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Sponsored Post: Register now for YMCA Summer Camp

By Lisa Ace

YMCA Summer Camp 2017 registration is underway! Register today for YMCA Kinder Camp or traditional Day Camp. Spaces are limited and programs fill up fast. This summer's dates are from June 26th – Aug. 25th. You can register for a week or as many as you’d like.

•  Kinder Camp is for children ages 3 to 5 and is ideal for families looking for safe, structured play this summer. Kinder Camp fosters social development, problem solving, team building and self-esteem. With two options to choose from, 5 day or 3 day, we have something to fit the needs of all parents.
•  Traditional Day Camp is for ages 6 – 12 and is the perfect place for children to have a fun and safe summer. Day Camp allows children to grow and thrive while working with peer groups and enjoying a variety of both indoor and outdoor games and activities. Each week is based around a special theme and we offer age-appropriate activities like sports and games, arts and crafts, weekly field trips, swimming and more.

Our caring and nurturing staff are carefully selected based on their previous experience and schooling. This ensures that our staff is the perfect fit for making your family's summer experience one you will never forget.

YMCA Day Camp is certified by the New York State Health Department and we adhere to strict safety regulations. Register for one week or join us for all nine. The YMCA offers flexible enrollment and payment plans to fit the needs of any family. The Y also provides scholarships to those who qualify which makes YMCA summer camp one of the most affordable options around. For more information on the YMCA’s summer camp programs or to register, contact the YMCA at 585-344-1664 today.

Developer says the complicated financing for Ellicott Station coming together on schedule

By Howard B. Owens

The financing of the Ellicott Station project by Buffalo-Based Savarino Companies is complicated, but it's moving along at a swift pace and CEO Sam Savarino doesn't expect any delays in financing that would prevent construction from the starting this summer.

Savarino Companies will have a direct investment of about $3.5 million and will borrow approximately another $10 million or more and local, state, and federal programs will cover another $5 million or so of the more than $18 million in project expenses (a bit of an increase over prior project estimates).

Assistance programs to make the project viable come in three forms: tax abatements from the Genesee County Economic Development Center, grants from the State of New York, and a federal New Market Tax Credit program.

"We knew going in we had a hole in this budget of about $5 million," Savarino said. "The state came in, Empire State Development, and filled part of the hole with the grants that they have, but it's still left us out there and that's why we went out we said we need enough allocation to fill that hole."

That hole is being filled by the New Market Tax Credit program, created about two decades ago in part to replace grants that financed many failed urban renewal programs. Tax credits on the project that can be sold as assets help create a market-driven way to encourage development in economically distressed neighborhoods. It's a way for the market to help decide which projects are worthy of assistance rather than the federal government making the decision.

The tax credits are administered by Community Development Entities (these can be for-profit companies or nonprofit agencies). The CDEs decide which projects to back. The tax credits are then sold to investors, who can use the tax credits or sell them on the open market.

"An area like this particular area is a distressed area," Savarino said. "It's got way more unemployment than other areas in the county. It's got way more incidents of poverty of people living there, more than any other part of the county. It's also a brownfield site. So it's got all those things going against it. That's just the type of site -- and by the way that has prevented its redevelopment --  it makes it too expensive to really redevelop. It's not really marketable. That's exactly the type of project that the New Market Tax Credit program is meant to address. But there are federal tax credits and they're meant to bring life into sites and generally in cities that don't have that much of a chance."

Julie Pacatte, economic development coordinator for the Batavia Development Corp., said Ellicott Station is unique in the county because the total investment exceeds $5 million to $10 million, which is necessary to even attract New Market Tax Credits.

"That's what makes it difficult for rural communities to access the program because projects generally don't project to that kind of scale to access the program," Pacatte said.

Savarino said the Ellicott Station project will use about $7.5 million in tax credits, which will translate into about $2.5 million in direct investment into the project.

Without the assistance programs, traditional lenders wouldn't even consider a project with the liabilities of the former Della Penna property, which needs extensive environmental remediation and is in a neighborhood with higher than average unemployment and lower than average incomes.

"There's no way it would even be financeable," Savarino said. "It's not just a developer like ourselves coming in and so everybody can gainsay your efforts over there because of you and you are out there trying to -- you're not going to do this to lose money. We're judged more harshly by the people who come and provide the financing for something like this.

"So we take a risk for going out and risking that we're going to lease up these units. We're risking that will lease up the commercial space. We're taking the risk that we've got a cap on the cost, and we have all the normal risk that you have (in a development)."

Some of the risk is mitigated by the fact that Savarino has already secured an anchor tenant for the project, Resurgence Brewery, out of Buffalo, which will open a restaurant, beer garden and sour beer brewery at the location. That business is expected to create at least 15 full-time jobs.

Savarino said the Resurgence owners are eager to get going and would move in today if they could.

The complicated financing isn't anything new for Savarino Companies, which has been involved in redeveloping several properties in Buffalo that were also highly distressed and needed to make variety a variety of financing and investment options to make them viable. 

The New Market Tax Credit is limited to the commercial side of the project. For that, Savarino must secure the tax credits, attract the investors, find additional financing, get the proper approvals from local and state officials, and then the company must still also secure financing for the apartment complex.

