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Photos: Barry Miller's funeral

By Howard B. Owens

Here is a complete set of pictures from today's funeral services for Barry Miller, the Bergen resident, small business owner, county coroner and volunteer EMT, who died last Wednesday when the ambulance he was riding in while responding to an emergency call ran into a piece of highway equipment.

Among the speakers was his friend, Town of Bergen Supervisor Don Cunningham, who noted the support and recognition the community showed by decorating the village with purple and black ribbons in Miller's honor. Cunningham said:

Barry wouldn't recognize those ribbons as for him. Barry would want those ribbons and that outpouring of kindness and the formal plans of today to be recognition for every man and woman in his department, for every uniformed individual here today, and for everyone who responds to help another. We can quickly forget that it could be any one of these first responders lynig before us here today. Barry wouldn't want us to forget that.

About 250 first responders statewide attend Barry Miller's funeral service in Chili

By Billie Owens

Robert Hilchey and his 2-year-old grandson Parker.

About 250 first responders from throughout New York State are at the funeral service in progress for Bergen's Barry Miller. The private, closed service is under way at Pearce Memorial Church on the campus of Roberts Wesleyan College in Chili. Because of the number of attendees, a closed-circuit television is set up inside the Cultural Life Center for viewing the service.

After opening remarks from Pastor Matthew French, the song of hope "I Will Rise" was sung by Craig Deats, followed by a prayer by Pastor Wally Fleming. Then they sang "Amazing Grace" and read Psalm 23, followed by a Gospel lesson offered by Pastor Michael Merry. The sermon is being given by Pastor Matthew French. Witnesses to the life of Barry Miller will speak, including Don Cunningham, Julie Donofrio, Scott Schmidt and Kevin Finacune.

Another song of hope "My Tribute, to God Be the Glory" is to be performed by Sonya Catalano. Pastor Dan Finch will say a commendation prayer and a prayer of Thanksgiving. The Lord's Prayer will be said, followed by "The Firefighter Song" with PJ Cummings. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" will close the service, followed by a dismissal blessing offered by Pastor Matthew French.

Our community lost a lot when we lost Barry Miller

By Howard B. Owens
The Bergen Fire patch with Barry Miller's Line of Duty Death black band that has been common on Facebook the past few days.

Miller's funeral service is at 11 a.m. at Pearce Memorial Church, 4322 North Buffalo Road, North Chili.

Click here for his full obituary.

The death of Barry Miller has affected many people in Genesee County, not just his fellow volunteers in the fire services or in the close-knit community of Bergen.

In stores, during public events, at coffee shops and restaurants, on social media, it's what people have been talking about.

Shock, grief and an understanding that our community has lost somebody who made a daily, positive contribution are the thoughts and emotions people are dealing with.

Barry Miller touched a lot of people throughout the county.

"Over the past 10 years, knowing Barry has been one of my more cherished relationships I've been able to develop," said Batavia City Manager Jason Molino.  

Molino first got to know Miller through Leadership Genesee and their paths cross professionally many times over the years, including during meetings and discussions about the city's ambulance service in 2009.

Molino remembers Miller was just a very caring and dedicated person with real sense of esprit de corps.

"He was very gung-ho and very supportive of the community as a whole," Molino said. "Some people have a gift for giving and I think Barry was one of those people. It was something he really valued and something he took a lot of pride in and I think it showed in the outpouring for him and for the Bergen Fire Department."

If gusto for life is measured by how much you do with it, Miller's cup was never half empty. He owned a successful cabinet-making business and a vacation lodge in the Adirondacks, served on town council, was deeply involved in the Bergen ambulance service, was a county coroner and organized or participated in numerous county events. Through all this, hundreds of people in Genesee County came to know Miller as a kind, fun and caring man.

"He lived life the way you should try to live it," said Rusty Breton, a local contractor and another fellow graduate of Leadership Genesee. "He was like a little headlight on a good way to get through life."

Miller was a mentor to many -- all of the people he helped get through EMT training in Bergen and to more than one new county coroner, including Karen Lang.

"If you came into this and didn't already love the coroner thing, he would make you love it the way he loved it," Lang said.

Lang said Miller was fascinated by the details of the job. Lang and others we've spoken to about Miller's coroner's work said he was fastidious about the details, never wanting to overlook anything that might be relevant to a case, and he was fascinated by the nuances and variances of each case he handled.

