(Harness driver Shawn Gray)
By Tim Bojarski, president-UNY USHWA
Akron, NY---Harness driver Shawn Gray was spotted at Plainridge Park, just south of Boston on Monday (July 27), but he wasn’t there plying his trade. Instead he was in the grandstand with friends, watching the races and working on getting better.
Gray made the stop on his way back home to Maine where he planned to spend some time recuperating from a racing accident that occurred earlier this month.
In the last race at Buffalo Raceway on Wednesday (July 15), Gray was sitting fourth at the rail just past the quarter when the horse in front of him made a break. Gray grabbed the mare he was driving to go around, but she also ran and then stuck her toes. This caused trailing horses to pile into Gray, who eventually got thrown to the ground.
When the dust settled, several other drivers were shaken up, but Gray laid unconscious on the track. He was transported to a local hospital where he was treated and placed in ICU for three days.
“I had a pretty good concussion; my brain was bleeding. They monitored it every day to make sure it was under control and it was just wait and see for a while. My memory has been really messed up ever since. I don’t remember the accident or anything that happened before it” Gray said. “The only thing I do remember is waking up in the hospital and wanting to get the heck out of there.”
Gray was kept in ICU under observation from Wednesday until Saturday, when he was put in a regular room. Although his head injury was the most serious, Gray also suffered general bruising over his body, a broken knuckle on his right hand, a leg injury from being stepped on and he bit his tongue.
“Even though I have been getting better over the last week, I still have a problem thinking of people’s names; even people that I’ve known for 20 years. It just takes a second” Gray explained.
“Yesterday (July 27) was the best day I’ve had since the wreck, but today was not quite as good as yesterday, but not bad. The best way I can describe the way I feel right now is like a real, real sharp hangover. Kind of dizzy, my head hurts and my balance is not 100 percent.”
Gray’s next doctor appointment is Monday (Aug 3) to determine the progress he has made towards returning to work. The hope is to get cleared to start back jogging and eventually get back behind the gate. But Gray remains guarded, saying he’ll know when the time is right.
“We’ll see what the Doc says Monday; I can’t do anything until I get the green light from him. But even if he did say I was alright to go right now, I just wouldn’t feel comfortable driving.”
Gray’s plans are to race at Batavia Downs when he returns and for the foreseeable future. His horses are there being trained by his crew under his watchful eye. Everyone in the business who knows Shawn Gray is looking forward to him getting well and getting back in the bike soon.
“I just want to say that I really appreciate all the calls and texts I have gotten from everybody since this incident happened. I haven’t answered all of them because I just haven’t felt like talking a whole lot until a couple of days ago” Gray concluded.
Shawn Gray finished third in the driver standings at Buffalo Raceway with 123 wins, even though he missed the final two weeks of racing due to the accident.