Over the course of planning, the apartment complex has gone from 30 units to 42, to 47, and now the plans call for 54 units.

"When we started laying it out and we actually got the building down, we got to our unit mix and it turned out that we could fit 54 units in there," Savarino said.

That's one reason the costs have gone up a bit, but a recent environmental examination of the property also uncovered a surprise -- a previously unknown storm water drainage canal running under the entire length property.

The canal -- they're calling it the "Grand Canal" -- shows up on no maps, no site drawings, no infrastructure maps. It was built of brick long, long ago and forgotten about.

There's also evidence of contamination in the canal.

The best-case scenario is the canal can be declared as abandoned and filled in (as a matter of engineering, the buildings can't just be built on top of it), but if it needs to be rerouted, it can either be mitigated by connecting it to existing drainage lines under Ellicott Street or put under the easement for the new Ellicott Trail, which will run behind Ellicott Station. Savarino isn't expecting the canal to blow up the budget.

"Some of that is just the nature of the brownfield redevelopment and the remediation program of the state's is intended to offset those costs," Savarino said. "So to the extent that you find something that's a little worse than what you knew about, your site-prep costs will go up, and hopefully it works out such that you get the tax credits to offset that cost."

Savarino and Pacatte were at the Genesee County Planning Board meeting last night as part of the process of getting land-use approvals for the project.

The planning committee recommended approval of the site plan.

The project moves forward next with a GCEDC public hearing June 20 on the $1.5 million tax incentive package, which includes breaks on sales and mortgage tax, and a payment in lieu of taxes plan on the new tax liabilities generated by the increase in assessed value of the property. That same day, the city's Planning Committee will review the site plan and on June 22, the Zoning Board will review the plan.

This morning, the County Legislature held a special meeting to approve a $225,000 grant to assist construction of the brewery and restaurant for Resurgence Brewery. The grant is a pass-through of federal Community Development Block Grant money administered by the state's Office of Community Renewal. The special meeting was necessary because today was the deadline for completing the application.

Savarino said he doesn't anticipate any delays in financing, that financing should close in July and construction will begin in August.

UPDATED: Lost dog with short, brindle-colored coat found on Pearl Street Road

By Billie Owens

This afternoon, a reader named Tracy Gaus submitted this photo of a lost dog and sent us this email:

"This very friendly dog was found wandering around our back yard (at) 3701 Pearl Street Road, Batavia. The dog does have a choke collar with a rabies tag. But no other ID. Can anyone help us find his home? I can be reached at (585) 409-0826."

UPDATE Friday, June 9, 2:37 p.m.: We are happy to report that shortly before 9 a.m. this morning, Tracy Gaus emailed us and told us the dog has been reunited with its family.

GCEDC picks up awards at economic development conference

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The marketing efforts of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) were recognized during the New York State Economic Development Council’s (NYSEDC) annual meeting in Cooperstown on May 24th and 25th.

The GCEDC received Certificates in Excellence in the categories of Multimedia Advertising and Printed & Electronic Newsletter and Honorable Mention in the Brochure and Annual Report categories.

The Multimedia Advertising Award is shared between the City of Batavia, the Batavia Development Corporation and the GCEDC. That award recognized the “Bet on Batavia” video produced in 2016 for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative competition

“We were very proud of the collaboration to produce the ‘Bet on Batavia’ video,” said Jason Molino, Batavia city manager. “We will once again utilize the video, and other social media platforms and strategies as we pursue funding from New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative."

“Collaboration is an extremely important component of economic development especially in presenting a unified vision for a community and region,” said Pierluigi Cipollone, president of the Batavia Development Corporation. “In this instance, the video told a powerful story about the uniqueness and pride we have in our city.”

The NYSEDC annually recognizes the economic development marketing efforts of its member organizations.

“These awards demonstrate creativity, impact, and visual appeal by our members who are effectively marketing their communities for economic development purposes,” said Brian McMahon, executive director of the New York State Economic Development Council.

“Economic development is extremely competitive with regions, states and countries competing against each other, so it is imperative that our marketing materials stand out among those making investment decisions in Batavia and Genesee County,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO, GCEDC.

“Our marketing team under Rachel Tabelski and the marketing professionals at our economic development partners do a tremendous job in distinguishing our region through the materials they collaborate on to produce.”

NYSEDC has been the state’s principle organization representing economic development professionals, businesses, and colleges and universities for more than 40 years.

Foxprowl announces that it's closing its downtown location

By Howard B. Owens

Saying it's a reality of business these days, Foxprowl Collectibles announced on Facebook that it is closing its downtown store, though the business will continue as an online-only business.

"This is by no means the business ending," Bill Hume said in the statement. "It is simply changing and adapting with the current state of retail (over 50 percent of U.S. retail sales now occur online)."

Hume, who operated the business with his wife, Joy, started Foxprowl as an online-only business and opened a store on Ellicott Street in 2010. They moved the store to Main and Jackson streets less than a year ago, in September 2016.

Foxprowl won the Chamber's "Entrepreneurial Business of the Year" award for 2016.

