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Photos: Bergen dedicates new monument honoring military veterans

By Howard B. Owens

A new granite monument honoring the men and women from Bergen who served their country in the U.S. military was dedicated in a ceremony today following the Bergen Park Fest parade.

Bob Bausch, chairman of the County Legislature and its Bergen representative, was among the speakers and he recalled walking through the park recently and looking at the names on the memorial.

"I looked at the list of the wars," Bausch said, "and I knew somebody from every one of those conflicts, even from World War I — I knew some of the old guys when I was a kid, so it means a lot to me, these efforts being made."

American Legion Commander Thomas Williamson reminded the crowd gathered for the ceremony to remember the veterans who served as they enjoyed the fireworks planned for later in the night; and American Legion Adjutant Gary Hilbert said the memorial honors those who served in times of war and times of peace and those who never returned.

"Today we make our Founding Fathers and those who came before us proud," Hilbert said. "Our liberties and values stand safe because of brave men and women who have been ready to face the fire. We thank God for each and every one of them."

Bergen honors two DPW employees at retirement party

By Virginia Kropf

Two employees of Bergen’s Department of Public Works with a combined 64 years of service, were honored at a retirement party Wednesday at the Viking Valhalla Restaurant & Party House.

Bruce Partridge has retired as wastewater treatment plant chief operator after 36 years, while Joe Chimino, Bergen Electric foreman, has 28 years with the village.

Mayor Anna Marie Barclay presented proclamations while praising the men for their dedication.

“Your years of service cannot be appreciated enough,” Barclay said. “We are a small community and everything which is done makes a huge impact. We are going to miss them, but they will both leave a part of themselves behind.”

Partridge came to work for the village when his father was a trustee. He was working on a farm and the village was looking for someone to do electric work.

“I started doing that and moved to the wastewater treatment plant after that,” Partridge said.

He plans on enjoying a lot more golf now that he is retired.

Chimino attended BOCES to become an electrician.

“The day I graduated, I saw the mayor, who was James McConnell, and he asked me how I’d like a job with the village,” Chimino said. “I’ve thanked him many times since for hiring me.”

Co-workers called Chimino an asset to the community. He has co-chaired the village’s 5K run and likes to run himself.

Bergen is one of 54 villages in the state who are members of the Municipal Electric Utilities Association, and Chimino was a member of their board. In March, he was honored in Syracuse as their “Person of the Year.” He hopes retirement will give him more time to enjoy landscaping and caring for his big yard, and he may take up fishing. He is also active with Bergen’s Masonic Lodge.

Ken Steinmetz, DPW supervisor from 2011 to 2015, said he was happy for both Partridge and Chimino.

“Joe welcomed me and showed me the ropes, and Bruce taught me a lot about the plant and its workings,” Steinmetz said.

Gary Zawodzinski, the current DPW supervisor, also had the highest regards for both men, who have left very big shoes to fill.

“Joe and Bruce have been an asset to our village in many ways,” Barclay said. “They have served with character and loyalty.”

Top Photo: Bruce Partridge, left, and Joe Chimino, employees of the Bergen Department of Public Works, were honored at a retirement party Wednesday at the Viking Valhalla Restaurant & Party House, Bergen.

From left, Trustee Vickie Almquist, deputy mayor Kevin Donovan, trustee Bob Fedele and Mayor Anna Marie Barclay with Joe Chimino.

Cortney Gale, left, administrator for the Village of Bergen, looks at a framed photo presented to Joe Chimino at his retirement party Wednesday at the Viking Valhalla Restaurant & Party House.

Bergen resident named to dean's list with honors at The College at Brockport

By Billie Owens

Grace Pulcini, of Jerico Road in Bergen, is named to the dean's list with honors at The College at Brockport, SUNY, for the Spring of 2018 semester.

She had a GPA of 3.70 to 3.99.

Pulcini is the daughter of Vincent and Carol Pulcini and a 2017 graduate of Byron-Bergen High School.

She is majoring in History.

