phone; May 9 by phone; May 14 by phone; May 16 by phone; May 7 via the website Plenty of Fish --- www.; first week of March, via Facebook Messenger/Video Chat; and last week of March, via Facebook Messenger/Video Chat. In Special Infomation filed by the District Attorney, Radley is accused of having been convicted of criminal contempt in the first degree, a Class E felony, on July 26, 2016, in Livingston County Court, and that conviction was for a violation of a stay away family offense order of protection and it was within five year previous to commission of the crime alleged in the current indictment,

Antonio M. McKinney is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated, as a Class E felony. It is alleged that on April 7 in the City of Batavia that McKinney drove a 2002 Mercedes-Benz in the Speedway parking lot at the intersection of routes 5 and 98 while intoxicated. In count two, he is accused of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, also a Class E felony, for driving while his license was suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by authorities. In Special Information filed by the District Attorney, McKinney is accused of having been convicted of DWI, as a misdemeanor, on Oct. 12, 2016 in the Buffalo City Court, Erie County, and the conviction was within 10 years of the crimes alleged in the current indictment.

Melanie M. Matesz is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, a Class D felony. It is alleged in counts one and two that on April 19 in the area of the Batavia City Court offices, located in the Genesee County Courts Facility, that she possessed a forged, fraudulent Order of Protection.

Jonathan E. Seiger is indicted for the crime of second-degree bail jumping, a Class E felony. It is alleged that Seiger was released from custody or allowed to remain at liberty, upon the condition that he would subsequently appear personally in Genesee County Court connection with a felony charge against him and that he failed to appear in court on Oct. 12 or voluntarily within 30 days thereafter.

Corfu, county may be heading to court in water dispute

By Virginia Kropf

It appears the Village of Corfu and Genesee County could soon be embroiled in a legal battle.

Relations between the two governmental bodies began heating up when the village received notice the county wanted to double the rates for water use.

Corfu currently has 22 years left on a 40-year contract it signed with the county, in which Corfu is paying 60 cents per 1,000 gallons of water.

The county says it needs the extra money because it miscalculated how much it would cost to provide water to the entire county, specifically the East Bethany area.

At a special meeting Tuesday night, attended by the village board and legislator Gordon Dibble, Corfu attorney David Saleh read a letter from county attorney Kevin Earl, in which Saleh said the word “negotiate” was glaringly admitted. Earl wrote that the deadline of Aug. 27 is fast approaching for design, bid specs, bond counsel and financing for debt commitments and cannot be delayed any longer by lack of a signed Corfu document.

He said 13 of the municipalities in the county have already signed the agreement.

If Corfu does not agree to the increase, the county has threatened to reduce the village’s sales tax allocation by the amount the increase would bring in.

For instance, in 2017, the actual voluntary sales tax allocation was $180,410 and the 2017 total Village of Corfu water consumption was 12,812,000 gallons.

The difference in the surcharge rate between $0.60/1,000 gallons and $1.20/1,000 gallons is $7,687.20, meaning Corfu’s sales tax allocation would be reduced by that amount – to $172,723.27.

This is money which would have to be made up by increasing taxes, said Mayor Joe Johnson.

Johnson is concerned over wording he found in the county’s contract, which he interprets as allowing the county to triple the rate.

“There’s no cap,” said village Trustee Tom Sargent. “It’s $1.20 today and in two years, what’s to stop them from increasing it again?”

One resident who attended Tuesday night’s meeting was Matt Steinberg, who called himself “one angry Corfu taxpayer.”

“If the county is going to put us over a barrel like this, they are going to earn it,” he said. “We have zero interest in funding someone’s water system way out yonder, and I for one am in favor of the village spending the money it needs for litigation.”

Steinberg said he would encourage every resident in Corfu to stop shopping or doing business in Genesee County if the county withholds money from their sales tax allocation.

Trustee Al Graham displayed a map of the county showing proposed improvements in red. He said there is no red in Corfu.

“We have paid for our system,” he said.

“When the county says it wants to renegotiate things in the contract that isn’t beneficial to them, that’s not fair to us,” Saleh said.

Corfu previously had its own water system, and when they signed the agreement with the county in 2002, the village was pumping 75,000 gallons of water per day. Now that the county is using Corfu’s system, they are putting 185,000 gallons through the village system a day.

