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Legislature updated on cases involving Western OTB CEO and lobbyist

By Howard B. Owens

Richard Siebert, a member of the Western OTB Board of Directors, used yesterday's Ways and Means Committee meeting to brief members of the County Legislature on the relationship of WOTB with George Maziarz and the status of Henry Wojtaszek, the organization's CEO.

Both have been in the news recently in connection with a criminal investigation by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

Maziarz is accused of shielding $95,000 in secret campaign payments to a former staff member. Wojtaszek, as part of the same investigation, has pled guilty to a misdemeanor related to paperwork that was filed, or not filed, by the Niagara County GOP Committee, which Wojtaszek once led.

News reports have linked Maziarz to Western OTB, but Siebert told legislators that's not entirely accurate.

The former 20-year veteran of the State Senate was hired as a consultant by a lobbyist that Western OTB uses, Patty Lynch, and Lynch has apparently used Maziarz to work on some Western OTB issues in Albany. 

Maziarz was not directly working for Western OTB, Siebert said.

"We made it very clear at our last board meeting to Patty Lynch that George Maziarz was to no longer to be associated with Western OTB," Siebert said. "We cleared that up. We have no relationship with George Maziarz. Technically, we’ve never paid him, it was just something that Patty Lynch did on her own."

As for Wojtaszek, Siebert said Wojtaszek had resigned as the Niagara County GOP chair in 2009, but somehow he was hung with a 2012 violation related to paperwork that wasn't properly filed.

Siebert, who is also the Republican elections commissioner for the county and chairman of the county GOP, said Schneiderman's office gave Wojtaszek a choice, plead guilty to a misdemeanor and be able to keep his license and his job running Western OTB, or face felony charges that would be tried in Albany, which could have mean legal bills well over $100,000.

At a meeting, the Western OTB board, which includes two Democrats, two Conservatives, and 14 Republicans, agreed unanimously, Siebert said, to support Wojtaszek. The board wants him to stay on as CEO, he said.

"Henry’s done a great job," Siebert said. "Our previous CEO never came out of the office. Henry is out there asking people what they can do better, what we can do better, what management can do better. He’s been a great morale booster. He has great contacts in Albany."

New tattoo shop opens in Alexander

By Julia Ferrini

Like most emerging artists, when Andy Carter was first learning his craft, he experimented with materials he had available to him at the time – crayons, markers, paint, a pen, a Walkman, and a toothbrush. All the tools necessary for an artist?

But Carter doesn’t just put ink to paper or canvas, well, he does use a “canvas,” just of a different nature – skin. The Pike resident is the owner and tattoo artist of Revelation Ink. The new tattoo shop, located at 10594 Main St. (Route 98), Alexander, is the goal he has been working toward for more than 20 years.

Although Carter had been drawing since he was 7 years old, when he was around 15 or 16, a “buddy” of his “got out of jail” and showed him how to make a tattoo gun. And being the creative sort, he made one out of a Walkman motor, a pen, a toothbrush, and sewing needles. 

“I just started tattooing my friends with this thing. Some of them still have the tats and refuse to get them covered up – though I have covered-up some of them. Back then you had to order this stuff (tattooing equipment) but I didn’t know where to get it and I didn’t have the money. So, I did what I always do, figured out how to make one.” 

It would be called a “rotary machine,” and he would wrap string around the needle to hold the ink for the tattoo that way. 

“I can’t even believe I did it. I did some pretty good ones for not knowing anything about it. Now I have professional equipment and am much better at it. 

“When I was in first grade, my mom’s friends babysat me and I would draw on their kids' arms with markers or Sharpies or whatever I could get my hands on. I just thought it was cool. I never thought about tattooing. One day my buddy’s dad came home and asked if I had ever thought about tattooing. I didn’t even know what it was. He brought me a tattoo (magazine) or Easy Rider magazine, I can’t remember what it was, but it had tattoos in it and I thought it was the coolest.”

When he was in school, he “loved evil things,” like “bones and skulls and blood.” He said he teachers would ask “Why do you draw stuff like that? Why not draw a pretty flower or something?” But, he didn’t want to draw flowers, until he met his high school Art teacher, Parry Ryan.

