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Report of 'shots fired' last night near Austin Park determined by police to be unfounded

By Howard B. Owens

A single complaint of popping sounds, possible gun fire, prompted police patrols to check the Austin Park area last night around 10 p.m., but after a "vigorous check" nothing was found to substantiate the complaint, said Chief of Police Shawn Heubusch.

The caller reported a rapid succession of pops, at least 10 of them, coming from the area of the park.

Police patrols responded and after an extensive search of the area, found no evidence of gun fire.

Heubusch said several people in the area of Austin Park were interviewed and no information was uncovered to substantiate the report.

There were no other callers reporting any sounds coming from Austin Park.

At the same time, there was a report of a loud noise on Walnut Street and a check of the area uncovered nothing significant.

Law and Order: Complaint of drunken driver leads to arrest in Tops parking lot

By Howard B. Owens

Shelly Ann Fox, 33, of Fisher Park, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving with driver's view obstructed. Fox was arrested following the investigation by Deputy Andrew Hale at 11:35 p.m., Wednesday, into a report of an intoxicated driver in the parking lot of Tops.

Ryan Phillip Clarke, 25, of Meigs Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Clarke is accused of sending text messages to a protected party, in violation of a court order.

Misty Rose Bogan, 18, of Mill Street, Binghamton, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st, and harassment, 2nd. Bogan was arrested on a warrant and released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Aaron C. Lyons, 18, of East Main Road, Le Roy, and Anthony M. Paladino, 19, of Clay Street, Le Roy, are charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Lyons and Paladino were arrested after police were called to investigate a suspecious vehicle parked in the Machpelah Cemetery.

Two men arrested by task force on drug charges

By Billie Owens


Elijah Coombs, left, and Mark McNutt

Press release:

Two arrests were made Oct. 15 by the Genesee County Local Drug Enforcement Task Force, which is comprised of members from the Sheriff's Office, Batavia Police NET, and Le Roy Village PD.

Elijah R. L. Coombs, 20, of Orchard Street, Oakfield, is charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, a Class B felony, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, also a Class B felony.

Mark A. McNutt, 20, of Spencer Court, Batavia, is charged with: criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, a Class A misdemeanor; criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument, also a Class A misdemeanor; and unlawful possession of marijuana.

The Drug Task Force, along with uniformed Sheriff's deputies, intercepted a heroin sale that was in progress Wednesday in the parking lot of a business on Lewiston Road, Batavia. Deputies conducted a traffic stop on the vehicles involved and located additional drugs inside and on the occupants.

Coombs allegedly sold heroin. He was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and jailed on $10,000 bail.

McNutt allegedly possessed marijuana, a hypodermic instrument, and tramadol, a controlled substance. A quantity of U.S. currency was also seized. He issued an appearance ticket to be in Town of Oakfield Court on Oct. 27, then released to the Eric County Sheriff's Department for an outstanding warrant.

Council ready to form citizen task force to study police headquarters issue

By Howard B. Owens

On a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the Batavia City Council agreed to move ahead with the formation of a citizen task force to study the future of the headquarters for the Batavia Police Department.

The task force will be asked to look at options that include building a new station at one of five  different locations or remodeling the existing headquarters, which is currently in the former Brisbane Mansion on West Main Street.

The commission will be comprised of one appointee from each of the city council wards, one business owner within the Business Improvement District, one business owner outside the BID and one city resident with a financial background, for a total of nine members.

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch will be a non-voting member and attend meetings to provide feedback and guidance on local law enforcement needs and limitations related to a police station.

Interested residents can apply through the city's Web site or the city clerk's office. Council members representing wards will receive copies of the applications from residents within their wards and can provide feedback and recommendations on the candidates. The final selection will be up to council members Patti Pacino, John Deleo and Kathy Briggs.

The BID member will be selected by the director of the district, and the non-bid member will be selected by the Chamber of Commerce president.

The appointments are expected to be final by the council's November meeting.