The store also operates an annual local comic and collectibles convention, Foxprowl Con. Hume said the convention will be on hiatus this year because of the business transition but will return in 2018.

The physical store location closing is effective July 1.

Photo: File photo of Joy and Bill Hume.

History Department receives collection of Emory Upton documents

By Maria Pericozzi

At the end of May, the Genesee County History Department received a collection of $10,000 worth of Emory Upton documents from a donor from Georgia.

Michael Eula, Ph.D., the county historian, said the donation is a type that is usually received by large university libraries.

“We have a number of his papers here already,” Eula said. “These are all originals.”

Salvatore Cilella, of Atlanta, donated the documents.

The collection consist of 28 documents dating between 1862 and 1892. These include special orders, military passes and letters to friends and family.

Also included is a Western Union telegram from 1864. Upton wrote to his brother, Parley, about the wound he suffered at the Battle of Winchester.

Eula said there is no plan for the Upton documents to be put on display at this time.

“This is the sort of thing that UB would get,” Eula said. “I am proud to say that we have it here.”

Eula said Upton is one of Genesee County’s most famous people.

According to a history compiled by Eula, Upton was born on Aug. 27, 1839 on a farm near what is now in Batavia. He was the 10th child born to Electra and Daniel Upton.

Upton attended Oberlin College, transferring to the U.S. Military Academy, graduating shortly after the outbreak of the Civil War, in 1861.

Being in his mid-20s, Upton rose to the rank of Major General by the end of the war.

“He had displayed his bravery and leadership skills at such noteworthy Civil War battles as Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg,” Eula wrote.

In 1868, Emily Martin married Upton in Auburn. She died from tuberculosis a little more than two years later in 1870.

After the Civil War, Upton became an educator and policy maker through his tenure as Commandant of Cadets at West Point and through his research and writing.

Upton published “A New System of Infantry Tactics” in 1867. His other famous work, “The Military Policy of the United States,” was published in 1904. It analyzed American military practices and examined the nation’s military history.

“Upton was more than a West Point graduate and a Civil War hero,” Eula wrote. “He was more than an accomplished scholar who met a sad end. He was instead a clear product of his historical moment.”

In 1881, Upton committed suicide while serving as the Commanding Officer of the 4th U.S. Artillery at the Presidio in San Francisco.

“Why had he taken his own life?” Eula wrote. “For some, it was believed that he never fully came to term with Emily’s passing. For others, it was the result of severe headaches which had become so overwhelming that the only recourse was this ultimate physical escape.”

Batavia, Notre Dame to challenge for state titles this weekend

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia is sending eight athletes to the New York State Championships this weekend at Union-Endicott High School near Binghamton. 

Junior Anthony Ray Qualified for States in the Shot Put by winning at the State Qualifier meet last Friday night. His best throw of the season is a 54' 3 1/2" which is the school record. He is seeded third heading into the meet and is looking to improve upon his fifth-place finish at States from last year.

The girls 4x400 relay team (right to left) consisting of sophomore Caitlin Kingston, junior Claire Zickl, sophomore Regan Henrici and junior Kiaya Franklin will compete on Friday and is also seeded third. Their best time is a 4:00.70, which was from the State Qualifier Meet. Alternates pictured from right to left is sophmore Elizabeth Cohen and freshman Camryn Buck

Kiaya Franklin will also compete in the 400m and the 200m for the second year in a row. She heads to the State Meet seeded fifth in the 400m and 6th in the 200m. 

Finally, Junior Eric Davis will run in the 110 Hurdles after running a 14.78 at State Qualifiers which was the winning performance. This will be his first time competing at the New York State Championships and he is seeded second.

All of the Batavia track athletes have an excellent opportunity to medal this weekend and have continued to improve all spring. Good luck Blue Devils representing Batavia at the New York State Championships.

Senior Brad Misiak from Notre Dame will compete in the 200-meter dash this weekend. He broke the school record this year at the Class D Section V championships last Friday with a time of 22.84, which he took first place in. This is his first time competing at the New York State championships.

Information submitted by Batavia Head Coach Nick Burk and Notre Dame Head Coach Eric Geitner.

