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Law and Order: Syracuse woman accused of shoplifting in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Carrie G. Blunt, 20, of 339 Hudson St., Syracuse, is charged with petit larceny. Blunt is accused of shoplifting $40 in merchandise from a business in the Tops Plaza.

Andrew A. Crimes, 40, of 627 E. Main St., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt and aggravated harassment, 2nd. Crimes is accused of contacting a person several times whom he had been ordered not to contact over a six-hour period. Crimes was jailed pending his next court appearance.

Council gets details on 2013 budget from city staff

By Howard B. Owens

Given the backdrop of a proposed city budget that reduces local property taxes by 14.58 percent, various department heads sat before the Batavia City Council tonight and explained some of their funding needs.

The annual budget work session gives council members a chance to understand how taxpayer money will be spent and to ask questions, and even challenge, some of the budgeting decisions.

The discussion comes a week after City Manager Jason Molino presented the council with a proposed budget that reduces spending from a 2012 total of $15.8 million to $15.2 million for 2013.

Most of the savings comes from a proposal to change the way garbage is collected in the city.

For the past three decades, Genesee ARC has picked up residential garbage and recycling, with residents leaving their household waste by the curb in bags, cans and boxes.

The proposed new system would give each city residential property -- and some businesses -- at least two totes for refuse and recycling that could be collected by trucks fitted to dump the cans automatically.

According to Molino's budget, this would save -- especially if Allied/Republic is selected over Genesee ARC as the vendor for the new service -- some $218,000 in the first year.

That's a 21-percent reduction in expenses over what it would take to keep things as they are.

The city's tax rate would go down from $10.71 per $1,000 of assessed value to $9.15.

The tax rate could conceivably go down even more, but the city is faced with a nearly $300,000 increase -- mandated, non-negotiable -- in pension costs.

For the third year in a row, the assessed value of city property has not increased.

With that backdrop, here are some key points from tonight's discussion:

  • The city could receive $250,000 in revenue from Batavia Downs from video lottery terminals. The VTL revenue is never a sure thing because Albany sometimes decides not to release the funds. But if it comes through, half of the money would go to the revolving loan fund of the Batavia Development Corp. If that happens, the redevelopment coordinator job currently held by Julie Pacatte could be retained for another two years. Economic growth and new jobs are critical to growing Batavia's tax base, Molino said. About $30,000 would be used to recapitalize the revolving loan fund. The city would also continue its $10,000 annual contribution to fund the position. If the city doesn't receive the funds, the city council will need to make a decision about what do to with the economic development coordinator position. In response to questions from council members, Molino said the position is necessary because the Genesee County Economic Development Center is not focused on redevelopment, or "brown field" development -- the kind of economic development a built-out city needs. Rather, GCEDC is focused on "green field" projects such as the agri-business park and STAMP. That lack of focus on the city means if that the city is going to pursue business develoment, Molino said, it needs a person dedicated to that task.
  • This spring and summer, look for a community garden at the youth center near Batavia High School. Nearby residents will be able to have plots to grow vegetibles for $15 to $35 per plot.
  • In response to questions from council members: The city expects to pay $28 million on debt currently accured, including principle and interest, from 2008 to 2043. Molina said he will need to look up what the actual principle owed is on the city's debt.
  • Councilwoman Rose Mary Christian raised the issue again of privatizing Falleti Ice Arena. "When are we going to get serious about letting somebody else take it over," Christian said. Molino said that while it's not certain, city staff believes if the city were to sell the arena, the proceeds would need to be spent on building a similar facility, under terms of a grant secured 30 years ago by then-Rep. Barber Conable.
  • The Department of Public Works needs to spend $377,000 from its equipment reserve fund to replace aging trucks, including a loader, a single-axel dump truck and plow and two one-ton dump trucks.
  • The city will spend $75,000 from the sidewalk reserve to replace some 12,000 feet of sidewalk, including walkways on Hutchins Street, Cedar Street, Tracy Avenue and Richmond Avenue.
  • Council members asked why residents don't help pay for sidewalk replacement. Molino said sidewalks are legally the resident's responsibility. Councilman Jim Russell pointed out that at one time the city had a program whereby residents would share the cost of replacing sidewalks. Molino said city staff could research alternative programs. Such a program, Russell pointed out, could mean twice the amount of sidewalks could be replaced each year. Christian said she remembers when the city did that and it was no big deal to have the cost of a new sidewalk in front of your house tacked onto your tax bill. Molino said such an approach is popular across the country.
  • Matt Worth, superintendent of water and sewer, said the city will need to hire a consultant this year to come up with a plan and a budget for removing sediment from one of the wastewater facility's treatment ponds. The actual clean-up work won't occur until 2014. The last time this was done the bill was $600,000, but the pond in rotation for clean up now doesn't have the filtration devices that the previous pond did, so the cost should be less. There is a build up of phosphorus in the pond. Phosphorus must be removed before the wastewater is introduced into the Tonawanda Creek, because it causes algae to grow, which isn't good for aquatic life.  Worth said he remembers when he was a child how Lake Ontario would have a lot of foam on it. That was from phosphorous being dumped into the water stream (such as from laundry detergent).  Worth said if the city doesn't clean the pond, the Department of Environmental Conservation will come down hard on the city. The clean up is mandated by the Clean Water Act. This is a once-every-22-years requirement for this pond.
  • The city fire department is currently down five firefighters and by the middle of summer it will be short eight firefighters due to retirement. New firefighters won't graduate from the academy until August. By the end of 2013, city fire should be fully staffed.
  • The department is hiring an already-trained firefighter, in his first year on the job, from Canandaigua. The Canandaigua department is reducing staffing. The new firefighter will be required to move to Genesee County, though not necessarily into the city. Questioned by Christian, Fire Chief Jim Maxwell, who started his job more than a year ago, said he has relocated his family to Genesee County.  (After the meeting Molino said that reducing the number of firefighters in the city fire department will be a topic of negotiation with the union during upcoming contract talks.)
  • Because of the shortage of firefighters following a spate of retirements, the city is expected to incure $220,000 in overtime expense in the department in 2013.
  • Batavia PD faces a similar personnel shortage early in the year with the anticipated retirement (due to a forced restructuring of the department) of three lieutenants. A sergeant is also expected to retire. The city plans to replace the lieutenant positions with two new patrol officers and a sergeant. The department will also create a deputy chief position that will oversee road patrol. There are currently two vacant positions in the department and new officers aren't expected to start arriving until late summer.
  • Staff shortages will mean an anticipated $220,000 in overtime expense for the police department.
  • The city will also acquire a new patrol vehicle and a new supervisor's SUV at a cost of $55,000.
  • Council President Tim Buckley questioned the need for five new Tasers at an expense of $5,200. Molino and Police Chief Shawn Heubusch explained that all new officers will be Taser-certified, which isn't necessarily the case with veteran officers. The use of Tasers and other non-lethal means to subdue suspects helps reduce the city's liability costs, Molino said.
  • Heubusch said his former department, in Warsaw, had officers wear body cameras -- these attach to an officer's uniform and are activated when they are out of a patrol car and dealing with an incident. He said prosecutors love them because they record everything that an officer sees and everything that is said by the officer and a suspect. The city will purchase three such devices as a trial for using them in Batavia. Cost: $1,500.
  • Batavia PD will try bicycle patrols for the first time in 2013. Cost: $1,500. This covers the bicycles, safety equipment and training. Heubusch said bicycle patrols will help the city enhance its community policing program.
  • A public hearing on the budget, as well as a slight water rate increase and the new proposed refuse program will be Feb. 11.

Car vs. deer accident on Alexander Road in the Town of Batavia

By Billie Owens

A car vs. deer accident is reported at 9295 Alexander Road, near the intersection with Pike Road. The driver and her young children are apparently not injured but do require evaluation. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding along with Mercy Medic #1.

UPDATE 6:38 p.m.: Responders report the deer has been dispatched. It is blocking one of the responder's trucks. There are a couple of sign-offs. Town of Batavia is told to return to service.

School supplies reach destination, halfway around the world

By Kathie Scott

Last year, Robert Morris Elementary Student Council members spearheaded a collection of school supplies for the Father Oryang Memorial Primary School in Africa.

The effort was inspired by a visit from Moses Owiny, a community worker from Uganda, who came to Batavia as part of a global internship program. The beneficiary school was attended by Owiny as a child.

At the invitation of Diane Bonarigo, principal of the now-closed Robert Morris Elementary School, Owiny met with Robert Morris students and shared stories about his life in Uganda. This helped students understand the vast differences in education as well as in poverty.

