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Batavia artist to showcase work at Brockport gallery

By Billie Owens

Batavia artist Jolene Beckman will showcase mixed-media paintings featuring the "tasteful artistry of Chocolate and Vines," Feb. 4-28 at A Different Path Gallery in Brockport.

An opening reception is also scheduled from 6 to 9.m. on Feb. 11 at the gallery, located at 27 Market St.

Learn more about these works online <>.

"Food as Art/Art as Food" is a continuing series by Beckman. She uses juices, spices, extracts and stains derived from food products to examine the nature of indulgence and temptation.

Imagery of foods typically associated with extravagance and “wasted calories” such as desserts and delicacies, explore not only Beckman’s own sweettooth, but questions the media's role in sending mixed messages about food.

People are warned about the negative effects of indulging too much, however, the attractive appeal of the products’ marketing contradict those warnings.

Beckman’s reactions to this struggle are playfully depicted in lush, colorful images of foods as well as some faces hiding from, or giving into, the seduction.

Beckman, a recent MFA graduate from the University of Buffalo, has participated in many group and solo exhibitions locally and nationally. For artist information visit: <>.

For gallery information and full schedule of its upcoming events visit: <>.

College's Earth Club presents film 'GASLAND'

By Billie Owens

Hailed as " of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years" by Variety magazine, the documentary film "GASLAND," will be presented by the Genesee Community College Earth Club at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 28.

"GASLAND" is a 2010 documentary film written and directed by Josh Fox. It focuses on communities in the United States impacted by natural gas drilling and, specifically, a controversial stimulation method known as "hydraulic fracturing."

Event Date and Time

College's Earth Club presents film 'GASLAND'

By Billie Owens

Hailed as " of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years" by Variety magazine, the documentary film "GASLAND," will be presented by the Genesee Community College Earth Club at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 and at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 28.

"GASLAND" is a 2010 documentary film written and directed by Josh Fox. It focuses on communities in the United States impacted by natural gas drilling and, specifically, a controversial stimulation method known as "hydraulic fracturing."

Event Date and Time

College's Earth Club presents acclaimed documentary film 'GASLAND'

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Genesee Community College:

Hailed as " of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years" by Variety magazine, the documentary film "GASLAND," will be presented by the Genesee Community College Earth Club at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 and at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 28.

"GASLAND" is a 2010 documentary film written and directed by Josh Fox. It focuses on communities in the United States impacted by natural gas drilling and, specifically, a stimulation method known as "hydraulic fracturing."

The film will be shown in T102 and is free and open to the public.

Hydraulic fracturing (also called "frac jobs" or "fracking") is a process that results in the creation of fractures in rocks. The most important industrial use is in stimulating oil and gas wells, where hydraulic fracturing has been used for several years.

The fracturing is done from a wellbore drilled into reservoir rock formations to increase the rate and ultimate recovery of oil and natural gas.

Hydraulic fractures may be natural or man-made and are extended by internal fluid pressure which opens the fracture and causes it to extend through the rock. Natural hydraulic fractures include volcanic dikes, sills and fracturing by ice as in frost weathering.

Man-made fluid-driven fractures are formed at depth in a borehole and extend into targeted formations. The fracture width is typically maintained after the injection by introducing a proppant into the injected fluid. Proppant is a material, such as grains of sand, ceramic, or other particulates that prevent the fractures from closing when the injection is stopped.

Considerable controversy surrounds the current implementation of hydraulic fracturing technology in the United States. Environmental safety and health concerns have emerged and are being debated at the state and national levels.

"GASLAND" follows filmmaker Josh Fox when he is asked to lease his land for drilling, as he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination.

He encounters a Pennsylvania town and reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of this documentary.

For more information please visit <>.

"New York State recently passed a temporary moratorium on the hydro-fracking process while the EPA completes its study, so this is very important and contemporary topic to our community," said Donna Rae Sutherland, advisor to the GCC Earth Club.

"The Earth Club students wanted to show the movie at two different times and days to ensure any local resident or community college student had a chance to watch the film, which is currently impacting Pennsylvania communities just over the state line and promises to be a topic of significant debate in the Southern Tier."

For further information please contact Sutherland at 343-0055, ext. 6616, or e-mail <>.

Byron-Bergen School in the running for Pepsi grant

By Billie Owens

Byron-Bergen Elementary School’s Playground Committee is close to receiving funding in Pepsi’s Refresh Contest.