“She’s still the Art teacher there, at the Attica school, she would take my pictures and look at them and be like ‘Andy, that’s a beautiful skull, you should add a few more and put some more blood in there.’ She was just awesome. She didn’t judge you. She was just a great person.

“A few years ago, a friend of mine’s daughter texted me a picture she got from Art class, she took a picture…Miss Ryan still has my artwork up and she puts it on an easel when she is doing certain projects. That’s pretty cool, since the work was done 20 years ago. That’s pretty cool knowing that not everyone is judgmental about your artwork.”

When he was a child, his mom would buy him coloring books. He would spend hours coloring the pictures and tracing them out. 

“We didn’t have video games then, well…we had Atari, but who wanted to play Atari? That’s the only thing I had was my art. That was the only thing I was interested in.”

While tattoo artists consider the skin their “canvas,” Carter says the biggest difference is “You hurt people this way.” Getting a tattoo is not a painless process.

“It’s really no different for me, there are just different techniques that you have to use. It’s just like any other artwork when you go from watercolors, to acrylics, to oils, to colored pencils – to skin – it’s all different art. Tattoo ink is more like a water-based ink and it’s FDA approved, because it has to be sterile.”

While Carter had the desire to take the plunge and become his own business owner, he “had to wait” until his wife got out of college.

“I wanted to do something that I truly wanted to do and my wife has been incredibly supportive of me. She just wants me to be happy. I paint still and still draw, but I can make more money this way. You can’t make money as an artist unless you’re dead or have the right connections. Out here…I don’t have the right connections living out here, so tattooing is the only way that I can actually make a living doing my art.”

So he just decided to be an artist. 

While he says the jump was “scary” – going from a solid career to an uncertain one – the excitement of not really knowing what the next day will bring keeps the “creativity fresh.”

“I was put on this earth to make art and that’s what I’m going to do. I just wanted to be…I’ve always loved painting and drawing and once I discovered tattooing, I wanted to do that, too. I’ve been a woodworker for most of my life – the last 12 years. Now…I come here and hang out and draw on people all day. And I talk to people, that’s what I’m good at…talking.”

While Carter likes the process of coming up with a design, he does need to actually talk to a person about their ideas for him to come up with something unique. Chuckling, he had said it was “kinda hard” to draw something when he just gets a text with a picture that adds “I want this, but can you make it a little different?"

“I need a bit more than that. When someone comes into the shop with an idea…they give me a bit of background on the idea and why and I can take that and work up something that is meaningful to them. They give me ideas of what they like and such…it’s a fun process. It can be frustrating at times – getting it right – but when they walk out of here happy…I’m happy.”

His new venture allows him to meet a lot of different types of people and, depending on the tattoo, he can spend anywhere from a few minutes to several hours with one client. 

“I can spend five hours with one person, so I get to know the people and hear their stories and the things they have gone through or are going through. I get to meet some really awesome people and hear some really awesome stories.”

One customer had wanted a tattoo with butterflies and skulls, but the skulls she wanted “hidden” because she works at the school and didn’t want to “scare” anyone. And as an added challenge, it was a cover up. 

“Skulls are my specialty, but now that I’m 40 I really started getting into flowers and calligraphy and letters. I just love it. Flowers are awesome to do because they are so colorful, I hated them as a kid but now I like them.”

Although Carter views the skin as his canvas, the color of the “canvas” does make a difference with respect to the brightness of a color.

“Pasty white people are the best to tattoo because the colors just show up more vibrant.”

Then he began to tic off a multitude of other differences.

“Women have the best skin to tattoo because their skin is soft and the needle can penetrate the skin more easily. Men are tougher to tattoo because their skin is a bit rougher, but you can tell a difference in tattooing someone who does manual labor or works in an office. The darker you are…you’re not going to get the reds and yellows and whites in your skin, because it’s not really going to show up. So I’d generally use black.”

He also warns that just as tanned skin fades when it is exposed to less sunshine, a tattoo will fade if exposed to too much.

“Every time you are in the sun and don’t use something to protect your skin…it will fade over time. But, you also have to take care of them even for years after to maintain the color and quality of the tattoo.”

