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Genesee County YMCA hosts NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition

By Billie Owens

Young pro football fans will have the opportunity to exhibit their football skills when the
Genesee County YMCA hosts an NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition on Aug. 21
at VanDetta Stadium in Batavia.

The competition is free and open to boys and girls ages 6-15. Age classification is as of Dec. 31 of the current year. For competition information, call The Y at 344-1664.

Entry forms are available online at <> can be picked up at the Y, or can be submitted the day of competition. A birth certificate is required to show proof of age at all levels of competition.

The NFL Punt, Pass & Kick football competition allows youngsters to showcase their talents in punting, passing, and kicking with scores based on distance and accuracy.

The top finishers from each of the 10 age groups at the local competition will advance
to a sectional competition. Sectional competitions are held in October or early November.

The winners at the sectional competition will have their scores compared with other sectional champions; the top four scorers from the pool advance to the Team Championship, to be held before a Buffalo Bills game in late November or December.

Age-group champions at this level will be declared NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Team Champions.

The top four finishers in the boys’ and girls’ divisions within each age bracket from the pool of all Team Champions will qualify for the National Finals at an NFL playoff game in January. A number of NFL players have completed in NFL Punt, Pass and Kick, including top former and current NFL quarterbacks such as Dan Marino and Brett Farve.

The National NFL Punt, Pass and Kick competition is administered by NFL Properties LLC. This local Punt, Pass and Kick (Local PPK) competition is officially licensed by NFL Properties, LLC, but none of the National Football League (NFL), its member clubs, NFL Ventures, L.P,. or any of their respective affiliates or subsidiaries are sponsoring or operating the Local PPK or will have any liability or responsibility for any claims arising in connection with participation in the Local PPK.

All NFL-related logos and marks, including, without limitation, the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick logo, are trademarks of the NFL or the respective member club.

Batavia Lions Club sponsoring raffle for home standby generator or $2K

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Lions Club is sponsoring a raffle for a Bryant HOME STANDBY GENERATOR (8/7 kW LPG/NG) or $2,000 in cash.

All proceeds will be used to help fund several current and future community projects.

Current include: Lions Night at the Ball Park; holiday decorations in downtown Batavia; Christmas dinner at T.F. Brown's; Christmas baskets of food for local families; the annual college scholarship program for students from Batavia and Notre Dame high schools; and most importantly, numerous vision initiatives to assist local residents.

Future projects will include: “Project New Hope”; and the “Lions Hearing Conversation Society”; and the upcoming Batavia Lions Club Bicycle Tour on Aug. 21.

“Project New Hope” assists veterans and their families face the challenges of transitioning from military to civilian life. The “Lions Hearing Conservation Society” helps community members afford quality hearing aids.

For more information about the Batavia Lions Club’s activities, please visit our website at <>.

This Bryant home generator will allow you to automatically power essentials in your home in the event of a power outage. It operates on natural or LP gas. It will power such items as your lights, sump pump, refrigerator and heating system.

It automatically starts, transfers power from the unit to your home circuits, and transfers it back to line power when the emergency is over. It offers security to your family and protection for your home during those times when the Western New York weather has done its best to shut us down!

The Batavia Lions Club wishes to thank Turnbull Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., for providing the generator.

The drawing will take place on Oct. 25. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased from a Batavia Lion or through the mail. If purchasing your tickets through the mail, please make your checks payable to:

Batavia Lions Club
P.O. Box 456
Batavia, NY 14020
Attn. Tickets

Please include a posted, self-addressed envelope with your order and a name, address and telephone number for tickets to be returned.

Thank you and good luck from the members of the Batavia Lions Club!

Assembly candidate Barons calls for proactive aid to returning vets

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Chris Barons, Democratic candidate for the 139th Assembly District.

The Returning Vet: A Tale of Two EAPs

Our state prepares to welcome home tens-of-thousands of military personnel who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Once the joy of reunion has subsided, our vets will be challenged to reintegrate into the civilian world.