It's a monthly online competition in which nonprofit groups compete against each other for grants ranging from $5,000 to $100,000.

Currently, the Playground Committee is ranked ninth in the online competition. The top 10 ideas receive funding. Voting ends Jan. 31.

To learn more about this local project, or to vote on the Pepsi grant, visit Voting can be done through the website or by texting 105424 to Pepsi (73774).

“We need to develop healthy activities for children,” said Andrea Stasko, a member of the Health and Wellness Committee. “Our current playground is not large enough to accommodate the number of students for its usage, and it does not fulfill the physical fitness components that could benefit our students.”

The playground committee has been working for more than a year to raise funds to update and enlarge the school's old, much used playground. The new playground will be handicapped accessible so students with varying needs are not sitting on the sidewalk watching others play.

The committee hopes to win a $50,000 grant for the project. Of that, $40,000 would be used for equipment, $6,500 would be spent on resurfacing, and the remaining $3,500 would pay for concrete and excavation work.

Plans call for the playground to have play space and activities for the newest population of students, 3- and 4-year-olds who come from Pre-K. It will have lots of activites to exercise students' bodies in many different ways.

To improve students' physical and social development, they need to be able to climb, crawl, swing, slide, jump, balance, hang, push, pull, bounce, stomp, spin, run and play.

The small, rural school district is the center of the community and many families use the playground as a source for exercise, play and a meeting place to gather and socialize, according to Stasko.

Assemblyman Hawley reveres outdoor sporting activities

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently participated in the Assembly's second annual Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day, held in the “Well” of the Legislative Office Building in Albany.

The assemblyman met with local outdoor enthusiasts and sporting vendors to discuss how to honor and support the proud traditions of New York’s sportsmen and sportswomen.

“Since the state’s inception, outdoor sporting activities have been an integral part of life for New Yorkers, and those traditions are continued with a special reverence here in Western New York,” Hawley said. “Not only are hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities woven into the fabric of our state, but the benefits of these practices have a far-reaching impact.

"Sporting industries create jobs while attracting revenue and investment to Western New York. Additionally, outdoor enthusiasts spur economic growth at the state and local levels as a result of increased tourism, contributing more than $6 billion annually to New York’s economy.”

Hawley was joined at the event by outdoor enthusiasts from Genesee, Monroe, Niagara and Orleans counties. He applauded those in attendance for helping to make the second annual Sportsmen’s Day such a success.

“I am honored to be a part of such a successful event that connects the proud sportsmen and sportswomen of this state directly with the decision makers in charge of legislative policies regarding outdoor activities,” Hawley said. “Sportsmen’s Day is a reminder that the power truly rests in the hands of the people. I am grateful to have received so much input from those with the deepest understanding of outdoor issues.”

College's international exchange program earns award

By Billie Owens

Genesee Community College's international Nursing and Biotechnology exchange program to Queensland, Australia has been awarded a 2011 Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education.

It is bestowed by the Institute of International Education. Genesee's Australia exchange program won Honorable Mention in the Internationalizing the Community College category.

The awards honor the most outstanding initiatives in international higher education among the members of IIE Network, an association of more than 1,000 higher education institutions.

IIE will present the awards at a ceremony in New York City on March 18 as part of its  Sixth Annual Best Practices in Internationalization Conference.

Genesee sent its first class of Nursing students to Brisbane, Australia in March of 2010 and its first Biotechnology student in August of 2010. Throughout their time abroad, the students worked in the field and studied their respective programs in a rigorous eight-week schedule.

Nursing students worked in local hospitals, while the Biotechnology student worked in medical pathology labs.

Biotechnology student Leah Reino documented her time in Australia in a blog that features photos of her pathology experience as well as her travels in Australia and New Zealand. The blog and photographs can be found at <>.

With the success of these programs, Genesee has expanded its international reach to Brazil, the Netherlands, Ireland, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.

"Our relationships with international partners such as Australia and Brazil are strengthening," said Eunice M. Bellinger, EdD, executive vice president for Academic Affairs at Genesee Community College. "These programs advance a shared vision and philosophy of providing international experiences to the student body, thus broadening their horizons and global citizenship."

The Institute of International Education is a world leader in the international exchange of people and ideas. An independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1919, IIE designs and implements programs of study and training for students, educators, young professionals and trainees from all sectors with funding from government agencies, foundations and corporations.