Week 5 results for Kibbe Park adult softball

By Howard B. Owens
The New Batavia Softball League's Wednesday Night Coed Week 5 Rundown from Kibbe Park...
Game 1
(Home) TF Browns Blind Squirrels (2-3) 6,2,0,0,2,6,x
(Away) T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-5) 5,3,0,0,0,1,1
M. Badami 1-3 1rbi
R. Sumeriski 4-4 2rbi
J. Dykstra 1-2 1rbi
J. Janes 0-2 2rbi 
C. Harrington 2-3 1rbi 
M. Jamil 3-3 5rbi
A. Ford 1-3 
L. Leto 3-4 2rbi
A. Ernst 3-4 2rbi
K. Rowland 1-3
H. Dempsey 1-4
S. Coffta 3-4
B. Burg 2-4
H. Rascoe 2-3 4rbi
M. Taylor 1-3 1rbi
Whitey 3-3 2rbi
A. Nichols 2-3 2rbi
C. Densmore 1-3
J. Petry 1-3
C. Rolle 1-3 1rbi
Lindsay 0-3
Anne 1-3
Game Recap-
As you can see this was an 8-8 game through 4 full innings. 10-9 home team after five and a half innings as Rascoe drills a shot deep to right center driving in Coffta. Sumeriski and Jamil respond taking advantage of the base runners in the bottom half of the 6th inning to pull away in this game. Highlight of the game Whitey turns back the hands of time and makes a what we'll say was running while leaping and extending to make a sportscenter play of the week. Was a great catch to say the least. The TF Browns Blind Squirrels (2-3) will have their double header next week as they first take on The Misfits (1-4) at 6pm followed by 97 Rock (4-1) at 7pm. T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-5) will be against Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (5-1) at 9pm...
Game 2 Wednesday Night Coed
(Home) The Gallaghers (4-2) 1,15,3,0, mercy
(Away) Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (5-1) 3,0,2,0,0, mercied
M. McMurray 2-3 3rbi 
Tom Sauka 3-4 4rbi
S. Prusinowski 1-4 1rbi
S. Varnell 2-3
N. Holley 3-3 1rbi
L. Tillery 1-3 2rbi
A. Prusinowski 2-3
T. Sanchez 2-2 2rbi
J. Marucci 3-3 3rbi
J. Vasi 1-3 1rbi
N. Gaudy 2-3 2rbi
M. Funke 0-1 1rbi
J. Huertas 2-2
V. Redman 2-2 2rbi
T. Lazik 0-2
M. Good 1-2 1rbi
C. Spurling 1-2 1rbi
D. Callahan 0-2
J. D'Alba 1-2
T. Maurer 1-2
V. Thomas 1-2
J. Janes 0-2
D. Leach 1-2
B. Spurling 0-1
Game Recap-
The biggest surprise by far belong to The Gallaghers. Off to a 4-2 start and not only overcame being -$4200 moneyline Las Vegas underdogs for the victory, they only needed 4 innings of at bats to Allstate's 5 at bats to win via mercy rule. Maverick and Sauka drive in 3 runs a piece in the 15 run second inning combining to hit 4-4. That was just 1 inning alone. I don't speak for everybody but I certainly would have had my money on Golliath not David in this matchup. The Gallaghers (4-2) will be against Wii Not Fit (3-3) at 8pm while Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (5-1) take on T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-5) at 9pm Wednesday at Kibbe Park.
Game 3 Wednesday Night Coed
(Home) Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (5-1) 1,10,0,0,3,0,4 (18)
(Away) Wii Not Fit (3-3) 3,0,2,0,0,6,6 (17)
D. Leach 3-4 2rbi
T. Maurer 3-4 4rbi
J. Huertas 4-4 1rbi
T. Lazik 4-4 2rbi
V. Thomas 2-4 2rbi
V. Redman 2-3 3rbi
M. Funke 2-3 1rbi
C. Spurling 0-1 2rbi
D. Callahan 2-3
M. Good 1-3
K. Rowland 0-2 1rbi
B. Spurling 2-3
J. DiAlba 2-3
N. Gaudy 5-5 2rbi
C. Dowling 2-3 4rbi
E. Davis 4-5 3rbi
M. Dwyer 3-5 2rbi
C. Chinn 3-4 1rbi
J. Stymus 0-2 1rbi
P. Mutter 0-3 1rbi
G. Hodges 1-3
C. Hall 1-3 1rbi
J. Palaszynski 2-4 1rbi
D. Coley 2-3 1rbi
Game Recap-
This game was looking to get out of hand after the wheels were appearing to fall off fast for Wii Not Fit giving up a 10 run outburst in the second inning by Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate who were extra motivated in lieu of avenging their stunning loss the game prior. Huertas continues his hot bat as Maurer's RBI total may have passed Joe Mauer's total in the majors which he gets paid to do. Wii Not Fit doesn't give up and like they do often, making the game suspenseful and close. Lots of excitement in this one. Facing adversity nearly being mercied down 14-5 after 5 at bats, the away team scores 6 in the 6th capped off by a Dwyer homer. Davis would cap off another 6 run inning in the top half of the 7th with a homer which would land Wii Not Fit the 17-14 lead with the home team up to bat trailing. Single, double, single, single, and then a walk off single by Thomas all in succession later Allstate wins 18-17. Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (5-1) will be facing T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-5) at 9pm while Wii Not Fit (3-3) will be against The Gallaghers (4-2) at 8pm in a week 1 rematch which seen Wii Not Fit win 8-7.
Game 4 Wednesday Night Coed
(Home) The Misfits (1-4) 0,0,0,1,1,2, mercied
