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Hearing set to subdivide Batavia Towne Center for new Kohl's

By Howard B. Owens

The Town of Batavia Planning Board will hold a public hearing Jan. 7 to consider an application for a subdivision of property in Batavia Towne Center.

The subdivision would make it possible for Kohl's Department Store to own its own property inside the shopping center, much like Target does now.

Kohl's would be purchasing the parcel from COR Development.

In June, the Genesee County Economic Development Center Board approved $1.8 million in new tax abatements for COR (on top of the $4.6 million in tax breaks COR received from GCEDC in 2006), ostensibly to attract new businesses that provide goods or services not readily available in Genesee County.

Kohl's is a department store chain that sells furniture, clothing, bed and bath items and other general merchandise.

The store will be located where Lowe's once had its garden center, just south of the new Dick's Sporting Goods.

To the north of Dick's will be a Five Below and possibly Marshall's; both are discount retailers.

In order for Kohl's to own its own parcel, the property currently owned by COR must be subdivided.

All subdivisions must go through a public hearing, which is a chance for the public to learn the facts of the project relevant to the subdivision and comment on the issue.

The same process was used to subdivide Batavia Towne Center for Target. A portion of the tax breaks secured by COR in 2006 are now applied to the Target property.

While it's possible for Kohl's to apply to transfer tax abatements received by COR to the new parcel, Rachael Tabelski, director of marketing and communications for GCEDC, said the agency has yet to receive an application for the tax abatements from Kohl's.

The hearing will be held at Batavia Town Hall, 3833 W. Main Street Road, Batavia, at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 7. Written comments will be accepted prior to that date.

Local farmers keeping an eye on falling corn prices over the winter

By Howard B. Owens

There's an upside to dropping corn prices -- higher profits for dairy farmers, which is a good thing in Genesee County, but if prices fall much further the impact on corn growers could be substantial.

Today, corn is selling for $4.25 a bushel, which is still high enough for a profit, said Craig Yunker, CEO of CY Farms in Elba. The cost of growing corn, he said, is at least $4 a bushel and as low as $3.50 for more efficient operations, so any further drop in price could put a squeeze on corn growers.

That could be a bigger problem in the Midwest, where corn is often grown on a much larger scale and without the crop diversity common locally.

"I think we could see a range of corn prices from $3.50 to $5.50," Yunker said. "Much depends on the demand in China and depending on the production around the world. At $4.25 we're right in the middle of that range."

The big beneficiaries of lower corn prices are dairy farmers, Yunker noted, and with dairy being a big part of the local ag economy, the current corn price is a big help to some local farmers.

Jeff Post, at Post Farms in Oakfield, agreed lower corn prices help local dairymen.

"A significant amount of our milk checks goes for purchasing feed, so when the corn prices are really high, we're definitely not as profitable," Post said. "We're fortunate that we grow a lot of our own corn, so we haven't had such a steep swing (in profits), but not every dairy farm can grow its own corn. Farms that rely on buying a lot of corn grain, it definitely has a bigger impact."

It would help, Post said, if soybeans would drop in price (soy being the key source of protein for dairy cows).

"From what I'm seeing, it's not trending down," Post said.

Corn has been in a bit of a bubble the past two years, trading for a period at more than $6 a bushel. What's happening now is likely a predictable market correction.

"We're coming back to normal," Yunker said. "The last two years have really been abnormal."

The big fear in the Midwest, where corn is king, is that farm land prices could see a big drop in value, threatening some farmers with insolvency.

It could mean the kind of farmland price bubble experienced by farmers in the 1980s, according to media reports.

Yunker doesn't see that kind of collapse coming, however.

"Farmers were much more leveraged (in the 1980s)," Yunker said. "When prices started to fall, there were no buyers for farmland because everybody was leveraged and couldn't buy. Now farmers are more balanced. There will be buyers because there are farmers who are healthy."

Locally, corn prices will have a minimal impact on farmland prices.

Post noted the same land in Genesee County that might grow corn can just as easily grow other produce.

Yunker, whose farm is diversified in what it grows every season, said he and his managers won't decide on the coming season's crops and how many acres of corn to plant until February. That will give him a lot of time to study what's happening in the international markets.

The big factors, Yunker said, are what happens in China and how the corn growing season does in South America and how much the Ukraine produces.

But the biggest factor is how much demand for corn there is out of China. That demand is effected both by how much meat the Chinese eat and how widely disease spreads through China's chicken farms.

If Chinese demand for corn drops, so will prices.

Recently, China rejected some shipments of corn, reportedly because of an assertion that the corn was genetically modified in a way not approved by China. Yunker doesn't think that's the real reason.

"I think it's because the prices went lower," Yunker said. "They're finding a reason to kick the load now. It's always a problem when prices go lower. People find a reason not to accept what they purchased."

