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'Calling All Dogs' owner accepted into international organization for dog behaviorists

By Howard B. Owens

Tori Ganino, owner of Calling All Dogs, in the Harvester Center, has been accepted for membership in the International Canine Behaviorists.

The England-based organization provides ongoing professional development for dog behaviorists and enforces a code of ethics and code of conduct and requires certification for membership.

Ganino said she believes she's the first member in the United States.

Bonduelle to expand plants in Oakfield, Bergen, add jobs

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Empire State Development (ESD) today announced frozen food processor Bonduelle USA Inc. will expand operations at its locations in Monroe and Genesee counties. The company is investing in new equipment and machinery at its facilities in Brockport, Bergen and Oakfield, which will increase production and improve efficiency at the three plants. That growth will require the addition of 22 new full-time jobs and will mean the retention of 340 jobs in the region.

Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Howard Zemsky said, "Bonduelle USA Inc.'s decision to expand their operations in New York State is a testament to the economic opportunities available in Upstate New York for companies that are looking to take their business to the next level. We look forward to seeing the company continue to grow and create jobs in the Finger Lakes.”

The canned and frozen vegetable producer is well-established in the Americas, operating several production sites including four in the United States, seven in Canada and one in Brazil. These sites are used to transform frozen and canned vegetables into a variety of canned sauces, baked beans, legumes and soups. As well as producing for major retail brands, the American subsidiary also markets vegetables under its own brands, including Arctic Gardens and Graves in Canada, and Bonduelle in Canada, the United States and Brazil. The company services supermarkets and catering circuits including restaurants, institutional food service and school dining halls.

Daniel Vielfaure, president of Bonduelle Americas Long Life said, Bonduelle is encouraged and excited to continue its business growth in the United States in which our New York State plants play an integral part. We are very pleased for the support and the commitment that the State of New York has for all agricultural businesses and we look forward to their continued support.”

In order to encourage Bonduelle to expand its operations in New York State, Empire State Development has offered up to $700,000 in performance-based Excelsior tax credits, which are tied to the creation of 22 new jobs and retention of 340 existing jobs. The total project cost is $20 million and Bonduelle expects the expansion to be completed by June 2018.

Supporting agribusiness is among the top priorities of the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council and the region's Finger Lakes Forward Initiative.

FLREDC Co-chairs, Monroe Community College President Anne Kress and Wegmans Food Markets CEO Danny Wegman, said “The FLREDC is strongly committed to supporting agricultural endeavors like this in an effort to grow jobs as part of the overall Finger Lakes Forward strategy. Agriculture is an important industry, a key driver of our regional economy, which is helping to bolster our efforts to ensure the regions vitality for years to come.”

State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer said, “Today's announcement by a major frozen-food processor to invest and grow in Genesee and Monroe counties is further proof that our agribusiness economy is strong. Bonduelle's expansion will create new opportunities and jobs for our residents. I commend the leadership team for their decision to help move our region forward."

Bonduelle has more than 13,500 employees worldwide. For more about Bonduelle click here.

Schumer uses stop in Bergen to raise concerns about rail safety and trade with Canada

By Howard B. Owens

Sen. Chuck Schumer was in Bergen today to talk trains and trade.

He's concerned about volatile sweet light crude oil being shipped from North Dakota by CSX on lines that pass through many populated Upstate communities, such as Bergen, and he's ready to get tough with Canada over new barriers to imports of dairy products from WNY.

He also answered questions about a potential wall along the border with Mexico, President Donald J. Trump's tax returns, immigration and high-speed rail.

"Even with the new oil cars, if the train is going faster than 25 miles (per hour) a big explosion will occur and that kind of explosion could occur on these tracks right here in Bergen," Schumer said. "Look, there are houses all around and businesses all around."

He reminded reporters of a derailment involving fuel cars in Canada few years ago that claimed several lives.

The fuel car issue has been on Schumer's radar for a few years, but what brought him to Genesee County today to raise the issue again was the derailment of a train carrying gun powder in Batavia during the windstorm in March.