"We talked to each other all the time about our cases," Lang said. "I'd text him or he would text me, 'I've never seen anything like this before.' We knew each other would appreciate it."

Lang and Miller went to coroner conferences together, eager to learn and share knowledge.

"He always told me if I got stuck on something, I could call or text him anytime," Lang said. "It could be 10 a.m. or it could be 3 a.m. and he would always answer right away."

Social media has been packed with tributes to Miller, with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people changing their avatar to a copy of Bergen fire's arm patch with a black band and white letters reading "L.O.D.D. 9/23/2015" (Line of Duty Death). 

Retired deputy Dan VanValkenburg posted such a tribute in part because he's one of the people Miller inspired to become a volunteer EMT. For VanValkenburg, Miller is the second closest associate he's lost in a LODD. He wrote on Facebook: 

On one of the worst days of my professional career, I was sent to the home of Deputy (Frank) Bordonaro to meet his wife after his tragic death on July 8, 2014. Although that didn't transpire, I only received comfort from the county coroner who arrived on scene for the pronouncement of his death. Barry walked me through it after I sobbed at the loss of my friend. I now mourn him after his tragic death. He helped me obtain my EMT certification earlier this year and I hope to make him proud. I will miss you and god speed to your heavenly journey.

Deputy Chris Parker worked with Miller both on cases involving real loss for friends and family and the imaginary loss of DWI drills at area high schools. Miller, Parker said, was always a ready volunteer to play the part of coroner at a fatal DWI crash at any high school in the county, and whether on a drill or in the event of an actual death, Miller was professional, compassionate and cared about the details.

"He was meticulous," Parker said. "He was good at being able to sit down with the family and get to know that person to make sure he did his job correctly and that he honored the person and was true to that person. It seemed that way for every call he went on."

Miller was a man of many talents. Anybody who has seen the podiums and desks and media centers that came out of Miller Millworks knows how he had finely honed his craft. Those who served with him politically and in community service say he was adept at dealing with any situation he might confront. He also ran a heck of an inn, according to those who have stayed at the Beaver River Lodge.

"I don't think there wasn't anything he couldn't do," Lang said. "All of these people who think he was so amazing don't even realize a quarter of the stuff he could actually do."

Breton stayed at the lodge several times, usually in winter during snowmobiling trips. The lodge is an old resort well off the beaten path, the way Breton described it. In the winter, it was a seven-mile snowmobile trip to get to it, but on weekends that Miller was going to have guests staying there, he would leave work on Thursday, haul propane and beer and food those seven miles and de-winterize the place and get it ready for guests.

The lodge could accommodate 30 guests, though there were seldom that many for winter stays, Breton said, but it was usually booked full on summer weekends.

Annually, Miller donated a stay at the lodge to the auction of Bidding on a Brighter Future Gala sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Batavia, which helped raise money for the Child Advocacy Center. It was always a popular auction item.

"It was an awesome place and it was awesome because of Barry," Breton said.  "He made it awesome. I don't know that anybody could do it the way Barry did it. Most people aren't wired like that. He made you feel like you were staying in your own place."

Though as contractor and cabinetmaker, Breton and Miller frequently did business together, Breton said he's most going to miss Miller as a friend.

"As I've gotten older, I understand better how important it is to surround yourself with quality people," Breton said. "You could bounce ideas off of Barry. Whatever your struggle was, business, family, life, whatever your struggle, you could bounce it off him and he would just have some wisdom for you."

Lang felt much the same way. There was hardly a day since she became a coroner that she and Miller didn't at least text each other, always about what cases they were working on or new things they were learning.

And Barry always answered immediately.

Until last Wednesday morning.

At 7:40 that morning, Lang learned a Bergen ambulance had been involved in an accident. She knew Miller might be on that accident, so she sent him a message.

No response.

"Please text me and tell me and tell me you're OK."

No response.

"I knew it was him," she said. "I knew he was gone."

Photos: Bergen FD escorts Barry Miller's remains to Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

The remains of Barry Miller, who died in the line of duty while responding as a medic in a Bergen Fire Department Ambulance yesterday, was transported from the Medical Examiner in Rochester this afternoon to H.E. Turner Funeral Home in Batavia.