If prices drop below $4 the impact on local farmers could become more severe because the cost of production is relatively fixed. It's a price local farmers will be watching closely over the winter.

"A lot depends on the demand in China and it depends on the production around the rest of the world," Yunker said.

T.F. Brown's, Lions, ready to serve annual community Christmas dinner

By Howard B. Owens

T.F. Brown's and the Lions Club of Batavia will host their annual community Christmas dinner Dec. 25.

The dinner is free to all.

There are two seatings available, noon and 1 p.m. 

An RSVP is requested by Dec. 20. If planning to attend, please call (585) 345-1000 and let Maud know how many people are coming, for which seating, and the gender, ages and first names of children.

Children will receive a present from Santa.

T.F. Brown's is located at 214 E. Main St., Batavia.

Pictured are: Tony Scalia, Joe Teresi and Michael Tomaszewski from the Lions Club and T.F. Brown's owner Rick Mancuso.

Torreys keep farming all in the family

By Howard B. Owens

This is the fifth in our series on Genesee County's farms and farmers. For previous stories, click here. (Obviously, I started this story in late fall and am only now publishing it. I've got one other story that I started at the same time as this and hope to finish in the next week).

When you farm 11,000 acres -- growing cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, cabbage, pumpkins, winter squash, onions, potatoes, carrots and tending milk cows -- you always have something to sell.

Whether you always have a buyer is another matter.

Each work day -- spring, summer, fall and winter -- Maureen Torrey arrives at the main office of Torrey Farms in Elba at 8 a.m. to start marketing the products grown on the farmland owned by her and her brothers John and Mark.

She talks to potential buyers not just in the Northeast, but as far away as Texas and California, trying to get the best price, and sometimes just trying to set a reasonable price, to move perishables before they spoil.

Torrey is a graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in journalism. She was a Cornell Extension agent for awhile then worked in merchandising for Chiquita for four years. The merchandising job gave her a taste of how she could contribute to the family farm.

"I realized I really liked the wheeling and dealing," Torrey said. "The markets are different every day. It's all by your gut. You're looking at weather patterns and what's available and what your gut is telling you. You look at whether to raise the market or lower the market and look at who's short around the country."

The roots of Torrey Farms goes back to the founding of the nation. In 1626, the Torrey family left England and settled in Connecticut. But the rocky soil of The Nutmeg State wasn't great cropland, so as pioneers moved West, so did the Torreys, looking for better farmland.

John Torrey arrived in Bethany in 1803, and while there are still Torreys farming in the Bethany area, Torrey Farms as we know it today began in 1948 when Elbert Torrey, the grandfather of Maureen, John and Mark, purchased the 375-acre Higley Farm in Elba.

Don't let the size of today's Torrey Farms fool you -- it's as much a family farm as the one with 100 acres and 40 cows. Besides the three offspring of Charles Torrey running operations today, Mark's children also work in management roles on the farm.

Jed is charge of grain crops, Travis, daily labor, Lucus, harvest and planting, Shannon, marketing and sales, Molly, human resources and Jordon in accounting and marketing.

"We're very much a hands-on operation," said Maureen, whose three daughters are all in college. Jill is at Cornell, Julie is at Florida State and former Elba Onion Queen Jamie is a freshman at the University of Arkansas.

The farm employs 80 workers throughout the four seasons and brings in as many as 220 workers for the spring through the early fall.

Most employees, as is the case in agriculture throughout the United States, are migrants and immigrants.

After the weather -- if not before -- ensuring the farm has enough labor to plant and harvest is the biggest difficulty Torrey Farms faces. Both John and Maureen agree on that point.

"More than 70 percent of all the food in this country is planted and grown by immigrants," Maureen said. "That's pretty significant. Without them, we'd be pretty hungry."

Yet, there's an endless supply of politicians in Washington -- and it's been this way since the 1980s --  seemingly intent on trying to make it as difficult as possible for farms to get the labor they need to feed Americans.

"Our biggest challenge is the labor, the immigration issue," John said. "You're always going to have the variables of the weather, but the last several years, what we're most uneasy about is immigration."

Fighting against hard-headed politicians in Washington has put Maureen Torrey on a national stage. She's testified before Congress and worked with both labor and agricultural groups trying to bring about sensible immigration reform.

It hasn't been easy.

"We're trying to get some people in Congress to stand up and be fair and do what needs to be done for the country," Maureen said. "They need to make strong decisions and stop worrying about elections. They hear from some advocacy groups, from people who are well organized and use social media and send tons of letters, but they need to look at the meat of the issue and see what it means for the country and who is doing the work and how it's getting done.

"We've always got to educate a new batch of congressmen," Maureen added.

Like just about any farmer you talk to, the Torreys have tried hiring native-born workers, but it never works out. After six hours, maybe two days, the domestic workers leave or don't come back.

The work is hard and dirty, and there are too many handouts from the government to it make worthwhile for citizens stoop and bend in farm fields.

