Le Roy will host a rabies clinic for cats and dogs today from 3:00 to 5:00pm at the village Highway Department on North Street, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. The clinic was scheduled following the discovery of a rabid cat in the village earlier this week.
Local news. Are you
Local news. Are you interested in a story about golf balls going to our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa?
I am.
I am.
Write it up as a blog post
Write it up as a blog post and we'll post it. Or let Philip know where to get more information.
I can come up with hundreds
I can come up with hundreds of golf balls
You can go into the archery section of godfrozethispond where it backs up onto a fairway of BCC
Lots of poor shots
Those soldiers will be the best bunker players by the time they get out they won't need to worry about anything