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Richmond Library budget vote and trustee election

By Daniel Crofts

The Richmond Memorial Library, at 19 Ross St. in Batavia, will hold its budget vote and Board of Trustees election today from noon until 9 p.m.

All residents of the Batavia City School District are eligible to vote. Voting will take place in the library's Gallery Room.

Call the library at 343-9550 for more information.

Event Date and Time

Peaceful Genesee will host 'Alternatives to Violence' workshop

By Daniel Crofts

Peaceful Genesee, a coalition dedicated to making Genesee County a nonviolent community, is inviting people to an AVP (Alternatives To Violence Program) workshop to be held on May 13-14 at First Presbyterian Church, at 300 E. Main St. in Batavia.

AVP is a program that gives participants the chance to bond through creative and fun exercises, learn peaceful methods of resolving conflicts and transform conflicts into opportunities for personal and societal change. It is based on the belief that there is good in every person and that all people have the potential to find positive and peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

Attendees are expected to participate, but may opt out of certain exercises if they are uncomfortable participating in them.

According to the notice submitted by Peaceful Genesee, the upcoming workshop will consist of  "a basic introduction to the philosophy and skills of nonviolent conflict resolution." It will last from 5:30 until 9:30 p.m. on Friday and from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday.

The cost of the workshop is $30 per person and includes 2 meals -- dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday. Scholarships are available -- contact Audrey Mang at 716-633-1140 for more information.

A $10 registration fee is due to Lisa Wittmeyer, c/o Community Action of Orleans & Genesee, 5073 Clinton Street Road, Batavia, NY 14020 by Friday. A $20 balance is due at the workshop.

Make checks payable to Peaceful Genesee.

Contact Lisa at 343-7798 or Vivian Waltz at for further details.


By Robin Walters

Millions of Americans wil unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast to observe the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 5th. The theme for this year is "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" and is based on the verse from Psalm 91:2 which states " I will say to the Lord my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-6 the Apostle Paul says, "I urge then,first of all, that petitions prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.

According to these verses, we are urged to pray for all those in authority. We are to pray so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This pleases God, and when you obey his word, it brings peace into your heart and life. The world in which we live may be in turmoil, but for those in Christ, there is peace, hope, and joy for the future. His word says that we should pray so that all people would come to a saving knowledge of the truth. The truth is that Jesus Christ gave his life as a ransom for all who call on him. He died on the cross for all so that we may be made holy and righteous in his sight.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from  Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Because of these verses in scripture and many more like them, I urge you to join us as we seek God in prayer.

The Batavia Assembly God Church will open its doors from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM.  There will be a variety of prayer stations set up where you can join us in focusing on specific areas of prayer. You may also stop by the altar or take up a seat in a pew and pray for your own individual needs. If you need prayer, there will be people available to pray with you.

There will be a bible study with a prayer emphasis on Wednesday night,  May 4th starting at 7:00 PM. We invite you to come and help us pray earnestly for our families , our communities , and our churches. Let us pray for our president and all our leaders who govern, that they will humble themselves and seek God's guidance. Everyone is welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there.

God is our mighty fortress in whom we can trust. May we trust him that through our prayers he will move upon our nation to bring healing, peace and his blessing. Let us pray that through our prayers people will come to know him and turn to him.


Richmond Memorial Library budget vote and trustee election is tomorrow

By Daniel Crofts

The Richmond Memorial Library, at 19 Ross St. in Batavia, will hold its budget vote and Board of Trustees election tomorrow from noon until 9 p.m.

All residents of the Batavia City School District are eligible to vote. Voting will take place in the library's Gallery Room.

The results of the election will be posted tomorrow. Call the library at 343-9550 for more information.

Sign makers thought message was 'traditional and patriotic'

By Howard B. Owens

As Victor Thomas, 26, and three of his buddies watched the news of Osama bin Laden's death last night and saw the celebrations in Washington, D.C., and New York, they wanted to be part of something in Batavia.

So they jumped in a car and drove downtown.

"The City of Batavia was dead," Thomas said. "Not one person was out. Nobody was honking horns or celebrating."

So, Thomas, along with his cousin Christopher Thomas, 26, Ordy Edwards, 26, and Jason Armison, 24, decided to drive to the only place open to buy sign materials -- Walmart -- and get a board and some paint and fix up a sign.