Witness says law enforcement given wrong information yesterday about dog locked in a car

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, there was a report of a dog locked in a car on South Lake Avenue in Bergen but according to a woman who said she witnessed the whole thing, it didn't go down anything like the way it was reported to law enforcement.

Julianna Kalke said the dog was in the car no more than five or 10 minutes -- not the 45 minutes originally reported -- and not only did the owner roll down all the windows but she stayed by the car the whole time and talked with the dog.

The woman, Kalke said, stopped for a cigarette break.

"I am an absolute animal lover and attended Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine and I did not see any harm to the animal," Kalke said. "If anything, the owner was doing the right thing by exiting the car so the dog did not inhale secondhand smoke."

Kalke described the woman who reported the dog in the car to dispatchers as "rude" to the dog's owner.

"(She was) harassing the poor woman who was just trying to do the right thing," Kalke said.

Byron-Bergen Builders Club members donate $500 to Behavioral Health Treatment Center at Unity Hospital

By Billie Owens

Student members of the Byron-Bergen Builders Club with Byron Kiwanis Club sponsors and RRH’s David Catalino (right), who gave the group a tour of the recreation center.

Submitted photo and press release:

On May 23, Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School Builders Club members presented a check for $500 to representatives from Rochester Regional Health’s Behavioral Health Treatment and Chemical Dependency Center at Unity Hospital.

Led by Builders Club president, 10th-grader Jacey Donahue, the student delegation was welcomed to the Center by community relations managers Tiffany Carnevale, Valerie Donnelly and Brad Pearson from the RRH Gifts Foundation, along with Center Manager Jennifer Esten, supervisor Kristen Weber and Recreation Director David Catalino.

The group was accompanied by Byron-Bergen teacher and faculty advisor Andrea Feeney and Byron Kiwanis Club sponsors Robert Wood and President Karen Jaczynski.

Members of the Builders Club, who range in age from 7 to 15, have been working hard in their community this year, helping others and raising money through coin collection and raffles.

After researching a number of local organizations, the group decided to donate their funds to the Chemical Dependency Center.

After the ceremony, the group learned more about the operations at the organization and then toured the recreation center, where their money will be put to use purchasing new equipment.

Supervisor Weber explained the importance of exercise at the Center.

“Many people in recovery have not experienced fun, sober activities for a very long time," Weber said. "The exercise and recreation equipment we can purchase with the help of Builders Club funds will aid patients in setting and achieving goals for themselves.

"Thanks to these young people, our patients will build confidence that they can persevere and better their lives.”

Builders Club Member Hannah Catalino (the daughter of the Center’s recreation director), strongly advocated for supporting the organization’s work. She and the other members recognized that the Byron-Bergen community, like many others, is experiencing the problem of substance abuse, affecting fellow students and their families.

Earlier this year, they created handmade cards for the Center to help inspire and motivate recovering patients.

“I think what the Center does is important,” Hannah said. “I see how deeply the people here care for patients. They all feel it in their hearts and we in the Club do, too. We all wanted to help.”

Builders Club has been active at Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School for three years and has about a dozen members. The group began at the Middle School, but has expanded the opportunity to all students in the district who are willing to make the commitment to service.

This year, they’ve volunteered for the Salvation Army and at the Miracle Mile for the Golisano Children's Hospital. They’ve participated in hurricane relief efforts for Puerto Rico and at the Elementary School’s Fall Festival. They can also be seen helping out at community pancake breakfasts.

“Byron-Bergen is a NYS School District of Character and our students support many activities that promote character,” said Club Advisor Feeney. “Builders Club supports the development of character and leadership.

"Everything members do during the year is their idea and their choice. They choose to give back, to better their community and to aid those in need.”

The Byron-Bergen Builders Club members are: Sarah Fraser, Liam Feeney, Andrea Feeney, Jacey Donahue, Hannah Catalino, Claire Williams, Logan Lewis, Robert Wood, Courtney Pakusch, Evan Harter and Karen Jaczynski.

