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Save the dates for Second Annual GCC Homecoming

By Billie Owens

Alumni, friends and community residents should rev up their DeLoreans and prepare to travel back in time for Genesee Community College's second annual Homecoming!

The "Back to the Future" themed celebration will take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 16-18. All graduating classes as well as family members, friends and the community are invited to the college's Batavia campus for a weekend filled with "Back to the Future" alumni activities, sporting events and an all-class "Back to the Rock Fest" mixer.

Friday, Sept. 16 will feature men's and women's alumni soccer games played under the lights of the all-weather turf field. A student and alumni tailgate party will take place during the games near the soccer stadium. Throughout the alumni soccer games and the rest of the Homecoming weekend, WGCC will feature on-air reunion broadcasts with guest alumni DJs.

Saturday, Sept. 17 will begin with various alumni-centered activities and celebrations across the campus including campus tours and a "Prez and Profs" lunch with Genesee's new president, James Sunser, Ed.D, and past and present professors.

A Networking and Social Media Workshop, a Student Government Reunion and a Fashion Merchandising Management Reunion will also be on the agenda for the fun-filled weekend. The Men's and Women's Cougar Soccer teams will play at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. versus Mohawk Valley Community College.

Saturday also features the Cruise at the College, classic cars, trucks and bikes from across Western New York will gather in the college's parking lot. Coinciding with the cruise, will be the Giant Yard Sale and barbeque benefiting Genesee's Student Activities and will offer artisan displays, food and music. Following the cruise, the second group of honorees will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame with an induction ceremony and celebration.

Saturday's Homecoming activities conclude with a "Back to the Rock Fest" Reunion/Mixer open to all alumni and community members. The mixer will feature the local musical talents of the Ghost Riders and The Trolls with members of Seventh Heaven. The mixer will feature food, fun, prizes and a cash bar in the college's William W. Stuart Forum.

GCC's second annual Homecoming weekend winds down on Sunday, Sept. 18 with Drew Landry, a Louisiana singer, songwriter, environmental activist performing in the Forum starting at noon. The planning committee of 10 Genesee alumni, including chairpersons Patti ('70) and John Michalak ('73), is excited to expand the festivities into Sunday.

"We're eagerly planning the second annual Homecoming," Patti Michalak said. "We had such a great time last year and we are making this year's Homecoming weekend bigger and better than ever. We have a great line up of events with local bands rocking the college on Saturday, and then a nationally recognized performing artist who lives and works closely to land in Louisiana to close our event on Sunday. It's going to be a great weekend at GCC!"

Further details on locations, times and additional alumni activities will be forthcoming. For more information or to volunteer for the Homecoming weekend, please contact Alumni Affairs coordinator Jackie Christenson at 585-343-0055, ext. 6265 or

Oakfield student named to Deans' List at University of Vermont

By Billie Owens

Christopher F. Bucceri, of Oakfield, has been named to the Deans' List for the Spring 2011 semester at the University of Vermont. Bucceri is a junior Business Administration major in the School of Business Administration.

To be named to the Deans' List, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class.

Chartered in 1791, UVM was the first college or university in the United States that did not give preference to a religious sect in its charter. As a small, comprehensive university, it blends the academic heritage of a private university with service missions in the land-grant tradition.

Animal shelter needs dry kitten, cat and dog food, clay litter, laundry soap

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Animal Shelter is in need of dry kitten, cat and dog food, clay litter and laundry soap.

If you can help with any of these supplies, please drop off at the shelter during adoption hours.

The shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia. Phone is 343-6410.

Adoption hours are:

  • 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday through Friday, but closed on Thursdays
  • 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday
  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday

Lively revue of show tunes at Harvester 56 Theater

By Billie Owens

"On Broadway Too" opens tonight at the Harvester 56 Theater, home of the Batavia Players, Inc.

Matthew Mayne, director, and 40 talented vocalists from Niagara, Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming and Monroe counties have been preparing since early May for this jam-packed song-and-dance revue.

Musical selections from these shows will be featured: "9 to 5 -- the Muscial"; "Spring Awakening"; "Next to Normal"; and "The Lion King."

Shows are at 7:30 tonight, Friday and Saturday. Plus, there's a 2 o'clock matinee on Saturday. Seating is limited.

Visit and reserve your seat with or call 1-866-967-8167.

The theater is located at 56 Harvester Ave. in the City of Batavia. Tickets cost $10, students and seniors pay $8.

GC chamber holds meeting about this fall's trip to China

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce will host an informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. on June 29 about the nine-day tour of China. It will take place at the chamber office on Main Street in Downtown Batavia.