Misinformation spread about immigrants sucking money from that same social services system is what drives border crack downs and makes it harder for farmers to bring in crops, Maureen said. People come here from Mexico to work, Torrey said, not collect welfare.

And often their wages get poured back into the local economy.

"They talk about (immigrants in) the schools, but this farm land and our housing all generate school taxes," Maureen said. "They're also the best shoppers for our retailers. Three weeks ago, 42 brand-new TVs went back on the bus to Mexico. Talk to the store owners in Albion. They love these guys. It makes their business for them."

Photos: Annual Taste of the Holidays in Downtown Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Friday night was the first night of Taste of the Holidays. The festivities included a chance for visitors to the tent on Jackson Street to sample food from area restaurants and visit with other vendors. Bus rides to the Holland Land Museum Office to see the Wonderland of Trees were also part of the event.

The event continues today from noon to 3 p.m. and will include carriage rides and a scavenger hunt.

Children can also visit Santa today in City Centre.

Photo: Repairs on water line break on Center Street

By Howard B. Owens

A private contractor is working on a water line on Center Street today. The line broke Saturday afternoon. The line runs into Center Street Smoke House and for most of the day, the city has been able to provide water to the restaurant. The restaurant is expected to be open for business this evening.

UPDATE: Water service was fully restored at 5:30 p.m.

Alpina introdcues new flavors of Greek yogurt

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Alpina is expanding their two popular Greek yogurt lines with the addition of new flavor varieties. The new flavors enhance the company’s line of all-natural yogurts that are created using an authentic straining process, and are the combination of the simplest ingredients: milk, active bacteria cultures, and fruit.

Alpina Greek yogurt line will now offer three new flavor varieties: Pineapple, Raspberry, and Key Lime Pie. The Alpina Greek with Artisan Granola line welcomes Pineapple with Tropical Chia Granola, Raspberry with Super Foods Granola, and Black Cherry with Super Foods Granola.

All new flavor varieties for both Alpina Greek and Alpina Greek with Artisan Granola lines will be available in select stores beginning December 2013.

Alpina Foods’ Alpina Greek is an all-natural, authentically strained Greek yogurt made entirely from natural ingredients with no artificial thickeners or flavoring and up to one third less sugar than leading competitors. Alpina Greek is a fruit-on-the-bottom style yogurt available in nine flavors: blueberry, strawberry, vanilla bean, mango, peach, and now available in key lime pie, pineapple, and raspberry.

Alpina Foods’ Alpina Greek with Artisan Granola yogurt line is the same all-natural, authentically strained Greek yogurt but comes paired with certified gluten-free granola mix-ins. The granolas are a unique, proprietary blend of nuts, grains, and seeds created by a health and wellness chef and prepared by Udi’s Gluten Free.

Alpina Greek with Artisan Granolas is available in nine flavors: blueberry with almond berry granola, strawberry with almond berry granola, vanilla bean with chai spices granola, honey with chai spices granola, mango with tropical chia granola, peach with tropical chia granola, plain with superfoods granola, and now available in pineapple with tropical chia granola, raspberry with super foods granola, and black cherry with super foods granola.

“Expanding our Greek yogurt lines allows us to continue satisfying the consumers growing demand for healthy and wholesome, all-natural yogurt options,” says Gustavo Badino, Alpina Foods’ General Manager. “The holiday season is the perfect time for us to be adding several new and exciting flavor varieties to our already extensive product line as consumers are seeking out snacks that are fulfilling and indulgent without the guilt.”

Alpina brand yogurts are currently available in a wide variety of retailers throughout the U.S., including Wegmans Food Markets; Duane Reade; Delhaize Group stores Hannaford and Food Lion; as well as ShopRite and other national and regional food retailers. Alpina yogurts are distributed by KeHE Distributors, Lipari Foods in the Midwest and Dora’s Naturals in New York. For a full list of retailers, visit

Be of good cheer: Shop locally for the holidays

By Howard B. Owens

Here's a great alternative to Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Shop locally.

There are any number of local businesses that help you meet your gift-giving needs -- even gift certificates from local restaurants can make a great stocking stuff, not to mention the great locally owned retail outlets in town.

When you shop local, more of your dollars stay locally to help boost the local economy and you're supporting businesses that do so much more than out-of-state-based chains to support local civic groups and schools.

On this page are ads for more than 130 local businesses. Check out what they have to offer. 