They made a red, white and blue sign and painted on it, "Osama Got Obama'd."

He said they then mused for about 20 minutes on where to place the sign. They thought about putting it in front of the courthouse to represent justice, but then they did a little research on Emery Upson and discovered one of his specialities as a general was tactics in invading enemy territory. That made the Upson Monument, they thought, the perfect place to commemorate Osama's sudden demise in a protected compound in Pakistan.

Now they're a little upset that county workers took the sign down -- Christopher Thomas happened to be driving by at the time and retrieved the sign -- and are planning a rally at 4 p.m. in front of the Post Office.

Victor said anybody wanting to show support for freedom of speech or the United States should attend.

Thomas has seen the comments on The Batavian and is surprised that some have taken the sign as a partisan political statement.

"There was no thought about politics," Thomas said. "They both have O's, Osama and Obama. We didn't take it in a political way. He's our president and every soldier fighting is marching to his orders. They (some readers) took it as political and we just were trying to be traditional or patriotic."

He said he was worried the sign would be taken down, but was hoping it would stay up today so people could drive by and honk their horns, "just to give some kind of recognition to what happened on 9/11 and what our troops are doing."

Photo courtesy WBTA.

Police Beat: Five teens accused of stealing scrap metal in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

Timothy V. Meyers, 18, of Walker Road, Darien, along with a 16-year-old from Dodgeson Road, Alexander, a 16-year-old from Centerline Road, Verysburg, and a 16-year-old from Genesee Street, Attica, are charged with petit larceny and criminal trespass. The youths, along with a 14-year-old, were stopped shortly after midnight, Sunday, allegedly removing scrap metal from the Alexander Town Transfer Station. The suspects reportedly fled the scene and were located a short time later with the help of K-9 "Pharoah" and State Troopers.

Brittany Alexis Adams, 20, of Bloomingdale Road, Basom, is charged with petit larceny. Adams is accused of shoplifting $39.84 worth of merchandise from Walmart.

Lynda B. Siplin, 57, of 65 Lakeview Park, Rochester, and Gwendolyn L. Watson, 53, of 91 Reynolds St., Rochester, are each charged with two counts of petit larceny. Siplin and Watson are accused of shoplifting more than $400 worth of merchandise from Aldi's and Dollar General. Siplin and Watson were jailed on $1,000 bail.

A 17-year-old from South Lake Road, Pavilion, is charged with petit larceny. The youth is accused of shoplifting from Walmart.

More than 300 lbs. of drugs dropped off at Batavia PD on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

National Drug Take-Back Day was a success in Batavia, according to Det. Pat Corona.

Corona said Batavia PD collected 320 lbs. of unwanted prescription drugs and hypodermic instruments.

Police detectives will soon travel to Buffalo to deliver the boxes of collected items for proper disposal.

"We were very pleased with the turnout for the detail," Corona said. "We are happy to have been able to offer this service."

Another collection day is anticipated in October.

'Osama Got Obama'd' sign removed from in front of Upton Monument

By Howard B. Owens

Some time over night somebody placed a red, white and blue handmade sign in front of the Upton Monument that read "Osama Got Obama'd."

By 9 a.m., the sign was gone.

County Manager Jay Gsell told Dan Fischer at WBTA that county workers removed the sign because the Upton Monument was not the appropriate location to place it.

Photo courtesy WBTA.

Buy Photos

By Howard B. Owens

All of the photos from this weekend are now available for purchase of prints.  Click here.

The photos include the clean up at Genesee County Park, the tree planting in Austin Park, the track meet at Van Detta Stadium and Saturday at the Carnival.

Again, prints can be purchased by clicking here.

Also, the first weekend in April was also a busy weekend and I never let anybody know the pictures were available for purchase.

That weekend included Eco-Fest, GCC women's softball and men's baseball, the Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner, the fundraiser for Brooklyn Sputore, the Le Roy Fire Department dinner, the Easter Bunny at Oliver's, and I also included the Easter egg hunt at Centennial Park.

To purchase prints of those pictures, click here.

Remember, we offer prices on prints well below the suggested retail price.