(Away) 97 Rock (4-1) 5,5,0,3,0,0,1 = mercy
B. Whitehead 1-3
J. Lee 1-3
J. Maskell 1-3
Dio 3-3 1rbi
D. Pirincci 1-3 1rbi
C. Weibel 0-1 1rbi
M. Ayers 1-3 1rbi
K. McGill 0-2
S. Bischoff 0-1
S. Oddo 1-3
L. Phillips 1-5 2rbi
N. Cummings 3-5
S. George 4-5 2rbi
D. Cervone 2-3
D. Cummings 2-4 1rbi
L. Stout 2-4 2rbi
D. Ball 4-4 2rbi
S. Krna 3-4 2rbi
Madison 1-4 1rbi
B. Welker 1-4 1rbi
Game Recap-
The Misfits do their best to stop the bleeding as 97 Rock gets all 10 batters to the plate in innings 1 and 2. Can't single any one player out for 97 Rock as they produced with a well balanced attack 1-10. For The Misfits it wasn't all bad as they did get to participate in over 6 innings here. Pirincci, Dioguardi, Weibel, and Ayers all knock in a run as Whitehead and McGill continue to impress in the field. The Misfits (1-4) move on from this and they will match up against the TF Browns Blind Squirrels (2-3) at 6pm weather permitting. 97 Rock (4-1) will also play the TF Browns Blind Squirrels (2-3) but at 7pm.
The New Batavia Softball League's Thursday Night Men's League Week 4 Rundown from Kibbe Park...
Game 1
(Home) TF Browns Beers N Bombs (2-1) 0,0,11,0,0,3,x...
(Away) TF Browns Commissioners Crew (2-3) 2,0,1,0,4,2,0
Nick 2-4 1rbi
Bud 2-3 1rbi
Brett 1-3 1rbi
Tenney 3-3 2rbi
Perl 1-3 1rbi
Trev 2-3 1rbi
Mitch 1-3
Luke 1-3
Red 2-3 2rbi
Radka 2-3 2rbi
Rich 1-2 1rbi
Jake 1-2 2rbi
The Cross Face Chicken Wing 1-2
A. Jarvela 2-3
G. Cassidy 1-2 2rbi
J. Dykstra 1-2 1rbi
A. Oklevitch 1-2 1rbi
C. Densmore 3-3 2rbi
M. Jamil 2-3 3rbi
R. Sumeriski 0-4
Dio 0-4
M. Greene 1-3
K. Oklevitch 2-3
Game Recap-
As you can tell from the box score all it takes is one melt down inning to lose a game. Unfortunately for the TF Browns Commissioner's Crew the third inning happened as the home team drops an 11 spot hitting the ball all over the place. TF Browns Beers N Bombs scored 7 runs before even recording an out. In the bottom half of the sixth inning Red McDonald surprises as he delivers a power shot driving in some insurance runs. The away team would be shut down silently in the top of the seventh and the game ends as the home team doesn't even need last ups to seal the deal in this game. TF Browns Commissioners Crew (2-3) will face U.S.P.S (2-2) at 9pm at Kibbe Park. TF Browns Beers N Bombs (2-1) will first face the TF Browns Master Batters (1-3) at 6pm at Kibbe Park, followed by facing Cummings/Lee (4-0) also at Kibbe Park starting at 7pm. Week 1 rained out game is getting made up here.
Thursday Night Men's League Week 4...
Game 2
(Home) Fava Brothers Lawn Care (3-1) 2,1,1,0,0,3,1
(Away) U.S.P.S. (2-2) 0,0,0,0,5,2,0
J. Muoio 1-4
M. McMurray 1-4 2rbi
Phil Fava 2-3
Pat Fava 2-4
N. Cavalieri 2-4 2rbi
S. Varnell 1-3 1rbi
M. Badami 2-3
R. Dumuhoski 3-4 1rbi
B. Falitico 2-3 1rbi
J. Diehl 3-3 1rbi
A. Ernst 1-3 1rbi
K. Abdulsalam 2-4 1rbi
R. Lehner 2-4 3rbi
M. Pullyblank 2-4
Big Shawn 2-4 1rbi
J. Bieber 0-4
B. Kotarski 2-4
J. Cordeiro 1-3
R. Neth 1-3
Nate 1-2 1rbi
Game Recap-
Pitcher for U.S.P.S. Jim Bieber strikes out 3 Fava Brother batters, Neth makes a couple circus catches while still learning how to hit, and Lehner drives in 3, but it wasn't enough as Fava Brothers Lawn Care come through in the bottom of the 7th when Varnell delivers a leadoff triple. They would intentionally walk Badami to face Dumuhoski. Dumo delivers a walk off single to steal the victory. Fava Brothers Lawn Care (3-1) will be at Williams Park starting at 6pm Thursday against Balls Deep (0-4). U.S.P.S. (2-2) has a double header first against Cummings/Lee (4-0) at 8pm held at Kibbe Park. Followed by the 9pm game at Kibbe Park against TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-3).
Thursday Night Men's League Week 4...
Game 3
(Home) Cummings/Lee (4-0) 4,4,1,3,8,mercy
(Away) Balls Deep (0-4) 4,1,0,2,2,0
S. Coffta 3-4 2rbi
N. Cummings 2-4 1rbi
S. George 4-5 2rbi
D. Cummings 3-3 1rbi
Jake 3-3 3rbi
J. Lee 2-2 4rbi
B. Burg 3-3 3rbi
D. Ball 1-3 2rbi
T. Shelby 2-4 2rbi
Zach 2-3
D. Uline 3-4
M. Lewter 4-4 2rbi
A. Lewter 2-3 1rbi
K. Dougherty 3-4 3rbi
TJ Czworka 0-2
C. Sponholz 1-4 2rbi
Zalar 1-3
TJ Henderson 1-3 1rbi
J. Santiago 0-1
R. Lundy 1-3
Thursday Night Men's League Week 4...
Game 4
(Home) Cummings/Lee (4-0) 11,3,0,2,5,1,mercy
(Away) TF Browns Master Batters (1-3) 3,2,2,3,0,2
S. Coffta 3-5 2rbi
N. Cummings 3-5 3rbi
S. George 3-4 2rbi
D. Cummings 3-5 2rbi
Jake 2-5 1rbi
Jarad 3-5 1rbi
B. Burg 2-4 2rbi
D. Ball 3-4 3rbi
T. Shelby 4-4 2rbi
Zach 3-3 3rbi
Away B. Whitehead 2-4
C. Halsey 0-2
Tom Sauka 2-3 2rbi
E. Kitanic 2-4 1rbi
A. Prusinowski 3-3 3rbi
D. Pirincci 3-3 3rbi
N. Cook 1-4 2rbi
Hoss 1-4
Sam Oddo 1-3
J. Burdick 2-3 1rbi