As he held an enlargement of a picture of the derailment published by The Batavian, Schumer said, "as you can see it’s frightening to look at. These are large, large cars going at a very fast speed and if they had contained flammable materials they can be dangerous."

The fuel coming through Upstate New York in recent years comes from oil wells in North Dakota that tap reserves inaccessible until new technology changed the oil business. 

That has been a very good thing, though not without a cost, Schumer said.

"It's made us much less dependent on foreign oil," Schumer said. "It’s reduced the cost of gasoline and home heating oil and other things over the years, so it’s a good thing. But they don’t refine it out there in North Dakota. It gets on our rail cars and comes right across Upstate New York and Albany. They turn south and they go to those huge refineries in New Jersey."

According to this NPR story, the number of train cars carrying oil out of North Dakota has increased 4,000 percent since 2008. It was shipped by rail because, at the time these new fields opened, there was no other infrastructure in place to deal with the new supply of oil.

The trains can be a hundred cars long, Schumer said, and that's just too dangerous. If the oil companies won't voluntarily change the way they do business, then he wants the Commerce Department and Energy Department to write new regulations requiring oil companies to burn off the mixture of methane, butane, and propane that comes out of the ground with the oil.

The natural liquid gasses, stored in a confined space, are explosive if suddenly exposed to air and a spark.

The oil companies already do what Schumer wants in Texas, he said, without government regulation.

That's one reason, Schumer said, the economic impact of his proposal would be minimal and since the gas is going to be burned off one way or another, there is no additional environmental impact by burning it off in North Dakota instead of New Jersey.

Schumer believes bringing pressure to the issue can lead to change. He said his efforts have already led to rule changes that forced rail companies to ditch older tanker cars, what he called 1-11 cars, for newer, safer tankers. 

"We pushed very hard, and it hasn’t happened as fast as I’d like, but the law now is they have to get rid of all of these unsafe cars and put safer cars in.  More than half the oil cars now are now safer."

Schumer also wanted to talk about changes in dairy import policies in Canada that he said are hurting New York dairy farmers and in particular, O-AT-KA Milk Products, which employs nearly 300 people in Batavia.

According to Schumer, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau campaigned on a promise to protect Canada's dairy industry and has since started to implement measures that are closing the market to U.S. dairy products, mostly what's known as ultra-filtered dairy product, which is used in cheese production. O-AT-KA is one of 70 producers in New York and Wisconsin that are affected by the change in trade policy.

"I'm telling Trudeau to back off because it would just lead to a lot of trouble on both sides," Schumer said.

Canada exports some $260 billion in goods to the United States, and trade with New York includes $17.7 billion in goods being shipped to New York while it imports $12.6 billion worth. Top Canadian exports to New York include aluminum ($626 million), paper ($571 million), precious metals ($444 million), motor-vehicle parts ($417 million), plastics ($354 million).

Canada has a lot to lose in a trade war with the United States sparked by a fight over dairy exports, Schumer said.

"If they persist, they’re going to suffer with their exports, not necessarily with dairy, but with something else," Schumer said. "I am just adamant about this."

He said he was surprised that Trudeau has actually been pushing the issue.

"We didn’t really think they would go through with it at the end of the day," Schumer said. "We just thought it was a campaign promise up there, that they would realize the damage it would do to the Canadian economy if we started going back and forth, back and forth, but they’re persisting, so we have to up our game."

Schumer suggested Canada's actions are a violation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

"That shows you what a lot of good NAFTA does," Schumer said. "I’m glad I voted against it way back when."

On trade, Schumer said he agrees on a lot more with President Trump, at least the way Trump campaigned, than people might think. He's not a fan of the World Trade Organization (on the dairy issue with Canada, he said it would take the WTO six years to issue a ruling and dairy farmers don't have six years to wait); he opposed NAFTA out of concerns with trade imbalances with Mexico and losing American jobs to Mexico; and thinks more needs to be done to promote and protect American jobs.

"My position on trade, frankly, has been closer to President Trump than to President Obama or President Bush," Schumer said. "Now I just hope he follows through on all of it. That hasn’t happened yet."

