Photo and write-up sent by Pat Iamon on Nov. 21:
On Oct. 16th at the South Byron Fire Hall, 85 plus attendees came together to celebrate Halloween at Genesee County’s Adults with Developmental Disabilities Dance. There were witches, pirates, policemen, clowns, cowboys and Hippies. All had to pass by our life-sized “Uncle Charlie” who at the slightest movement gladly removed his head as his eyes moved from side to side.
Attendees entered ghostly bat-ridden, spider-webbed South Byron Fire Hall on a mild October evening. Uncle Joe snapped photos as DJ Tom queued up some of the group’s favorite tunes. As usual, folks mingled on the dance floor in between enjoying some delicious Timbits from Tim Horton’s and apple cider. September and October birthdays were recognized prior to our customary circle dances, the Chicken Dance and the Hokey Pokey.
The next dance is the much-anticipated Christmas Dance. We are expecting a visit from Santa and he usually comes bearing gifts. The dance will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18, at the South Byron Fire Hall on Route 237 once again.
Special thanks to the South Byron Fire Department for extending us the use of the hall for these first two dances while the Byron Fire Hall is undergoing some renovations. The last dance of the season on May 14th will be the Patriotic Dance and it will be held at the Byron Fire Hall.
The dances are sponsored by Byron Ladies Auxiliary, and are open to all folks with developmental disabilities ages 13 and up living in Genesee County; family and caregivers are also welcome. Adequate supervision is required. Anyone wanting to volunteer or who needs more information may call Pat Iamon at 245-2918 or Laura Platt at 548-2245. If dances need to be cancelled due to weather, please listen to WBTA.