Earlier this month, recruits at the Rural Police Training Academy at Genesee Community College took the plunge into the icy waters at Hamburg Beach on Lake Erie.
The current class in the 22nd Basic Course for Police participated in the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Polar Plunge on Dec. 4. All 24 recruits attended and 17 of them actually braved the 40 degree waters of Lake Erie for the cause.
They generated more than $1,000 in donations, coming in 24th place out of 89 competing teams in this annual event.
"This was a total volunteer event and I appreciate the hard work of this class for a great cause," said Douglas Brooks, director of GC's Rural Police Training Academy Brooks.
The event generates funds and raises awareness to benefit the Special Olympics, with similar events occurring throughout the year at locations across the country.
"It is a very unique way of not only raising funds for a great cause, but also building camaraderie among the recruits," Brooks said.