IIE also conducts policy research and program evaluations, and provides advising and counseling on international education and opportunities abroad.

For further information please contact James Goodwin, Genesee's director of Curriculum Development and Review at 343-0055, ext. 6322.

Batavia man recognized for National Guard reenlistment

By Billie Owens

Major General Patrick A. Murphy, the Adjutant General, announced the recent reenlistment of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their continuing commitment to serve community, state and nation as part of the Army National Guard.

Sergeant Michael Defreze from Batavia has reenlisted to continue service with the 152nd Engineer Support Company.

"Over the past three years, the New York Army National Guard has come from far below authorized strength to 100-percent strength," Murphy said. "Our priority is to provide ready forces for both state and federal missions and readiness starts with maintaining our strength.

"We have more than 16,000 men and women in the Army and Air National Guard with each individual member having an important role."

For more information about the New York Army National Guard, visit or

It's down to the wire for Out of the Box competition

By Billie Owens

Out of the Box, an international contest hosted by Community Tool Box, is still in full swing and voters have until Jan. 31 to vote for Genesee County Drug Free Communities (DFC) Coalition.

The coalition is one of 10 finalists from among 309 applicants from 42 countries. If it wins first place, it will be awarded $5,000 and a free customized WorkStation; $2,000 and the same WorkStation will be awarded to the second-place winner.

Community Tool Box is a community-building resource that serves groups all around the world.

Christina Holt, associate director for Community Tool Box Services, recently e-mailed all finalists reminding them of the need to get the word out. She cited The Batavian article, “GC Drug Free Communities a Top 10 finalist for international honor,” as an example of how to do this.

DFC is made up of people, agencies, organizations, churches and schools throughout Genesee County. The people engaged in DFC come from various community sectors – including parents, law enforcement, schools, faith-based groups, business and media – and work to foster a safe, healthy and drug-free community for youth and families.

People can read more about the DFC and vote via the following link:


BID seeks committee volunteers

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Business Improvement District is looking for fresh faces in 2011.

“We need volunteers more than ever,” said Don Burkel, executive director of the B.I.D. “ As we continue to grow and develop new programs and events we are looking for people to help us implement them in our community.”

The B.I.D. has committees that are looking for volunteers. They are: Business Development; Design; Promotions; Public Market; Christmas in the City; Summer in the City; and Wine Walk.

“All of these play an integral part of enhancing not only our downtown, but our quality of life in Batavia,” said Krysia Mager, a B.I.D. Board and Promotion Committee member since 2009.

"It’s a great feeling to watch one of your ideas come to life,” said Leanna DiRisio, chairperson of the Wine Walk and also a Promotion Committee member. “It makes it worthwhile to watch the people come downtown to enjoy our community.”

If interested in joining a committee and making our community better, then contact Don Burkel at (585) 344-0900 or log onto for more information.

The Batavia Business Improvement District was established in 1998 as an independent 501 (C)(6) not-for-profit business association. Its mission is to retain and attract new business, and promote business and events in downtown Batavia. There are 179 retail and professional businesses that make up the Downtown District.

GCC on red alert about deadly binge drinking

By Billie Owens

In an effort to raise awareness about the deadly effects of binge drinking, Genesee Community College has launched the Red Watch Band campaign in conjunction with GCASA.

The Red Watch Band (RWB) campaign began as an initiative at Stony Brook University and is now a national alcohol intervention campaign. Its mission is to provide campus community members with the knowledge, awareness and skills to prevent student toxic drinking deaths and to promote a student culture of kindness, responsibility, compassion, and respect.

In June 2008, a Stony Brook University faculty member lost her son to acute alcohol overdose while he was finishing his freshman year away at college. Upon hearing this news, President Shirley Strum Kenny commissioned an education-awareness campaign on preventing drinking deaths on college campuses.

Alcohol and other drug specialists and student leaders at Stony Brook developed a comprehensive bystander intervention program offered to all students.

Genesee Community College's office of Student Activities, as well as the Health and Physical Education department have joined with GCASA to launch the Red Watch Band program that will provide students with the tools necessary to make healthier, potentially lifesaving decisions when it comes to alcohol use.

A training day for interested students will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 12 in room T102.