Funeral arrangements have been announced:

Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. both Sunday (Sept. 27, 2015) and Monday (Sept. 28, 2015) at the Bergen United Methodist Church, 27 South Lake Avenue in Bergen NY. Services with full Fire Department Honors will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Pearce Memorial Church, 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, New York 14514.

Body of Barry Miller returning to Genesee County this afternoon

By Howard B. Owens

We're told the body of Barry Miller will be escorted back to Batavia within the hour, returning from the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office.

We don't have a specific time or route at this point, but we would expect the procession will take the 490 to Route 19, to Route 33 to East Main Street, ending at H.E. Turner Funeral Home.

If we get more solid information, we'll update this post accordingly.

Miller, a volunteer EMT with the Bergen Fire Department and a county coroner, was killed in an accident yesterday morning in the Town of Riga responding to a medical emergency. 

UPDATE 2:04 p.m.: The information above is correct. The procession, led by Bergen FD apparatus, is in route at about 30 mph and expected to reach the Bergen exit at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Photos: Community vigil for Barry Miller at Bergen Fire Hall

By Howard B. Owens

In a service led by Pastor Michael Merry, hundreds of Bergen community members and members of the county's emergency responder community gathered at the Bergen Fire Hall tonight to honor the memory of Barry Miller.

Miller, a volunteer in Bergen's ambulance service and a county coroner, died this morning when an ambulance he was in, heading to an emergency response in Riga, was involved in an accident.

UPDATE: Video story from 13WHAM.

Bergen's Barry Miller -- a 'lifer' who gave 110 percent with zeal, passion and purpose and died doing what he loved

By Howard B. Owens

(FIle Photo: Barry Miller as a county coroner during a DWI drill at Pavilion High School.)

One thing -- among many -- that people will remember about Barry Miller is that he was passionate about the ambulance service in the Bergen Fire Department.

He was a constant recruiter of potential medics, which is not an easy task because the training for a volunteer position is daunting -- more than 200 hours before you can test for certification.

He started one of the few successful Explorer programs for EMTs. A few years ago, when the Bergen Ambulance Service was in danger of fading away, Miller took the lead in bolstering its ranks and helping at least a half dozen people get through the classes and into service.

"If there's one positive take away from this, it's that Barry died doing what he loved," said Town Supervisor Don Cunningham, who knew Miller his entire life and became close friends with him after they both started serving on the town board. "Barry loved helping people and that is what he was doing today."

Miller grew up in Bergen, on Buffalo Street, and his father helped institute the ambulance service in the 1970s.

At age 18, Miller became a volunteer firefighter and has been a member of the department ever since -- 31 years; the past 10, as assistant EMS chief.

"Barry had a passion just for the medical field," Cunningham said. "I always wondered why he didn't end up a doctor. He always gravitated toward the medical field."

His line-of-duty death has been shocking for the entire fire service community and it's been a tough day for the department, said Chuck Dodson, a former chief.

"It's really tough to put in words," Dodson said. "A bunch of members from our organization participated in the West Webster events and we had a firsthand chance to see what that organiazation went through and the grief that they had from the outside, but it still doesn't prepare you for what we're feeling today.

"It's kind of like that unreal feeling that this can't actually happen here. This is something we read about on the Internet. We read the news. You never anticipate it's going to occur here, even though it is a part of our job."

Arrangements for funeral services are not yet completed, but it will be a very large event with firefighters and other emergency personnel traveling to Bergen from all over the nation, and perhaps the world, to honor one of their own who gave his life serving his community.

Miller's death is a huge loss for the department, Chief Kevin Finucane said.

"You can't replace a Barry Miller," he said. "He was dedicated. He was very committed. You just don't replace those type of people. He was a lifer. You don't get people off the street nowadays who last that long in the volunteer fire service."

Miller was deeply involved in the community. Cunningham said anybody who lived in Bergen for any length of time knew Miller because there wasn't a community event he didn't help start, organize, volunteer for, or at least show up at.

An entreprenuer, Miller started making custom-designed business presentation furniture in his basement and eventually moved it into a larger facility on Lake Avenue in the village.

"I don't know how he had time in the day for all he did," Finucane said.

Miller will be missed by the entire community, Cunningham said, but not just as the guy who did a bit of everything and was so dedicated to his hometown, but on a deeper personal level.