Adam Miller Toy & Bicycles
Alabama Hotel
Alberty Drug Store
Alex's Place
Alli's Cones and Dogs
Baker's Frontier Kitchens
Barrett's Batavia Marine and Sporting Supplies
Batavia Downs
Batavia Eats
Batavia Gold Rush
Batavia Tailors & Cleaners
Bill Fox and Son Construction & Remodeling
Beds 'n' Bones Pet Lodge
Belhaven Kennels
Ben's Kitchens, Baths, & Appliances
Blue Pearl Yoga
Bohn's Restaurant
Bontrager's Real Estate
Bourbon & Burger Co.
Brighton Securities
B-Town Yellow Taxi
Bubba's Landscaping
Casa Del Taco
CB Beach Mortuary
Cedar St. Sales and Rentals
Center Street Smokehouse
Chesley's Auto
Clor's Meat Market, BBQ & Catering
The Color Salon
Continental School of Beauty
Council Opticians
Crazy Cheap Cars
D&R Depot Restaurant
Dan's Tire
Daphne's Restaurant & Lounge
Darien Auto Parts
Deep Blue Pool & Spa
Derrick Monument Company
Detail Shop (Pellegrino's)
Empire Tractor
The Enchanted Florist
Falcone Family Funeral & Cremation Service, Inc.
Falleti Motors
Fastec Automotive
Ficarella's Pizzeria
Ficarella's Backflow Testing
Foxprowl Collectibles
Foxy Construction
Floral Fantasies
Frankly Design
Genesee County Emergency Services
Genesee Dental Group
Genesee Graphics
Genesee Orthopaedics
Godfrey's Pond
Greens of LeRoy
Greg'ry's Bakery
H.E. Turner & Co.
Hair Studio 25
Hardcor Audio
Harrington's Produce
High Voltage Tattoo
Hot Shots Caffe
Housing Council at Pathstone
Hot Heads
Humphrey's Electric & Security
Insource Urgent Care
I.R. Systems
The Insurance Center
J. Leonard McAndrew
Jagged Edges Salon
John's Service Station
Karen's Yarn Paper Scissors
Kelly's Mowing
Ken Barrett
Kreative Design Kitchen & Bath
L&L Transmission, Inc.
L.C. Mosman
Lamb Family Medicine
Lambert's Design Jewelers
Lathan Tree Service
LeRoy Counseling
Louis Andolora - Tax Advisor
Main St. Pizza Company
Making Memories of Travel
The Mane Attraction
The Manor House
Matteo & Mullen, CPA
Max Pies
Millennium Computer
Next Level Fitness
Oakfield Fitness
O'Lacy's Irish Pub
Oliver's Candies
Palm Island Indoor Waterpark
Pellegrino Auto Sales
Pembroke Family Medicine
Personalized By Santa
Picasso's Pizza
Precision Lawn Care
Pudgie's Lawn & Garden
R&D Outlet
RW Vapors
Sallome Heating & Cooling
Sammy Hill's
Santino's Pizza
Scooter's Restaurant (Le Roy)
S.C.O.P.E. of Genesee County
Select Collision
Settler's Restaurant
Sloat's Tire
Southside Deli
Smokin' Eagle BBQ & Brew
Stan's Harley-Davidson
T.F. Brown's
The Finishing Line
Tomaszewski Funeral & Cremation Chapel
Trash Away
Turnbull Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
UB Neurosurgery
Upstate Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Valle Jewelers
Viking Valhalla/Rose Garden Bowl
Vinyl Sticks
West Main Wine & Spirits
Western Regional Off Track
William Kent, Inc.
WNY Fireplace Outlet
Woody's Deli
Yasses Construction
Yngodess Shop
Zoom N Groom Dog Grooming

Genesee County's unemployment rate dips slightly from last month

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County's jobs picture weakened slightly month-over-month for September to October, but is still better than a year ago.

The unemployment rate stands at 6.1 percent for October, compared to 6 percent for September and 7.2 percent for October 2012.

There were 29,400 non-farm jobs reported in the county for October, down from 29,200 in September, but still higher than the 29,100 jobs reported in October 2013.

The unemployment rate in Orleans County is 7.7 percent, and 6.4 in Livingston and 6.5 in Wyoming.

The state's rate is 7.5 percent and the nation's rate is 7 percent.

Ten counties around New York have reported unemployment rates of 6 percent or lower. Yates has the lowest rate in WNY at 5.2 percent. Rochester is 6.7 percent and Buffalo-Niagara is 7 percent.

Installation of solar array atop Stan's Harley-Davidson nearly complete

By Howard B. Owens

Workers are expected to complete the installation today of a solar panel array atop the westside roof of Stan's Harley Davidson on West Saile Drive.

The total cost of the project, which covers more than 10,000 square feet of roof, is $574,000 with the cost partially financed by state and federal tax credits.

The panels will product enough electricity to run all of Stan's operations. The power generated from the panels is first shipped to National Grid. NG then sells the power back to Stan's at a reduced rate.

That should mean about a 50-percent cost savings each month for the Harley dealership.

"We won't know, probably, until the first of the year and it's up and going what it's actually doing," said owner Darryl Horzempa.

Horzempa decided to pursue the project after attending a Solarize Genesee County workshop in January hosted by the Genesee County Economic Development Center (though GCEDC was not involved in the project otherwise).