Aside from the dramatic change in duty, our vets return to a highly competitive, repressed job market. Even for those with awaiting jobs, the transition to civilian life promises the strain of adaptive decision-making.

As a gloss, one might presume that veteran transitioning responsibility resides with the federal government. Limited to chronic needs and benefit administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs is the go-to agency.

However, transitioning thousands of returning veterans into an economically depressed setting demands a well-thought-out, comprehensive plan.

New York State has a highly developed Employee Assistance Program that offers a wide, a la carte array of services to participants. The public EAP program draws on public agencies to offer comprehensive support services to public employees. Private businesses typically contract EAP programs through private agencies and insurance carriers.

Their programs are Return On Investment (ROI) modeled and tend toward short-term interventions aimed at improving job performance and lowering absenteeism. Private focus is on the top three performance issues: stress, substance abuse and interpersonal relationships.

New York’s public EAPs offer participants long-term counseling and intervention opportunities. They are publicly funded and draw on public resources, though they serve the public employee workforce. The state EAPs also network with public agencies to provide accessible and diverse services.

Our returning vets will require specialized attention to successfully merge into civilian life. New York State has the existing agencies and networks to assist in that transition.

Now is the time to prepare for embracing our service men and women -- to have a mechanism in place for reintegrating them into our ranks. They have earned a proactive effort on their behalf. Adding our returning military personnel to the list of eligible NYS Employee Assistance Program service recipients is practical and deserved.

Car smashes into utility pole in Corfu

By Billie Owens

A car has smashed into a utility pole at Colby Road and Route 33 in Corfu. The pole is damaged and wires are across the roadway. There are no injuries. Corfu and Darien fire are responding.

UPDATE (7:45 p.m.): A National Grid worker is responding to the scene with about a 15 minute ETA.

Dishwasher fire in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A dishwasher fire is reported at 9227 Robbins Road in Le Roy. The building is evacuated. Le Roy Fire Department and an ambulance are responding.

UPDATE (7:35 p.m.): A homeowner reports a cat is in the building. The fire is out. Crews are checking extension wires. A person from county Emergency Management is en route.

UPDATE (7:41 p.m.): Firefighters are in the basement making sure it is safe.

UPDATE (7:50 p.m.): A fire official on scene reports "The family cat has been located and secured and is in good health."

Car fire in Bethany, Route 20

By Billie Owens

A fully involved car fire is reported at 4658 Route 20 in Bethany, near Francis Road.

It's off the roadway. Bethany Fire Department is responding.

Bikers, City Church team up to help needy families

By Billie Owens

On Friday and Saturday, Aug. 6 and 7, The City Church in Batavia is having a "motorcycle event" at the Holiday Inn.

This is an annual event through STAR Touring and Riding. The charity of choice through STAR is "Feed the Children."

On Friday, Aug. 6, a tractor-trailer from Feed the Children will be coming to the Holiday Inn, Batavia, around noon. The hotel is located at 8250 Park Road.

From there, bikers will escort the truck to The City Church parking lot on Center Street. City Church will then distribute goods to families in need.

Oakfield Rod & Gun Club starts 'Open Trap Shooting' Aug. 14

By Billie Owens

The Oakfield Rod & Gun Club will commence “Open Trap Shooting," starting Saturday, Aug. 14 and continuing each Saturday thereafter.

It runs from 2 to approximately 7 p.m., weather permitting. The club is located at 3199 Maltby Road in Oakfield.

Prepare for your fall hunting. The public is welcome.

Event Date and Time

Oakfield Rod & Gun Club starts 'Open Trap Shooting' Aug. 14

By Billie Owens

The Oakfield Rod & Gun Club will commence “Open Trap Shooting," starting Saturday, Aug. 14 and continuing each Saturday thereafter.

It runs from 2 to approximately 7 p.m., weather permitting. The club is located at 3199 Maltby Road in Oakfield.

Prepare for your fall hunting. The public is welcome.