Currently, neither Genesee County or the Monroe County Water Authority are paying anything for using Corfu’s lines. Graham said when the agreement was signed 18 years ago, the county was supposed to shut Corfu’s water plant down, but they are still using it.

Johnson said what the county is doing is extortion.

“They are taking a contract we signed which is good for our residents and forcing one on us which is bad,” Johnson said.

Graham alluded to the letter from the county which he says gives Corfu two options – sign the new contract or have your sales tax taken away.

“There is a third option,” Graham said. “Keep the signed contract we have. We do not want to fight with the county, but I don’t see how they think they can do this. We are elected to serve the people, and at our second public hearing, 100 percent of the residents there said, ‘Don’t sign.’ We’d be derelict if we didn’t listen to them.”

Graham said Corfu is being bullied by the county, and it is very frustrating.

“We are trying to be reasonable, but they are ignoring our requests to negotiate,” he said.

Corfu will schedule one more public hearing before proceeding with its lawsuit.

CORRECTION: A statement by Mayor Joe Johnson was misreported. In his actual statement, encouraged Corfu residents to stop shopping in Genesee County, not Corfu, if the County withholds sales tax residents. The correction was made in the story. Our apologies to Mayor Johnson.

Law and Order: Driver charged with DWI after accident on Lewiston Road

By Howard B. Owens

Antonio Diego Dames, 42, of Knowlesville Road, Oakfield, is charged with: DWI; driving with a BAC of .18 or greater; aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st; driving without an interlock device; and moving from lane unsafely. Dames was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Travis DeMuth into a one-car accident reported at 4:28 p.m. Thursday on Lewiston Road in Alabama.

Yahaira Ann-Marie Brown-Diaz, 19, of Bethany Center Road, Bethany, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs, unlawful possession of marijuana, and speeding. Brown-Diaz was stopped at 8:28 a.m. Friday on Maple Avenue, Bergen, by Deputy Ryan DeLong. Brown-Diaz was transported to the Sheriff's Office where she was evaluated by a Drug Recognition Expert.

Genna Lynn Miller, 33, of Center Street, East Aurora, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, failure to comply with traffic control officer, and failure to keep right. Miller was stopped at 12:16 a.m. Saturday on Alleghany Road, Darien, by Deputy Patrick Reeves after her vehicle's mirror allegedly struck a traffic control officer in the arm.

Matthew Paul Sunseri, 33, of Harlem Road, Rochester, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Sunseri was charged following an investigation by Deputy Mathew Clor into a disturbance reported at 10:50 p.m. Sunday in the parking lot of Darien Lake Theme Park.

A 17-year-old resident of Buffalo is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The youth was allegedly found in possession of marijuana by State Police in the Village of Corfu at 11:05 a.m. on Aug. 5.

Walter B. Hale, 65, of Oakfield, is charged with: felony DWI; felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater; failure to keep right; and moving from lane unsafely. Hale was stopped by State Police at 1:40 a.m. Sunday on Route 98 in Elba.

Casandra E. Holloway, 25, of Newfane, is charged with: DWI; driving with a BAC of .08 or greater; no headlights; failure to keep right; moving from lane unsafely and drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle. Holloway was stopped by State Police at 11:01 p.m. Friday on Colby Road, Darien.

Scott P. Rammacher, 42, of Lockport, is charged with DWI and impeding traffic. Rammacher was stopped by State Police at 6:35 p.m. Thursday on Route 77, Darien, for allegedly driving too slow.

Christian A. Dangelo, 28, of Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Dangelo was stopped by State Police at 9:44 p.m. Thursday on Route 33, Bergen.

Kyle J. Howard, 29, of Basom, is charged with criminal trespass. Howard was arrested by State Police for an alleged incident reported at 1:30 p.m., Aug. 6.  No further details released.

Law and Order: 53-year-old man accused of pushing and following pair of little girls in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Alejandro Chaparro, 53, of Braley Road, Ransomville, is charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child and two counts of second-degree harassment. At 9:29 p.m. on Aug. 4, following an investigation into a harassment complaint, Chaparro was arrested on Main Street Road in Batavia. He allegedly pushed and followed an 11-year-old girl and a 9-year-old girl. He was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and is due back there on Aug. 27. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Joshua Brabon, assisted by Deputy Andrew Mullen.