This is the sixth time the chamber has offered this tour.

The trip is from Nov. 1 to 9 and costs $2,099 per person. The chamber believes this trip to be an exceptional value. Price includes air fare (from JFK), bus to/from JFK, hotel stays, three meals a day, bus tours (with guides), admission to tourist spots, and airport taxes throughout the trip.

Event Date and Time

GC chambers to hold meeting about trip to China this fall

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce will host an informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. on June 29 about the nine-day tour of China. It will take place at the chamber office on Main Street in Downtown Batavia.

This is the sixth time the chamber has offered this tour.

The trip is from Nov. 1 to 9 and costs $2,099 per person. The chamber believes this trip to be an exceptional value. Price includes air fare (from JFK), bus to/from JFK, hotel stays, three meals a day, bus tours (with guides), admission to tourist spots, and airport taxes throughout the trip.

The trip is filling up quickly! Final payments are due by July 20. For more details or to sign up for the meeting, call Lynn or Melissa at the chamber at 343-7440.

Level 3 sex offender found guilty of failing to register address change

By Billie Owens

Level 3 sex offender Ronald A. Smith was convicted Tuesday afternoon in Genesee County Court of one count of failure to register a change of address.

After deliberating less than two hours, the jury of seven women and five men returned a guilty verdict, which needed to be unanimous, for a violation of the Sex Offender Registration Act. Sentencing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Aug. 8.

The Lewiston, Maine, native rejected two plea offers by the District Attorney before taking the case to trial. The first offer was for one and a half to two years in prison, the minimum allowed under statute, and the second offer was for one to three years.

Smith was released Oct. 28, 2010 after serving time for first-degree criminal sexual act with a child under 11. Subsequently, he reportedly lived on Thorpe and East Main streets in the City of Batavia, as well as in Alexander and Oakfield. He was found to not be legally residing at any of these locations.

In court on Tuesday, Smith wore khaki-colored pants, and a snug-fitting white, long-sleeved shirt which revealed a well-muscled torso. His head was nearly shaved. He's about 5'4" tall.

In his brief opening statement, William Harper, an attorney with the Public Defender's Office, reminded the jury of its duty to stick to the issue at hand and not be prejudiced in weighing the evidence because his client is a sex offender.

"The presumption of innocence is the cornerstone of our justice system," Harper said. "We know you won't pre-judge."

Harper and Public Defender Gary Horton tried to create reasonable doubt in the jurors' minds by indications that Smith was confused about his obligations and was not properly instructed about them. The credibility of two witnesses who live on Thorpe Street was also called into question.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman told jurors the case would not last long because it is not complicated. Simply put, Smith knew he had to register his address, knew how and when to do so, but did not.

A videotaped interview conducted on Jan. 13 was played in the courtroom. It shows Smith, clad in a black T-shirt and slumped in a chair, telling an officer he lived in a trailer park in Oakfield. The officer says he talked with Smith's aunt and others in Oakfield and they said Smith didn't live there and never had.

The defendent maintained that he lived in Oakfield with his fiancee until his sister was removed from his mother's house and put into foster care -- because he is not allowed by authorities to be in contact with his sister. Once that occurred, he moved in with his mother. He didn't register there because his mother "would get evicted."

But a child-protective services worker testified that he visited Smith's mother's house beforehand and found the defendant "crouched in a fetal position by the bed with his eyes covered." He said he saw him again the following day turning into the driveway of the apartment complex and contacted police.

The length of time Smith lived on Thorpe Street was said to be four days or two to three weeks, depending on who was talking. He said he notified authorities he lived there, but not the landlord. When the landlord found out he was there, it was made clear he was not welcome.

At some point, too, he purportedly lived in Alexander.

"The place you come home to is where you live...not because you get mail there," Smith is told in the videotape.

Smith, who will turn 20 in January, replied that "before you told me, I really didn't know."

And yet Smith acknowleged his parole officer told him what he needed to do as a free citizen: Notify the police within 10 days of a change of address, show police verification of address every 90 days, go for treatment if required to do so, and let the state know where he was.

Desiree Sumeriski is the mother of Smith's baby daughter and lives in an apartment on Thorpe Street. She testified that Smith stayed there until Oct. 31 after his release and left to move in with his mother.

She was romantically involved with another man at the time and when asked if this created a problem with Smith being around, she said no, that she only saw the man when Smith wasn't there.

Horton asked if she had been convicted of filing a false report of child abuse against a person with CPS and she admitted she had. Asked if she had also pled guilty to harassment charges on more than one occasion, she said yes.