Bergen gets greener with energy projects and beekeeping

By Virginia Kropf

The Village of Bergen has always shown itself to be forward thinking in implementing programs which will enhance the village and create savings for its residents.

These include: becoming an award-winning municipal electric department in existence for more than 100 years; establishing parks and green spaces throughout the village; sharing services with nearby municipalities; creating a community garden for residents to share; and, most recently, purchasing honeybees in light of the increasing concern over the decline in honeybees, thereby harvesting honey, which the village will sell.

“We had talked about getting bees some time ago,” said Bergen Mayor Anna Marie Barclay. “We had been working with NYSERDA to become a Clean Energy Community, but because we have municipal power, we can’t add solar panels. So we had to come up with a series of other projects to be recognized as a Clean Energy Community.”

The village received a grant from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority -- NYSERDA, which they used to purchase an electric cart and charging station. They are also converting all village-owned buildings to LED and have already converted all street lights to LED.

When they started talking about getting bees, Chris Fay, water treatment plant operator, volunteered to take a course on raising bees from a honeybee farm.

Bergen officially entered the honeybee business when their 60,000 bees arrived May 10.

“Soon you’ll be able to buy Bergen Honey,” Barclay said.  

Another village project includes the popular community garden, which they established near the water treatment plant three years ago. Eighteen plots were available and they are all spoken for, Barclay said.

A final project is the installation of new signage for the community garden, Hickory Park and the Sage Pavilion.

Photos: Chris Fay, water treatment plant operator for Bergen, took a course in beekeeping so he could tend to the new hives of the Village of Bergen.

(Photos by Virginia Kropf.)

​The Village of Bergen observed Community Action Day on Wednesday in conjunction with Arbor Day

By Virginia Kropf

Seventy seventh-grade students from Byron-Bergen High School, accompanied by their principal, assisted with planting trees in Hickory Park last Wednesday. Two hickory trees were planted there this year.

Students also read a proclamation on Arbor Day.

Bergen had taken a position years ago on creating green space and planting trees throughout the village. That and creating a Tree Board have earned them the designation as a Tree City, USA by the Arbor Day Foundation.

The annual Park Festival June 9 will provide an opportunity for the village to showcase Hickory Park when it dedicates a new veterans’ memorial after the noon parade.

The memorial will replace an existing monument installed more than 100 years ago and will honor veterans of all wars.

The new monument was suggested by Bergen resident Tom Williamson, a member of the Bergen American Legion. The Legion donated a stone marker of black stone from India, the same material as the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. Support from the community includes $1,000 donations from the Bergen Business and Civic Association and Friends of Bergen.

The entrance to Hickory Park had to be changed dramatically and will only allow access into the parking lot. The new main entrance will be to the south of the basketball courts.

The village will create a brick walk of honor around the monument and will sell bricks in honor or in memory of loved ones or veterans.

The village Department of Public Works completed landscaping for the project.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of assault, resisting arrest after Central Avenue incident

By Howard B. Owens
Woodrow Horseman

Woodrow C. Horseman, 42, no permanent address, Batavia, is charged with attempted assault, 2nd, obstructing governmental administration, 2nd, resisting arrest, and harassment, 2nd. Horseman was arrested after police responded to a report of a disturbance on Central Avenue at 11:38 p.m. May 23. Horseman was accused of punching another person in the back of the head with a closed fist while that person was assisting in the arrest of another person. Horseman was ordered held without bail.

Shaqueita L. Irvin, 26, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Irvin was charged after police responded to a complaint of a disturbance on Central Avenue at 11:38 p.m. May 23. She was jailed on $2,500 bail.

Ahdeosun R. Aiken, 20, of Ellicott Avenue, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. Aiken was arrested after police responded to a report of a disturbance at 11:40 p.m., May 24, on Central Avenue. Aiken was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Lamont C. Crimes, 42, of North Street, Batavia, is charged with assault, 1st. Crimes is accused of stabbing another person with a knife during a fight at 4:30 p.m. Monday at a location on Church Street, Elba. 

