Batavia announces one arrest in auto break-ins
One person has been arrested, and one suspect is still at large, in a rash of vehicle break-ins in the City of Batavia over the past month, the Batavia Police Department said this afternoon.
In a press release, the police department indicated the break-ins are ongoing -- if they can be called break-ins -- because most of the times, the cars hit have been unlocked over night.
In most cases, GPS systems and other electronics as well as money and personal checks have been stolen.
Police investigators continue to urge people to lock their vehicles and not leave anything of value insides. GPS units are of particular interest to the thieves.
The name of the suspect arrested was not released.
Tips that might lead to the arrest of suspects can be called into 345-6350 or Det. Kevin Czora at 345-6311.
UPDATE: I asked Det. Czora if the name of the suspect already in custody could be released and he said he is withholding the name while the investigation is in progress. The release of the name, he said, could jeopardize the eventual capture of the second suspect.
I also asked him about the suggestion brought up in comments on The Batavian when we reported on these burglaries last month that the police try a sting operation, and he said that wouldn't necessarily work in this case because the thieves are operating throughout the city. Their complete M.O. is to seek targets of opportunity -- unlocked cars -- which Czora said are numerous throughout the city.
"If we could just get people to start locking their cars and keeping their valuables out of their cars, it would be slimmer pickings," he said.