On Tuesday, the council also approved, on a 6-3 vote, the expenditure of $100,000 for a consultant to update the city's master plan.

A master plan is a community's primary development document and sets both strategy and guidelines for growth. The city last updated its master plan in 1996.

Councilwoman Rose Mary Christian expressed concern that not all of the items in the 1996 plan were completed and that this isn't a good economic time to spend money.

"People are moving out of our community," she said. "We need to be careful what we're spending our money on."

Joining Christian in voting no were Kathy Briggs and John Deleo.

Local Drug Task Force announces arrest of three suspected dealers

By Howard B. Owens
Jeremy  Yantz Cheryl Smith Robert Morrison

Jeremy S. Yantz, 34, of South Gravel Road, Medina, is charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd. Yantz is accused of selling cocaine to an undercover agent with the Local Drug Task Force sometime during the past 18 months. Yantz was arrested while in custody at the Orleans County Jail. He was arraigned in Elba Town Court and jailed on $3,000 bail. Yantz was arrested April 1 on a warrant out of Orleans County and he was also allegedly found in possession of an amphetamine and a central nervous system depressant. He was charged today with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, as a result.

Cheryl A. Smith, 47, of Pratt Road, Batavia, is charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, criminal sale of a controlled substance, 5th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 5th. Members of the Local Drug Task Force report that on Monday, agents intercepted a drug-sale transaction involving multiple types of prescription pills in multiple quantities in the parking lot of a business on Lewiston Road. It's alleged that Smith was making the sale. The pills and an amount of cash were recovered at the scene. Smith was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Robert A. Morrison, 57, of Watson Street, Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, criminal sale of a controlled substance, 5th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 5th, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Morrison is accused of selling heroin and flurazepam to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force within the past six months. When task force members went to his residence with parole officers to arrest him on a warrant, he was allegedly found in possession of cocaine. Morrison was held in jail without bail on an alleged parole violation.

Alpina laying off 32 employees at Batavia plant

By Howard B. Owens

Alpina Foods today informed 32 employees that their services will no longer be needed.

Each employee received a letter that blamed the layoffs on the cancellation of a contract by a "principle customer" on Oct. 10.

The letter informs employees they are being terminated effective Oct. 19 and tells them they will receive all earned wages and benefits and will be eligible through the Department of Labor for benefits, job training and job search assistance.

The Batavian received a copy of the termination letter from a source and requested confirmation of the layoffs from Alpina.

The following response was attributed to Gustavo Badino, U.S. general manager for Alpina Foods:

Alpina Foods confirms that the company will be reducing the workforce at its Western New York yogurt plant in October, in response to the early termination of one of our principle contracts.

Alpina Foods remains committed to Batavia and Western New York and views this current workforce reduction as a temporary but necessary approach to address mediate business challenges facing the company in the short term.

UMMC, county officials preparing for Ebola, even if local outbreak seems unlikely

By Howard B. Owens

It's been less than 10 days since new protocols related to Ebola were put in place at United Memorial Medical Center, but emergency room staff have already passed one key preparedness test.

In an unannounced drill, a man showed up claiming a fever and suffering from weakness and a headache, a staff member asked a newly implemented set of questions that included whether he had traveled recently from Western Africa.

He uttered, "yes," and within 60 seconds he was in an infectious disease isolation room.

"I was very encouraged by the outcome," said Dan Ireland, president of UMMC. "Any time we do an exercise, do a drill, we like to hear the positive feedback that things are working as they should be."

Following CDC guidelines, UMMC, the whole county's health and emergency response leadership, really, have been implementing Ebola protocols, even if it seems like a far-off, distant problem that may never reach Genesee County.

"We do a lot of things based on a long shot," Ireland said. "We prepare for the rare circumstances because those are the ones that can be really significant. Hopefully, it never happens, but we want to be prepared. I was here during the SARS era. We never had a SARS case in this facility, even while it was in Toronto, but we were ready. We have to be ready for those things or you're not doing the public the service that they need."