Empire Access gets $3.2 million state grant to expand high-speed broadband Internet service

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Empire Access, which has an office in Batavia, has received a $3.2 million grant award from the New NY Broadband Program. The New York Broadband Program was developed to help fund the expansion of high-speed broadband Internet service in New York State, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that all New Yorkers have high-speed broadband access by the end of 2018.

Empire Access is based in Prattsburgh and operates a fast-growing telecommunications company, offering high-speed Internet, digital television, phone and security services to homes and businesses – all enabled by Fiber Optic technology – to more than 25 communities in Upstate New York and Northern Pennsylvania.

“The NYS Broadband program has enabled Empire Access to build a fiber optic network and provide gigabit internet services in rural areas where it would be economically prohibitive. This program is a game changer for rural New York,” said Jim Baase, chief operating officer, Empire Access.

The New NY Broadband Program grant provides Empire Access with significant funding for the expansion of high-speed broadband services to more than 1,600 homes and businesses in the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions of New York, including Burdett, Lodi, Odessa, Prattsburgh and Pulteney. These specific areas were identified by the New York State Broadband Program Office as underserved or unserved in Phase II of a multiphase grant process.

Empire will offer residents in the awarded areas super-fast Internet service with standard speeds of 100 Mbps download x 20 Mbps upload, along with an even faster 1 Gigabit per second option. High definition digital television, digital phone, security and smart home services will also be available. All services will utilize a state-of-the-art 100-percent Fiber Optic dedicated connection.

“Empire Access is excited to be part of the state’s broadband initiative to expand high-speed broadband services throughout New York,” Baase said. “We’re grateful to Governor Cuomo and the legislature for their support and we look forward to working with the state of New York to accomplish this goal.”

This deployment of broadband service is supported by a grant awarded to Empire Access by New York State through the New NY Broadband Program.

To check current coverage and future expansion for this New NY Broadband Program grant, visit

About the New NY Broadband Program

Recognizing the importance of broadband infrastructure and building on prior State investments in broadband deployment, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in 2015, with legislative support, established the $500 million New NY Broadband Program. The Program provides New York State grant funding to support projects that deliver high-speed Internet access to Unserved and Underserved areas of the State, with priority to unserved areas, libraries, and Educational Opportunity Centers.

An “unserved” area is defined as an area where the fastest available advertised Internet download speed offered by a wireline-based provider is less than 25 Mbps. An “underserved” area is defined as an area where broadband service is only available from a wireline-based provider at advertised Internet download speeds between 25 Mbps and 99 Mbps. The program is the largest and most ambitious state investment in broadband in the nation, with a goal of achieving statewide broadband access in New York by the end of 2018.

About Empire Access
After starting in 1896 with one telephone line in Prattsburgh, Empire Access has grown significantly as a family‐owned, locally based communications provider serving large areas of Upstate New York and Northern Pennsylvania.

Today’s Empire offers a wide range of products and services from basic phone service to digital phone, scalable high‐speed Fiber Optic Internet, basic to enhanced digital TV service to advanced security solutions. Responding to a variety of business and residential needs, Empire continues to expand into new areas while retaining a strong focus on local, personalized customer service.

Empire Access offers Fiber Optic service in Arkport, Batavia, Bath, Big Flats, Canisteo, Corning, Elmira, Hammondsport, Hornell, Montour Falls, Naples, North Hornell, Penn Yan, Watkins Glen, and Waverly in New York and Sayre, Athens, South Waverly and Troy in Pennsylvania. The company’s website can be found at

Photos: John Kennedy's Fourth Grade Track Meet

By Howard B. Owens

Fourth-graders from John Kennedy School were at Van Detta Stadium today for the annual Fourth Grade Track Meet. A total of 180 students competed in seven events.

Sponsored Post: This NEW listing is a must see -- call Lynn Bezon today

By Lisa Ace

Charming Batavia Classic tucked away on quiet street in great City location!