Afterward, student council members decided to collect supplies for the rural school that serves approximately 1,300 students. While Robert Morris started the project, student council members at Jackson, John Kennedy, and Batavia Middle School quickly jumped in to lend support to donate items as well as money toward shipping costs.

By the time all the pens, pencils, glue sticks, erasers, rulers, colored pencils, crayons, markers, paper, and tape were collected, students had enough to fill 19 boxes -- 11 of which went to Uganda and eight to a school in the Dominican Republic where elementary music teacher Jeffrey Langdon’s daughter is a teacher.

Students packed the boxes, with help from Barb and Jim Rumsey who also transported everything to the post office.

Students were thrilled to see their bounty arrive in Uganda, courtesy of Facebook pictures posted by Owiny and shared here.

Batavia Concert Band accepting applications for conductor

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Concert Band is already preparing for their 2013 Summer Concert Series in Centennial Park.  As part of those preparations, the Board of Directors is currently soliciting applications for the position of Conductor. Interested applicants may contact President Jill Arent for more information, including application materials.  Jill may be reached at

Free health screenings for uninsured county residents ages 40 to 64

By Billie Owens

United Memorial Medical Center will offer important health screenings for FREE to uninsured Genesee County residents between the ages of 40 and 64 on Saturday, Feb. 2.

They will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jerome Center, located at 16 Bank St. in Batavia, and include blood sugar testing, total cholesterol and take home colorectal cancer screening kits. Healthcare providers will also provide free mammograms, pap smears and clinical breast exams for women.

Please call United Memorial’s Healthy Living Department to schedule an appointment at 344-5331. Light refreshments, health information and free giveaways will also be available at the event.

This event is planned by the Cancer Services Partnership of Genesee and Orleans counties, through a state grant administered by United Memorial.

Batavia man reenlists with the NY Army National Guard

By Billie Owens

Major General Patrick A. Murphy, the Adjutant General, announced the recent reenlistment of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their continuing commitment to serve community, state and nation as part of the Army National Guard.

Specialist Tyler Seger, from Batavia, has reenlisted to continue service with the Company A, 2-108th Infantry.

"Over the past 3 years the New York Army National Guard has come from far below authorized strength to 100 percent strength," Murphy said in remarks to the force. "Our priority is to provide ready forces for both state and federal missions and readiness starts with maintaining our strength."

"We have more than 16,000 men and women in the Army and Air National Guard with each individual member having an important role."

For more information about the New York Army National Guard, visit or

UMMC increasing ties with Rochester General, but no plans for formal partnership or merger

By Howard B. Owens

UMMC has long partnered with Rochester General Hospital on patient care, and the two hospitals are exploring ways to work together more closely, according to hospital spokeswoman Colleen Flynn.

But, she said, contrary to a rumor reportedly circulating among staff, there are no merger discussions taking place.

There aren't even immediate plans to form a formal partnership, known as a ACO (accountable care organization) under the Affordable Healthcare Act.

RGH has long helped UMMC recruit doctors and provide patients with specialized care, and the two hospitals are looking into ways to share those services even more, but that's as far as the talks are going, Flynn said.

An ACO, according to Wikipedia, is a coordinated group of heath care providers who commit to standards of quality care in order to reduce the total cost of health care and reimbursements.

UMMC is always looking for ways to improve patient care and provide more specialized care, Flynn said.

"We're an independent community hospital and we're going to be an independent community hospital," Flynn said. "We look for larger organizations to partner with because we're small."

Sixteen local students made the Fall 2012 dean's list at Alfred SU

By Billie Owens

Stephen J. Havlovic, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs at Alfred State University, has announced the dean's list of students for the Fall 2012 semester.

The local students on the list are:

Joshua Stellrecht, of Basom, Network Administration

Nicole Ficarella, of Batavia, Human Services Management

Gregory Kryman, of Batavia, Network Administration

Raymond Putnam, of Batavia, Digital Media and Animation

Timothy Hungerford, of Bergen, Welding Technology

John Langdon, of Bergen, Construction Mgmt Eng Tech

Mike Kisiel, of Byron, Network Administration

Nicole Binns, of Corfu, Digital Media and Animation

Ryan Seward, of Corfu, Forensic Science Technology

Brianna Hofert, of Elba, Lib Arts / Sci-Social Science

Anthony Gallucci, of Le Roy, Bldg Trades-Building Construct

Joseph Gallucci, of Le Roy, Bldg Trades-Building Construct

Andrew Lowe, of Le Roy, Elec Cons & Maint Electrician

Edward Cigno, of Le Roy, Mechanical Engineering Tech

Thomas Parmenter, of Pavilion, Construction Mgmt Eng Tech

Carl Beaver, of Stafford, Mechanical Engineering Tech

Alfred State offers associate degrees in 50 programs in the fields of agriculture, health, business, vocational, and engineering technology, as well as liberal arts and sciences. There are also 19 baccalaureate degree offerings.