Schumer does have reservations about Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico. Trump wants to put it in the 2017 budget, but Schumer said he needs to slow down and come up with a workable plan.

"Here’s what no one knows about the wall: A -- how much it would cost?" Schumer said. "Today we were told there it is an estimate of $70 billion. That’s a huge amount of money. Wouldn’t we rather have that money fixing our roads and bridges and everything here?

"Second," he added, "no one knows where it should be or what side of the river it would be on. The Secretary of the Interior, whom the president appointed, said he can’t build it on the U.S. side because it would cut off us from the river. We can’t build it on the Mexican side because they won’t have it. Maybe we have to build it in the middle of the river. There are no plans for it. So you can’t go ahead and allocate money until there are plans.

"The final thing is, eminent domain, there are tons of property owners who own land right up to the border. It would take forever to get their property and you might not even succeed in court. So instead of rushing it through, there ought to be a discussion about it."

On immigration, he said he is pushing for reforms in the H1B visa program because foreign workers should be paid less than U.S. workers.

He said he understands the concerns local farmers have about immigrant labor but didn't express much hope that anything will change soon to help them get the help they need.

He noted that last year, there was an immigration reform bill that Dean Norton, an Elba dairy farmer who was then president of the New York Farm Bureau, helped draft, that would have given farmers the relief they need, but it didn't pass and he doesn't think there will be any movement on it this year.

"We had a really tough bill and it got bipartisan support in the Senate but it never made it in the House," Schumer said.

As for Trump's tax returns, he said the president will have an easier time with tax reform if he is completely transparent about his own tax returns. He said Trump is no longer a private citizen and he should release his returns.

"He should do it because it's going to slow down tax reform," Schumer said. "Any proposal he might make for cutting something, people will say, 'is he doing that because it's good for the American people or is he doing it because it's good for his own real estate holdings?' "

The last time Schumer was in Bergen, it was to push construction of a high-speed rail line between Bergen and Churchville as a demonstration project. We've heard nothing about the proposal since then.

"We did get a big transportation budget and in that budget, there was money for high-speed rail," Schumer said. "The Republicans took out the money for high-speed rail. Now, this is an area where there is some agreement, if we could get a major infrastructure bill, there could be money for high speed rail.

"I know there is division here in Bergen about whether we should have it or not," Schumer added. "I would want to come back to the communities, but if people thought it was a good idea I would probably try to get the money."

For owner, new store fills a local retail need she identified years ago

By Howard B. Owens

If there had been a store around like "All About You'sd" (sic) when she was in high school, Kathy Allen says she would have been thrilled.  

She would have liked the idea that there was a place she could go to buy trend-current, name-brand clothes at a steep discount.

"I would have loved to have an Abercrombie sweatshirt but there was no way my parents were going to let me spend $125 on one," recalled the Elba native.

That's just one reason she decided to open her consignment shop at 102 S. Main St., Oakfield.

"If I had had a place like this when I was in my teenage years when I was making my own money and could spend it, I would have died to have a place like this," Allen said. "I also like the retail side of it. I like the retail management side of it. I like meeting with people."

Allen has a master's degree in Athletic Administration and Sports Management, but unless she is willing to move away from Genesee County, the job opportunities in that career field locally are limited. That's another reason she decided to go into business for herself.

The idea of a consignment shop had long been on her mind and the location she long thought would be perfect was the former photography studio on South Main.

It's 2,400 square feet with ample off-the-roadway parking.

"The first thing people say when they walk in is ‘oh, my God, this place is huge,’ " Allen said. "That’s the first thing. The second thing is ‘wow, you have really nice things’ and the third thing is, ‘I’m really surprised how it smells in here. It smells really good in here.’ "

Allen said she was determined that her consignment shop not come off as a thrift store or typical second-hand store. She's careful about what she accepts in inventory -- just quality items in good condition. Her 15 years working at Tops Friendly Market taught her about merchandising, which helped her plan the layout and displays.

A surprising number of items in the store have never been used.

"There are a lot of new things that people just bring in and say, ‘bought 'em, thought I’d wear 'em, here they are,' " Allen said.