"We're going to miss Barry," Cunningham said. "Beyond the fire department, beyond the community, we're all going to miss Barry."

He said he will be missed because of his "zeal for life."

"He was an idea guy," Cunningham said. "When we went out on a motorcycle ride he was always looking for a new destination, or (on town board) coming up with an idea for a new sign at our library. He thought big. He always thought big and had a great zeal for it and he was always going to give you 110 percent."

Convoy of Bergen fire trucks to be escorted through county on way to Monroe ME's office

By Billie Owens

A convoy of fire trucks and police cars has converged at United Memorial Medical Center in the aftermath of the death of a Bergen ambulance volunteer crew member who died this morning in a head-on collision with a backhoe in Riga. The man, whose identity has not been released, was part of a three-member team responding to a mutual aid request for emergency medical aid.

Batavia police and fire and Sheriff's deputies will lead the convoy of Bergen fire trucks to the county line as it escorts the body of their fallen comrade to the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office.

UPDATE 11:47 a.m.: Photos of the escort. An H.E. Turner van transported the deceased to Monroe County.

UPDATE 12:32 p.m.: The Batavian's news partner, 13WHAM has confirmed through sources in Monroe County that the deceased is Barry Miller, who was not only a multi-decade volunteer with the Bergen department and chief of EMS, but a county coroner. Below are photos from 13WHAM of the procession passing through the Rochester area.

UPDATE 1:24 p.m.: 

A video report from 13WHAM:

UPDATE 3 p.m.:  News release from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office:

Around 7:30 this morning deputies responded to a crash between an ambulance and a backhoe on Bovee Road, just west of Brew Road, in the Town of Riga.

On arrival deputies found a Bergen Fire Department ambulance with severe front-end damage and a Town of Riga Caterpillar backhoe in front of the ambulance. The driver of the ambulance, Zackery W. Czudak, DOB 1985, of Bergen, said they had been dispatched to a Johnson Road, Riga, residence for a medical call. While traveling east on Bovee Road he struck a backhoe which was also travelling east. Czudak said he had reduced his speed because of sun glare and patches of fog in the area.

The front passenger, EMT Barry G. Miller, DOB 1965, of Bergen, was transported to United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia where he was pronounced dead. EMT Gina B. Bliss, DOB 1963, of Bergen, who was in the rear cabin of the ambulance, was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. Zackery W. Czudak was not injured but transported to the hospital as a precaution. The driver of the backhoe was not injured.

UPDATE 4:55 p.m.: There will be a candlelight vigil in memory and honor of EMT Barry Miller tonight at 8 at the Bergen Fire Department, 10 Hunter St., in Bergen.

Bergen fire and Le Roy ambulance called to Riga accident

By Billie Owens

An accident involving a bulldozer and an ambulance that was responding to an emergency medical call is reported at Bovee and Brew roads in Riga. Bergen fire and Le Roy ambulance are responding. Extrication equipment will be needed. A Mercy medic rig will go to handle the original EMS call on nearby Johnson Road, which is also off Bovee.

UPDATE 9:38 a.m.: From our news partner 13WHAM -- Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputies said a member of a Bergen ambulance crew was killed after the ambulance rear-ended a backhoe. The male died at the scene, deputies said. The other two members of the ambulance crew were transported to Monroe County Medical Center UMMC as a precaution. The backhoe driver was not injured. Authorities believe sun glare may have contributed to the accident. A portion of Bovee Road is shut down.

UPDATE 9:39 a.m.: A fire crew from Bethany is standing by in their hall in case needed in Le Roy. The Bergen crew involved in the accident was responding to a call in the 1300 block of Johnson Road, as mutual aid to Riga, at the time of the collision.

Notre Dame defeats Elba/Byron Bergen

By James Burns

Genesee Region Division Notre Dame traveled to Elba Saturday afternoon to battle division rivals the Elba/Byron Bergen Lancers. The rain held off for a warm and windy conference game in which both teams ran 43 plays. The difference in the final score of 29 to 8 was in the rushing. Notre Dame rushed for all of their TDs for a total of 273 yards vs. a game total of 33 rushing yards for the Lancers. After a closely contended, scoreless first quarter Notre Dame was in position to score at the very beginning of the second quarter.