Students from both the Alfred campus and the School of Applied Technology campus in Wellsville are selected for the dean's list if they maintain a 3.50 grade-point average (GPA) out of a possible 4.0.

SUNY Geneseo names a dozen local students to its dean's list

By Billie Owens

The State University of New York at Geneseo has announced its dean's list for the fall semester 2012. To be on the list, a student must have achieved a 3.5 grade-point average while taking at least 12 credit hours.

Students on the list from this area are:

  • Chelsey Brinkman, from Alexander
  • Amanda Gouger, from Batavia
  • Christina Mortellaro, from Batavia
  • Grey Musilli, from Batavia
  • Abigayle Brown, from Batavia
  • Calli Raines, from Batavia
  • Clarisse Birkby, from Corfu
  • Sarah Lawson, from East Bethany
  • Mitchell Gillard, from Elba
  • Michael Ramsey, from Elba
  • Briana Pangrazio, from Le Roy
  • Alicia Rohan, from Oakfield

SUNY Geneseo is a public liberal arts college recognized nationally for excellence in undergraduate education and for its professional and master's level programs.

Report of a shot fired in Walmart parking lot

By Howard B. Owens

Deputies are looking for two vehicles -- one dark in color and the other silver -- that may have been involved in a shot-fired incident in the Walmart parking lot.

The "victim" is reportedly in the silver vehicle.

A white male, believed to have a gun, in a dark hooded sweat shirt left in a dark vehicle, according to a witness.

UPDATE 9:21 p.m.: The possible victim is believed to be black, and he reportedly left the scene in a silver vehicle driven by a black male.

UPDATE 9:55 p.m.: State Police are handling investigation. No confirmation that there was actually a shot fired.

UPDATE 11:10 p.m.: Troopers have cleared the scene. A trooper has driven over to Batavia PD headquarters to "share information."  That's all we have on this incident at this time, unless law enforcement releases more information.

UPDATE Tuesday, 4 p.m.: State Police still have no further information to release on this incident. They're not confirming at this point that there was a shot fired, and are not saying there wasn't a shot fired.  There may be more information available in the morning. The case is under investigation.

Edward Jones hosts ribbon cutting on re-dedicated office

By Howard B. Owens

The Edward Jones office on Jackson Street in Batavia is now run by Michael Marsh, financial advisor. In order of the rededication of the office, the Chamber of Commerce joined in Saturday for a ribbon cutting.

Submitted photo.


Law and Order: Oakfield man accused of resisting arrest at alleged underage drinking party

By Howard B. Owens

Elijah Robert Coombs, 18, of Orchard Street, Oakfield, is charged with obstruction of governmental administration 2nd, resisting arrest, criminal nuisance, 2nd, harassment, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Coombs is accused of causing problems when deputies arrived at his residence to investigate a report of an underage drinking party at 11:43 p.m., Friday. When deputies attempted to arrest Coombs, he allegedly resisted arrest and struck a deputy. Deputies Matt Fleming and Patrick Reeves responded to the call.

Andrew Zimba Perdock, 25, of Bethany Center Road, Bethany, was arrested on a bench warrant, alleged failure to pay fine related to a petit larceny charge. Perdock was jailed on $100 bail.

Ronald James Tombari, 24, of Court Road, Pavilion, is charged with felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, unlicensed operation, failure to keep right and no seat belt. Tombari was stopped at 12:12 a.m. Sunday on Perry Road, Pavilion, by Deputy John Weis.

(name redacted), 19, and (name redacted upon request), 24, both of South Lake Avenue, Bergen, are charged with unlawful dealing with a child. xxx and xxx were arrested following an investigation into a report of a loud gathering. xxx and xxx were accused of hosting an underage drinking party.