Holly Marie Squires, 32, of West Bank Street, Albion, is charged with robbery, 2nd, and assault, 3rd. Squires allegedly stole money while being aided by another person and caused injury to the victim. Squires was jailed on $5,000 bail or $10,000 bond.

Jessica L. DeRidder, 30, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. DeRidder is accused of stealing the money of another tenant of a residence on State Street, by keeping rent money for herself instead of paying the landlord.

Jordan S. Thomas, 19, of East Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. Thomas was allegedly found in possession of a bicycle that had been reported stolen from outside Genesee County Probation on May 9. (Previously: Batavia man needs his bike back)

Walter B. Hale Jr., 40, of East Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation, endangering the welfare of a child, and failure to stop at a stop sign. Hale was stopped at 8:33 p.m. May 15 on Summit Street, by officers Christopher Lindsay and Chad Richards. Hale is accused of having a passenger on his motorcycle less than 16 years old.

Trametrias L. Scott, 40, of Rochester, is charged with felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation, failure to stop at stop sign, driving without stop lamps, uninspected motor vehicle, and circumventing interlock device. Scott was stopped at 8:45 p.m. Sunday on Route 33, Begen, by State Police. A trooper reported detecting the odor of alcohol after a traffic stop at Route 33 and Apple Tree Road, Bergen. Scott is accused of failing a field sobriety test. Her breath sample was allegedly .24 BAC. She was jailed on $2,500 cash or $5,000 bond.

Alexis R. Chavez, 19, of Pearl Street, Medina, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, unlawful possession of marijuana, driving while using a mobile device, and blocking a highway. Chavez is accused of stopping his vehicle without moving at West Main and Oak streets, Batavia, through four cycles of the traffic light. He was allegedly on his mobile phone. Officers Jason Ivison and Kevin DeFelice responded to the complaint.

Alexander H. Koch, 23, of Buffalo, is charged with DWI, failure to yield at an intersection, and failure to notify DMV of an address change. Koch was stopped by State Police after he allegedly turned from Snipery Road onto Route 33 in the Town of Pembroke and failed to yield to a trooper's patrol car, which had the right of way at 12:38 a.m. Sunday. Troopers say Koch failed a field sobriety test.

Joshua R. Nanni, 24, of Oakfield, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, unsafe turn, and driving left of pavement markings. State Police responded to the Town of Pembroke at 10:40 p.m. May 22 for a report of a vehicle unable to maintain its lane. A trooper stopped Nanni after observing his vehicle allegedly engage in several traffic violations. The trooper reportedly detected the odor of alcohol and observed the driver's eyes were glassy.  Nanni allegedly failed a field sobriety test. A drug recognition expert also assisted in the investigation and Nanni provided a blood sample.

Nasir C. Nathan, 22, of West Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Nathan was allegedly involved in an argument on Watson Street, Batavia, at 6:54 p.m. Saturday. Nathan is accused of throwing a styrofoam cup at another person.

Amber L. LaRock, 18, of Lewis Place, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. LaRock was arrested in connection with an incident on Lewis Place reported at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday.

Travis L. Ettinger, 30, of West Avenue, Albion, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, and speeding. Ettinger was stopped on Pearl Street, Batavia, at 11:19 a.m. Saturday by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Heather D. Wendt, 32, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Wendt was charged after a child was found unattended at 12:54 p.m. May 17 on Holland Avenue, Batavia.

Donna M. Fidanza, 48, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property, 5th, and conspiracy, 6th. Fidanza was charged following an investigation into the left of property from a residence on East Main Street at 11:45 a.m. March 26.

Jonathan D. Wilson Jr., 36, of Buell Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Wilson was reportedly involved in a minor motor-vehicle accident at 4:46 a.m. May 20 on East Main Street, Batavia. The accident was investigated by Officer Frank Klimjack.

Korbin R. Ground, 20, of Crittenden Road, Akron, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd. Ground was allegedly found in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at 9:46 p.m. May 22 on North Street, Batavia, by officers Jason Davis and Christopher Lindsay.