Ebola is a virus transmitted among mammals through contact with bodily fluid. Symptoms start with fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches, much like the flu. Death occurs in about 50 percent of the patients who contract it.  

The first known outbreak was in 1976 in South Sudan and there have been periodic outbreaks since. The latest outbreak started in March and currently about 10,000 people are believed to have the disease. But some scientists believe exponential growth (the number of people with the disease during an outbreak doubles about every 20 days) could mean as many as 500,000 in West Africa could be ill from Ebola (perhaps more than a million, if there is under reporting).

There is currently no Ebola-specific treatment or vaccine, though scientists are fast-tracking research.  

That's way isolation and quarantine are essential to controlling the disease.

Ireland said hospital officials are continuously communicating with staff about Ebola and CDC-recommended protocols.

It's a rapidly evolving situation, Ireland said, and directives and procedures sometimes change with little notice.

For example, today's identification protocol involves questions about travel. If the outbreak grows, that protocol could change.

"It could be very different story for you tomorrow," Ireland said. "That's health care and that's medicine. As new information comes out, health care evolves."

To help with the communication process, so essential to control of the disease should it ever reach Genesee County, the hospital hosted a meeting today of officials from UMMC, Genesee County Emergency Services and the County Health Department.

The word on how to deal with Ebola needs to get out to doctors and nurses throughout the local health community, including health workers at clinics and on ambulances, both paid and volunteer, as well as local law enforcement and fire chiefs.

Anybody who might come into first contact with an Ebola patient needs to know how to respond to the situation, since isolation and quarantine are so critical its control.

Tim Yaeger, emergency management coordinator for the county, said communication is already starting with the agencies his department deals with, and Ebola will be on the agenda of upcoming fire chief and fire service meetings.

"Our job is to maintain awareness and communication," Yaeger said. "We discuss it with our 9-1-1 center, emergency responders and law enforcement officers need to be aware and not make assumptions about how to protect themselves from people who might be infected. The common theme every day is that we're getting new information regarding Ebola and we need to coordinate that with emergency responders."

The county health department hasn't fielded any calls from concerned citizens about Ebola (there's been more calls about enterovirus, which has been reported in Rochester and Buffalo, but not Genesee County), but that doesn't mean county health officials aren't staying on top of the latest information, said Director Paul Pettit. 

The first person to contract Ebola in the U.S. is a Dallas nurse. She appears have been infected while treating a Dallas resident who contracted the disease in Africa.

Another health care worker in Spain contracted the disease after caring for a patient in that country.

In the case in Spain, it's been determined that the health care worker likely did not follow proper protocol for removing protective gear.

It's still speculation, but that may also have been the situation in Dallas.

Typically, health care workers are covered from head to toe in protective garb while interacting with Ebola patients (only those who have actually become sick can transmit the disease).  

The probable cause of health care workers in Spain and Dallas getting sick certainly has local nurses paying close attention to the proper procedures, said Mary Beth Bowen, vice president of nursing for UMMC.

"For the nursing staff, we practice infection protection every day," Bowen said. "It's now part of our training to practice for Ebola. We've put in a buddy system to monitor each other; video so they visually learn the procedures for putting on and removing protective gear. We're doing everything according to proscribed protocol. It's important to this organization that we minimize the risk of transmission."

There's even a place for chocolate syrup in the training.  

You see, if there's chocolate syrup on your protective gear and then you take it off and find chocolate syrup on your skin, you've done something wrong.

One reason Ireland wanted to talk about this issue, and bring these local experts together, is that he doesn't want anybody in the community to panic about Ebola.

He's concerned there's a lot of hysteria and misinformation in the media about the disease, and if panic sets in, it may lead to somebody avoiding medical treatment for other conditions, a decision that could be even more dangerous.   

If people understand more about the disease and what the hospital is doing to minimize any risk of transmission, he hopes it will eliminate any such panic in the community.

"We want to avoid any misinformation in the community," Ireland said. "We are doing everything by what the CDC advises."