This elegant home boasts amazing space with over 3,000 square feet, which does not include finished walk out basement, but still manages to convey a very homey and comforting space. First floor has everything you need with double living rooms and formal dining area to eat in kitchen, first-floor laundry, small den and the most serene enclosed porch area overlooking an amazing private back yard!

Upstairs has five bedrooms if needed with two full baths and access to fenced walkout upper porch for bird's eye views! The home has been maintained well and has new tear off roof with transferable warranty! There is much to see here with amazing opportunities for those who love decorating! Schedule your showing today!!

NYSP Troop A to host Open House and more Saturday to celebrate 100 years of service

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In celebration of the NYSP 100 Year Centennial, Troop A in Batavia we will be holding an Open House for the public from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 10.

The location is Troop A Headquarters, SP Batavia, at 4525 W. Saile Drive, Town of Batavia.

Troop A Commander, Major Steven Nigrelli, said “As one of the original four Troops (A,D,G,K), this celebration is extra special here in Western New York and our 100-year history is source of great pride and tradition.

"Our Open House Committee have put together a day full of activities and demonstrations that will surely entertain and educate you and your families about our proud history.”

This is a family-oriented event with K-9 demonstrations, Aviation and Special Operations Response Team shows at starting at 2 p.m. Free refreshments will be provided, including hotdogs from Connors from 1 – 2 p.m.

Throughout the day we will have:

  • Historical Display
  • Robot Demonstrations
  • Defensive Tactics Demonstrations
  • Interactive DWI goggles with pedal cars
  • NYSP Horse Mounted Detail
  • Classic State Police vehicles
  • Current NYSP patrol vehicles
  • NYSP Motorcycles Unit and motorcycle safety education
  • Firearms Safety Display, and much more!

Accident reported at East Main and Harvester in the city

By Billie Owens

An accident with possible injuries is reported at East Main Street and Harvester Avenue, Batavia. City fire and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 1:17 p.m.: An officer at the scene said the driver of the red Corvair rear-ended a charcoal gray Dodge sedan. A female passenger in the Dodge sedan was able to walk to the ambulance, which took her to UMMC for evaluation.

Batavia Rotary Club's annual Fly-In Breakfast is Sunday, June 18 at GC Airport

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Members of the Batavia Rotary Club are just about ready for the Club’s annual Fly-In Breakfast. It's at the Genesee County Airport, 4701 Saile Drive, Batavia, Sunday, June 18, from 7 a.m. to noon.

Co-Chair Edmund Leising said that the event has become a Father’s Day tradition for many local families. Fly-In Breakfast patrons enjoy a home-cooked breakfast and catch a rare glimpse of aircraft up-close. 

The event is expected to attract more than 1,500 guests from across Western New York, as well as dozens of pilots of small aircraft from across the state and beyond.

Residents throughout Western New York are invited to enjoy breakfast, meet the pilots, and view their aircraft. If the morning is clear, more than 50 pilots are expected to fly their airplanes in.

The Fly-In Breakfast menu will feature sausage, eggs and omelets, pancakes, and beverages. Adult tickets are $8. Tickets for children ages 4 through 12 are $5. Children under the age of 4 are admitted free. Tickets for the event may be obtained from any member of the Batavia Rotary Club or at the door.

Saile Drive is located just north of the City of Batavia and the Batavia exit of the New York State Thruway, off Route 98.

Today's grave robbers steal flowers

By Maria Pericozzi

Carol Grasso, a Batavia resident, purchased two large hanging baskets with petunia flowers for her mother’s grave in Grandview Cemetery. She bought two large heavy duty shepherd hooks to hold the heavy baskets and secured the baskets on the hooks with duct tape.

When she returned to the cemetery shortly after, the baskets and the hooks were gone.

“Everyone gets flowers and we make the cemetery look nice,” Grasso said. “I don’t know how someone could steal from the dead.”

This year, she spent around $100 for the hanging baskets and hooks.

“It’s a shame,” Grasso said. “You work so hard for your money and then it’s just gone.”

Russell Joy can sympathize.

He buys flowers every year for his wife’s grave, but they always disappear. Last year, the hanging baskets disappeared two times. This summer, the baskets have disappeared once. Joy replaced the flowers, spending around $40 each time. 

Joy said he has been putting plants at the grave for a long time but has never had trouble before last summer. This year, the plants disappeared closer to Memorial Day, whereas in 2016, they disappeared a month before Memorial Day. 

Last summer, hoping to find out who was stealing the plants, Joy put a hunting camera in a nearby tree, but was unable to determine the perpetrator.

Grasso said the only rule the cemetery has on flowers, is that the hanging baskets need to be high enough off the ground so they can mow the grass. 

Joy and Grasso reported the thefts to the police, who said they would increase the frequency of patrols through the cemetery.

“This type of crime is difficult to investigate,” Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble said. “There’s no DNA, no fingerprints, there’s a shortage of witnesses. It’s not a crime that is easily solved."

Dibble said it is an aggravating crime.

“The frustration is that it’s a thoughtless crime,” Dibble said. “What kind of person would steal flowers from a grave?”