Joseph A. Kliszak, 19, of Meadow Drive, Alden, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Kliszak was allegedly found in possession of marijuana at 11:27 p.m. May 22 at a location on North Street, Batavia, by Officer Jason Davis.

Eric J. Bratcher, 29, of Swan Street, Batavia, is charged with obstructing governmental administration, 2nd. Bratcher allegedly failed to obey an officer's commands during an investigation of a domestic incident on Pringle Avenue at 12:52 a.m. Wednesday.

James Michael Young, 54, of Thomas Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing and unauthorized use of a vehicle, 3rd. Young allegedly choked the victim after she confronted him about not returning a vehicle.

William Ransom Dieter Jr., 44, of Bennett Avenue, Oakfield, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and speeding. Dieter was stopped at 2:55 a.m. Saturday on Main Road, Pembroke, by Deputy Mathew Clor.

Christopher M. Dilaura, 38, of Batavia, is charged with DWI, refusal to take breath test, moving from lane unsafely, and drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle. Dilaura was stopped by State Police at 5:25 p.m. Saturday on West Main Street, Batavia.

An 18-year-old from Batavia and Tricia M. Martinez, 25, of Batavia, are charged with petit larceny. The two people are accused of stealing in the Town of Pembroke at 12:16 p.m. Friday. They were arrested by State Police. No further details released.

Law and Order: Porter Avenue resident accused of possessing more than two ounces of marijuana

By Howard B. Owens

Richard T. Fleig, 38, of Porter Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana, 4th. As the result of an investigation by the Local Drug Task Force on Feb. 17, Fleig was allegedly found in possession of more than two ounces of marijuana. Sgt. Matthew Lutey and Officer Chad Richards assisted in the investigation.

Michael J. Smith, 70, of Le Roy, is charged with felony aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, driving while ability impaired by alcohol, failure to surrender suspended driver's license, and failure to keep right. Smith was stopped by Sgt. Colin Reagan, Wyoming County Sheriff's Office, in the Town of Warsaw, for alleged failure to maintain lane. He allegedly failed a field sobriety test. He reportedly has a pending felony DWI charge in Genesee County. He was jailed on $1,000 bail or $2,000 bond.

Edward Dexter McDonald III, 28, of West Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with two counts of harassment, 2nd, and trespass. McDonald was allegedly involved in a fight with two people on private property on Rose Road at 9:39 p.m. Sunday.

Joshua R. Nanni, 24, of Oakfield, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, 1st, driving left of pavement markings, and unsafe turn. Nanni was stopped by State Police in Pembroke at 10:40 p.m., Tuesday.

Cathi A. Adams, 48, of Bergen, is charged with DWI. Adams was stopped by State Police on Swamp Road at 9:17 p.m. Monday.

Accident reported on 490 in Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

A car vs. tree accident is reported on I-490 in the area of mile marker 2.6 in Bergen, believed to be with minor injuries.

Bergen fire and ambulance along with Le Roy fire responding.

UPDATE 4:35 p.m.: Patient is extricated.

UPDATE 4:43 p.m.: Fire units back in service.

Law and Order: Teen accused of trespass on Washington Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

Brooke L. Brumber, 18, of Washington Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd. Brumber was arrested on a warrant. She allegedly entered a residence on Washington Avenue at 8:01 p.m. May 3 without permission after being told she was no longer welcome there.

Matthew James Cratsley, 42, of Buell Street, Batavia, is charged with failure to report a change of address and failure to complete verification form. Cratsley allegedly moved and failed to notify the NYS Sex Offender Registry. He is also accused of failing to complete the annual registration form. 

Jonathan Peter Smith, 40, of Little Canada Road, East Bethany, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, moving from lane unsafely, and failure to signal. Smith was stopped at 1:28 a.m. May 13 on Main Street, Batavia, by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello.