"I'm interested in recycling and things like that, so it was a natural thing to me to help take care of the environment," Horzempa said.

Rochester-based Arista Power won the contract for the solar panel installation.

Hungry tonight: Order ahead with Batavia Eats

By Howard B. Owens

We have more menus online ready to receive your meal orders from great local restaurants.

Here are the menus available now:

The developers have also added a new feature -- you can order your meals in advance. Let's say you're in Rochester at 4 p.m. and know you won't be back in Batavia until 6:15 p.m., you can specify 6:15 as your pick-up time.

Be sure to bookmark to keep up with new restaurants as we add them and for future online ordering from local restaurants.

Rare cadre experienced with widespread disaster and death brought real-life experience to training in Albany

By Billie Owens

Responding to tragedy involving widespread disaster and death is something Randy McIntire has done on several occasions and last week he attended training with other veteran emergency responders in Albany.

He is a funeral director at H.E. Turner and former chief of the Town of Batavia Volunteer Fire Department who brought a lot of experience to share with peers taking part in the "Mass Fatality Incident Response Course" presented by the NYS Office of Emergency Management.

As a member of the New York State Funeral Directors Association's Family Assistance Commission (FAC), a nonprofit, volunteer group of licensed funeral directors, he attended the Albany workshop.

"The whole premise is to train for the dignified return of victims to their families, and to learn how different agencies work together to accomplish that goal," McIntire said.

FAC members are prepared to assist local governments in the event of a disaster occurring within their borders and they work in tandem with others tasked with the recovery, handling, identification, and return of remains following a mass fatality incident.

His extensive background in emergency training began in the mid-1970s. And he was at the scene of Egypt Air flight 990 in 1999, the World Trade Center bombing, Hurricane Katrina (made worse by Hurricane Rita), and the crash of Continental Airlines' flight 3407.

Whether the catastrophe is a plane crash or a hurricane, the process varies little. FAC members help recover the dead, protect their dignity, take them to a morgue, where a coroner conducts scientific tests for identification, and through that process the victims are returned to their families.

A myriad of skills must be employed quickly, smoothly and under intense stress -- interviewing survivors/next-of-kin, processing paperwork to assist in identifying and facilitating the release of remains to the next-of-kin or other representatives, and more -- all vital services during a time of extreme confusion and grief.

The training is not new -- McIntire took the course in 1997 -- but he says over the years the state had pretty much done away with it and is now rekindling its efforts.

"It was unique training (last Thursday and Friday) because a high number of participants were mass fatality responders," McIntire said.

Their broad experience added some boots-on-the-ground pragmatism that was useful, especially for other responders, each with different responsibilities.

“Trainings such as this allow us to ... properly care for the dead as well as the living,” said Douglas R. Brueggemann, FAC committee chair.

Judge will consider whether to overturn denial of permit for rooming house on East Main

By Howard B. Owens

Local landlord Terry Platt has brought an Article 78 action against the City of Batavia over a planning committee's denial of his application to open a rooming home on East Main Street, and the Erie County judge presiding over the case indicated in court today he leans in favor of Platt's side of the case.

When Larry O'Connor, representing the city's insurance company, told Judge John Curran that he thought the case was straightforward, Curran responded, "I think it is straightforward and you're running up hill."

O'Connor said he got that feeling after listening to Curran pepper Platt's attorney, Michael Perley, with questions about how the case should be decided.

Platt sought approval from the city in May for a rooming house at 316 E. Main St. and several neighbors came to a meeting of the Batavia Planning and Development Committee and objected to the plan.

The committee voted to deny Platt the necessary approval for the project.

In the Article 78 action, Platt's attorney argues that the proposed use is both allowed by existing zoning, fits the mixed use nature of the neighborhood and could not be denied on any legal basis.

O'Connor said the committee had the authority to deny the application based on the city's Comprehensive Master Plan.

That, however, raises what Perley characterized as a "fatal defect" in the city's case -- there's no proof on the record that the city ever formally approved its master plan.

O'Connor did not provide proof of plan approval prior to arguments in the case and Curran said the record is now closed. O'Connor said, however, he could provide proof of an approval. (Outside of court, O'Connor said Curran could "take judicial notice" of the approval, even if it's not part of the record).

Perley said the city couldn't produce a copy of the master plan when Platt issued a FOIL request for the document earlier this year.

A copy was found and it is now part of the case.

City Manager Jason Molino confirmed later in the day that the City Council did ratify the master plan Feb. 25, 1997. Molino could not comment further on the case.

According to the discussion in the Erie County courtroom of Curran today, Curran must weight the role of the master plan in the committee's decision, whether the master plan gives the committee the authority to reject Platt's application, and whether he should take the extreme step of overturning the decision of a group of community volunteers over a zoning issue.

Curran spent a lot of time asking the attorneys questions about how they propose he decide the case.

"The property is properly zoned?" Curran asked.

