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GCC Christian Students United Blesses Other Students with Care-A-Van

By Robin Walters

The Christian Students United Group of GCC came out tonight with Care-A-Van Ministries for our monthly visit to the college dorms. Pictured above is Jason and Charles f rom the CSU group with Sonara, who is a member of the GCC Cougars Women Basketball team.

We knocked on all 95 dorm rooms and offered cookies and prayer. Sonara's prayer request was that the team do well on their upcoming game this Saturday.

All students in the rooms were also given a personal invitation to attend the weekly meetings that the Christian Students United group has every Tuesday at 12:30 in room T122. This is a great time to share pizza and fellowship together.

There were many prayer requests this evening. The students are very thankful for the monthly visits , prayers and treats.

A special thanks to Jason, Alan and Charles from CSU for coming out with us tonight.

Go lady Cougars! Good luck Saturday!

Judge tells embezzler: get help or go to prison

By Billie Owens

Paul Ryan Tenney, who admitted back in September that he stole more than $106,000 from his employer, Elcon, Inc., has still not been sentenced for his crime.

He remains in jail without bail. This afternoon, Judge Robert Noonan gave the 39-year-old Tenney until Dec. 8 to find and secure financing for an in-patient drug-addiction treatment program. If he fails, the judge said he may be forced to "warehouse" Tenney in prison.

The one-time high school athletic star claims he's already completed an in-patient program as required. Trouble is, no one can find any proof of it. His attorney, Gary Horton, said he has no documentation, other than the statements of Tenney's friends and relatives.

Noonan said Tenney was stonewalling, and expressed a great deal of frustration with this case.

"I've tried to figure out how to wake you up to take charge of your life," Noonan said. "You've shown no backbone."

He said Tenney needs to stop making excuses and relying on his relatives for help.

"I could sentence you to five years in prison, but you'd just be five years older," Noonan said.

Tenney's criminal record certainly justifies doing that, the judge said, but numerous people in the community have vouched for Tenney and say he can be redeemed. He just needs to show the judge he is willing make the effort.


Cub Scout Pack 17 of Elba Partners with Care-A-Van Ministries to feed the People

By Robin Walters

  Paul Ohlson, Founder of Care-A-Van and Robin Walters, PR Director gather with the scouts.

The Cub Scout Pack 17 of Elba held a local "fun" raiser this evening at the Elba Firemans Recreation Hall.  Local families were entertained by Jeff Musial and Nickel City Reptiles and Exotics. The admissison was a non perishable food item.

The scouts combined this evening's food  admissions with their local Scouting for Food drive. All donations were then presented to Care-A-Van Ministries to help feed the local people. They also held a 50/50 and presented the proceeds to Care-A-Van.

My understanding is that over the summer the scouts had raised funds that they used to be able to present this fun evening to all families at no charge.

We thank Cub Master Chris Chadbourne scouts and their leaders and all those families that donated to help feed the local families that are in need. You truly have blessed many!

This young man was brave!


There was quite a crowd!

Packing the food up

Putting it on the bus

This young scout helped load the bus as well

Kids enjoy time on the bus.

Thanks again and more photos of this event can be seen on our Facebook!

Come join us there! 

Wonderland of Trees opens at HLOM on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

I happened to stop by the Holland Land Office Museum today and found a number of trees already ready for Saturday's opening of the Wonderland of Trees. Several local organizations and businesses already have their trees in place and decorated.

Elba School Students Help Clothe Others

By Robin Walters

These young volunteers were kept busy sorting the jeans

 Recently, the Elba School students helped clothe others with their jeans.

Christine Bucceri and students of the Elba school got together to help and bless others. At a recent school dance instead of the normal admission fee to get in,the students were asked to bring a pair of jeans for admission.

They then delivered the jeans to Care-A-Van Ministsries to bless others that may be in need. I will say it was a huge pile! There had to be over 100 pair of jeans if not more.