Cornell extension to offer Master Gardner Training series

By Billie Owens

BATAVIA – Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be offering the popular Master Gardener Training series from 5:45 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday evenings, Sept. 8 through Nov. 17.

Participants will also be required to attend an additional session from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30.

Pre-registration by Aug. 27 is required. No walk-ins are allowed. The fee for the series is $200 per person and includes a NYS Master Gardener Manual on a CD.

Sessions will be held at the Kennedy Building located on the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Route 5 in Batavia.

Master Gardener Training teaches participants about: garden botany; growing fruit at home; herbs; insects; perennials and annuals; organic gardening; pruning; soils and fertilizers; turf grass; vegetable gardening; weed identification; woody plant materials; and how to diagnose plant diseases/problems.

Graduates of the program are eligible to become “Certified” Master Gardeners by completing volunteer work at their local Extension Office.

More information can be found on the extension website at <>.

To register, contact Amy Berry at (585) 343-3040, ext. 106, or stop by the extension office located at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

Coppola 'disappointed' by Ranzenhofer's leadership regarding UB

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Democrat Marc A. Coppola, candidate for New York State Senate’s 61st District.

Marc Coppola claims Senator Mike Ranzenhofer is MIA -- Missing in Action -- in the battle for University of Buffalo 20/20, the largest employer in the 61st District.

Coppola said today that he is very disappointed that the New York State Legislature did not pass the bill that would have given UB certain powers to control its own destiny.

Passing the bill would create a world-class university and economic stimulus that Western New York so desperately needs.

“Failure to pass this legislation, as needed, is just another reason that Western New Yorker’s are frustrated with Albany and have lost confidence in our government," Cappola said. "And Senator Ranzenhofer’s partisan politics didn’t help the situation."

Coppola claims that Ranzenhofer provided no leadership or support, choosing instead to play political blame games and stick with his Albany leaders rather than the residents of the 61st District who elected him.

“Senator Ranzenhofer doesn’t know how to reach across the aisle in order to deliver for his constituents. He would rather put his head in the sand and point fingers than get something accomplished.”

Coppola says he has a track record of working with all parties to deliver for his constituents and he will do the same if given the opportunity to serve the residents of the 61st District.

“If something is good for New Yorkers, especially my district, I will support it. It doesn’t matter to me whose idea it is, as long as it gets done.”

He maintains Ranzenhofer has been so partisan in his more than 20 years as an elected official, that he rarely votes for anything that is sponsored by the other party, even if it’s good for his district, and "this is why he has been so ineffective."

OR&GC to vote on amending bylaws

By Billie Owens

Here's a notice to all Oakfield Rod and Gun Club members.

The OR&GC will hold a meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 13, 7 p.m., at which time the club will discuss and vote on amending Article XVII of the OR&GC bylaws.

This Article involves Honorary Members and members attaining age 65 being exempt from dues.

OR&GC to vote on amending bylaws

By Billie Owens

Here's a notice to all Oakfield Rod and Gun Club members.

The OR&GC will hold a meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 13, 7 p.m., at which time the club will discuss and vote on amending Article XVII of the OR&GC bylaws.

This Article involves Honorary Members and members attaining age 65 being
exempt from dues.

Event Date and Time

Car and person in accident on Ellicott Street

By Billie Owens

A motor vehicle accident involving either a pedestrian or bicyclist is reported on Ellicott Street in front of the courthouse.

Batavia Fire Department and Mercy EMS have responded.

The person who wasn't in a vehicle is walking and complains of knee pain.

Former Batavia councilman and reporter team up to unravel mystery of Amelia Earhart

By Billie Owens

Former Batavian Barry Bower and Batavia Daily News reporter Virginia Kropf will explore the mysterious disappearance of aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart next week at the invitation of GO ART!

The event is part of the regional arts council's popular Salon Series.

Titled "The Cryptographers: Barry Bower & Virginia Kropf," it will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 10 in the Gathering Room of the Shirt Factory Cafe, located at 115 W. Center St., in Medina.