Additionally, because some colors, like yellows and whites, fade quicker than others, Carter tends to only use those colors for shading. Not only can he tell how colors will look on different skin tones, he can also tell how a session will go by looking at a person's skin. 

“Different parts of the body are more sensitive, like the ribs or elbows. I’ve had grown men in the fetal position getting their ribs done. Another guy fell asleep because it didn’t even hurt him. It also depends on your artist, too. You can have a ‘light hand’ or ‘heavy hand,’ most people say I have a ‘light hand.’ "

When clients told him he had a “heavy hand,” he would go home and tattoo himself to get back into the feel of a “light hand.” He also says it makes a difference as far as pain goes as well. 

“The one thing I don’t allow is drinking alcohol when I’m tattooing, other than the person may make a bad decision on the piece – it’s his will make my job harder because you will bleed more.”

He also recommends having a full stomach before getting the tattoo, saying “on a full stomach, it’s probably not going to hurt as bad. And it may not bleed as bad.” In addition to his verbal recommendation, he also provides a handout with the “Do’s and Don’ts” before and after getting new ink.

“When they leave here I want them to be happy with what they have and I want their tattoo to last. And for those who have never gotten a tat, do not get a big one for your first one. And not on your ribs. While any place is a personal decision, I do offer suggestions. Be aware of what you are getting into before getting a tat.

“Women and men are so different, too. A woman will send me a picture of what she wants and come back and change it up like 20 times before she decides on what she wants. But once that’s done…them women are tough as nails. They are hardcore to the bone. 

“Now men, they know what they want, where they want it – everything. But when they come in…they are the biggest babies when they come in, it’s funny. Women just sit there and take it. I love it, they have great skin and they can take it. It must be something with their genes or something, they just can’t make up their minds with what they want.” 

Healing time is dependent on the size of the design and the amount of color in the piece or the total amount of ink that’s used. He stresses that the most important thing to remember is to keep it clean. 

“Outlines heal up quicker than those shaded in. Remember, it’s similar to an open wound. Cleanliness is the most important factor. You can fix a bad tattoo, but you can’t fix a disease.”

While Carter says when he first opened he was concerned about not getting a steady paycheck like the other job, he’s gotten so booked up, he had to quit the woodworking job to be at the shop full time.

And of course he’s not complaining.

Revelation Ink is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. In compliance with New York State Law, clients must be 18 years old. ID required. 

In addition to tattooing, long-time friend Jassica Connolly works alongside Carter, but as a piercer. Piercing includes intimate and dermal piercing. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.

Check out Revelation Ink’s portfolio on Facebook or call (585) 689-2255 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Editor's note: The photos of Carter working on a client are by Autumn Raine Connolly.

New BEA director passionate about helping students find careers

By Howard B. Owens

Karyn Winters, a 2003 graduate of Pavilion High School, is the new director of the Business Education Alliance.

She replaced Beth Kemp, who is now director of the Business Improvement District.

Winters gave her first department review to the Human Services Committee of the County Legislature yesterday afternoon and shared some of the things she will be working on in the coming year.

Among the highlights: improving the process for students to apply and get involved in the job shadow program; an expanded agriculture summer camp; continued work with schools in Le Roy, Byron-Bergen, and Oakfield-Alabama, on a career agriculture program; a program in Le Roy and Byron-Bergen on adult life skills; and a program already in Elba and expanding to Alexander to assist students with developmental disabilities on job skills.

The summer ag camp, Winters said, probably won't change this year, because of the short time left until it starts, but she would like to expand it beyond a veterinary camp working with large animals, to include crops and tractor maintenaince as well as other ag-related skills.

"Agriculture is such a changing industry," she said, noting how technology is playing an ever bigger role in farm operations.

She said students today are much more attunded to what is available in the job market and are looking beyond just big dreams, such as, "I want to be a star in the NBA," but are more interested in making practical decisions. Part of her job, she said, is to help them explore career opportunities close to home, both what is available now and what is coming in the future.

Not all kids, she said, are looking to take the college path.