Christopher William Fowler, 24, of Batavia, is charged with felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and parking on a roadway. Fowler was allegedly found in his vehicle at 10:13 p.m., Saturday, with it stopped on Stegman Road and Miller Road, Batavia, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

A 17-year-old from Batavia has been charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The youth was stopped at 3:28 p.m., Saturday, on Lewiston Road, Batavia, for alleged traffic violations by Deputy Patrick Reeves. During the traffic stop, the youth was allegedly found in possession of marijuana.

Lori Ann Brightenfield, 53, of Main Road, Stafford, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Deputy Jason Saile responded to a report of a citizen requesting assistance because her vehicle ran out of gas in the Town of Le Roy. Following an investigation, Brightenfield was arrested for alleged DWI.

BHS cheer takes second at Monroe County Tournament

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia High School varsity basketball cheerleading squad took second place at the Monroe County Tournament held at Victor HS on Saturday.

Five teams participated in their competition.

Kayla Corp, Jessica Derefinko, Codie Grazioplene and Whitney Athoe received 2nd Team All County nominations.

The team will compete for a Section V title Feb. 23 at RIT.

Information and photo submitted by a reader.

Homeowner chases down passing car that dumped garbage on their front lawn

By Alecia Kaus

City police and a Sheriff's deputy are responding to Liberty and Ellicott streets after a passing motorist dumped their McDonald's garbage on a front lawn at a residence on Ellicott Street Road.

The homeowner chased the motorist from his home on Ellicott Street Road to the city.

City fire department receives $60K federal grant

By Howard B. Owens

The City of Batavia Fire Department is receiving a $60,000 grant to help train recruits and improve rescue capabilities.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand announced the grant, which comes from FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters program.

“We’re thrilled," Chief Jim Maxwell told WBTA. "It’s definitely something that will help the organization work and move into the future with the equipment and additional funding for training.”

Besides training recruits, the grant will help the department increase extrication capabilities, assist in technical rescue incidents and provide training on new equipment.

Two upcoming events to benefit family of Batavia man with cancer

By Daniel Crofts

Family and friends of Patrick Suozzi, a Batavia man facing terminal cancer, are asking people for support.

On Jan. 27, there will be a benefit/fundraiser for Suozzi's wife, Mary Beth, and son, PJ, from 1 until 6 p.m. at Resurrection Parish (St. Mary's) Recreation Hall, at 18 Ellicott St. in Batavia. All proceeds will help offset their ongoing medical expenses.

The fundraiser will include a meal of spaghetti, salad, bread, beverages and dessert, as well as a TV raffle, a Chinese auction, a bake sale and face painting.

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 10 and under.

To purchase tickets, make a donation or obtain more information, contact Lori DiFilippo at (716) 474-2895 or Kim Turman at 356-8922

There will also be a rock 'n' roll benefit on Jan. 26 at T.F. Brown's, at 214 E. Main St. in Batavia. It will feature three local bands: Bob Lovelace (acoustics), Amanda's Rage and Savage Cabbage (main band). The event will last from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m.

Admission is $3 at the door, and there will be a 50/50 raffle. For more information, call 343-1547.

Photo submitted by Steve Ognibene

Law and Order: Attica man accused of trying to bring drugs into jail

By Howard B. Owens

Joseph E. Marr, 34, of Nesbitt Road, Attica, is charged with promoting prison contraband, 1st, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Marr -- incarcerated in the Genesee County Jail on Jan. 1 on a charge of driving while impaired by drugs -- is accused of attempting to conceal a controlled substance while in the jail. Marr was arraigned on the charge Wednesday and released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

A 16-year-old resident of Ross Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. The teen is accused of punching and pushing another person.

Batavia council session airing Friday on Time Warner, covers discussion of trash program

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Jan. 14, the city proposed a new Refuse and Recycling Program. The proposed program includes changing to a fully automated variable size cart/tote based collection system offering residents greater capacity for recycling opportunities, while making refuse and recycling more effective and modern.

In addition, the city has proposed funding refuse and recycling through a "Pay-As-You-Throw" system in which residents will pay for refuse collection based on the size cart/tote they select, rather than through property taxes.

All residents are encouraged to watch the presentation of the city’s proposed Refuse & Recycling Program on local Channel 19 – the Community Access Channel -- this Friday, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. to become more familiar with the proposed Refuse & Recycling Program.

The proposed budget and proposed refuse and recycling information can also be found on the city’s Web site at:

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