A special thanks to Christine and the students at the school for this wonderful donation to the ministry. Those that received the jeans were very appreciative.

What a wonderful creative way to help others!

Mancuso Group to create new service for artisans at Harvester Center

By Howard B. Owens

BATAVIA, NY -- Patricia Hawley, who has a long history of working with the arts community in Genesee County, has been hired by the Mancuso Business Development Group, to create an artisan center at the Harvester Center on Harvester Avenue.

Harvester, formerly known as the Batavia Industrial Center, is the world's first business incubator and helped launch a number of successful businesses since its inception 50 years ago.

“Creating this center is a huge step forward for a community that is so richly steeped in a tradition of fine artists," Hawley said in a statement released by the Mancuso Group. "I’m thrilled to join such a great team of innovative thinkers where, together, we can make art happen.”

Hawley, who submits occasional pieces to The Batavian on issues related to localism and the locavore movement, has extensive experience in arts management, having worked at Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council & Genesee Center for the Arts in Batavia and Genesee Country Village & Museum in Mumford, Mass. Hawley studied communications at SUNY Brockport and volunteers for various organizations including Orleans County Adult Learning Services, Genesee Symphony Orchestra and the Genesee Country Farmer’s Market Association. She is also the owner of Fountain of Youth Organics in Brockport.

From the Mancuso press release:

It is expected that the participants in the new artisan center will be able to take advantage of the programs, rental space, shared equipment, support services and management guidance that contributes to the success of the other entrepreneurial businesses at the BIC.

Patricia Hawley is married to Ted Hawley, current president of the Batavia Rotary Club and a member of the Genesee County Planning Board. Ted is brother of Steve Hawley, our current Assembly representative.

Santa's Coming To Oliver's Candies

By Jeremy Liles

Santa is coming to Oliver's Candies at 211 West Main Street Batavia on November 21st. (this Saturday) from 10am till 2pm.   There will be a petting zoo, Santa (every kid gets an Oliver's Candy Cane) and the Jaycees selling hot dogs, popcorn and hot cocoa.

Bring your kids and camera's!

Ribbon Candy is ready!  Hand made candy canes, Christmas gifts and so much more . . .!


(photo's from 2008)

City ambulances up for auction today

By Howard B. Owens

The retired ambulances of the discontinued service of the Batavia Fire Department are up for auction today.

The ambulances and related items are being sold through the Teitsworth auction site.

A 2008 Ford F350 XLT w/McCoy Miller body and a 6.4-liter diesel engine is bringing in the highest bid so far -- $10,000. The next highest bid is $3,500 for a 2005 Ford F350. The auction closes in a little more than 5 hours.

Attica police officer accused of trying to drag GCC student into undercover work

By Howard B. Owens

Bianca Hervey, a 20-year-old student at GCC and former Batavia resident, was put in an awkward, and potentially dangerous, situation by the Attica Police Department recently, according to the Buffalo News.

Hervey, who's only apparent criminal record is a traffic ticket or two, and who was not known to police as a drug user, was apparently coerced into becoming a snitch -- going undercover to help catch drug dealers.

Now, there is little disagreement that illegal drug dealing is a bad thing, but the News rightly editorializes against the Village of Attica Police Department for employing tactics that sound much like those used by the Stasi, the East German Secret Police.

... the apparent drafting of a neophyte drug informant is not only cruel behavior, it is astoundingly bad police work. If the relevant officials are unwilling to strongly renounce what could have been an anomalous misstep in an otherwise professionally run operation, then their own professional judgment must be called into serious question.

The idea that law enforcement officers chasing drug dealers can do absolutely anything they want is itself a kind of drug, one that is as addictive and as destructive of society as any amount of heroin or cocaine.

Hervey was saved the fate of entering an underground world she knows nothing about because her attorney father was able to intervene, but the News reports an unnamed young man was not so fortunate, and now he fears for his safety.