One of the thrills of the business, she said, is "you never know what's going to come through the door."

The back of the store is filled with men's, women's and children's clothing, all clean and nicely arranged, but much of the store is given over to housewares, decorations, furniture, jewelry, accessories and other useful items.

There's also a room near the front that is mostly filled with locally made items, such as the booze bottles turned into lamps by Allen, and horseshoe art by a local crafter.

"I had a lot of local people who supplied me with some great stuff starting up," Allen said.

Le Roy gas station gets new owners, upgrade in service

By Howard B. Owens

Brad Lamie and Kyle Palmer are putting the full meaning of full service back into the full-service gas station they took over at 100 W. Main St., Le Roy.

The station, now known as Le Roy Express, was full service before, but since buying the business, they've gone beyond just pumping gas for customers to also cleaning windows and checking oil, if needed, just like the old days of the gas station business.

"I think (full service) is what draws people, especially in the winter," Palmer said. "Nobody wants to get out of their cars and pump gas."

Lamie, from Elba, and Palmer, from Pavilion, have been spiffing up the business, which includes a car wash, and have even invested in matching shirts for themselves and employees (though not for the Easter Bunny, who paid a visit today).

The duo met while working together at Townsend Oil in Le Roy and when their boss decided to sell his gas station, they saw it as an opportunity to go into business for themselves.

"We've both always wanted to buy a gas station and this became available so we jumped on it," Lamie said.

Ray Cianfrini retiring from practice of law

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Raymond F. Cianfrini, attorney, announces that he will be retiring from the practice of law effective May 1. Clients, friends and colleagues are invited to an open house at his office at 31 Main St., Oakfield, from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 28.

Cianfrini, who has been engaged in the general practice of law in Oakfield since 1972, recently reflected in a letter to clients:

“When I began my law practice in 1972, I never imagined that I would still be in Oakfield 45 years later doing what I enjoy. I have always considered it an honor when clients put their trust in me to assist them in resolving their legal matters. I would like to thank you for your confidence in me over the years. It has been a pleasure to assist you.”

DelPlato Casey Law Firm LLP (Attorneys Michael A. DelPlato and Peter M. Casey) will continue to serve Cianfrini’s clients at the office location at 31 Main St., Oakfield.

Next Start-Up Genesee event scheduled for Thursday at GCC

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The next START-UP Genesee Think and Drink event will take place at Genesee Community College (GCC) featuring small business resources and access to capital specialists. The FREE event is the fourth of series of networking opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business professionals. The event hosted by GCC will take place in Room T119 from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 20.

The program will include remarks by the following:

  • Barb Shine, a leadership development trainer and serial entrepreneur. Shine will offer highlights of GCC’s upcoming Small Business Ownership Series, a program recommended for all entrepreneurs as well as current managers of small business.
  • Peter M. Casey, Esq., who is a START-UP Genesee sponsor and partner at DelPlato Casey Law LLP and Batavia Development Corporation Board officer, will address legal considerations when starting a business.
  • Leanna DiRisio, The Hidden Door owner, and Sam Campanella, certified business adviser for the Small Business Development Center, will share their stories about starting and growing a business.

“The course was intentionally designed for the busy self-starter who might be wondering where to begin or for the early stage operator needing a little more guidance,” Shine said. “Our goal is to shape an action plan for your business initiative.”

“It’s vital to consider the business structure as you enter a venture and equally critical to protect your assets,” said Casey.

Representatives from local banking institutions will be on hand and other creative lending sources will be on display.

START-UP Genesee is intended to assist all types of businesses from early stage planning to site selection, access to capital and product development or diversification.

The Think and Drink series is sponsored by:

  • Canandaigua National Bank
  • Tompkins Bank of Castile Insurance Agencies
  • Feed Maxick CPAs
  • Merrill Lynch of Batavia
  • University at Buffalo New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, Life Sciences and Material Informatic
  • Del Plato Casey LLP

Consignment shop moves from Attica to Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

After opening a year ago in Attica, Amanda Dixon decided her consignment shop, Second Hand Heaven, might get more business in the bigger city of Batavia, so she's opened her doors at 315 Ellicott St.