The primary component of the program is a four-hour training session in which participants learn how to recognize alcohol emergencies and respond effectively. The training program will consist of two and half hours of CPR/AED training and one and a half hours of Alcohol Emergencies taught by Alcohol and Other Drugs Specialists. Participants will receive a free lunch during the training.

"We really want to coordinate an effort to educate our students on the perils of excessive drinking," said Cliff Scutella, director of Student Activities. "We want to inform students on what to do if someone they know has an alcohol overdose. Having this alcohol intervention training could mean the difference in someone living or dying."

For further information about the RWB campaign visit <> or contact GCC's Student Activities office at 343-0055, ext. 6261.

Improved GCC theater ready for spring action

By Billie Owens

After a quiet fall theater season, the spring season at the Genesee Center for the Arts will feature plenty of live performances due, in part, to brand-new, state-of-the-art lighting and rigging upgrades in the Stuart Steiner Theatre.

The Center for the Arts, located on the Batavia Campus of Genesee Community College, has undergone improvements totaling over $200,000, not including the adjacent art gallery that is currently in the finishing stages of construction.

Ed Hallborg, the theater's technical director, said the upgrades improve lighting quality and controls to current technical standards, and they also made safety improvements for the rigging to support both light fixtures and stage curtains.

(A video of the "behind the scenes" workings of the new equipment can be viewed at <>  under the video "Making Theater Magic.")

The rigging improvements addressed new safety and building codes, while the lighting upgrade consist of a new dimming system and a new lighting console. A new sound recording system called ProTools allows for state-of-the-art recordings for not only theater performances, but for student classroom use.

"Although many of the upgrades were certainly needed, much of the new technology is behind the scenes," Hallborg said. "Regular patrons may not even notice the improved lighting and sound equipment, but the cast and crew who work behind the curtain or up in the control room, as well as Fine Arts students, will be grateful for the new, easy-to-use, modern technologies."

Genesee's modern facilities allow for increased hands-on experience for students in the Fine Arts curriculum, specifically Technical Theater majors. Demand is high for qualified, skilled and talented technical theater professionals in communities nationwide.

Genesee graduates are ready to work in professional and community theater facilities, as television crew, special events management, musical and opera companies, major touring productions and concerts, and in the travel/cruise entertainment industries.

Technical Theater career opportunities include: stagecraft technicians; theater electricians; lighting designers/technicians; stage director and managers; sound designers/technicians; and set designers/technicians.

Students also have great transfer options to further their education with institutions such as the University of Buffalo, Buffalo State College, Ithaca College and SUNY Brockport.

For further information please contact Edward Hallborg at 343-0055, ext. 6618 or <>.

For photos and updates on the events at the Genesee Center for the Arts visit the Facebook page at <>.

The Spring 2011 schedule of performing arts events at Genesee Center for the Arts includes:

  • "In the Blood" by Suzan-Lori Parks -- Feb. 3, 4, and 5
  • Batavia-Bayou Cultural Connection with live music from Mumbo Jumbo and LeeRon Zydeco and the Hot Tamales -- Feb. 19
  • Tony Brown and the Faithful -- Feb. 25
  • AElinor Oratoria-Chorale Concert -- March 6
  • Stone Row -- March 12
  • "Nobody Likes Mordacious" Children's Theater by Jack Stokes -- March 23, 24 and 25
  • "Blood Brothers" by Willy Russell -- April 7-10

Congressman Lee votes to cut spending to '08 budget levels

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Congressman Chris Lee's office:

Congressman Chris Lee voted today to cut federal spending back to at least 2008 budget levels to help return fiscal responsibility to Washington.

Lee voted for H. Res. 38, which instructs the House Budget Committee to implement spending levels set for 2008 for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year.

“The majority of the Western New Yorkers I’ve spoken with want Washington to get its fiscal house in order, and I’ve heard their calls loud and clear,” Lee said. “Today’s vote sends a message that the House will not continue the incredible spending binge that we’ve seen over the last few years.

"Every second that passes, Congress adds thousands of dollars onto an already record-high $14 trillion debt, and that needs to change.”

Non-defense discretionary spending – including the failed $787 billion “stimulus” bill – has increased 84 percent from 2008 through last year, while the national debt has soared from nearly $11 trillion in 2008 to more than $14 trillion today.

“Washington needs to get serious about cutting spending so future generations are not buried under a mountain of debt,” Lee said. “Cutting overall spending to 2008 levels is an important start to getting Washington to live within its means, just as Western New York families have always done.”