A contribution of $20 for non-members and $18 for GO ART! members is requested. Reservations are required and can be made by phone at (585) 343-9313, e-mail at, or by stopping in to GO ART!, Seymour Place, 201 E. Main St. in Batavia (open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays).

Amelia Earhart disappeared July 2, 1937. She became the first woman to win the Distinguished Flying Cross after being the first woman to solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Earhart worked to inspire and help women interested in flying careers and formed the Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots. She disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to circumnavigate the world. Her mysterious disappearance has been a source of speculation and conspiracy theories ever since.

Barry and "Ginny" will share what tantalizing clues they have uncovered in their quest to decrypt this riveting legend. Barry is a former City of Batavia councilman who now resides in Pennsylvania and devotes most of his time to researching Earhart's disappearance. When not working for The Daily News, Ginny has also devoted a lot of time piecing together clues of this famous mystery.

This Salon is paired with a themed dinner that includes "airline" chicken, fresh fruit and bread and dessert. Refreshments, wine and beer included.

Limited edition posters of Roz Hayes' original painting that depicts Amelia Earhart will be available for sale!

The Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council (GO ART!) is a private nonprofit organization, which believes that art and culture enriches, inspires and educates, while strengthening a community's identity.

Therefore, GO ART! initiates a broad range of opportunities for artists and cultural organizations, and facilitates cooperative efforts among the cultural, business, service and educational communities for the people who live in and visit Genesee and Orleans counties.

Target, Salvation Army team up to help kids gear up for school

By Billie Owens

Thirty Batavia students have been awarded a Back-to-School Shopping Spree from Target and The Salvation Army.

They are among the more than 12,000 kids nationwide who will each receive an $80 Target GiftCard to buy school supplies.

From 8 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30, the local students will have the opportunity to visit the Batavia Target on Veterans Memorial Drive. They will get to buy backpacks, calculators, pens and pencils, art supplies, binders, clothing and other must-have supplies just in time for back-to-school.

Each child will also be given a reusable Target shopping bag and be paired with a volunteer chaperone for their fun day of shopping.

Galbraith, Gregory and Schroeder named to Hall of Fame

By Billie Owens

The Upstate New York Chapter of the United States Harness Writers Association has announced that Clint Galbraith, Jeff Gregory  and John Schroeder will be inducted into its Hall of Fame as representatives of Batavia Downs.

The crystal keepsakes will be presented to these inductees at Batavia Downs on Saturday, Sept. 4, in the winner's circle between races during “Hall of Fame Night.”

This select group of honorees will join Buddy Gilmour, Gerry Sarama and Dave Vance who were already honored at Buffalo Raceway.

There will be many activities held in association with this presentation at Batavia Downs that night, including the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Clint Galbraith’s Niatross setting the 1:55 world record for a half-mile track at Batavia in 1980.

There will be a random drawing to giveaway of a set of Clint Galbraith’s racing colors (all who are in attendance will be eligible), and the $200,000 NYSS 3-year-old pacing colts will be in town.

“We are happy to be involved with the induction of these three outstanding horsemen who have meant so much to the racing scene here over the years, said Todd Haight, the Downs' public relations and promotional marketing specialist. "We will do everything possible to make this a memorable evening for all who attend.”

Clint Galbraith <>

Clint Galbraith left his home in Ontario in the late 1950s and set up shop on the Buffalo/Batavia circuit. After a few years of getting established, he scored his first dash title at Batavia Downs in 1963.

Galbraith was a force on the New York Sires Stakes circuit and campaigned a long string of “Kash” horses that were bred and raised at Rodney Farms that was then, and is now, run by Clint and his wife, Barbara.

Galbraith will forever be synonymous with the legendary Niatross. Niatross won 37 of 39 starts as a 2- and 3-year-old and was named the Horse of the Year in 1979 and 1980.