The shop offers a wide range of used items for sale, from furniture and household goods to clothing and toys, as well as art, books and DVDs.

Owning her own business, Dixon said, allows her to keep her 2-year-old child with her during the day, which she couldn't do working for an employer.

Plus retail is a people business.

"The people I've met are amazing," Dixon said. "It's really nice. I like it."

O'Lacy's Irish Pub will celebrate 20th anniversary on Saturday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

On Saturday (April 15), O'Lacy's Irish Pub will celebrate 20 years of business in Downtown Batavia.

The all-day celebration will feature specials and giveaways. Live Celtic music will kick off at 8 p.m. by the Rochester group called "Himself."

The public is invited to come celebrate at the pub and enjoy anniversary cake, which will be served at about 8:30 p.m.

The celebration and band will continue until 11 p.m.

O'Lacy's is located at 5 School St. in the City of Batavia.

This history was provided by proprietor Kent R. Ewell:

In 1996, a small, single-story woodframe building (which was the former Darien Knitting Mill), was purchased and torn down. Soon a new building arose shaped and resembling a small Irish cottage and on April 15, 1997 O’Lacy’s Irish Pub opened for business!

Owners at that time, Kent and Nancy Ewell, decided to keep O’Lacy’s as authentic as possible. The menu (which had not changed much) featured American and Irish items as well as some very popular specialty sandwiches. The bar started with 12 draft beers but soon expanded to 16, which currently exist now. The beer is all “pushed” with nitrogen and their lines are only 14-feet long, which makes for a smoother cold one! Guinness is their featured beer. In 2010 O’Lacy’s won the Guinness “Best Pour” in NY State. Quite a feat for small-town Batavia! 

O’Lacy’s also created, organized and ran nine St. Patrick’s Day Parades -- the first and only St. Patrick’s Day parades in Batavia’s history. Along with the parades they have run several charity events through the years; donating to many organizations such as the Richmond Memorial Library, Crossroads House, Toys for Christmas, UMMC, Volunteer for Animals, and many others too numerous to mention.

Present owner Kent Ewell has held his own in the Market Place and has no plans for any extreme changes. He is proud of his staff, thankful for the friendly, quality patrons who enjoy stepping into a bit of “The Old Sod”!

Photo: By Howard Owens

Photo: Ribbon cutting for Batavia Bootery

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia Bootery, located inside Charles Men's Shop in Downtown Batavia, held its official grand opening last night. Cutting the ribbon, with Dave Howe and Don Brown, is Pete Zeliff, owner of local shoe manufacturing company P.W. Minor. 

For more on the store opening, click here.

Starting today, Downtown Batavia once again has a shoe store

By Howard B. Owens

When you step into the new Batavia Bootery, the experience will be top rate and you will find only quality shoes in stock, say proprietors David Howe and Don Brown.

The new shoe store at 210 E. Main St. is a joint venture between Charles Men's Shop (the establishment of Howe and Brown) and local shoe factory P.W. Minor.

The store's grand opening is this evening from 6:30 to 8.

"Quite frankly, P.W. Minor was looking to have a strong presence in their own community," Howe said. "I think Mr. Zeliff (Pete Zeliff, owner of P.W. Minor) has really made a strong commitment to the community and he wanted to make a commitment to Downtown. As proprietors of Charles Men's Shop, Don and I like anything that is going to help Downtown businesses."

Howe expects the new shoe store to draw on and expand the customer base of the 70-year-old clothing store, which Howe said has a strong local following, but also draws customers from Buffalo and Rochester.

But with limited space, Charles Men's Shop wasn't able to sell shoes to its customers.