Above, #32 Jack Sutherland’s final effort of a six-yard run is ruled a touchdown by the officials.

The Lancers battled back with an impressive drive ending in a #12 Hochmuth pass to #5 Flores for a 36-yard gain and TD. Followed up by a two-point conversion run by #42 Stevens.

The Lancers led the game for only a few minutes because Notre Dames answered with another TD run by Sutherland and two-point conversion pass from #10 Connor to Sutherland. And so the game progressed with Notre Dame in control through a scoreless third quarter. Notre Dame added 14 unanswered points in the fourth quarter. Sutherland would see the end zone one more time as would #42 Peter Daversa with an 11-yard run.

A couple of late turnovers kept the game interesting and the Lancers always seemed poised to come back but failed to capitalize on a few key plays.

More picture of the players and game are here:

Law and Order: Bergen woman accused of stealing $3.5K from Bergen employer

By Billie Owens

Rachael A. Glavin, 36, of Rochester Street, Bergen, is charged with third-degree grand larceny, a Class D felony. She was arrested at 7:15 p.m. on Sept. 14 and arraigned in Bergen Town Court, then released under supervision of the Probation Department. She is to be in court again on Oct. 14. She is accused of stealing $3,500 in cash from a business in Bergen where she was employed. She allegedly stole money on numerous occasions during her employment over a six-month period from January through June. The case was handled by Sheriff's Investigator Kristopher A. Kautz and Deputy Jason Saile.

Cody Daniel Edward Mayer, 23, of South Lake Street, Bergen, is charged with possession of a hypodermic instrument, unlawful possession of marijuana, and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation. On Sept. 14, he was arrested following a traffic stop on Route 237, Byron. It is alleged that Mayer possessed a hypodermic needle unlawfully along with marijuana and that he was operating a motor vehicle on a public highway while his driver's license with suspended a total of 10 times on six separate dates. He was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the Byron Town Court Oct. 26. The case of investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Corona.

ME finds no alcohol in driver involved in double fatal in Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

A preliminary report from the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office indicates the driver involved in a double fatal accident on Sackett Road, Bergen, on Aug. 23, was not intoxicated, said Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble.

The driver, Dylan Starkweather, 22, of South Fancher Road, Holley, and Tracy Manchester, 31, of Lomond Shore, Kendall, both died in the accident.

The accident remains under investigation. Typically, fatal accident reports can take months to complete, and it could be some months before a full toxicology report is available from the ME's office.

There was fog in the area at the time of the accident, which occured in the area of an S-curve. A passenger who survived the crash Joshua Deyager, 23, of Jerico Road, Bergen, reportedly told investigators that he saw a deer in the roadway prior to the accident. 

Starkweather's Mini Cooper exited the roadway along the south shoulder, flipped over and struck a tree. Both Startweather and Manchester were declared dead at the scene.

The three people were reportedly returning from the Livingston County Fair.

Previously: Car accident with three possible injuries reported on Sackett Road, Bergen

Law and Order: Woman charged after leaving cat in car on hot day, inside was 116 degrees

By Billie Owens

Elaine Maria Beachy, 44, of Comet Road, Warsaw, is charged with confinement of companion animal in a vehicle in extreme temperature. Beachy was issued an appearance ticket for Oct. 1 in Town of Batavia Court after she allegedly left a cat in a vehicle Sept. 6 in a parking lot on Veterans Memorial Drive. Outside temperatures were estimated to be about 89 degrees while the interior temperature of the vehicle was estimated to be about 116 degrees. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Graff, assisted by Deputy Ann Brade.

Dennis Lee Majors, 62, of Clinton Street Road, Stafford, is charged with second-degree harassment. Majors was arrested Sept. 5 following a report of a domestic altercation wherein he allegedly grabbed and pushed another person. He was arraigned in Town of Stafford Court, released on his own recognizance, and is set to return to Stafford Court on Oct. 8. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Graff.