Officer Christopher Graham, who is also the officer accused of trying to recruit Hervey into undercover work, reportedly told the young man that the minor charges against him could keep him out of the military. He offered the youth a way out -- help catch a drug dealer. The young man followed through, according to the News, but when the police asked him to get involved in a second drug deal, the informant refused to cooperate. A short time later, he was arrested for failure to appear on the original charges.

Informants are used by law enforcement all the time. It was an informant that helped local law enforcement break up an apparent meth ring here in Genesee County last week. But reliable informants are usually people who step forward on their own because they know something, or are people recruited from the drug world they already know. 

It seems to smack of incredibly poor judgment and an abuse of power to try and recruit informants from among young people who have little experience either in the drug world or in dealing with the criminal justice system. We trust our local law enforcement officers use better judgment.

Police Beat: DWI charge for North Street resident

By Howard B. Owens

Thomas M. Lashure, 42, of 218 North St., Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, failure to submit to breath test, failure to keep right and failure to use a turn signal. Lashure was stopped at 12:54 a.m. by officer Dan Coffey for alleged traffic violations.  Coffey arrested Lashure on the DWI charges following the traffic stop.

Michelle Lynn Sanders Evans, 28, of 115 S. Main St., lower, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Evans is accused of shoplifting from Wal-Mart.

Kelly Anne Morrison, 36, of 115 S. Main St., upper, is charged with petit larceny. Morrison is accused of shoplifting from Wal-Mart.

Masse Gateway Project takes first step on development approval process

By Howard B. Owens

However slowly and incrementally, the ball is rolling forward on the Masse Gateway Project.

Tonight, property owner Tom Mancuso presented preliminary development plans to the Batavia Planning Board. The plans, sort of a rough sketch of the project, are the first step in an approval process that will involve a few agency reviews and more than a couple of public meetings.

Tonight's meeting was an opportunity for the planning board to see the plans for the first time and offer feedback, before Mancuso invests fully in project planning.

"We’re trying to move forward as quickly as possible, so the first step was to come here and get a review," Mancuso said after the meeting. "We need to do that before we do an application for a demolition permit, which we would like to do as soon as possible. We’re just finalizing construction funding. And just trying to get the appropriate approval so we can move forward as quickly as possible."

Mancuso said he hopes to have a demolition permit within 30 to 60 days.

The Masse Gateway Project will open up the former Masse/Harvester manufacturing plant to an entrance off Masse Place. The initial opening and refurbishing of the buildings around the entrance will potentially bring new business tenants into that part of the facility and help spur further redevelopment of the property into a mix-used business park.

The project is funded in part by a $1.5 million RestoreNY grant.

Mancuso said there is a lot of interest in the space from prospective tenants, but they do want to know when space will be available.

"The activity’s been good," Mancuso said. "It’s just that the hold-up that will continue to be an issue, is the delivery date. People need to know when we can get them in there and we can’t tell them that right now. There’s plenty of interest. It’s going to be a neat looking space. We’re going to be stymied until we can give them a delivery date."

The project plans will need to be reviewed at a city and county level for environmental impact, drainage, parking, Main-Street access, signage, use of utilities, lighting and code compliance. There are unlikely to be many applications for variances from current code, Planning Board Chairman Ed Jones noted, but he also suggested the City Council may want to take an active role in the environmental review process.

"Given that the source of the funding is coming from the city, this may very well be something that the City Council may want to take on as lead-agency status," Jones said. "This is going to be a high visibility project."

Batavia PTSD center providing help to increasing number of vets seeking treatment

By Howard B. Owens

The death of James Maher in Batavia on Nov. 7 brought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan a little bit closer to home for many of us.

Here was a young man -- Maher was 27 -- who served his country with distinction, but was battling demons that apparently lead him to drink heavily and had friends fearing on that crisp Saturday night that James was out somewhere with thoughts of self destruction swimming through his mind.

Maher came to Batavia looking for help. He was one of more than 150,000 returning Iraq and Afghan war veterans who have reported to a clinic seeking help and answers for PTSD (about another 150,000 vets are estimated to suffer from PTSD, but have not sought help).