"I think a good shoe store has been sorely lacking in Downtown," Howe said. "When Pete approaches us, I said I can't tell you the number of times people have come in to buy a new suit, whether they have a new job, are going to a job interview, a funeral or a wedding, and when we've finished packing the new jacket, shirt and tie, they say, 'I need a pair of shoes.' " 

Now those customers will be taken to Batavia Bootery, Howe said. There, both men and women will find a complete line of high quality, long-lasting, comfortable shoes sold by a knowledgeable, friendly staff. While featuring shoes from P.W. Minor, other companies shoes will also be available, to offer a price range from moderate to higher end, but all shoes from other lines are selected for their quality, comfort and foot health benefits.

"Our customer service is second to none," Brown said. "We're professionals. We got to all the big shows. You're not getting that kind of service in a mall or a big box store. The knowledge, you can't get that from a bunch of stars left by Millennials online."

Batavia Bootery will be the flagship store for p.w. minor, carrying every shoe the 150-year-old local manufacturer carries, including the new Abrams Boots line and the Batavia Boot and Shoe collection, both high-quality brands for the stylish dresser.

The store will also carry the same quality, orthopedic shoes that has made P.W. Minor famous, but in styles that have been upgraded to more attractive and fashionable designs since Zeliff took over the company and saved it from near closure.

Since Zeliff has taken over, he's moved production back to the United States from China and continues to hire more workers and ramp up production as the sales staff finds new customers across the country.

The craftsmanship of P.W. Minor shoes is really impressive, Howe said. They are made to last a lifetime.

"This is a wonderful example going forward of what can be done in America by American workers," Howe said. "I think that’s really cool. Although we’re just a tiny part of what P.W. Minor is doing. We’re really proud to be associated with them and what they’re doing to bring back American workers and American products."

Bids open for some demo work in STAMP project

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) today announced a new round of bids for site work at STAMP -- Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park -- have been released. A legal notice announcing the bids was published April 11.

The work will include: asbestos abatement and demolition of a former two-story residence at 6758 Alleghany Road; a former two-story residence at 6725 Crosby Road; a former one-story residence at 840 Crosby Road; and, two barns and removal of debris from a structure that was a former residence.

The bids will be unsealed and read at 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, at the Genesee County Economic Development Center, located at 99 Medtech Drive in Batavia. Bids also can be accessed by contacting Debbie Button-Vanderwall (585-402-7511) from Clark Patterson Lee, which is the engineering firm overseeing the bidding process.

“While we will not be conducting a pre-bid meeting; those interested in submitting a bid can arrange for a site visit to see the structures,” said Mark Masse, senior vice president of operations at the GCEDC. “It also should be noted that for this specific work the Project Labor Agreement will not be applicable.”

Batavia Business and Professional Women's Club seeks Scholarship and Service Award applicants

By Steve Ognibene

Press release:

The Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club is announcing its annual scholarship and Community Service Awards and calling for applications. 

Scholarships are open to all Genesee County high school seniors (male or female).

The students need to have maintained an 85-percent average, need to complete the one-page application and attach a letter of recommendation from a school staff member. The students will also need to submit a personal essay discussing their achievements and future goals as well as an essay from a parent. The application can be found and printed at the Batavia Business and Professional Women’s website: under the Giving tab.

All schools in Genesee County were emailed packages on this program in February. These included the eligibility requirements, guidelines and applications. Parents and students are advised to seek out their school’s guidance counselor/department to receive the needed information and application.

The Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club has established a scholarship for a returning student from Genesee Community College as well. The recipient is chosen by a college representative and the award is applied to their account in the fall.

Recognition is also given to two outstanding students from Genesee Valley Educational Partnership in a form of cash awards for their outstanding scholarship performance.

The Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club has given scholarships since 1961. The number and amount of scholarships given is dependent on the club’s annual fundraiser.

The Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club will also offer monetary awards for service groups in June. Deadline for both the scholarship applications and the service awards letters are to be postmarked by Friday, April 14.

Please share with your local service groups that they need to send a short letter requesting to be considered for our service award on service group letterhead to:

Batavia Business and Professional Womens’ Club Service Award
PO Box 1778
Batavia, NY 14020

Any questions contact Peggy Johnson through email at or 585-409-8769.