"There are students who love the hands-on experience with BOCES who are making great livings and they’re not digging themselves out of the hole of student loans," Winters said.

Winters was previously with Junior Achievement in Rochester and spent a year-and-a-half working in Wyoming County in prevention education.

She went to college to become a teacher and is education certified, but her career has taken her on the nonprofit route, which she said she's passionate about.

That passion, a passion for helping kids, and the fact that the BEA job was in her home county all attracted her to the position, she said.

"I often think there are a ton of resources for urban and suburban areas, but often times, rural communities kind of get forgotten," Winters said. "It’s nice to be able to provide summer camps and exposing kids who don’t normally get a ton of exposure to different careers. Here’s what’s available to you right in your back yard, so that’s a really nice thing."

BID announces annual awards breakfast

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Downtown Batavia Business Improvement District will hold its Annual Meeting & Awards Breakfast on Friday, April 21st
from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. (registration at 8 a.m.). At City Church Generation Center, 15 Center St., Batavia.

Overview of this year’s goals, announcement of newly elected board members, and presentation of “Spirit of Downtown” Awards. It costs $10 to attend. All BID members are invited.

RSVP by Monday, April 17th to the Downtown Batavia BID office at 200 E. Main St., Suite 12, Batavia, NY 14020. For further information contact Beth Kemp at 585-344-0900 or

Batavia Downs seeks taxing parity with other gaming facilities

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Due to the recent expansion of gaming in Western New York and the lack of tax parity amongst gaming entities, WROTB/Batavia Downs Gaming could potentially lose in upwards of 100 jobs in Western New York. WROTB/Batavia Downs Gaming currently employs more than 500 hardworking Western New Yorkers throughout 15 counties and two cities.

A bill that would create ‘tax parity” appears to be logjammed in the budget process. If a concession is not made, there would be devastating effects to the local economy as WROTB has returned more than $226 million to local governments, purchased more than $480 million in local goods and services, and is one of the largest employers in Genesee County.

Having created new state casinos and a hypersensitive business environment without leveling the playing field, potentially means job cuts here and additional loss for horsemen through Central and Western New York.

“We have been working diligently with state officials to create a stable plan for tax parity and are very hopeful this can be accomplished in the state budget,” said Mike Nolan, chief operating officer at Batavia Downs Gaming. “Other facilities have fewer restrictions placed on them. With new gaming competitors entering the market, we are looking to be on a level playing field.

"We want to continue to make facility improvements, satisfy our patrons and continue to provide employment to hundreds of employees that rely on these jobs to provide for their families. We urge our representatives in the Assembly, Senate and in the Governor’s office to give our employees the peace of mind that tax parity will ensure the solvency of our corporation moving forward.”

Smokin' Eagle host launch party for Rogers Beer

By Howard B. Owens

At the Smokin' Eagle BBQ & Brew in Le Roy, the owners hosted an official launch party for Rogers Beer, a beer created by a Rochester brewer and acquired by the owners of the Eagle.

Al Rogers started Rogers Beer more than 12 years ago and achieved some regional success, including 58 Main in Brockport, the BBQ restaurant there owned by Jon and Marc Marcello.

When Rogers told Marc Marcello he was thinking of getting out of the beer business because of growing family commitments, Marc didn't want see that happen so the Marcello brothers and Smokin' Eagle co-owner Jay Beaumont met with Rogers and soon a deal was in place for them to acquire the beer brand and recipes, and as an added bonus, Al Rogers agrees to stay on as master brewer. 

Rogers Beer is now based in Le Roy, though the beer is currently brewed at a facility in Honeoye Falls. But Jon said the goal is to build up the business enough to open a brewery in Le Roy. (Click here for more of the Rogers Beer story.)

Cedar Street Sales and Rentals in Batavia, owned by Guy Clark, sponsored the launch party and the band Free Beer played for the party.

Photos: Genesee County Home Show 2017

By Howard B. Owens

Lots of activity today at the Falleti Ice Arena for the Genesee County Home Show.

The show continues tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

To purchase prints, click here.