In the past year, the Jack H. Hisby, Jr. PTSD Center at the VA Hospital in Batavia has treated 557 men and 84 women in its residential clinic. Another 450 veterans are currently in out-patient treatment, according to Dr. Terri Julian, who runs the clinic.

"These patients are our sons our daughters and our bothers and our sisters and our fathers and our mothers and our aunts and our uncles," Julian said when I spoke with her at the clinic last week. "The fact that they come for treatment, we should be honoring them and patting them on the back for doing that. It’s a hard thing to do."

Until the late 1970s, when the term was coined, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) was largely characterized as "battle fatigue" or "shell shock." It wasn't until Vietnam-era veterans made an issue about what they and their colleagues were experiencing, that PTSD became recognized as a treatable clinical condition.

Nearly 30 years later, two ongoing wars are taking a high toll on active duty soldiers and returning veterans according to recent media reports.

Military leaders acknowledge rampant psychiatric problems in their midst. According to the Army, the suicide rate among soldiers in Iraq is five times that seen in the Persian Gulf War and 11% higher than during Vietnam. The Army reported 133 suicides in 2008, the most ever. In January of this year, the 24 suicides reported by the Army outnumbered U.S. combat-related deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Marine Corps also reported an increase in suicides in 2008, to 41. The Army and Marine Corps have provided most of the troops in the two wars.

After the tragedy at Fort Hood on Nov. 5, PTSD emerged again as a topic of national discussion, with some speculation that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was suffering a form of PTSD stemming from his treatment of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. There is some evidence that doctors who treat patients for PTSD can suffer "secondary trauma."

Regardless of the validity of any condition potentially suffered by Maj. Hasan, the difficulties returning veterans face has largely been ignored by the media.

The Veterans Administration, however, seems to have taken steps to deal with the psychiatric issues of returning veterans and their families.

According to Julian, the VA prepared for an increase of PTSD patients. In Batavia, for example, the residential clinic expanded in 2007 from 16 to 30 beds.

The VA also created a Web site to help families understand the difficult transition many returning vets face.

"Anybody coming back from a war zone is going to have some readjustment needs," Julian said.

The four-week residential treatment at the Batavia clinic is hard and challenging, according to veterans I met at a memorial for Maher on Veteran's Day.

Julian says, yes, in fact, treatment can be hard.

"Of course we don’t like to confront our pain because it hurts," Julian said, "but that’s exactly what we know helps.

"These are folks who go through some pretty awful stuff," Julian added. "They’re survivors and pretty courageous people. The fact that they can talk about how tough it is, we applaud that. We want them to talk about what's tough, about the work."

The treatment involves psychotherapy, group discussions, family meetings, medication, and fitness regimes.

Patients are also taught techniques to help them re-learn how to control anxiety.

There are also opportunities for patients to explore artistic abilities in pictures or music. An area fly-fishing group also offers fly-fishing classes.

“It’s all of the kinds of things that we know work from the research," Julian said.

The doctor is confident that the program is helping the vast majority of men and women who seek treatment.

"I can tell you, moving-on day," Julian said, "which is what we call our graduation, there is a  difference in those men and women who come in feeling disconnected from one another. I think one of the tough things that treatment does is, it lets you connect with your own heart and with other people again. That’s pretty scary after you’ve had losses due to war. When you let yourself do that, you remember what it’s like to feel again."

The clinic treats more than just Iraq and Afghanistan veterans (about 30 percent of the PTSD patients are from those two conflicts). There are also still a number of Vietnam vets who seek treatment for the first time (either they reach retirement and have more time to think or the current wars conjure up suppressed memories), and there are still Gulf War veterans who seek treatment.

She said after 9-11, their was a sharp increase of Korean War vets seeking treatment.

"One last thing I want to say," Julian added near the end of our interview. "It really is a privilege to be here every day and an honor to serve those who served us. I say that on behalf of our entire staff."