Eric Cosimo Pellegrino, 32, of Firestone Street, Lackawanna, is charged with driving while intoxicated, following too closely, and having a controlled substance outside its original container. Pellegrino was arrested at 11:09 p.m. on Aug. 2 on the charges following an investigation into a motor-vehicle accident on Route 77 in the Town of Pembroke. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Robert T. Hanlin, 40, of Alexander, is charged with operating motor vehicle while impaired by drugs, 1st, and moving from lane unsafely. He was issued uniform traffic tickets returnable to the Town of Bergen Court on Oct. 7. On Sept. 6, Troopers responding to a 9-1-1 call of an erratic operator on State Route 33 in the Town of Bergen, were waived down by a concerned citizen who alerted them that the vehicle had driven on the opposite side of the roadway on several occasions and the operator, later identified as Hanlin was in the Bergen convenience store. Hanlin failed to properly perform field sobriety tests and was transported to SP Batavia where Genesee County Sheriff’s DRE Deputy completed a drug evaluation which indicated Hanlin was impaired by drugs and unable to operate a vehicle safely.

A 16-year-old who lives on Walnut Street in the City of Batavia was arrested Aug. 27 and charged with petit larceny. The teen allegedly stole a backpack, an iPad, and a Sumsung tablet from another person. The teen was issued an appearance ticket and is to appear in Batavia City Court on Sept. 15. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Malik I. Ayala, 23, of Lydun Drive, Albion, is charged with petit larceny. On Sept. 5, Ayala was arrested for allegedly stealing a bicycle on Aug. 27 from another person. Ayala was issued an appearance ticket and is scheduled to appear in Batavia City Court on Sept. 15. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Todd M. Holly, 50, of Lincoln Avenue, Le Roy, is charged with first-degree criminal contempt. Holly was located on Gilbert Street in Le Roy and arrested for allegedly violating a full stay away order of protection. He was transported by Batavia PD headquarters by Officer Felicia DeGroot and arraigned in City Court and then jailed without bail.

Kathryn M. Yark, 18, of Roosevelt Avenue, Batavia, is charged with third-degree unauthorized use of a vehicle. On July 18, she was arrested for using a vehicle without permission. She was located at the GC Jail visiting her boyfriend. She was transported to Batavia police headquarters, then arraigned in City Court before being jailed with bail set at $1,000. She is to be in City Court at a later date. The case was investigated by Officer Marc Lawrence.

A 17 year old from Pavilion was arrested by the Le Roy Police Department on Sept. 6 and charged with: driving while intoxicated, a Class A misdemeanor; driving while intoxicated with a BAC of .08 percent or more, a Class A misdemeanor; inadequate exhaust; insufficient tail lamps; unsafe tires; and having more than one passenger under the age of 21 while holding a DJ license, all traffic violations. The teen was arrested following numerous traffic infractions by the Le Roy Police Department. After a brief investigation the subject was allegedly found to be intoxicated. The subject was issued appearance tickets for the charges and is to appear in the Le Roy Town Court on Sept. 28. At this time the name of the defendant is being withheld because of the possibility of a youthful offender status. 

Montel Lee Cunningham, 22, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with failure to obey a child support order. He was arrested on a warrant out of Niagara County Sept. 6 following an investigation into an underage drinking party. He was turned over to the Niagara County Sheriff's Office. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings, assisted by Deputy Andrew Hale.

Andrew Charles Webster, 22, no address provided, is charged with petit larceny. On Aug. 30, Webster was arrested for allegedly shoplifting at Walmart and he was put in GC Jail in lieu of $500 bail. He is to reappear in Town of Batavia Court on Sept. 28. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Parker.

Jacob Nicholas Oddo, 18, of Batavia Elba Townline Road, is charged with trespass. On Sept. 5, he was arrested for allegedly being on the premises of Godfrey's Pond after being told that he needed to leave and not return. He was issued an appearance ticket to appear in Town of Stafford Court on Sept. 24. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings, assisted by Deputy James Diehl.

Jordan Lee Miller, 16, of Batavia Elba Townline Road, is charged with trespass. On Sept. 5, he was arrested for allegedly being on the premises of Godfrey's Pond after being told that he needed to leave and not return. He was issued an appearance ticket to appear in Town of Stafford Court on Sept. 24. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings, assisted by Deputy James Diehl.

Jessica M. Pfenninger, 33, of Creek Road, Batavia, is charged with failure to appear on a charge of third degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. On Sept. 2, she was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear by State Police in Chili and was taken into custody by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis in Bergen. After being arraigned, she was released on her own recognizance and is to appear in City Court on Sept. 30.