Photos: Downtown Carnival

By Howard B. Owens

The annual Downtown Carnival is taking place on Jackson Street this weekend. It continues this afternoon.

More pictures after the jump:


Photos: Track meet at Van Detta Stadium

By Howard B. Owens

Student athletes from high schools throughout Western New York converged on Van Detta Stadium late Saturday afternoon for a regional track meet.

Here are a few pictures from the competition.

More pictures after the jump:

Photos: St. Joe's Mammoth Sale

By Howard B. Owens

The annual St. Joe's Mammoth Sale was apparently another huge success. One person told me people were lining up before 8 a.m. (doors opened at 9 a.m.) and it was wall-to-wall bargain hunters for the first hour or so (crowds had thinned out quite a bit by the time I got there after 2 p.m., but there were still bargains available and plenty of people looking for both the useful and the merely interesting used items.

Photos: Present Tense/GoArt! poetry contest winners

By Howard B. Owens

Winners of the 5th Annual National Poetry Contest -- sponsored by Present Tense Books and Gifts and GoArt! -- were announced Friday. Some of the winners were at Present Tense on Washington Avenue, Batavia, Saturday afternoon to receive their prizes.

Pictured above are Joe Gagne, Abby Sapecky, Faith Finnin (back row), Lindsay Augello, and Chloe Shuskey.

A complete list of winners and their poems are posted on the Present Tense Web site.

Each winner received a gift certificate from Present Tense.

Photos: Arbor Day in Austin Park

By Howard B. Owens

Earth Day/Arbor Day was celebrated by the city today with a volunteer park clean-up effort and then the planting of a pair of trees in Austin Park.

The Austin Park event included a chance for children to engage in environmentally themed crafts.

Photos: City police prescription drug drop off

By Howard B. Owens

Area residents were invited to drive by the Batavia Police headquarters this morning and early afternoon and drop off unwanted prescription drugs and hypodermic needles. The drop off started at 10 a.m. and by noon, detectives had collected four large boxes full of discarded prescription drugs. Above Det. Charles Dudek makes a collection.

Photos: BID honors downtown supporters at annual luncheon

By Howard B. Owens

Members of the Batavia Downtown Business Improvement District gathered Friday for a luncheon and awards presentation to a few of the people who supported downtown in 2010.

Charles Men's Shop received the “Spirit of Downtown” award. Above Don Brown, left, and Dave Howe, second from left, accept the award from Victor Gautieri, outgoing president of the BID board, and Don Burkel, BID director.

Jeffrey Gillard, who could not be at the luncheon, was honored as BID member Volunteer of the Year.

Krysia Mager and Leanna DiRisio, pictured below, received Community Volunteer awards.

Victor Gautieri, above, finished his term as president and by BID rules must take a break from serving on the board. Paul Marchese, below, finished his term as vice president and is also termed out of the board.  


By Gretel Kauffman

UPDATE 12:38 p.m.: Due to illness, the Benny Baker comedy performance that was scheduled tonight at the Batavia Party House has been cancelled. Tickets will be refunded.

Like Johnny Cash's boy named Sue, Benny Baker's fate was determined when he was just a lad.

"I was ugly and my name was Benny Bobby Baker," he says. "I had to be either funny or tough."

Forty-something years later, it's obvious which path he chose.  The semi-retired comedian has been in the funny business for 25 years and has made quite a name for himself, having toured internationally and in 49 states, including a 3-year stint with Carrot Top. Apart from performing his own critically-acclaimed Las Vegas act, "Hellbent 4 Humor," Baker has also appeared on and written for TV and films and co-hosted a morning radio show in San Diego. This Saturday night, he will be returning to Batavia to perform one show.

"It's edgy, critical, and just more common sense," he says of his act. "I don't believe that kinder and gentler is always the answer. If you're tired of society being molded to satisfy the few square pegs that don't want to go into round holes while all the other round pegs suffer, then you'll like my show."

No topic is safe from this "common sense" with his routine touching on a wide range of subjects, from the Octo-Mom to his own family.

"After a while you develop a perception of life that you just can't take it too seriously," Baker says. "I guess I would say that your mind does immediately evaluate the humor in every situation no matter how tragic."

And what kind of humor does he find in his native Western New York?

