Festivus: Seinfeld's Festivus is Today!
Posted by ThirdAge News Staff - Posted December 23, 2010 11:21
Festivus, a holiday that rose to popularity thanks to the popular TV show "Seinfeld" - is today! According to the website Festivusweb.com, "Seinfeld" writer Dan O'Keefe based the concept on family traditions started by his father.
The Festivus episode of "Seinfeld" includes this memorable exchange between Frank Costanza (George Costanza's father) and Cosmo Kramer:
Frank Costanza: "Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Cosmo Kramer: "What happened to the doll?"
Frank Costanza: "It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born Â... a Festivus for the rest of us!"
Cosmo Kramer: "That must've been some kind of doll."
Frank Costanza: "She was."
Festivus traditions include the Airing of Grievances, a giant complaining session that takes place after dinner. It's followed by the Feats of Strength, a family wrestling competition.
Happy Festivus!
I especially like the airing
I especially like the airing of grievances. lol, do I have a list for someone later today :)
The story of Festivus
The story of Festivus
I wonder if a millennium from
I wonder if a millennium from now the Seinfeld myth will have surpassed cult? TV Guide with Jerry on the cover, Buy It Now on EBay, $2,000; Kramer icons adorning entryways, adherents intoning, "Yada, Yada, Yada," engaged in whatever self-absorbed activity suits them... The perfect religion for a society deeply in need of a personal ringtone.
Bea, thought that already
Bea, thought that already happened. LOL
lol, not really, Dave. I
lol, not really, Dave.
I reserve my airing of real grievances on someone who truly is deserving.
By the way, I promised to
By the way, I promised to donate a matching amount of the cost of coffee on Monday. It was around 8 dollars for the coffee, I dropped a 20 dollar bill into the Salvation Army kettle, in honor of John Roach's support of the S.A. Promise kept. Merry Christmas!!!