Do not be afraid. The cat with the seemingly luminous laser eyes is not possessed by evil spirits, but he is on the loose. Fear not, it's only "Spot."
Beyond the dazzling backlit eyeballs is an ordinary housecat who has scampered away from home at the corner of State Street and MacArthur Drive in Batavia, just in time for tomorrow's Summer Solstice -- the year's longest day of sunlight.
His markings are distinctive -- the black teardrop nose, the prominent snowy bib, and what appears to be a black cat's arm stretched around his head and under his chin, with paw resting on the right side of his mouth. Charming.
Another unique thing about Spot is his front legs are shorter than his back ones, kinda Manx-like, kinda rabbity.
"He's only ever been out of the house once and (this time) he snuck out and wouldn't come back," pouts owner David Austin, astonished by his pet's willfull disregard for the Official Handbook of Household Rules.
All cats apparently would have us believe they only got out once -- once -- on a Sunday morning to hang out in the church parking lot before rushing home straightaway once the congregation was dismissed. Never another defiant act! Yea, right...
If you see this rapscallion, email David Austin at: daustin201345@gmail.com