Sammy Lee Domthongmivanh Jr., 29, of Halstead Road, Alexander, is charged with: DWI; driving with a BAC of .18 or greater; failure to keep right; moving from lane unsafely; failure to attach registration sticker to vehicle. Domthongmivanh was stopped at 11:49 p.m. Saturday on Main Road, Pembroke, following a complaint of traffic offenses, by Deputy Eric Meyer.

Riecha B. Morris, 34, of Hawks Nest Circle, Greece, is charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs. Morris was stopped at 9:33 a.m. Friday on West Main Street, Batavia, by Officer Kevin DeFelice following a complaint of erratic operation.

David L. Castaneda Trejo, 19, of Byron, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd, and making a false written statement. Castaneda was arrested on an incident reported at 11:22 a.m. Sunday in the Town of Byron by State Police. No further details released.

Matthew J. Lamkin, 36, of Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th. Lamkin was arrested in connection with an incident reported at 11 p.m. Sunday in the Town of Batavia by State Police. No further details released.

Alexandria C. Pisarek, 25, of Corfu, is charged with acting in a manner injurious to a child. Pisarek was arrested in connection with an incident reported at 11:50 a.m. May 9 in the Town of Bergen by State Police. No further details released.

Eight Genesee County students earn degrees from Nazareth College in Pittsford

By Billie Owens

Five Nazareth College undergraduate students who are from Genesee County earned their bachelor's degrees at the 91st Annual Commencement ceremony that took place at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester on May 13.

  • Marissa Colantonio, of Batavia, graduated with a bachelor's degree in History with a minor in Political Science.
  • Savannah Gill, of Le Roy, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Music Education.
  • Hannah Green, of Byron, graduated Cum Laude with a bachelor's degree in Health Sciences with a minor in Psychology.
  • Siena Pullinzi, of Batavia, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Studio Art.
  • Dakota Pursel, of Pavilion, graduated with a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Psychology.

In addition, three Genesee County students earned graduate degrees and were recognized at the May 13 Commencement. They are:

  • Sarah Gray, of Corfu, earned their Master of Science in Music Therapy.
  • Brittni Loewke, of Bergen, earned their Master of Social Work in Social Work.
  • Andrea Raphael, of Batavia, earned their Master of Science in Occupational Therapy.

Nazareth College's academic strengths cross an unusually broad spectrum of 60 majors, including education, health and human services, management, the fine arts, music, theater, math and science, foreign languages, and the liberal arts.

The coeducational, religiously independent, classic campus in Pittsford, a charming suburb of Rochester, N.Y., challenges and supports 2,000 undergrads and 800 graduate students. Nazareth is recognized nationally for its Fulbright global student scholars and commitment to civic engagement. Rigorous programs, an uncommon core, experiential learning, career skills, and a global focus prepare graduates for not just one job, but for their life's work.

Grand Jury: Woman indicted for allegedly starting fire that damaged motorcycle and shed in Pembroke

By Billie Owens

Jacqueline M. Saeli is indicted for the crime of third-degree arson. It is alleged that on Jan. 6 she intentionally damaged a building and a motor vehicle -- a shed on property on North Lake Road, in the Town of Pembroke, which contained a 2008 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She allegedly did so by starting a fire or causing an explosion.

Nicholas G. Williams is indicted for the crime of burglary in the third degree, a Class D felony. It is alleged that on Dec. 30 he knowingly entered unlawfully into a building on Lake Street in the Town of Le Roy with the intent to commit a crime. In count two, he is accused of second-degree criminal content, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly intentionally disobeying or resisting the lawful process or other court mandate. In count three, Williams is indicted for the crime of resisting arrest, also a Class A misdemeanor, because he allegedly intentionally prevented or attempted to prevent an officer from arresting himself or another person.