At her mother's tombstone, Grasso replaces the hanging baskets and hooks with smaller, less expensive ones. 

Law and Order: Concert fan accused of seriously hurting another person with punch

By Howard B. Owens

Nicholas Michael Lotemplo, 18, of Chicory Lane, East Amherst, is charged with assault, 2nd. Lotemplo is accused of punching another person causing severe injury at Darien Lake the night of the Chance the Rapper concert. He was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Frederick Beniamino Ellis, 50, of West Main Street, Corfu, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, speeding, failure to dim headlights and driver's view obstructed. Ellis was stopped at 2:22 this morning on Route 77, Pembroke, by Deputy Eric Meyer.

Jeremy Clifford John Newton, 28, of Greenfield Road, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana, more than 25 grams, and failure to stop at stop sign. Newton was stopped at 8:53 p.m. Sunday on South Lake Avenue, Bergen, by Deputy Michael Lute.

Andrew Charles Maier, 30, of Main Road, Corfu, is charged with felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and speeding. Maier was stopped at 8:12 p.m. Saturday on Colby Road, Pembroke, by Deputy Jeremy McClellan.

Christina June Morabito, 35, of Chili Center Road, Rochester, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and failure to dim headlights. Morabito was stopped at 2:54 a.m. Sunday on Route 33, Bergen, by Deputy Mathew Clor.

Libertarian Party announced candidates for Batavia City Council

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Libertarian Party is pleased and excited to announce three candidates for three Batavia City Council at-large positions. Lisa Whitehead, James Rosenbeck and Mark Potwora.

All three are longtime Batavia City residents who care deeply about their city and want to continue and improve its great quality of life while being fiscally responsible to future generations.

We envision Lisa, Jim, and Mark as a team who will take on this challenge as a team. The GCLP endorses and will support them fully.

Y tops $100K, beating goal, in Strong Communities campaign

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The GLOW YMCA on Tuesday announced record-breaking support as they raised just over $100,000 in its Annual Strong Communities Campaign, exceeding a $91,000 goal.

“This year’s contributions shattered our expectations! We had so much incredible support. I would like to publically thank the more than 500 donors that helped us to make this happen,” said Rob Walker, CEO of the GLOW YMCA.

The Genesee Branch specifically raised $38,613 or 108 percent of its $36,000 goal. With 90 new donors and 158 renewed donations , a total of 248 generous donors helped to achieve this year’s local campaign record. The money raised helps the YMCA meet its charitable mission by offering scholarship support to children, families and seniors in our community that otherwise could not afford to experience the many benefits of the YMCA.

YMCA Camp Hough also had a record-breaking year; exceeding its campaign goal by 112 percent and doubling its donor support!
As a leading nonprofit for strengthening community, gifts made to the Annual Strong Communities Campaign help the Y advance programming and services that support youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. More importantly, 100 percent of gifts made will make a direct impact on the residents in our communities.

To find out more about how you can help volunteer for the Annual Campaign at the Y or to make a donation that will have a meaningful, enduring impact right in your own community, visit or call the GLOW YMCA at 585-344-1664.

City seeks resident input for state's downtown revitalization contest

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Wednesday June 14, the City of Batavia will be applying for Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Competition. Prior to submission the Batavia City Council and the City Manager’s Office want to hear from you.

“City Council has ramped up engagement with our citizens over the last few years with the Batavia Opportunity Area planning, the 2016 DRI process, the 2017 Comprehensive Planning process and other strategic initiatives that the city has completed, and we want to continue to connect with residents,” said Eugene Jankowski, City of Batavia Council president. “We need citizens and businesses to share their thoughts, ideas, and stories with us” said Jankowski.

The Governor’s DRI competition is in the second year. The program funds communities to implement transformative projects in their downtown neighborhoods. The goal is to create vibrant sustainable communities that are inclusive of all ages and socioeconomic situations. Last year the City of Geneva was granted the top prize for the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council Region (FLREDC), and this year Batavia hopes to bring home the prize.

“Through the leadership of City Council, we have undergone major planning in the last few years to set the direction of the City of Batavia,” said Jason Molino, City of Batavia Manager.

“These plans that have yielded considerable community feedback and participation are shaping our 2017 DRI application. We know that receiving the top prize will propel the downtown, and the community, to a new level and yield more investment and jobs that are needed for residents."

The City of Batavia is at a tremendous disadvantage to the rest of Genesee County with three, out of six, census tracts are classified as highly distressed. No other community in Genesee County is in such a difficult situation as the city. Recent activity to combat the high unemployment and poverty has included the Batavia Pathway to Prosperity (BP2), a program to reinvest PILOT payments from all taxing jurisdictions directly into the City to combat brownfields and poverty.

“The BP2 is a long-term plan to help reduce the blight and poverty within our city, but the 2017 $10 million DRI could bring immediate change that you will be able to see and feel within months of the award. Please contact us at the email listed or reach out to your councilmembers to start the discussion,” said Jankowski.​

The email address $ will be operational starting today (June 6th) and serve as a general email address for citizens input on the direction of the city as it relates to economic development and planning in the City.

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