Her neighbor across the street, Jennifer Schaffer, also testified that she knew Smith was staying there and that he left on Oct. 31. Her friendship with Sumeriski was pointed out by the defense, an inference that this might affect her testimony.

The cross examination of the two women was apparently an attempt to discredit their testimony that Smith lived there only a few days because Smith had stated he was there for two or three weeks. But in his videotaped interview, he says he was only on Thorpe for a few days.

Regardless, Sumeriski's landlord was not notified because Smith claims he didn't know he had to.

On cross examination, Horton tells Batavia Police Detective Kevin Czora that Smith mentioned several times he didn't know he had to notify the landlord.

"Did you ask him what he thought was required to notify the landlord?" Horton asked.

"No," the detective replied.

An administrative aide with the Sex Offender Registry in Albany testified that address information filed for sex offenders "all ends up in Albany." There are only three notifications on file for Smith.

The first move documented is from West Main Street (jail), Batavia, to Alexander. The second is from Alexander to Thorpe Street. The last is from Thorpe to South Main Street, Oakfield. There is nothing on file about residency at his mom's apartment in Batavia.

Outside the presence of the jury, Horton moved to vacate the case for lack of evidence and his motion was denied.

In closing arguments, Horton told jurors the key question is "When did Ron Smith register?" He told them to forget about the details, the forms -- which weren't explained to the defendent -- and not to use Smith's prior convictions to decide the case.

"Cases don't get much simpler that this," Friedman told the jury. "They don't get less complicated than this."

Friedman said Smith gave different addresses and different times he stayed at them. He admits that he never lived in Alexander or Oakfield, Friedman said. He also claims he thought he could just list an address without regard to where he  actually stayed, which is inconsistent with the legal obligation he acknowleged, Friedman said.

After asking to view the videotape a second time and having the stipulations of the charge reread for them, the jury reached a verdict just before 3:30 p.m. Smith will remain in custody.

A court date for other charges pending against Smith will be set at 11 a.m. on July 7.

He also faces up to five years in prison -- to be served concurrently with the failure to register conviction -- if he's found guilty of three counts of sexual acts with a child under 11.

He was arrested less than four months after being released in October, 2010 on suspicion of molesting a child in the City of Batavia.

Manhunt in Indian Falls proves futile

By Billie Owens

About 20 minutes ago, law enforcement called off an extensive search around Indian Falls and Little Falls roads for a wanted man. The search went on for about an hour.

They say he's known locally and "will turn up."

The man, whose name has not been released, has warrants out of Ontario County and was allegedly driving a vehicle without a driver's license.

He was spotted by state Trooper Holly Hanssel, who attempted to make a traffic stop, prompting the suspect to flee on foot.

She called in additional law enforcement, and Batavia police and Sheriff's deputies responded, along with a K-9 team and a state helicopter.

They combed both sides of the Tonawanda Creek and at some point found muddy footprints, and it is believed he crossed over in a couple of places.

He's described as being white, about 5'8", with a medium to heavy built, tattoos, a shaved head and sporting a goatee. No description of clothing was given.

UPDATE 2:43 p.m.: The suspect was possibly spotted near Route 77 wearing a red shirt and black shorts. A resident with a gun had chased the suspect to a picnic cookout area where the guy ran down an embankment. The resident contacted law enforcement and subsequently went home. The Sheriff's K-9 unit is scouring the area but officers "do not have a visual" on him.

UPDATE 4:21 p.m.: The suspect was apprehended at 3:17 p.m. Some time later, one deputy was heard on the scanner congratulating Deputy Brian Thompson on "another awesome job." Deputy Thompson, in response, gave credit to K-9 "Pharoah."

Kid on bike struck by vehicle in front of Denny's

By Billie Owens

A child on a bicycle has been struck by a vehicle in front of Denny's restaurant at 364 W. Main St. in Batavia. The child is still under the vehicle.

Batavia Fire Department and Mercy EMS are responding. Mercy Flight is being sent in, with a five minute ETA.

UPDATE 12:58 p.m.: Ladder truck 15 out of the city is going to set up a landing zone for the helicopter on River Street, south of Main street by the creek.

UPDATE 1:03 p.m.: Mercy Flight is on the ground.

UPDATE 1:06 p.m.: The victim has been extricated.

Corfu resident earns scholarship to attend Alfred State College

By Billie Owens

A Genesee County resident has been awarded a $1,000 "Russo Family Scholarship" to attend Alfred State College.

Kathryn J. Worth, of Corfu, is slated to graduate from Pembroke Central School and intends to enroll in the college's digital media and animation program.

The scholarship is based on academic achievement and is made possible through the generosity of the Russo Family Foundation.

Fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Alfred State offers 52 associate degrees, 19 baccalaureate degree programs, and three certificate programs.

Batavia High School Class of '76 holds 35th Reunion

By Billie Owens

Batavia High School's Class of 1976 is having a casual gathering to reunite with friends and socialize on Friday, July 1 at the Smoke House restaurant on Center Street.

The 35th Reunion will be from 6 to 11 p.m. on the second floor. Attire is casual, so is attitude. There will be a cash bar and food available.

The organizers ask that you inform any and all contacts from the Class of '76 and advise them to reply as to whether or not they will be attending at <>

Event Date and Time

Batavia High School Class of '76 to hold 35th Reunion

By Billie Owens

Batavia High School's Class of 1976 is having a casual gathering to reunite with friends and socialize on Friday, July 1 at the Smoke House restaurant on Center Street.

The 35th Reunion will be from 6 to 11 p.m. on the second floor. Attire is casual, so is attitude. There will be a cash bar and food available.

The organizers ask that you inform any and all contacts from the Class of '76 and advise them to reply as to whether or not they will be attending at <>

"Thanks and we look forward to seeing all of you there!"

Vehicle on its roof on Gabbey Road, Pembroke

By Billie Owens

A motor-vehicle accident, with unknown injuries, is reported at 871 Gabbey Road in Pembroke. The vehicle is on its roof.

The location is "by the bend" at Wyman and Marble roads.

Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments and Mercy EMS are responding.

UPDATE 1:20 a.m.: The driver and a passenger said to be his girlfriend are not in the vehicle. State Troopers went to a house not far away on Route 5, where it was thought they might be, but they weren't there. Now troopers are going to a house on South Lake Road. At least one of the vehicle's occupants is believed to be injured. Firefighters are proceeding to stage in the area of South Lake and Gabbey roads, not far from the accident scene. Mercy medics are continuing non-emergency mode. A hook tow truck is en route to the vehicle, a red Corvette.

UPDATE 1:40 a.m.: Law enforcement tells dispatch that the two parties involved purportedly suffered only cuts and bruises and that they they were taken by a third party to their respective residences. Next, the pair was thought to be indeed at the South Lake Road residence -- based on what a responder reportedly saw -- despite what the homeowner contended. This sparked comments on the scanner about "honesty issues." Now, the Corvette's occupants are thought to be, or are returning to, the home on Route 5. Pembroke and Indian Falls are put back in service, along with Mercy medics. A fire hyrdrant was sheared off as a result of the accident, but is not spouting water. The water authority has been notified.

Two-car accident at routes 33 and 237, Stafford

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident is reported at routes 33 and 237.

Stafford Fire Department and Mercy EMS dispatched. A third ambulance is requested from Byron since no additional Mercy rigs are available. A fourth ambulance is requested from Bethany.

Traffic control is requested at the west and east ends of the intersection. One lane will be closed and two-way traffic directed by traffic police.

No Mercy Flight helicopters are available. Buffalo is grounded due to weather.

Two people were entrapped, but are now out.

Hawley helped defeat 'inane' bill to ban smoking in vehicles

By Billie Owens

Here's a press release from Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) was one of several Assembly Minority members to speak up against a bill that sought to ban smoking in cars carrying passengers ages 14 and under.

The measure was ultimately defeated and removed from consideration. While Hawley noted that the intent of the legislation was admirable, he described the bill as an affront to personal freedoms and liberties. He also questioned whether a convertible would be exempted and told “no,” further
exemplifying the absurdity of the inane legislation.

“Most everyone can agree that people shouldn’t smoke in the car with young children present, but government does not exist to legislate what a citizen should and should not do,” Hawley said. “This bill is a blatant example of government meddling with the rights of individualism to an obscene extent.

"Just as we cannot legislate who is qualified or unqualified to be a parent, the legislature cannot tell a citizen of legal, tobacco-purchasing age that they cannot smoke in their own vehicle.”

Rotary's annual Fly-in Breakfast

By Billie Owens

The ever popular Batavia Rotary Club's annual Fly-in Breakfast is this Sunday, June 19, at the Genesee County Airport. It's also Father's Day!

Cost for breakfast is $7 and the time is 7 a.m. to noon.

The airport is located at 4701 E. Saile Drive in the Town of Batavia.

Event Date and Time

College board agrees to sell cell tower, awards two contracts, chooses new officers

By Billie Owens

Here's a press release from Genesee Community College.

On Monday, the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees conducted the following business:

-- Approved a Resolution of Sympathy to the family of Rev. Kenneth A. Dodd, who died May 27. Rev. Dodd had served as a member of the College's Board of Trustees since 1992.