Investment trust announces purchase of Darien Lake Theme Park, retaining current management

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

EPR Properties, a specialty real estate investment trust (REIT), today announced the purchase of Darien Lake under an agreement that also retains Premier Parks, LLC, as the park’s operator and awards a 40-year operating lease for the New York park along with 11 other theme and water parks.

“Darien Lake has an even brighter future under this new agreement with EPR Properties as it gives Premier Parks new resources to grow and improve our theme and water parks,” said Premier Parks CEO/President Kieran Burke. “The new 40-year operating leases awarded in conjunction with this purchase give our parks much greater stability and investment in the years to come.  Our parkgoers won’t see any changes in the day-to-day operations of the park. It is business as usual as we enter an exciting 2017 season!”

The operating lease agreements impact 12 of the water and theme parks currently managed by Premier Parks including Frontier City and White Water Bay in Oklahoma City, OK; Darien Lake near Buffalo, NY; Wet ‘n’ Wild parks in Kapolei, HI, Palm Springs, Phoenix, AZ and Houston, TX; Rapids in West Palm Beach, FL; Wild Waves in Seattle, WA; Magic Springs in Hot Springs, AR; Waterworld California in Concord, CA; and Myrtle Waves in Myrtle Beach, SC. 

EPR Properties (NYSE:EPR) is a New York Stock Exchange publicly traded REIT with substantial resources, over $5 billion in investments, and a proven track record in the entertainment industry with assets in golf entertainment venues, megaplex theatres and ski resorts.   

“Premier Parks has been successfully operating most of these theme and water parks for many years,” continued Burke.  “In anticipation of the EPR purchase, we were able to bring four new parks under the Premier Parks management umbrella last fall including the theme and/or water parks in Seattle, Concord, Myrtle Beach, and Hot Springs. We are confident the new ownership will have a positive impact on each of our parks’ customers, staff and community.”  

Other parks not involved with this sale but also managed and owned by Premier Parks, LLC include:  Wet ‘n’ Wild Toronto, Canada; Clementon Park & Splash World, Clementon, NJ; Nashville Shores, Nashville, TN; and Ocean Breeze in Virginia Beach, VA.  Premier Parks also manages Elitch Gardens in Denver, CO for Revesco Properties. In total, Premier Parks manages or owns 16 U.S. parks and one park in Canada.

Fortune magazine names Edward Jones company #4 on list of 'Best Workplaces in Financial Services and Insurance'

By Billie Owens

The financial services firm Edward Jones has been named one of the country's Best Workplaces in Financial Services and Insurance by "Fortune" magazine and consulting firm Great Place to Work®, ranking as the No. 4 large company. It was also the top-ranked full-service financial firm among all 40 companies on the list.

Edward Jones has a Batavia office at 7 Jackson St.

Rankings for the Best Workplaces in Financial Services and Insurance were based on feedback from more than more than 62,000 people working at leading financial firms. Employees at recognized organizations report high levels of trust in their management and greater loyalty as well as camaraderie and pride in what they do.

Edward Jones associates also rated the firm highly on issues of leadership strength and integrity, opportunities for professional growth and support for work-life balance. In 2016, Edward Jones ranked No. 6 on this list.

Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company, provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm's 15,000-plus financial advisors work directly with more than 7 million clients. Edward Jones, which ranked No. 5 on "Fortune" magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2017, is headquartered in St. Louis, Mo.

The Edward Jones website is located at, and its recruiting website is Member SIPC.

Financial services firm Edward Jones ranks #19 on People magazine's premier '50 Companies That Care' list

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Financial services firm Edward Jones placed among 50 exceptional organizations on "People" magazine's first  "50 Companies That Care" list, jointly chosen by the magazine and the consulting firm Great Place to Work. The company has an office in Batavia at 7 Jackson St.

The outstanding companies were recognized for going above and beyond to create a caring environment for employees and for supporting them throughout their professional and personal lives.

Edward Jones came in at No. 19 on the list, which was based on more than 368,000 surveys from individuals employed by U.S. businesses across a range of industries. The 2017 "50 Companies That Care" also were selected based on the generosity of their benefits and charitable work, as well as personal accounts of the incredible impact these organizations have made on the lives of their employees.

Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company, provides financial services for individual investors in the United States and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the types of investment options offered to the location of branch offices, is designed to cater to individual investors in the communities in which they live and work. The firm's 15,000-plus financial advisors work directly with more than 7 million clients. Edward Jones, which ranked No. 5 on "Fortune" magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2017, is headquartered in St. Louis, Mo.

The Edward Jones website is located at, and its recruiting website is Member SIPC.

About People's "50 Companies That Care"

People's Companies That Care list highlights the top 50 U.S. companies with 1,000 or more employees that have succeeded in business while also demonstrating respect, compassion and concern for their employees, their communities and the environment.

To identify the "50 Companies That Care," People partnered with Great Place to Work® to produce the list using the research firm's extensive database and inside knowledge of outstanding workplaces around the globe. The list is based on nearly 370,000 employees' responses to survey questions asking them to rate how their companies treat them on a day-to-day basis. The list also takes into account employees' personal stories about the difference their workplaces have made in their lives and in their communities -- and the generosity of their organizations' benefits, financial donations and volunteerism. For more information, go to

Oakfield resident becomes account executive at Tompkins

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Tompkins Insurance Agencies has hired Emily Bosse as an account executive in its Personal Lines division. She is based out of the Tompkins Insurance office at 90 Main St. in Batavia.

In her new role, Bosse will be responsible for building client relationships and identifying methods to mitigate or transfer risk by creating customized insurance solutions for their organizations. She will primarily serve Genesee County and the surrounding communities.

Prior to joining Tompkins, she worked as a logistics associate for Office Max. Bosse obtained her bachelor’s degree from SUNY Brockport and resides in Oakfield.

Local financial advisor becomes partner in Ameriprise

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Council Rock Wealth Advisory Group, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., has promoted Mary Beth Fairchild and Anthony Mancuso to its ownership team, effective immediately.

Fairchild and Mancuso are two of the longest-tenured advisors with the firm, each with more than two decades of experience in financial planning.

Fairchild specializes in retirement planning strategies, retirement plan distribution, investments, tax planning strategies, women’s financial strategies and divorce financial planning. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) practitioner, an Accredited Portfolio Management Advisor (APMA®), and is a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC®). Additionally, Fairchild holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 registrations, NY State Life, Accident and Health, and is licensed and registered to conduct business in several states.

“Everyone’s path to retirement is different, so it’s important to have a financial advisor who truly understands your unique situation and goals – and that’s the approach we take with clients,” said Fairchild. “We’re deeply committed to serving the full range of their needs and providing an excellent client experience.”

Mancuso specializes in retirement plan distribution, retirement income strategies, and estate planning strategies. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) practitioner, a Chartered Financial ConsultantSM (ChFC®), and has an extensive background in tax strategies. Additionally, Mancuso holds FINRA Series 7 and 63 registrations, NY State Life, Accident and Health, and is licensed and registered to conduct business in several states.

“Our goal is to make it easy for clients to understand their entire financial picture, and make educated decisions about saving, investing and planning for their future,” said Mancuso.

As financial advisors, Fairchild and Mancuso provide financial advice that is anchored in a solid understanding of client needs and expectations, and provided in one-on-one relationships with their clients. For more information, please contact Mary Beth Fairchild at (585) 461-2280 or visit her Ameriprise office at 2280 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14610. And contact Anthony Mancuso at (800) 847-2332 or his Ameriprise offices at 113 Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 and 6622 Main St., Williamsville, NY 14221.

Volunteers sought to help at Visitor Center

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce’s new Visitor Center will operate with extended hours beginning Friday, May 26th, in time for Memorial Day weekend o- the “unofficial” start of the travel season.

The Visitor Center volunteer opportunity is open to any Genesee County resident or civic organization that would like to welcome our visitors, provide directions, or suggestions on places to visit or great places to eat. Volunteer shifts are two-and-a-half hours long and can be done on a weekly, biweekly, or as needed basis.

For more information – please stop by the Visitor Center at 8276 Park Road, or give Lauren Humphrey a call at 585-344-4152.

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