A Thankful Day on Central Avenue

By Robin Walters

It was a day of giving thanks this past Saturday when Care-A-Van was on Central Avenue for Grocery Distribution.  It was one of our busiest days at this location!

We saw over 47 families with a total of 121 family members that were in need of food.

Two young seniors from Kane Area High School in Kane PA, Marissa Walters and Natalee Anderson  were volunteering with us today. They had a thankful box that they used to encourage those in need to share what they were thankful for and any prayer requests they had.  At the end of they day , Elder Ron prayed over the requests. Pictured above is the team and some residents of the neighborhood. We always  pray before leaving a neighorhood.

There were many needs and prayer requests today.

Marissa and a little Robert. Marissa has a dream one day to be a physician asisstant. Today was a great opportuntiy for her to help take care of God's little ones!

A special thanks to Marissa and Natalee for volunteering with us today!

So as the picture says- What are you thankful for today? Hmm- me, this PR Director is thankful for the week-end I had with my daughter and her friend and how they had the opportunity to see the needs of others and how they had a heart to want to make a difference..

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Police Beat: DWI charge against 75-year-old man

By Howard B. Owens

Franklin K. Zimmerman, 75, of 535 Bauman Road, Williamsville, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving left of pavement marking. Zimmerman was stopped by Deputy Jason Saile on Lewiston Road in Alabama.

A 17-year-old from Batavia is charged with petit larceny. The youth is accused of stealing $120 in merchandise from Target.

Jordon John Giglia, 20, of 9202 Allegheny Road, Corfu, is charged with criminal contempt and harassment. Giglia is accused of violating a no-offensive-conduct order out of Genesee County Family Court. Giglia allegedly pulled a chair out from under the protected person, causing her to fall and strike her head.

mayhem riders mc needs bussineses in batavia to help families in need

By chris johnson

mayhem riders mc

needs batavia area bussinesses to help in our quest to help area families in need at christmas time.we currently have a fund drive going to collect gently used clothing and toys for these families.we would also like to give each family a night out,thats where your generosity comes in,the ideal scenario would be to send the family to a restaurant then to the movies,or anything like please if you can try and help us make this happen,the families we help very rarely get to take their familys  for a night out.what we do is not a hand out,it is a step please contact us so we can work together to help area families.


                                                                                          C.A.J        president/founder

                                                                                                           mayhem riders mc

check out our website to learn more about us,we are a family oriented motorcycle club

Ladies' Night at the Mane Attraction

By Howard B. Owens

Tonight is another Ladies' Night at The Mane Attraction. Chris Ariyaratnam organizes the monthly event as a way to help promote local businesses and raise funds for various local charities.  In addition to shopping the booths of local vendors, visitors can buy raffle and Chinese auction tickets. Tonight's event isn't over yet (at 6:15 p.m.). It is open until 8 p.m.

Some feedback - a bakery in Batavia

By Chelsea O'Brien

Peter and I have been discussing an idea for a few months and wanted some feedback. We're thinking about possibly opening a bakery in Batavia. We'd like for it to be on main street, so it is available to people who drive and/or walk around.


I have a few questions for all of you local Batavians and those in Genesee County:

1) Would you utilize a local bakery instead of using Walmart and Top's baked goods?

2) What kind of goods would you like to see from a local bakery?

3) What features would you want in a bakery (ex: coffee, a cafe/eating area, etc)?

4) During what hours (and times) would you most likely visit a bakery (ex: morning, afternoon/lunch, holidays, etc)?

5) Would you utilize a specialty cake service?


Thanks for your input!

Police Beat: Alleged violation of drug court rules leads to jail, $50,000 bail

By Howard B. Owens

Leon C. Bloom, 27, no permanent address, has been jailed on $50,000 bail for allegedly failing to abide by drug court rules.  In May, Bloom was arrested for allegedly violating an order of protection.