-- Authorized President Stuart Steiner to execute documents for the sale of the Verizon cell tower lease with the college to Unison Site Management. In addition to receiving about $176,000 in the sale, the college will receive 50 percent of any new revenues Unison generates from cell tower clients. The sale is subject to an environmental review and approval by the Genesee County Legislature, sponsor of the college.

-- Awarded two contracts for various projects on the Batavia campus, including: replacement of concrete in front of the main entrances; addition of a courtyard adjacent to the Conable Technology Building; and electrical and lighting work on the college's tennis courts. V.J. Gautieri Constructors, LLC, of Batavia, was the successful bidder for general construction services with a bid of $419,750. Kaplan Schmidt Electric, of Pittsford, was the successful bidder for electrical services with a bid of $212,000.

-- Heard Nominating Committee Chair Glenn R. Morton report that the committee plans to nominate Charles R. Ruffino as board chair for the 2011-2012 year; Maureen T. Marshall as vice-chair; and Diane D. Torcello as secretary. Officers will be elected at the board's July meeting.

-- Heard that Karlyn M. Finucane has joined the college staff as technical specialist for the Accelerated College Enrollment (ACE) program, which coordinates college courses and services to area high school students. She is a resident of Lancaster.

-- Heard President Stuart Steiner report that 1,479 students had enrolled in the college's summer sessions. Registrations are still being accepted for the second summer session, which runs from July 5 to Aug. 6. Every area high school graduate will receive a scholarship for two summer courses, and high school students can still register for the second session. Steiner said he believes that the summer 2011 session will have the second-highest summer enrollment in the college's history. And although fall enrollment was not on the board's agenda, Steiner said that the fall semester will likely produce a new record enrollment.

-- Heard Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Gina M. Weaver report that a broad-based Strategic Planning Committee had completed the draft of a new strategic plan for the college. It encompasses goals in six areas: student success and preparedness; faculty and staff success; economic impact; relevant and impactful programs; culture of trust and innovation; and financial sustainability. Board Chair Charles R. Ruffino thanked Weaver and the committee for the year-long effort. Ruffino referred the draft plan to an ad-hoc Board of Trustees Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of Trustees Melvin J. Wentland, Maureen T. Marshall, Donna M. Ferry and Laura J. Bohm.

College trustees agree to put wind turbine on Batavia campus

By Billie Owens

This is a press release from Genesee Community College.

At the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees on Monday, they agreed to locate an educational wind turbine at the Batavia campus in cooperation with Batavia, Alexander and Pavilion high schools.

The three schools received a Title I federal grant to purchase the wind turbine, which will be used by the high schools and the college for science and engineering instruction. Trustees anticipate locating the turbine at the northeast corner of the campus. The turbine will be much smaller than many windmills, standing only 70 feet. The schools identified the Batavia campus an ideal location for the turbine since it is believed to be the windiest location in Genesee County.

The turbine will generate a variety of wind and meteorological data that will be transmitted to a computer housed at the campus. Students will use and analyze the data as part of their educational programs. The college has identified at least nine engineering, chemistry and physics courses that would use the turbine and turbine-related data. Eight Genesee Accelerated College Enrollment (ACE) Physics courses offered in area high schools are also expected to use turbine data. And at least two of the high schools are developing courses that would specifically include use of the wind turbine.

Hundreds of students will directly benefit from the equipment each year, said Eunice M. Bellinger, Ph.D, executive vice president for Academic Affairs. The turbine could also be used for community courses and demonstrations in the future, President Stuart Steiner said.

In addition to its small size, the wind turbine is very quiet, rated with a noise level of 35 decibels, which is softer than a typical conversation. One side benefit of the wind turbine is that will generate about 1,500 kilowatt hours of electricity a year, which will slightly decrease the college's electricity bill.

Besides supporting educational programs, the wind turbine reflects the State University of New York's system-wide commitment to an "energy-smart" New York.

"We have a real commitment to sustainability and we want to help meet SUNY's vision of an energy-efficient New York state," Bellinger said.

Le Roy students named to Deans' List at SUNY Oneonta

By Billie Owens

Brianna Olsen, of Le Roy, is among the 1,422 students who earned Deans' List honors for the spring 2011 semester at SUNY Oneonta. To qualify, undergraduates must earn a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher while carrying a course load of 12 semester hours or more.

A liberal arts college focusing on teaching and learning, SUNY Oneonta was established as a state normal school in 1889 and incorporated as a founding member of the state university system in 1948. The college is well known for its outstanding faculty, strong academic programs, educational technology, community service and character-building activities and scenic campus.

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