Ryan J. Adkins, 21, of Main Road, East Pembroke, is charged with failure to appear. He was arrested on a warrant from Batavia City Court for failure to appear following a traffic stop on July 23. He was jailed and released after posting $500 bail. He is scheduled to appear in City Court on Sept. 16. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Cronmiller.

Accident reported in Bergen, three ambulances requested

By Howard B. Owens


Three ambulances are requested to the scene of a motor-vehicle accident at Buffalo Road and Apple Tree Avenue, Bergen.

Extrication is required.

Mercy Flight is grounded due to fog.

Bergen fire and Mercy EMS responding. Le Roy fire requested mutual aid. 

UPDATE 8:35 a.m. From the scene: Three people injured, including a child. None seriously. Two transported to Strong, one to UMMC. An SUV heading toward Batavia on Buffalo Road appears to have crossed center line striking pickup truck head on.Truck veered to west shoulder into apple trees. 

Law and Order: Batavia woman accused of breaking into house, slapping a man and punching a woman

By Billie Owens

Amie P. Bloyer, 35, of Washington Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief, forcible touching and second-degree burglary of a dwelling. Bloyer was arrested Aug. 26 following an investigation into a domestic incident. It is alleged that Bloyer damaged a window to unlock a door on Ellicott Street, entered the residence, grabbed the victim by his genitals, slapped the victim, and broke his eyeglasses. It is also alleged that Bloyer punched another female who was in the residence at the time. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk, assisted by Officer Stephen Cronmiller.

Edwin Francis Voelker, 47, of Lewiston Road, Oakfield, is charged with: driving while ability impaired by drugs, with two prior convictions within the last 10 years; first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation; speed violation (62 in a 30-mph zone); unlawful possession of marijuana; and operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver. Voelker was arrested Aug. 30. on Main Road in Pembroke. It is alleged that he was driving a vehicle after consuming a drug that impaired his ability to safely operate a vehicle on a public highway. He was put in jail on $25,000 bail. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Corona, assisted by Deputy Gregory Walker.

Kimberly A. Brodsky, 24, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with: second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation (having three or more suspensions on three different dates); criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd; criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th; unlicensed driver (expired Aug. 22, 2015); and operating a motor vehicle with an obstructed view. Brodsky was stopped at 11:34 a.m. on Aug. 28 on Ross Street by Batavia Police Officer Frank Klimjack for a traffic violation. A subsequent investigation revealed that Brodsky has no NYS driver's license and her operating privilege has been suspended five times on five different dates. She was also found to be in possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. She was arraigned and put in jail on $5,000 bail. The  case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Klimjack.

Joseph Paul Lanphear, 31, of Rutgers Street, Rochester, was arrested Aug. 28 for: two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree; aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd; and speeding (52 in a 30-mph zone). It is alleged that Lanphear was found to be in possession of metal knuckles, a billy club, and that his driver's license was suspended and that he was traveling 52 mph in a 30-mph zone on Buffalo Road in Bergen. He was issued an appearance ticket for the Town of Bergen Court at a later date. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Corona, assisted by Deputy Bradley Mazur.

Danny D. Williams Sr., 26, of Pearl Street, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child, and second-degree harassment. At midnight, Aug. 31, Williams was arrested following an incident on Vine Street where he allegedly pushed a child up against a wall. He was issued an appearance ticket for City Court Sept. 1. The case was investigated by Batavia Police officers Christopher Lindsay and Jason Ivison.

Shannon Marie Micucci, 46, of Bonnie Brae Drive, Darien, is charged with second-degree harassment. Micucci was arrested Aug. 29 at 12:30 a.m. following a domestic incident wherein she allegedly shoved a male during a verbal altercation. She was given an appearance ticket for Darien Town Court on Sept. 1. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Andrew Hale.

Brazil Gerald Brooks Peterson, 19, of Augustine Street, Rochester, is charged with: operating a motor vehicle while ability impaired by drugs, first offense; criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th; unlawful possession of marijuana; and a speed violation -- exceeding 55 mph. He was arrested at 1:26 a.m. on Aug. 29 on Clinton Street Road, Bergen. He was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Bergen Town Court at a later date. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Corona.