Timothy Daniel Eastridge, 32, of 30 Bennett Ave., Oakfield, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property, aggravated unlicensed operation, DWI, criminal mischief and unlawful possession of marijuana. Eastridge is accused of driving a stolen vehicle into a fence and tree near Alex's Place on Park Road, and then driving to the Batavia Downs parking lot, where he parked the car. Witnesses helped police find the car, and Eastridge was allegedly seen exiting the car. Eastridge was taken into custody by Deputy Chris Parker. The deputy reportedly found a marijuana pipe on Eastridge. The car was reportedly stolen from an area near Faletti's Ice Rink on Evans Street a short time earlier. Batavia Police assisted in the arrest.

Patricia A. Poole, 20, of 4036 W. Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Poole allegedly stole an item from Hess Mart on Nov. 8. She was jailed on $250 bail.

Brian J. Lambert, 28, of 120 State St., Upper, Batavia, is charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree. Lambert was stopped in the Town of Alexander by Deputy Chris Parker after Lambert reportedly failed to return the vehicle of his mother's boyfriend as agreed.

Lonnie J. Hamilton, 22, of 14776 Baker Road, Kent, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and failure to keep right. Hamilton was stopped on Route 98 in the Town of Batavia by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello for alleged failure to keep right. Sgt. Sanfratello concluded that Hamiliton was allegedly driving drunk.

Scott Joseph Richardson, 20, of 5 Lakewood Drive, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Richardson was reportedly the passenger in a car stopped for an alleged traffic violation by Deputy Patrick Reeves. Reeves reportedly found marijuana on Richardson.

Donald J. Monroe, 46, of 580 Cohocton Road, Corfu, is charged with DWI, and aggravated DWI with a BAC of .08 or greater. Deputy Patrick Reeves responded to the area of Cohocton Road in Pembroke after the Sheriff's Office received a report of a drunk or sick driver. He subsequently pulled over Monroe's vehicle and charged him with DWI.

Jonathan Scott Viterise, 21, of 75 Stone Fence Road, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Viterise was reportedly the passenger in a car stopped for an alleged traffic violation by Deputy Patrick Reeves. Reeves reportedly found marijuana on Viterise.

Richard Dale Fennell, 29, of 5 Exchange St., Akron, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. Fennell was reportedly a passenger in a vehicle stopped by Deputy Patrick Reeves that was stopped for an alleged traffic violation. Reeves reportedly found a medication on Fennell for which he didn't have a prescription.

Gerald "Zach" Z.L. Watts, 25, of 5 Otis St., Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and failure to keep right. Watts was reportedly stopped on S. Lyon Street in Batavia by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello of the Sheriff's Office for alleged failure to keep right.

Brett R. Doward, 23, of 16 Harvester Ave., Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving on the shoulder. Doward was reportedly stopped by Deputy Howard Carlson on Route 33 in Stafford.

Richard D. Ryan, 33, of 136 Pearl St., Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief. Ryan allegedly damaged furniture of his ex-girlfriend, valued at $250. He was jailed without bail.

Thomas K. Lee, 46, of 4 MacArthur Drive, Apt. 10, Batavia, is charged with two felony counts of criminal contempt and three counts of harassment. Lee allegedly violated an order of protection. The harassment charges stem from alleged actions toward the protected person, and the third count stems from alleged actions toward a probation officer. Lee was jailed without bail.

David P. Schlitz, Jr., 45, of 112 Howard Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI and refusal to take a breath test. Schlitz was reportedly stopped on Clinton Street by Officer Thad Mart after a caller provided the license plate number of a vehicle allegedly driven by a drunken driver.

A 16-year-old from Bergen is charged with harassment. The girl was reportedly involved in a domestic argument. She was jailed on $250 bail.

Christopher P. Clute, 30, of Middleport, is charged with auto stripping, third degree. Clute was arrested by State Police at 6566 Dysinger Road in Alabama.  He was issued an appearance ticket.

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