Photo: Gathered at an office in UMMC to discuss Ebola are Tim Yaeger and Jim Bouton, Office of Emergency Management, Mary Beth Bown, VP of nursing, Paul Pettit, county director of health, and Dan Ireland, president of UMMC.

On the Web:

Law and Order: Woman accused of stealing coffee from 7-Eleven, leaving shoes behind

By Howard B. Owens

Christine M. Wyder, 47, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Employees of 7-Eleven, 505 E. Main St., Batavia, allege that Wyder stole a coffee mug and coffee. They also claim she ordered a slice of pizza and taquitos and then was unable to pay for the food items and told staff to call police. Wyder then allegedly refused to pay for the coffee and left the store, leaving her shoes behind.

Daniel T. Gannon, 53, of Liberty Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear in City Court. He posted $60 cash bail and was released.

Ballard Polk Maye, 28, of East Main Street, Batavia, was arrested on warrants for alleged failure to appear on a ticket for aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, and overnight parking in the city. Maye was observed by officer James DeFreze exiting his residence and getting in a vehicle and leaving. The vehicle was stopped and Maye was arrested without incident. He was released on $500 bail on the AUO, 3rd, charge and $100 on the parking ticket.

William J. Mellema, 50, of Almay Road, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and speeding (70 in a 55 mph zone). Mellema was stopped at 3:36 p.m. Saturday on Route 98, Elba, by deputy Joseph Loftus.

Cory B. Buckenmeyer, 24, of Alexander, is charged with falsely reporting an incident, 3rd. Buckenmeyer was arrested by State Police. No further details released.

Joseph R. Myers, 25, of Rochester, is charged with petit larceny. Myers is accused of stealing from a location on Veterans Memorial Drive.

Coretta M. Pitts, 46, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17 years old. Pitts was arrested by State Police related to an incident reported at 10:55 a.m. Saturday on West Main Street, Batavia. No further details released.

City water service on Elm Street will be interrupted for repairs Wednesday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

A water valve will be replaced on Elm Street Wednesday, Oct. 15. This requires an interruption of water service while the work is completed. It is expected that water service will be shut off in the late morning and it will remain off for a few hours so the valve can be replaced.

The work may result in a temporary discoloration of water and low or no water pressure, in the surrounding area as well, until the work us completed.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of rifling through truck tool box on Ellicott Street, possessing pot

By Billie Owens

Eric James Flowers, 27, of Seven Springs Road, Batavia, is charged with aggrevated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, 2nd, reckless driving, trespass, speeding in a 55 MPH zone, trespass, and moving from lane unsafely. On Oct. 12 at about 5:50 p.m., Flowers was allegedly observed driving a white pickup truck at a high rate of speed. He allegedly changed lanes unsafely and turned into a residence on Judge Road in Alabama, almost striking a child in the driveway. He then allegedly jumped out of the truck and ran into a field behind the residence, hiding there until being located by the resident. Next, he allegedly ran further into the field before being taken into custody by Sheriff's deputies and booked on the listed charges. The incident was investigated by deputy Joseph Loftus.

Richard D. Ryan, 38, of Lehigh Avenue, Batavia, is charged with attempted petit larceny, trespass, and unlawful possession of marijuana. He was arrested after allegedly being caught going through a tool box in the bed of a pickup truck in a driveway on Ellicott Street. Subsequently, he was allegedly found in possession of marijuana. He was jailed in lieu of $500 bail. The incident was investigated by officer James DeFreze, assisted by officer Nedim Catovic.

Morgan L. Cox Jr., 22, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with menacing, 2nd, and first-degree coercion. He was arrested following an incident where he allegedly threatened someone with a knife. He was jailed in lieu of $2,500 bail.

Russell R. Miles, 46, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st. He was arrested on Oct. 10 after allegedly arriving at the residence of a person protected by a temporary stay away order issued the same day. The court order set specific times for him, with a police escort, to retrieve his property. He was allegedly at the residence after the court-ordered times and without a police escort in violation of the court order. Thus he was arrested and jailed without bail. The incident was investigated by officer Jamie Givens, assisted by officer James DeFreze.