Paul R. Hogle, 53, of Vallence Road, Le Roy, was arrested on Aug. 2 by Le Roy Police Department and charged with one count of stalking in the fourth degree, a Class B misdemeanor, and one count of forcible touching, a Class A misdemeanor. Hogle was arrested after a complaint was received by the Le Roy Police Department that he had allegedly placed a GPS locating device on the victim’s vehicle and used it to find them at a later time. It is also alleged that Hogle had unwanted contact with the victim. Hogle was arraigned in the Town of Stafford Court and was turned over to the Genesee County Jail in lieu of $500 bail. Hogle was subsequently arrested on Aug. 3 for criminal contempt in the second degree, a Class A misdemeanor. On Aug. 3, Hogle allagedly violated a court order, ordering him to stay away from the protected party. It is alleged that on that date, knowing said order was in place, that Hogle made contact with the protected party. Hogle was arraigned again arraigned in the Town of Stafford Court and jailed in lieu of $10,000 bail. Hogle is to return to the Le Roy Town Court on Aug. 13 to answer all charges.

Jennifer Nichole Wenner, 31, of Wood Street, Batavia, is charged with: driving while intoxicated; aggravated DWI -- operating a motor vehicle while having a BAC of .18 percent or more; consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle; obstructed view; disorderly conduct -- urinating in a public place. Wenner was arrested at 1:58 a.m. on West Main Street in Batavia after an investigation into a disturbance at a gas station. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Jason Ivison, assisted by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Vincent M. Eschenlauer, 27, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with: driving while ability impaired -- combined influence of drugs or alcohol/drugs; leaving the scene of a property damage accident; moving from lane unsafely; driving a motor vehicle on or across a sidewalk; operating a motor vehicle on a public highway while using a mobile phone. The defendant was arrested after he allegedly fled the scene of a one-car collision on Route 63 at Jackson Street in the city at 7:09 p.m. on July 30. He is due in City Court on Aug. 15. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Michael John Reeves, 39, of Military Road, Tonawanda, is charged with: aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree; two counts of DWI; operating a motor vehicle with headlights; and uninspected motor vehicle. Reeves was stopped at 12:28 a.m. on Aug. 4 on Route 77 in Pembroke for allegedly operating a motor vehicle without headlights. Reeves was issued appearance tickets to answer the charges and is due in Pembroke Town Court on Aug. 28. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Young, assisted by Deputy Eric Meyer.

Patrick D. Powell, 32, of Manor Park, Rochester, is charged with: unlawful possession of marijuana; aggravated unlicensed operation in the second degree; inadequate exhaust; drinking alcohol in motor vehicle on a highway. At 1 p.m. on Aug. 3, following a traffic stop on Richmond Avenue in the City of Batavia, Powell was arrested on the charges. He was issued an appearance ticket for Aug. 21 in City Court. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Joshua Brabon.

Sharon Yvonne Sharman, 47, of Seven Springs Road, Batavia, is charged with driving while intoxicated and DWI -- operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .08 percent or higher. Sharman was arrested following an investigation into a domestic incident on Seven Springs Road at 3:12 a.m. on Aug. 4. She was issued an appearance ticket for Sept. 20 in Town of Batavia Court. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Matthew Clor, assisted by Deputy James Stack.

Aerielle Susan Davis, 29, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI -- first offense, and operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .08 pr more. She was arrested at 1:47 a.m. on Aug. 4 on West Main Street in Corfu following an investigation of a woman asleep at the wheel of a running vehicle in the village. She was issued an appearance ticket for Village of Corfu Court and is due there Aug. 20. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Eric Meyer, assisted by Deputy Erik Andre.

Dalton C. Kelly, 20, of Chase Park, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief and second-degree harassment. Kelly was arrested at 5:40 p.m. on July 30 in Batavia after a report of a male out of control who damaged property. He was scheduled to appear in court July 31. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Kevin DeFelice.

Nasir C. Nathan, 22, of West Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. He was arrested 7:45 p.m. on July 24 on Watson Street in the City of Batavia after he allegedly made threats toward a person protected by a stay-away court order against Nathan. He is due in City Court on Aug. 14. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jamie Givens.

Ahdeosun R. Aiken, 20, of Ellicott Avenue, Batavia, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. He was arrested at 10:19 p.m. on Aug. 3 on Walnut Street in Batavia after allegedly violating an order of protection during a domestic incident. He was arraigned in City Court and released on his own recognizance. He was due back in City Court today (Aug. 6). The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Jamie Givens.