"Correct," said Perley.

"There's no defect in the application?"


"There's no request for a variance?"

"There's no need for a variance."

"There's no request for a change in zoning?"


"There's is no need for a special-use permit?"


"Both you and Mr. O'Connor have experience in municipal law," Curran said. "You and I both know a lot of municipal law. If I run a (report) for special-use permit legal cases to come up with standards or if I run it for variances to come up with a standard, we know what I'll find. What do I run for this one?"

"The standard you apply is whether or not this decision was arbitrary and capricious," Perley said. "How does the committee deny an application that is proper for the property before it without misapplying the zoning law?"

O'Connor argued that the denial was consistent with the master plan, and Curran honed in on the section that says the permitted uses of buildings on that section of East Main Street (zoned C1, which is mixed use) includes professional offices, small restaurants and other small businesses, but says nothing about single-family residences, so how can the city argue that it wants to preserve the historic nature of the single-family residences?

The master plan as a whole is about preserving and enhancing current single-family residences, O'Connor told Curran.

"This is an area of single-family homes along with limited commercial use," O'Connor said. "The city wants to preserve the integrity and character of that area."

Then Curran laid out his underlying frustration: Neither attorney had filed a memorandum of law.

Such memorandums are often filed by attorneys to provide a judge with their views of how the law and prior legal precedents apply to a particular case.

Perley said he wrote such a memorandum and was surprised it hadn't been filed with the case. Since O'Connor hadn't received such a memo, he hadn't written a response.

Curran agreed to give both attorneys time to file such memos and continued the case to Jan. 30.

The options before Curran include: upholding the committee's decision; overturning the decision and permitting Platt to open the rooming house; or overturning the committee's ruling but ordering the committee to reconsider its decision.

Chamber announces 2013 award winners

By Howard B. Owens

The 42nd Annual Chamber of Commerce Awards are getting a bit of a makeover this year with no general Business of the Year honoree and a complete skip of Innovative Enterprise of the Year -- even with a qualified nominee in the mix.

Much like last year, there are two winners for Geneseean of the Year, with awards going to Laurie Mastin, of Pavilion, and Timothy Michael Adams, of Stafford.

Rather than Business of Year, the chamber is honoring a Service Business of the Year, Alex's Place, and Retail Business of the Year, Adam Miller Toy & Bicycles.

The Agricultural Business of the Year is Bonduelle USA, Inc., of Bergen and Oakfield.

The Bergen Business and Civic Association is receiving special recognition with a Special Service award.

Nominated by The Batavian for Innovative Enterprise of the Year was Insource Urgent Care, but no award was given in that category for 2013.

While Insource has transformed the urgent care business through innovative use of telemedicine and cooperative arrangements with doctors and specialists from throughout the region, greatly reducing the cost of care for patients, the Batavia-based company was bypassed by the awards committee. 

It's not unprecedented for the chamber to hand out awards with different titles than previous years or what was on nomination forms.

The awards dinner is Feb. 22 at the Clarion Hotel, Park Road, Batavia. Tickets are $50 or a table of 10 for $450. Hors d'oeuvres are at 5:30 p.m. followed by entree tables (no formal sit down dinner). There is a cash bar. The awards program starts at 7 p.m., which will include coffee and dessert.

Call Kelly Bermingham at 343-7440, ext. 26, to make reservations.

High Tunnel School offered to area farmers, techniques to meet growing Eat Local demand

By Billie Owens

Press release:

High Tunnel School Offered to Area Farmers  -- Pre-registration with payment is required by Dec. 1

School will emphasize warm-season management and production skills that lead to profitability and adoption of winter farming techniques to meet growing Eat Local demand.

Batavia, NY – Vegetable growers with or considering high tunnel production are invited to attend High Tunnel School on Dec. 4-5 in Batavia at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, 420 E. Main St. in the City of Batavia.

The two-day High Tunnel School, organized by the Cornell Vegetable Program, will emphasize warm-season management and production skills that lead to profitability and adoption of winter farming techniques to meet the growing Eat Local demand. Focus will be placed on cool season production on Dec. 4 whereas Dec. 5 will focus on tunnel management basics and warm season production. Information presented on Dec. 5 may also be relevant to small fruit producers.

Growers can sign up for either day of the school, but are highly encouraged to attend both days.  DEC pesticide re-certification credits and CCA credits are available for each day.

A full agenda and more information can be found on the Cornell Vegetable Program Web site at Cost is $25 for one day only or a discounted rate of $40 to attend both days.  Lunch and any program materials are included in the registration fee.

Pre-registration with payment is required by Dec. 1 to reserve a seat. Seating is limited. Please register online at or contact Vivian Flynn at 315-536-5123.