Alicia May Lyons, 34, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with trespass. She was arrested Saturday afternoon on Bank Street after allegedly being told repeatedly to leave the property, leaving, then returning. She is to appear in court on Oct. 28. The incident was investigated by officer Nedim Catovic.

John Bruce Pritchard, 36, of South Main Street, Warsaw, is charged with petit larceny. He was allegedly observed stealing merchandise valued at $84.68 from Walmart on Oct. 12. He was issued at appearance ticket and is scheduled to appear in Batavia Town Court at a later date. The incident was investigated by Sheriff's deputy Chad Minuto.

Rebecca E. Mulholland, 23, of Lake Street, Le Roy, was arrested Oct. 1 on a bench warrant in Le Roy and transported to Batavia PD headquarters. A judge then released her on her own recognizance pending her next court appearance. The incident was investigated by officer Peter Flanagan.

At least 10 overnight car break-ins reported in and around Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

At least 10 cars were broken into overnight and had items stolen, according to radio transmissions.

Some of the cars -- if not all -- were forced break-ins, rather than the usual opportunistic unlocked vehicle break-ins.

The location of the cars are both within and without city limits, largely in a line from East Pembroke to the city.

Law enforcement officers with both Batavia PD and the Sheriff's Office are taking reports and calls seem to still be coming in.

UPDATE 3 p.m.: We spoke with Sgt. Eric Bolles, Batavia PD. Overnight, two cars on Ellicott Avenue had items stolen from inside the vehicles. Neither car was locked. Since Oct. 4, there have been 12 car break-ins in the city. All but three of them had items stolen. All were unlocked.

We spoke with Deputy Chris Parker who said the Sheriff's Office has taken 11 reports so far on car break ins with items stolen.  There are three reports pending. At least 10 residents have reported car break-ins with only spare change or nothing taken, and the residents did not wish to file a report. The line of break-ins extends along Pearl Street Road and includes side roads such as Wortendyke, Read and Hartshorn. One vehicle had more than $1,000 in cash stolen. Another car had credit cards stolen. Both of those crimes are grand larcenies. While some of the radio transmissions reported cars being locked, Parker said so far there is no evidence of forced entry on any of the vehicles. One report of a locked car is still pending.

UPDATE 6 p.m.: The Sheriff's Office has put out a statement saying that over the past couple of weeks deputies and investigators have been dispatched to a large number of larcenies from vehicles in the East Pembroke area.  The broken-record request from officials, "lock up your vehicles."

Photos: Investigator Kris Kautz found a good set of fingerprints on a picuup truck on Pearl Street Road.

Academy Award winning documentarian to film Batavia anti-NYSAFE Act meeting on Monday

By Billie Owens

A "Town Hall Meeting" to discuss the NYSAFE Act and issues concerning your liberities and freedom will be held beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 13, at Calvary Baptist Church, located at 3515 Galloway Road in the Town of Batavia.

Academy Award winning documentary director Cynthia Wade is scheduled to send a film crew to this event as part of the research she is doing for a documentary on gun control in America. She has already filmed similar events in other parts of New York and other states.

Event Date and Time

Sponsored post: Reliant Real Estate Open House This Saturday 11am-1pm!

By Lisa Ace

Classic Batavia home on awesome street and super location! This grand and solid 4/5 bedroom home has something for everyone-curb appeal galore, spacious layout, beautiful hardwood floors and woodwork, wide and stately staircase, kitchen with pantry, and two great enclosed back porches overlooking pretty and private backyard. Although home is grand with 2600+ sq ft. its actually quite homey! With full walkup attic, nooks and crannies, and full wall of built-in drawers and linen cupboards there is no lack of storage! This is a real charmer and home that makes memories! NOW $149,900! Call today for your private showing 585-344-HOME

A dozen Batavia first responders get grant to equip them with kits to aid overdose victims

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The New York Office of the Attorney General has awarded the Batavia Police Department with grant funds from the Community Overdose Prevention Program enabling select first responders from both the fire and police department to receive naloxone kits and training for administering the life-saving medication.

