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On the Agenda (Town Board): Add another streetlight on Route 33?

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's Town Board will meet Wednesday at 7:00pm at Town Hall, 3833 W. Main Street Road, preceded by a 6:00pm caucus during which board members will meet for an informal discussion of upcoming issues and resolutions. On the agenda is a vote to install a streetlight at the intersection of Clinton Street Road (Route 33) and Terry Hills Drive, plus some routine business. You can download the full agenda here: Town Board Agenda (Sept. 17).

UPDATE (Philip): Please note that "streetlight" does not mean traffic light in this post. It means, rather, street lamp. The town will not be voting to install a traffic light at an intersection with a dead end road with only six homes—as I must admit that I at first interpreted. They will be voting to install a means of illumination on what town Supervisor Greg Post told me was the only dark spot on Route 33 from Route 5 to the Batavia town line.


WHAT-another signal. This almost seems typical of the maddness thats happening here. I think that the signal is the most crazy idea I have seen yet. god forbid someone play golf all day and then have to wait for traffic to get out of the parking lot.This one will go down in my archives.Thanks for the laugh guys

Sep 15, 2008, 8:30pm Permalink
lazario ladou

How about instead of installing crap we keep parks open later and shut down the bars earlier

I will NEVER understand why parks close so damn early while drunks get to stay out and have a great time doing something completely unconstructive self-destructive and potentially harmful

Sep 15, 2008, 9:09pm Permalink

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