Dartanyan A. Robinson is indicted for the crime of driving while ability impaired by drugs, as a Class D felony. It is alleged that on March 30 that he drove a 2004 Land Rover in the Town of Batavia on the eastbound state Thruway while his ability to do so was impaired by drugs. It count two, he is accused of the crime of driving while ability impaired by the combined influence of drugs or of alcohol and any drug or drugs, as a Class D felony. In count three, the defendant is indicted for the crime of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class E felony. It is alleged in count three that Robinson knew, or had reason to know, that his driver's license had been suspended or revoked for driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug when he drove the Land Rover on May 30. In count four, Robinson is accused again of first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation. It is alleged in count four that the defendant knew, or had reason to know, that his driving privilege had been suspended or revoked by the commissioner for refusals on multiple occasions to submit to a chemical test: on May 27, 1998; May 26, 2000; March 2, 2009; and Nov. 12, 2013. In count five, he is accused of speeding on March 30 in the Town of Batavia. In count six, the defendant is accused of the crime of circumvention of an ignition interlock device. It is alleged in count six that on March 30, the 2004 Land Rover he was driving was not equipped with an ignition interlock device, which he was required to have. In Special Information filed by the District Attorney, Robinson is accused of having been convicted: of the crime of DWI, as a Class E felony, on Oct. 31, 2000 in County of Niagara Court; of the crime of DWI as a misdemeanor on Feb. 21, 2013 in County of Niagara Court; and of DWI, as a Class E felony, on Dec. 15, 2014, in Monroe County Court. These three prior convictions form the basis for the suspensions or revocations referenced in count three of the current indictment; and the latter two convictions form the basis for the felony charges in counts one and two of the current indictment.

Jerome W. Amesbury is indicted for the crime of unauthorized use of a vehicle in the second degree, a Class E felony. It is alleged that on Jan. 26 in the Town of Bergen that Amesbury -- knowing he did not have the owner's consent -- took, operated, rode in or otherwise used a 2002 Buick Rendezvous.

Law and Order: Second suspect arrested in liquor store burglaries

By Howard B. Owens
        Edward Perdue

Edward F. Perdue, 57, of Rome, is charged with burglary, 3rd, conspiracy, 5th, and petit larceny in connection with his arrest as the suspected burglar of Plaza Spirits in November. He is also charged with identify theft, 3rd, and petit larceny because he is accused of using a using a stolen credit card. In a third set of charges, Perdue is charged with burglary, 3rd, grand larceny, 4th, conspiracy, 5th, and petit larceny for his suspected role in the burglary of Mr. Wine & Liquor in August. Perdue is currently confined to the Mohawk Correctional Facility and following arraignment was released back into the custody of DOCs. (Previously: Arrest made in thefts from two local liquor stores.)

Morgan L. Cox Jr., 26, of Central Avenue, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on traffic tickets. He had been cited for alleged unlicensed operation involving alcohol and speeding and driving without a license. He was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Rae C. Cook, 29, of Central  Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear in City Court. She was held on $250 bail.

Thomas E. Brenkus, 50, East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Brenkus was stopped at 7:20 p.m. Saturday on Clinton Street by Officer Arick Perkins.

Tatiana C. Lugo, 23, no permanent address, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd, and resisting arrest. Lugo allegedly refused to leave a residence on North Spruce Street, Batavia, at 10:40 p.m. Friday. She was jailed on $2,000 bail or $4,000 bond.

Paul C. Ferro, 23, of South Pearl Street, Oakfield, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, possession of a hypodermic instrument, and aggravated unlicensed operation. Ferro was located on Central Avenue at 1:37 p.m. May 3 and allegedly found in possession of heroin and a hypodermic needle.

Michelle L. Misiak, 52,  was arrested on a warrant out of City Court. She was jailed on $250 bail.

Carolann Hyde, 61, of Burke Drive, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Hyde is accused of stealing from her employer, a business on East Main Street, Batavia.

Brian Anthony Knox, 34, of Quaker Road, Scottsville, is charged with DWI, driving while impaired by drugs, possession of a hypodermic instrument, and inadequate plate lamp. Knox was stopped at 10:22 p.m. Thursday on Townline Road, Bergen, by Deputy Austin Heberlein.

James Carl Davis, 28, of Eagle Harbor Road, Albion, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, improper right turn, failure to obey traffic control device, and speeding. Davis was stopped at 2:39 a.m. Sunday on Lewiston Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joshua Brabon.