He was also harness racing's first $2 million pacer and at the time, the fastest horse in the sport after posting a 1:49.1 time trial at Lexington in 1980. He won the Cane Pace, the Meadowlands Pace, Woodrow Wilson and the Little Brown Jug. But Niatross was only a part of his story.

The year 1988 saw another Galbraith student, Call For Rain, set a new world record for pacers over a mile track when he went 1:49.3 at Lexington. Call For Rain won the Breeders Crown twice along with a list of other major stakes during his career.

In recent years, Clint has been enjoying considerable success training and driving the Galbraith stable horses, but a barn accident in early May sidelined him from action. He is currently recuperating and has been visiting the barn to oversee the operation's activities.

Although successful at every level, and racing throughout North America, Clint has always called Western New York home since he first made the move here some 50-plus years ago.

Jeff Gregory <>

Jeff Gregory grew up in a racing family as his dad, Gary, operated a public stable since his birth. The family lived in Churchville, not far from Batavia Downs. Jeff started driving there in the early 1980s before splitting his time seasonally between Vernon Downs and Pompano.

His breakthrough to the big stage came in 2000 when he scored 317 wins, competing primarily at Yonkers Raceway. He received the USHWA Rising Star Award in 2002 and proceeded to prove the honor was well earned.

Today, Jeff is a top driver whose talents are sought on both the Grand Circuit and the New York Sire Stake circuit. These engagements keep him traveling across the state and racing at every major racetrack in North America.

His two biggest victories came with Jalopy in the $750,000 Hambletonian Oaks in 2005 and Bubba Dunn in the $338,000 Yonkers Trot in 2002.

To date, Jeff has won more than 6,200 races and $55 million in purses lifetime.

John Schroeder <>

John Schroeder was a Western New York native who hit the racing scene in the early 1960s. He was considered one of the best “trotting men” of his era and plied his trade most notably from the mid-1960s through the late 1970s.

Although the list of horses who found success under the care of Schroeder is extensive, there are five that stand out: trotters Kash Minbar (1:56.1, $651,000) Cathy Lee (2:02, $195,000) and Top Trotter (1:58.4, $112,000) and pacers Worthy Coin (2:01.1, $182,000) and Sir Aladoh (2:00.3, $150,000).

Schroeder handled the bulk of the work until his son, Brian, got his license and picked up many of the drives. Brian went on to race Collier St. Joey in the 1993 Hambletonian.

John drove full time until 1981 when he scaled back his starts in the bike but continued to train. During his career John Schroeder found the winners circle 1,445 times and bankrolled $3.5 million in purses.

Car and truck wreck in Darien, unknown injuries

By Billie Owens

A car and truck collision is reported at 2269 Broadway (Route 20) in Darien, east of Smithley Road.

Darien fire and an ambulance are being dispatched. Injuries, if any, are unknown at this time. The truck is reportedly leaking fluids.

UPDATE (1:05 p.m.): Emergency personnel on scene reported there are no injuries.

UPDATE (1:09 p.m.): The truck involved is a tractor-trailer.

Two-car accident on Route 63 near York

By Billie Owens

A two-vehicle accident with no injuries has occurred on Route 63, between York and the Genesee County line. One of the vehicles involved rolled over.

Pavilion fire and Mercy EMS are responding.

UPDATE (4 p.m.): The car that rolled over is in Wyoming County, the other in Genesee County. Authorities are notifying Wyoming County so they can also handle the scene. One of the vehicles is leaking gas or other fluids.

City Church to give out free school supplies this Sunday

By Billie Owens

The City Church in Batavia is going to have a "Back-to-School Giveaway" this Sunday, Aug. 8, at its 10 a.m. service.

A readers writes: "I am so thrilled that an organization is finally realizing that school supplies are such a burden come the time that school starts!

"With a family that has more then one child, it is so hard to afford everything they need for the coming school year."

The church plans to give away folders, binders, pens, pencils, crayons, highlighters... everything needed for going back to school.

The nondenominal church is located at 210 E. Main St. in Downtown Batavia.

For more information, call the church at 343-6895.

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