Vendors at home show about ready for opening this evening

By Howard B. Owens

Adam Steadman, with Henry H. Cook, mugs with a, um, mug, that's shaped like a toilet, in the booth for his employer, during set up for the Genesee County Home Show, which opens this evening.

The mug will be used as a candy dispenser at the Henry H. Cook booth.

Dozens of vendors have set up booths at the Falleti Ice Arena in Batavia for the home show.

The show opens this evening at 5 p.m. and runs until 9 p.m. Hours for Saturday are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Three projects on agenda for GCEDC board meeting

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC)  will take action on three projects at the Board’s meeting on Thursday, March 30.

Coach Tony's, a specialty sauce food processor, is seeking to build a new 5,000-square-foot building on three acres within Apple Tree Acres. The company has been operating out of a leased facility in the Town of Bergen. Coach Tony’s is requesting that the GCEDC Board accept an application for sales tax, mortgage tax and property tax abatements. 

The board also will consider approving a final resolution for tax exemptions in the City and Town of Batavia for O-AT-KA.  In 2016, O-AT-KA made a capital investment of approximately $20.9 million for a 200,000-square-foot warehouse expansion. The capital cost increased $850,000 and as a result the sales tax increased $68,000. 

Finally, the Board will consider a final resolution for approval of a GAIN Loan Fund for Jr. Maple, which owns and operates a maple syrup production farm in Batavia. The farm started with 800 taps, and has grown to 4,800 taps in just three years. The company is seeking a GAIN! Loan fund of $30,000 to purchase a more energy-efficient boiling system to enhance its operations.

The GCEDC Board meeting is open to the public and will take place in the Innovation Zone board room on 99 Medtech Drive starting at 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 30th.

Batavia Downs investigating complaint about new scent machines

By Howard B. Owens

According to a reader who contacted The Batavian, about a dozen employees at Batavia Downs had complaints about new scent defusers installed at the facility, but according to Mike Nolan, COO for Western OTB, only two employees were seen by doctors.

While the employees complained about the new machines, a connection between their symptoms and the machines hasn't been confirmed, he said.

Also, in response to the e-mail received by The Batavian, Batavia Downs is in compliance with regulations to have on hand material data safety sheets, he said.

Here's the full statement from Nolan:

Within the last week Batavia Downs installed a few scent air machines. They are widely used across the country in retail establishments. 

We did have a couple of employees complain of allergies during the week and went for medical treatment blaming the scent machines, no confirmation they were the source of the ailment at this time.

We do have MSDS sheets on site at the Downs and have offered them to the affected employees for consultation by their physicians.

We discontinued use over the weekend so the vendor can come on site Monday and make adjustments if necessary.

The goal is to create a great environment at our facility for Patrons.

Tompkins Bank of Castile promotes Le Roy resident

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Tompkins Bank of Castile has promoted Le Roy resident Melissa Stein to learning and development business partner.

Stein has been with Tompkins Bank of Castile for more than seven years, most recently serving as an assistant branch manager in the Retsof office. Her focus will be on retail training of employees and working with business partners with internal development requests. 

“Melissa joins the learning and development department with a strong banking background and a natural ability to teach,” said Laura Geary, vice president, learning and development. “She has been a great addition to the team.”

Stein holds a bachelor’s degree in Business from Houghton College.

She is a board member and treasurer of the United Way of Genesee County.

She and her husband, Jerrod, reside in Le Roy.

About Tompkins Bank of Castile

Tompkins Bank of Castile is a community bank with 16 offices in the five-county western New York region. Services include complete lines of consumer deposit accounts and loans, business accounts and loans, and leasing. In addition, insurance is offered through an affiliate company, Tompkins Insurance Agencies. Wealth management, trust and investment services are provided through Tompkins Financial Advisors.

Further information about the bank is available on its website,

L&L returns to tow business

By Howard B. Owens

L&L Transmission is back in the towing business.

Cameron Selapack admits, yeah, it's a nice excuse to get out of the garage and meet customers in the field, but he said the real reason for bringing back L&L Towing was it was becoming increasingly clear customers needed the service.

They needed another option and a way to save money, especially if they were bringing their car to L&L for service.

"We do offer a discount rate," Selapack said. "If they're bringing their car here, we'll definitely give them a break."