Christopher James Doxy, 33, of East Center Street, Medina, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing, criminal mischief, 4th (preventing an emergency call), harassment, 2nd, and unlawful imprisonment, 2nd. Doxy was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Erik Andre reported at 11 a.m. Thursday at a location on Lewiston Road, Alabama.

John Paul Emilio Dougherty, 23, of Tracy Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, speed unreasonable, moved from lane unsafely, and driving left of pavement markings. Dougherty was arrested following an investigation by Deputy Jeremy McClellan into a vehicle accident on West Sweden Road, Bergen, at 2:20 a.m. Friday.

Michael John Romanowski, 45, of Green Leaf Meadow, Rochester, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, refusal to take a breath test, and open container. Romanowski was stopped at a checkpoint on Lewiston Road, Alabama, at 8:07 p.m. Thursday by Deputy Jeremy McClellan.

Lovelle William Ince, 20, of 106th Avenue, Queens Village, is charged with two counts of criminal mischief, 4th. Ince allegedly punched a large hole in a wall and damaged a door at College Village in an incident reported at 4:21 p.m. on May 6.

Joseph Jonathan Kuzma, 38, of Byron Holley Road, Byron, is charged with grand larceny, 3rd, trespass, and criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. Kuzma was arrested by Deputy Ryan DeLong following an investigation into stolen property on Byron Elba Road. He allegedly stole property valued at more than $3,000. He was previously charged with petit larceny. He was also charged with trespass for knowingly and unlawfully entering and remaining on the premises. He allegedly knowingly possessed stolen property with intent to benefit himself in June 2016.

David W. Hockenberry, 30, of Tonawanda, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, license plate violation, and moving from lane unsafely. Hockenberry was stopped at 5:40 p.m. Nov. 30, in Darien by State Police. He was arrested Friday. No further details released.

Mark A. Stoneham, 57, of Elba, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, and moving from the lane unsafely. Stoneman was stopped at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Town of Pembroke, by State Police.

Terrence S. Morgan, 23, of Rochester, is charged with DWI, driving while impaired by drugs, unlawful possession of marijuana, driving without a license, aggravated unlicensed operation, and speeding. Morgan was stopped at 2:30 a.m. Saturday on Route 33, Byron, by State Police. As part of the traffic stop, Asiana I. Wedlow, 21, of Rochester, was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th.

Basement fire reported on North Bergen Road

By Howard B. Owens

An apparent house fire is reported at 7354 N. Bergen Road, Bergen.

A retired city firefighter on scene says the fire appears to be in the basement. No flames showing but heavy black smoke.

Bergen fire dispatched along with Byron, South Byron, and Le Roy.

UPDATE 5:57 p.m.: The location is between West Sweden Road and Wood Road.

UPDATE 6:28 p.m.: The fire is under control. The family was away from the residence and took the family dog with them. A pet cat inside the residence died at the scene due to apparent smoke inhalation. Tanker is returning, in service.

UPDATE 7:48 p.m.: A Red Cross response is canceled. The family will stay with neighbors.

UPDATE 7:57 p.m.: Red Cross is continuing to the scene. They have other services to offer the homeowners.

UPDATE 8:12 p.m.: The actions of retired City Fire Captain Pat O'Donnell probably helped save this residence from complete destruction. He closed up windows and doors prior to firefighters arriving on the scene and was able to provide crews with the precise location of the fire once they arrived. "Closing up the house is very important," said Bergen Chief Chuck Dodson. "Out here where we have no water supply, we depend on tankers, we really need all the advantages we can get. Anytime we can get a fire closed up, limit the oxygen, limit the size of the fire, we’re going to be more successful."

UPDATE 8:21 p.m.: Bergen assignment back in service.

This is a form of interior ventilation I had not seen before. The flow of water pressure creates a kind of vacuum in the interior to help suck smoke out of the building.

The horses across the street were a little spooked by all of the activity.

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