Glenn Hammond, 57, Woodstock Gardens, Batavia, is charged with: driving while intoxicated with a BAC of .08 or more, first offense; driving while intoxicated, first offense; and running a red light. He was arrested at 1:20 a.m., Aug. 30, after a traffic stop on Trumbull Parkway. He was released on an appearance ticket and is scheduled to appear in City Court on Sept. 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police officers Christopher Lindsay and Eric Foels.

Roxanne Marie Crawford, 51, of Clinton Street Road, Bergen, was arrested Aug. 30 for third-degree burglary and petit larceny. She allegedly stole $25 worth of merchandise from Walmart. She was allegedly arrested at another Walmart store during a previous incident then banned from all Walmart properties. She was jailed without bail and is due back in Batavia Town Court Sept. 28. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Saile, assisted by Deputy Christopher Parker.

Erica Michelle Raphael, 30, of East Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. On July 15, she allegedly stole $159.71 worth of merchandise from Kohl's. She was put in jail on $5,000 bail after being arrested at the Batavia Town Court Aug. 24 where she appeared on unrelated burglary and petit larceny charges. The case was investigated by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Parker.

Zachary I. Miller, 19, of Ganson Avenue, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief. On Aug. 25 on Swan Street in the City of Batavia, Miller allegedly punched and broke two glass window panes. He was issued on appearance ticket for City Court on Sept. 1. The case was handled by Patavia Police Officer Frank Klimjack.

Klarissa C. Price, 37, of Cleveland Avenue, Niagara Falls, was arrested Aug. 28 on a bench warrant issued by Batavia City Court for failure to appear. Price was put in jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Frank Klimjack, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Christopher M. Smith, 21, of School Street, Batavia, was arrested Aug. 25 on an unspecified bench warrant and subsequently released on his own recognizance and given a court appearance date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk.

Car accident with three possible injuries reported on Sackett Road, Bergen

By Billie Owens

A motor-vehicle accident with three possible injuries is reported in the area of 7787 Sackett Road. Bergen fire and ambulance responding.

UPDATE 12:49 a.m.: The vehicle flipped over and two people are still inside. The location is between Route 19 and West Sweden Road.

UPDATE 12:54 a.m.: Three ambulances are called to the scene.

UPDATE 1:06 a.m.: Sounds like a serious accident. They "are working on a ground contact" for Mercy Flight.

UPDATE 1:53 a.m.: One person was transported to a hospital via Mercy ambulance, primarily for precautionary reasons.

UPDATE 2:29 p.m.: Mercy Flight was cancelled. Two people were killed in this accident. Family members are being notified. A coroner is en route to the scene.

UPDATE 5 a.m.: Primary family notifications are complete, though the names of the victims have not yet been released. All three occupants were from Orleans County. The vehicle, a red Mini Cooper, was eastbound on Sackett Road when the driver lost control of the vehicle. A front-seat passenger, who was transported to Strong, told a deputy a deer was in the roadway. There was also fog at the time of the accident and the accident occurred at an S-curve. However, skid marks indicate the vehicle was likely traveling at a high rate of speed. The trio was returning from the Livingston County Fair. Alcohol has not been ruled out as a factor in the crash, but investigators will need to await a report from the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office. The driver, a male in his 30s, and a backseat passenger, in her 20s, sustained fatal injuries. The driver was wearing a seatbelt, the backseat passenger was not. The front seat passenger, also in his 30s, was wearing his seat belt. The vehicle crossed the center line and traveled in a straight path for some distance before exiting the roadway on the south shoulder just before a ravine. At that point, it appears the vehicle flipped and struck a tree.

UPDATE 10 a.m.: Overnight, the Sheriff's Office put out a press release about the accident, which corrects some of the information in the last update above. The driver is identified as Dylan Starkweather, 22, of South Fancher Road, Holley. He was driving a 2005 Mini Cooper. The rear-seat passenger, who also died, was Tracy Manchester, 31, of Lomond Shore, Kendall. The front-seat passenger was Joshua Deyager, 23, of Jerico Road, Bergen. He was transported to Strong by the Bergen Fire Department ambulance. The crash is being investigated by Deputy Joseph Loftus, with Deputy Andrew Hale, Deputy Chad Cummings and members of the Crash Management Team, Deputy James Diehl and Investigator Roger Stone.

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