The towing service is available 24 hours a day and the available for any type of call.

L&L Towing can be reached at (716) 984-4870.

BEST Center offering cost-effective, flexible employee skills training

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Calling all businesses, employers and employees looking to conduct training for your organizations. Genesee Community College’s The BEST Center is rolling out a cost-effective, flexible 360 ̊ Training Option.

It will help you save money on training and people can attend right from their smartphone or computer!

Not only does The BEST Center (Business Employee Skills Training Center) hold new and in-demand courses monthly, as well as customize any training needs your company may have, but it is now offering a training option using a live, Web-conferencing tool where employees can attend training from virtually anywhere.

Whether it be from a smart phone, an iPad, a laptop, a workstation with a desktop computer, or one of GCC’s seven campus centers across the GLOW region (Batavia, Albion, Arcade, Dansville, Lima, Medina, Warsaw), your employees now have the option to attend training without having to travel.

As a result of the 360 ̊ Training Option, there are many cost effective benefits that coincide with this type of training as well. To learn more about this option and experience it live, register for a 15-minute presentation on Wednesday, March 22, at 10 a.m., or 1 p.m. by following the steps:

  1. Using either a smart phone, tablet, or Internet browser of your choice, enter in the website: (or use the WebEx APP)
  2. Enter in the meeting number to join. The meeting number is specific to which time slot you’ve chosen to attend:
    1. Session 10 to 10:15 a.m.   ID# 739 872 203
    2. Session 1 to 1:15 p.m.   ID# 731 126 015

      3. You will see a screen that says “meeting has not yet started.” Down below this message, click the box that says "Register."

      4. Enter in your information in the required fields.

      5. Click “Register Now.” 

      6. You will receive a confirmation email with the meeting password and instructions on how to join. Click “View Meeting Information” to review details, or        click OK to close out of the window. 

      7. Be sure to save this information to your calendar for the start date/time of the 15-minute presentation. Open up the calendar invite on March 22, prior to the start time, and follow the simple instructions provided to get logged in. If you have any issues registering or connecting, please call our office at #585-345-6868

Call us today to schedule your customized training! Whatever your training needs may be, we can offer you the BEST at The BEST Center via live classroom training, or our new 360 ̊ Training Option! View our open-enrollment course offerings here:

Follow us on Facebook @TheBESTCenter, Instagram @gccbestcenter and Twitter: @GCCBESTCenter

Darien Lake season tickets holders will have option for concert tickets this season

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Darien Lake, Western New York’s largest theme park, is expanding benefits for season pass holders by increasing its free concert offerings through its partnership with Live Nation.

Season pass holders will have exclusive eligibility for a limited number of free lawn tickets to three Live Nation concerts during the 2017 season, including Third Eye Blind on June 29, OneRepublic on July 25 and Goo Goo Dolls on August 12.

“We are always looking for ways to reward our most loyal guests and increase the experience value,” said General Manager Chris Thorpe.  “What better way to do that than to increase our free concert offerings for season pass holders?”

Season pass holders will present their processed season pass at Darien Lake’s Live Nation Portal located in the park next to the Grizzly Run attraction only on the day of the concert to receive their free lawn ticket. This benefit is first-come, first-served, and only a limited number of tickets will be given out. As these concerts are Live Nation events, all Live Nation restrictions apply.

Paying for itself in just two visits, a Darien Lake 2017 season pass remains the best value available to park guests. In addition to unlimited admission all season long, season pass holders will enjoy a free souvenir mug, free tickets for friends, free parking, free concerts and other benefits if they purchase and process their pass by May 29.

For more information on season passes, concerts or accommodations, visit

Empire Access hooks up first home in Batavia with its TV service

By Howard B. Owens

Brian Fiorella became the first Batavia resident with TV service from Empire Access today when a work crew completed the addition of the service to his home network.

It's been a long process for Empire to get the agreements and approvals in place with the city and state to start providing TV service to Batavia residents, so Empire executive Bob R. VanDelinder was on hand for the installation.

"It's exciting for us," VanDeinder said.

Dozens of people have already signed up to start getting TV service from Empire, even though the company just started advertising its availability.