Salvation Army's gym reopens

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army has announced that its gymnasium is now available for community programs and rental. The gym is 2,816 square feet of useable space and a reimbursement cost of $20 per hour is requested.

“We have been working on minor repairs and the heating system," said Captain Patty Kurtz. "Everything is completed and the facility can be used year round."

The facility can be used for special events, pick up games, group meetings, etc.

“In February we will be posting our Spring schedule with days and times for leagues, open gym, and pick up games," she said. "We have planned teen and youth nights as well."

For more information contact: Capt. Patty at 343-6284 or e-mail at

Tractor-trailer rollover in Bergen

By Billie Owens

A tractor-trailer rollover accident is reported at Route 19 and Creamery Road in Bergen. A sedan is also involved. Unknown injuries. There's a strong smell of gasoline. The trailer is on its side. Its contents are unknown.

Bergen fire and ambulance and Mercy EMS are responding.

UPDATE 3:49 p.m.: There is one minor injury and no hazard materials are present. Fire police are called to assist with traffic.

UPDATE 3:51 p.m.: Mercy EMS is put back in service.

UPDATE 4 p.m.: The tractor-trailer is loaded with cabbage. A tow-truck company is en route.

Police association's fund-raising efforts under way

By Billie Owens

Here's an updated reminder from the Batavia Police Benevolent Association:

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association is currently conducting a fund-raising event through the U.S. Post Office.

The association recently sent out mailings to the business community in an effort to help raise money, which it uses to support various groups within the Batavia area.

We will be conducting a residential mailing later this winter, which will include a list of all businesses which have supported our efforts. We encourage all to help us continue our efforts in serving the community.

We will not be making any solicitations by phone or in person.

Should anyone have questions regarding this event, please contact one of our members, mail us at:

Batavia P.B.A.

P.O. Box 299

Batavia, NY14021

Or call Det. Kevin Czora at 345-6311.

GCEDC 'encouraged' by latest employment figures

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release sent today from the Genesee County Economic Development Center:

The employment scene in Genesee County for year 2010, despite the Great Recession being in full swing, had positive results with regards to employment and job creation and retention across the county.

According to the latest figures just released from the New York State Department of Labor, Genesee County showed a net increase of 300 private sector jobs in 2010. The growth rate of private sector job creation within the county reflected a 1.8-percent increase for the year.

This type of growth is encouraging as most communities across the state and country have been shedding jobs or are fighting to maintain the status quo during 2010.

“Genesee County continues to succeed and grow even during difficult economic times," said Steve Hyde, president of the Genesee County Economic Development Center.  "This growth has been enabled by our private sector companies being resilient and successful during these tough economic times."

The GCEDC board of directors drove a focus on growth and ensuring we are a “business-friendly” community by way of our economic development strategic plan written in 2003.

Since 2005, GCEDC has participated in 177 economic development projects with area companies. This has fostered capital investment commitments which exceed $430 million and job creation commitments of nearly 1,400 jobs.

“It is encouraging to see that public/private partnerships like the GCEDC has with our business community is contributing to their sustainability and growth, especially in uncertain economic times like we have today," Hyde said. "I’m hopeful for continued growth and success in our local and regional economies in 2011."

Car accident in 'T-town'

By Billie Owens

A car accident is reported at Ellicott Street Road and Telephone Road in Texaco Town. There are no injuries, but it is blocking the roadway.

Pavilion Fire Department is responding.

Car smashes into tree in Alexander

By Billie Owens

A car has struck a tree at 10708 Alexander Road, in the area of the Alexander Fire Recreation Hall.

The driver has a head injury according to State Police on scene.

Alexander Fire Department and Mercy EMS are responding.

UPDATE 12:10 p.m.: The injury is minor and medics are told to come in non-emergency mode.

Rollover accident in Stafford

By Billie Owens

A one-car rollover accident is reported at 6723 Clinton Street Road in Stafford.

The driver is still inside, but conscious and moving.

Stafford Fire Department and Mercy EMS are responding.

The location is between Waterman and Coward roads.

UPDATE 1:11 p.m.: Responders on scene say the driver has minor injuries and that no extrication is needed.

UPDATE 1:20 p.m.: The driver is out of the vehicle. A flatbed tow truck from Bethany is responding.

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