Also known as Narcan, naloxone is a medication administered by nasal spray to an individual who has overdosed on opioids (synthetic substances that mimic the narcotic effect of opium, from which heroin is derived). Naloxone works by temporarily reversing the effects of the opioid, whether illicit or prescription, allowing the individual to regain consciousness and resume normal breathing.

The kits cost approximately $60 each, and Batavia has received a grant of $720 to purchase kits for 12 first responders.

In addition, the Community Overdose Prevention Program has dedicated $5 million in funds seized as crime proceeds from joint federal and state criminal investigations to fund the purchase of a naloxone kit for every sworn officer in the state that might encounter an acute opioid overdose in the line of duty.

While City of Batavia first responders have received the commitment from the Attorney General’s Office, the kits still need to be ordered and training needs to take place. Each kit consists of a zip bag or pouch containing: two vials of naloxone; two mucosal atomization devices for nasal administration; one pair of latex gloves; and a booklet on the use of naloxone.

Training on the use of the naloxone will be conducted by the City of Batavia Fire Department.

“We are fortunate to have had a number of individuals trained to both administer naloxone and train others to administer the drug,” said City of Batavia Fire Chief Jim Maxwell. “We are thrilled to be partnering with the Batavia police to offer a service that has already seen more than 1,000 successful overdose reversals in New York State.”

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, someone dies every 19 minutes from a drug overdose, and nearly three out of four prescription drug overdoses are caused by prescription painkillers. When prescription medication is no longer available, individuals often turn to illicit drugs, such as heroin.

“While we are certainly not seeing the use of heroin at the epidemic proportions of many communities, heroin and other opioids are here in Batavia,” said City of Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch. “A key deterrent to opioid use, as with all drugs, is education and relentless attention.

“It’s difficult to keep up with trends among teens,” adds Heubusch, “but the ever-expanding choices among the synthetic drug market are something parents must pay attention to.”

According to Heubusch, one of the current top choices among teens is the drug "Cloud 9," an opioid that can be purchased over the Internet and looks just like an over-the-counter bottle of eye drops.

Batavia High School Principal Scott Wilson supports Chief Heubusch’s assessment of the strong need to educate the public on the constantly changing drug trends and ways to maintain vigilance. Wilson is holding a community roundtable designed to educate the community and provide information about the many resources available for both prevention and rehabilitation. The roundtable event, entitled “Community Awareness: Vaporizers, E-cigarettes and Their Use,” will take place at 6 p.m. on Oct. 15 in the Batavia High School Library.

“From a school administrator’s position, we cannot bury our heads in the sand and claim to be diligent about monitoring our kids’ activities and behaviors,” says Wilson, emphasizing that the school district wants to make sure all community members are armed with the most updated and accurate information available.

“I’ve had well-meaning parents share with me that they’ve purchased a vaporizer for their child, because they believe it’s safer than cigarettes,” Wilson said. “What parents don’t know is that the synthetic drugs that go into these vaporizers are very different. These drugs are not regulated and users face sometimes dire, unintended consequences.”

The Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (GCASA) will bring samples of legally purchased -- but uncontrolled -- opioids to the roundtable and review the most effective preventative measures. The Batavia Police, Genesee County Sheriff and City of Batavia Fire Department will also be on hand to share information and answer questions.

“We’ve seen an increase in opiate addictions in both Genesee and Orleans counties; Providing our City police and fire professionals with the naloxone kits will save lives," said Pamela LaGrou, GCASA Communications/Development director, who has seen giant steps taken to respond to this increase all over the state.

LaGrou also places a strong emphasis on education: “heroin and other opioid drugs are easy accessible, relatively inexpensive and can be highly addictive.” LaGrou recommends the Web site as one of the best sites available for public education. Links to that site can also be found at GCASA’s Web site at

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