The service is entirely digital and combined with broadband service gives customers the opportunity to access the full array of home entertainment services available online and from TV networks.

"Given that it's all digital, you have great quality," VanDeinder said. "There are still systems out there that are analog, cable-type systems, so you don't have the same quality.

"Being on fiber optics allows us to provide better service uptime," VanDeinder added. "With this service we're able to provide amazing digital TV service, HD service, DVR -- whole-home DVR, and we have a watch-TV-anywhere feature, which allows you to watch TV from anywhere in the world with an internet connection."

Empire is also the only community-based cable or broadband provider in the area, which VanDeinder said helps the company provide better service. You always reach a live operator when you call customer service.

For more on local service, visit the website for Empire Access.


Erik Rindell, a technician with Empire, making the final connection for the TV service at the home of Brian Fiorella.

Justin Wing, an employee of Brian Fiorella, Steven DeWitt, Empire Access, Brian Fiorella, Bob VanDeinder, and Tom Hare, Empire access.

Fiorella owns Fiorella's Technical Services, based in Batavia. The company provides service and installation for home entertainment systems.

Bidding set to open on STAMP infrastructure work

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) today announced that bids for infrastructure work at STAMP -- Science, Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Park -- have been released. A legal notice announcing the bids will be published March 20.

The GCEDC also will host a pre-bid conference on March 29 at 10 a.m. at the MedTech Centre’s Innovation Zone so that interested parties can ask questions about specifications for the bids and other relevant information, including MWBE requirements and the Project Labor Agreement (PLA).

“We are extremely aware of the fact that the funding for the infrastructure work involves taxpayer money and as such this is going to be an extremely transparent process,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO of the GCEDC. “We fully anticipate having shovels in the ground in a couple of months.”

Clark Patterson Lee is issuing the bids and will manage construction inspection for Phase I work for water infrastructure, including enhancements to the Town of Alabama water system. The engineering firm will also be issuing bids in the near future and managing construction inspection on roadways within the STAMP site and the main entrance off of routes 63 and 77. 

The firm will review the bids for the road and water infrastructure work and make recommendations to the GCEDC Board for approval.

Special effects artist opens studio in Harvester Center

By Howard B. Owens

Special effects artist Rashaad Santiago has set up a studio on the third floor of the Harvester Center where he can do work for his clients from all over the world as well as teach aspiring artists.

Santiago won the reality TV series "Face-Off" in 2014 for his monster-making prowess.

The studio gives Santiago a place where he can make costumes, masks, and props for clients, whether molded, sculpted or welded.

He said he's been getting work for movies, television and commercials.

He's also traveled on personal appearances to conventions and special events. He returned recently from Nashville where he was invited to provide a demo in monster-making.

He said he enjoys teaching.

"I love talking about this stuff," Santiago said. "I love being part of the process of watching somebody learn something new and then watch them work at it until they get it."

Currently, Santiago is running a four-week Wednesday night course. He will start a new course when he returns from his business trip. For more information or to sign up, visit his Facebook page or email him at

Tompkins Insurance has expanded staff on duty today to help with storm-related calls

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Tompkins Insurance has expanded staff on duty today  from 8 a.m. to noon to assist our customers with claims due to the storm.  In addition we are available 24 hours per day 365 days a year. Thank you for allowing us to be your trusted insurance advisor.

Tompkins can be reached at (888) 261-2688.

The YNGodess Shop celebrates five years in business in Downtown Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

It helps that 73 Main St. in Batavia has been a liquor store since the first day after the end of Prohibition, but Chris Crocker thinks she's found a special niche in Batavia that's helped her business survive and grow in its first five years.

"People in Batavia were asking for higher-end products and a whole different mindset on different wines," Crocker said. "And we have fun here."

As soon as Crocker took over the location and renamed it YNGodess in 2012, she started bringing in a broader selection of fine wines and over the five years she's become known among her customers not only as a place for great wine, but also for having one of the finest selections around of whisky, bourbon and scotch, as well as other top-shelf liquors.

"It comes from a passion for the business," she said, "but I'm doing it all for my 13-year-old son."

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