Barbra Ann Nehl, 75, of West Main Street, Corfu, is charged with petit larceny. She was arrested at 4:52 p.m. on Aug. 5 at a retail store on Route 77 in the Town of Pembroke. She allegedly stole $37.70 worth of merchandise without paying and by passing all points of purchase. She was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Town of Pembroke Court on Aug. 23. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kyle Krzemien.

Michael L. Jackson Jr., of Maple Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. He was arrested at 4:13 p.m. on July 27 on West Main Street in Batavia after he allegedly stole items from a grocery store. He is due in City Court on July 14. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Christopher Camp.

Dustin Wayne Bogue, 36, no permanent address, is charged with petit larceny. Bogue was arrested at 1:41 a.m. on West Main Street in Batavia after it was alleged that he entered a convenience store and stole property. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Kyle Krtanik, assisted by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Taylor L. Finnin, 25, of 131 S. Swan St., Batavia, is charged with trespass. The defendant was arrested at 5:30 p.m. on July 29 on South Main Street in Batavia after he allegedly trespassed at a residence after being told he was not allowed there. He is due in City Court tomorrow (Aug. 7). The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Catherine Mucha, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Shane Eugene Dann, 41, of Swan Street, Batavia, was arrested Aug. 1 on a bench warrant issued by Batavia City Court. The warrant was issued after Dann failed to appear for a scheduled court appearance in regard to an incident that occurred on Feb. 18. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Lindsay Christopher, assisted by Officer Arick Perkins.

A 16-year-old female who lives on Astor Ridge Road in Amherst is charged with DWI-drugs and unsafe backing. She was arrested at 11:21 a.m. on Aug. 5 on Alleghany Road in Corfu after an investigation into a property damage accident at Crosby's convenience store. She was issued an appearance ticker for Corfu Village Court and is due there on Oct. 1. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Lonnie Nati.

A 17-year-old female who lives on West Utica Street, Buffalo, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. She was arrested at 11:30 a.m. on Aug. 5 on Alleghany Road in Corfu. She was allegedly found in possession of a small amount of marijuana during a DWI -- drug arrest. She was issued an appearance ticket for Corfu Village Court on Sept. 10. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Lonnie Nati.

Legislature wants more discussion about some towns not paying for library services their residents use

By Howard B. Owens

Local library directors are asking Genesee County to provide $48,000 in funding in its 2019 budget, which would restore the county's share of funding to 2011 levels.

Without committing, either way, several members of county's Human Services Committee on Monday questioned why towns in the county that don't have libraries aren't doing more to assist funding libraries since their residents certainly use libraries, whether it's the Richmond, Haxton, Corfu, Woodward, or Hollwedel libraries.

"You need to make a presentation to GAM (Genesee Association of Municipalities) because there are still significant portions of the county that are not contributing to the libraries," said Robert Bausch, chairman of the County Legislature. "I hate to say that certain people in certain towns are dumber than other people so, therefore, they don’t need libraries. I don’t think that’s true but the bottom line is, this has gone on now since approximately 1986, so this has gone on for 30 years and these other towns have not stepped up."

Suzanne Schauf, director of the Hollwedel Memorial Library in Pavilion, suggested that because of towns without libraries -- such as Bethany, Alabama, Alexander, and Elba -- aren't legally obligated to pay for libraries, any funding that comes from the towns could be precarious and subject to political whim.

Bethany, she said, used to make a contribution to the Pavilion library, but then somebody said the wrong thing to somebody, somebody else got mad, she said, and the funding was cut.

To secure more funding from these towns, libraries would need to recharter to incorporate these towns either in a library district or as part of an appropriate school budget.

That can be a lengthy process, though the Corfu Free Library rechartered as a school district library and became the Corfu Public Library in 2016.

Bausch was actually part of the committee 30 years ago that came up with the formula for the county to provide financial support to all of the libraries. The original plan was for the county share to be $60,000, or $1 per resident.

Over time, that share was reduced and is now less than $48,000, though the county's population is 58,000.

More than half the money goes to the Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia and though that is the largest piece of the funding pie, said Director Robert Conrad, it is the smallest portion of the library's revenue stream.

The county share is generally used for the purchase and upkeep of technology and purchasing new books.

The Legislature is asking that the topic be placed on the next GAM agenda.

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