The DCCC has a new anti-Chris Lee ad out, recycling the same in-correct "send jobs to China" charge, even using some of the same images, but this time with actors making the charges.
Chris Lee's ad is no more honorable, and maybe worse since it ends with "I'm Chris Lee and I approve this message."
The ad incorrectly points the finger at Alice Kryzan for running the "China Jobs" spot (that was the DCCC, not the Kryzan campaign), and trouts out the same old tired, trite and meaningless "liberal trial lawyer" attack.
Here's another incendiary ad from Lee:
Regardless of what Kryzan may have said about special interest money in the primary, it's duplicitous of Lee to knock Kryzan for taking contributions from any group, since his record isn't exactly spotless.
Here's a new attack ad on Kryzan from the RCCC:
I find it scary whenever a politician attacks another for doing his or her job and providing a defense in any legal case (or a prosecution). When you level that charge what you are saying is you don't believe in the American legal system -- that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty. Also, it's a complete fiction that Kryzan has said she wants to raise taxes.
It kind of makes you despair for our future to watch these two campaigns -- aided and abetted by their respective national parties -- resort to distortions and misinformation to try and win a congressional seat.
Not to be a critic, Howard,
Not to be a critic, Howard, but I'm assuming you meant to "despair" for our future by knowing that one of these two will be representing us for the next two years. Me too. It always makes me wonder why there are so many special interest people and groups who want to spend so much money on these campaigns that the candidates are falling over themselves to say it ain't so. Something smells and it's not the cheese.
thanks, Corrected.
thanks, Corrected.