Dec. 4 – Winter Greens Production and Farm Tour
Consumer attitudes are changing, and there is an increasing demand for local greens throughout the winter. Crop plans and markets are critical to success, but holistic planning is the basis for a sustainable system. Topics covered include:

* Profitable Winter Greens Productions in High Tunnels for Farmers' Markets - Paul and Sandy Arnold
*  Cool climate pest management
*  How and why we are growing winter crops with tunnels - Ken Bowman
*  Winter greens production tour at Bowman and Hill Micro Farm, Kent, NY

Dec. 5 – Warm Season Production and High Tunnel Basics
This program is designed for commercial growers new to or considering high tunnels. NRCS cooperating farms are particularly encouraged to attend. All who are interested in improving their crop yield, quality and profitability by using high tunnels are welcome. Though focused on vegetable production, fruit producers will benefit from the site, structural, and irrigation information.

Topics include:
* What to look for when selecting a tunnel
* Site considerations
* Which crops work for tunnels?
* Our Warm Season Tunnels - Paul and Sandy Arnold
* Best Management Practices to improve your profits
* Growers' perspectives, lessons learned

Attention farmers -- Cornell and state Ag & Markets to present farm food safety training (GAPs)

By Billie Owens

Cornell Lake Ontario Fruit Team, Cornell Vegetable Team and Cornell Cooperative Extension, along with assistance from NYS Dept. Ag & Markets, will be presenting farm food safety training - GAPs (including Harmonized GAPs) this winter.

The first will be held in Batavia on Dec. 10 and 11 at the Fire Training Center, 7690 State St. Road, Batavia.

A new program, Harmonized GAPs, has been developed to combine several food safety certifications into one program. New York’s retail produce buyers, such as Wegmans, are asking growers to adopt Harmonized GAPs certification in many cases. In response, Cornell National GAPs Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension have developed a multi-day workshop.

The first day of training will focus on the details of what GAPs is, how it works and what it means for your farming operation. The second day will be devoted to helping you write a food safety plan as required for audit certification. A laptop computer is required for the second day. (If you need to borrow a computer, please let us know in advance.)

The registration fee of $60 per person includes educational materials, lunch and refreshments. Add $15 for each additional attendee from the same farm. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.; program runs 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. both days.

Pre-register for the Batavia class by Dec. 3. Register online at <>  or mail in your registration form and payment to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County, Attn: Angela Parr, 480 N. Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424. Make checks payable to: “Cornell Cooperative Extension”.

For more information, contact Craig Kahlke at or 585-735-5448.

To see a full listing of upcoming farm food safety trainings, go to <> . These workshops are partially funded through a grant from the Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority.

New auto shop owner says experience will help him provide customers with quality care

By Howard B. Owens

With 25 years in the auto repair business -- a career that took him from mechanic to district manager and vp of operations for other people's businesses -- Steve Getty says he's found a place he wants to put down roots, in Batavia.

Getty has acquired a former oil change and auto repair location at 4003 W. Main St. and opened up Syd's Automotive.

"It feels really good to own my own business," Getty said, "especially being where I live."

Asked what will set his business apart, he said, "quality."

"Most companies in the industry I'm in focus on the fast," Getty said. "We'll be quality first, fast second. It's still a fast oil change, but you're getting a quality oil change, quality repair work."

Photo: Getty left with Scott Levensailor, who is also working in the shop.

High Voltage Tattoo & Piercing to hold third annual charity fundraiser Dec. 14

By Billie Owens

Press release:

High Voltage Tattoo & Piercing will be holding its 3rd annual charity fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 14th from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.

We will have three tattoo artists and a body piercer working all day. We will be offering $30 tattoos and $15 piercings.

One-hundred percent of the funds raised from tattoos, piercings, tips, donations and after-care products will go to charity.

We will post pictures of designated tattoo designs and lettering styles that we will be offering on the 14th very soon.

We have decided to split the funds this year between three organizations:

  • Don Carroll’s Toys for Kids (  )
  • Golisano Children’s Hospital (  )
  • and Crossroads House in Batavia (  )

With everyone’s generous support we were able to raise more than $3,000 last year and we are hoping to raise even more this year. We are also looking for a couple volunteers to help get people signed in and help around the shop.

Please message us on Facebook if you are interested in helping out. Thanks and we hope to see you all soon.

No employees will be out of work in wake of devastating fire at Baskin Livestock

By Howard B. Owens

The Friday morning after a fire destroyed key components of the feed-making process at Baskin Livestock, one of Bill Baskin's newest hires walked into his office. He was certainly wondering if he still had a job starting Monday morning.

"I said, 'Joe,' " Baskin said, " 'Don't worry about it. Come here Monday. You've got a job.' "

Baskin hired two new workers last week and both, like his other 50 employees already on the Baskin payroll, all have jobs, he said. There will be no layoffs even though it will be months before the feed operation is fully operational again.

The feed portion of Baskin's business involves collecting waste from large bakeries operating throughout the Northeast, drying it (if it's not dry), separating it from packaging (if it's packaged) and grinding it into grain that can be used as feed for cows.