"I grew up in this area as a kid," he explains. "It has its humor because it really still is small-town, and there are a lot of things that really are funny about being from a small town.  It does have that family elemnt that you don't find in other places. It has that blue-collar, small-town family charm in it, but there is always humor in that."

Although Baker was born in Batavia and attended Greece Arcadia High School, he moved to Florida soon after his graduation. 

"I had a job on the muck when I was a teenager," he explains. "I didn't really see any future in rotating crops, so I left."

Baker has recently taken up residence in Orleans County. Much of his family still lives in the area, and will be there supporting him at Saturday's show.

"I don't mind performing in front of family members," he says. "They enjoy it because I do talk about my family - the struggles, my brother being a big hunter, things like that.  It gives them a kick to be brought into the show and makes them laugh because a lot of it's true."

The act can be enjoyed by audience members of any age--Baker gives the example of an elderly couple who came to his show and needed an extra oxygen tank brought in because they were laughing so hard--but parents should know that the material is what could be described as "R-rated":

"I'd say the cutoff is 18, maybe 16 if you're sharp.  If you're 16 and walking around with your pants around your ankles and smoking 20 blunts a day, you're not going to like it or get the jokes. But if you're 16 and with it and carry a C average in high school, you'll be fine."

The show will be tonight at the Batavia Party House. Dinner starts at 6 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. Tickets for the prime rib buffet and show are $40 per person at the door. Show only tickets are $15 at the door.

Comic Comes Home

By Gretel Kauffman

Like that of Johnny Cash's boy named Sue, Benny Baker's fate was determined when he was just a lad.

"I was ugly and my name was Benny Bobby Baker," he says. "I had to be either funny or tough."

Forty-something years later, it's obvious which path he chose.  The semi-retired comedian has been in the funny business for 25 years and has made quite a name for himself, having toured internationally and in 49 states, including a 3-year stint with Carrot Top. Apart from performing his own critically-acclaimed Las Vegas act, "Hellbent 4 Humor," Baker has also appeared on and written for TV and films and co-hosted a morning radio show in San Diego. This Saturday night, he will be returning to Batavia to perform one show.

"It's edgy, critical, and just common sense," he says of his act. "I don't believe that kinder and gentler is always the answer. If you're tired of society being molded to satisfy the few square pegs that don't want to go into round holes while all the other round pegs suffer, then you'll like my show."

No topic is safe from this "common sense," with his routine touching on a wide range of subjects, from the Octo-Mom to his own family.

"After a while you develop a perception of life that you just can't take it too seriously," Baker says. "I guess I would say that your mind does immediately evaluate the humor in every situation no matter how tragic."

And what kind of humor does he find in his native Western New York?

"I grew up in this area as a kid," he explains. "It has its humor because it really still is small town, and there are a lot of things that really are funny about being from a small town.  It does have that family element that you don't find in other places. It has that blue-collar, small-town family charm in it, but there is always humor in that."

Although Baker was born in Batavia and attended Greece Arcadia High School, he moved to Florida soon after his graduation. 

"I had a job on the muck when I was a teenager," he explains. "I didn't really see any future in rotating crops, so I left."

He has recently taken up residence again in Orleans County. Much of Baker's family still lives in the area, and will be there supporting him at Saturday's show.

"I don't mind performing in front of family members," he says. "They enjoy it because I do talk about my family - the struggles, my brother being a big hunter, things like that.  It gives them a kick to be brought into the show and makes them laugh because a lot of it's true."

The act can be enjoyed by audience members of any age--Baker gives the example of an elderly couple who came to his show and needed an extra oxygen tank brought in because they were laughing so hard--but parents should know that the material is what could be described as "R-rated":

"I'd say the cutoff is 18, maybe 16 if you're sharp.  If you're 16 and walking around with your pants around your ankles and smoking 20 blunts a day, you're not going to like it or get the jokes. But if you're 16 and with it and carry a C average in high school, you'll be fine."

The show will be at the Batavia Party House (5762 East Main Street Rd, Stafford) on Saturday, April 30th. Dinner starts at 6 pm and the show begins at 8 pm. Tickets for the prime rib buffet and show are $40 per person at the door. Show only tickets are $15 at the door. 

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