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By Don Antinore

Please let me say Thank You LeRoy, Batavia and surrounding towns and villages.  You made last Saturday night a very special Irish extravaganza!

A packed house having huge IRISH fun with Don Bouchard and Rich Conroy!

If we are to succeed here at CAFE LEROY, it will on account of your patronage and interest in our "Retro Inititive."  Come visit us, if you haven't already.

45 Main Street      LeRoy or call for info     585- 329-7339


It's the Ides of March....Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and met his end.

Surely a big day in Roman History.....and so goes history.

LeRoy Guitarist Steve Reese will make history as he crosses the "mighty"

Oa-At-Ka to perform for music lovers who indeed love good & interesting music.


Join us at 7:30 on Tuesday evening,  March 15th to hear Steve share his talent and art with us as he plays familiar tunes, his own compositions and genius inspired improvasations .

You won't be disappointed, I assure you!

No cover charge for Steve's on stage performance.

Sit back in the candle lit "Back Room" Cafe, enjoy a hot or cold beverage and a pastry as you relax and savor this local man's musical talent.


and......don't forget to mark your calendar for the "RED HOT DISH" cooking demonstration on April 20th at 7:30.  $10 admission covers a generous tasting of the dish the Chef demonstrates and beverage at the conclusion.

There'll be time for the ever popular Q&A to help solve your kitchen crisises.

Recipes will be available, of course............4/20 @ 7:30

Early registration saves you 10% by April 10th.  329-7339




Don Antinore

For you folks who missed the Steve Reese 90 minute recital at the Cafe LeRoy, I'll tell you that you missed a really good, interesting and very listenable array of songs and improvasations! The Man is really good and creative with his style of music. He'll be back and I'll tell you just when that'll happen.....maybe you'll plan on coming in for a little while and relax to the creative music by a local LeRoyan..........

Mar 17, 2011, 12:25pm Permalink

Authentically Local