Baskin Livestock processes 1,500 tons of feed each week.

The company has hardly missed a beat since Thursday night's fire. Trucks keep bringing in waste product and Baskin has lined up agreements with three other similar operations to buy the waste Baskin collects and sell him back the finished feed, which he can then sell to his customers.

There's been some lost sales in the immediate aftermath of the fire, Baskin said, but the procurement side of the business has continued nonstop.

"Procurement is important because a place that is making cookies or donuts or cakes, if they can't get rid of their waste, they have to shut the plant down," Baskin said.

We may never know how the fire started.

The ignition point was somewhere in the area of the equipment that screens and separates material for feed.

"Was it in the fan, was it in the cyclone, was it in the compactor motor? I can't tell you, but that's where the fire started," Baskin said.

Ironically, Baskin was just four weeks from finishing the installation of new equipment that would have pretty muck taken the equipment where the fire started out of production.

"If that was the case (the new equipment in place), the part that failed, whatever part it was that failed, would not be in use," Baskin said.

Baskin hasn't sat down and totaled up the cost of the damage yet, he said, but it's probably approaching seven figures and could exceed a million dollars.

That doesn't count temporary lost sales and the big cut into profit margins while his feed is being processed in out-of-state plants.

The big unknown is how much damage the main building, the warehouse, sustained. It will take a battery of structural tests on the I-beams and foundation to determine if the building is still structurally sound.

"Our structural engineer who designed the building said it's all a function of how hot it got and how fast it cooled," Baskin said.

"You don't want to have a two-foot snowstorm," he added, "and have your roof sitting on your equipment."

The other irony of the fire, Baskin said, is it started in the screening area of the process, not with the burners.

The fire that severally damaged Baskin Livestock five years ago started in the burner and the current system is built with state-of-the-art fire-suppression technology.

If the burner detects even an errant spark it ejects the product being dryed onto a cement pad outside the building and the system is deluged with water.

"We've got so many safety features built in on the drying end because you figure you're running 1,400 or 1,500 degree burner to dry this feed, 25 million BTUs, with all kinds of opportunities for failure there, so everything is designed around that," Baskin said. "Then we've been running this (the screening area) for years without a problem and that's where the failure was."

Baskin had just climbed into bed when he got the call from an employee that there was a fire and when he and Susan looked out their window, they could see the glow.

Baskin jumped in his car and rushed to the plant. He immediately got an a skip loader and created a fire break in the warehouse, moving product on the floor away from the burners and the north side of the building to slow the opportunity for the fire to spread to those pieces of critical and expensive equipment.

When firefighters were on scene and had sufficient water supply, he implored them to fight an interior fight in the warehouse to keep the fire from spreading north, and the strategy appears to have worked.

Baskin is grateful for the support of so many people in the community, the close friends he and his wife, Susan Blackburn, have made in the 21 years they've lived here. He also praised the Bethany Fire Department in particular, but all of the departments that responded to the fire, for their hard work and dedication to their jobs.

Even his customers have set aside hard-nosed business negotiation to offer their support and express their desire to keep doing business with Baskin Livestock.

"The bakery people say we're glad you're OK because you're really important to us," Baskin said. "I've had customers say we can cut back a little bit but we really want to keep your product in our product flow. What can you so to help us get through until you're back full steam? It's gratifying that at the end, after you're done fighting over price, fighting over product, there's that kind of concern."

He's told his employees not to worry about their jobs, that Baskin Livestock will be a bigger and better company once the plant is fully functional again.

Baskin estimates the plant will be 75 percent operational by Christmas and up to 100 percent by March 1.

In an interview Monday, Bill Baskin was all business talking about his business, but when asked what was different or what was the same about this fire and the fire five years ago, Baskin said there was a key similarity between the two fires -- and this is when he got a tad emotional -- that nobody was hurt.

"I couldn't have been through it once, much less twice if anybody got hurt," Baskin said. "The rest of it can be replaced. It can be rebuilt and be bigger and better or whatever, but for me, that's the take home. Nobody got hurt."

Top photo: Bill Baskin, right, meeting with an insurance adjuster Monday afternoon.

Here's the slide show we published Friday morning of Thursday's fire:

Liberty Pumps introduces new compact system for residential sewage

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Bergen-based Liberty Pumps introduces the "ProVore," a compact system for residential sewage applications. The new ProVore 680 duplex system is powered by two 1 hp grinders pumps and features Liberty’s patented V-Slice cutter technology. This proven design easily shreds difficult solids -- such as feminine products, rags and other unwanted debris.

Operating on 115 or 230 volts, the system can be plugged into standard 20 amp home circuitry making installation easy! The compact system is only 24” tall and ships complete with an alternating pump control unit.

For more information contact Liberty Pumps at 1-800-543-2550 or visit the Web site at

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