Attempt to buy numerous iPads at Walmart flagged as suspicious
A caller at Walmart reports a suspicious condition -- a man attempted to purchase numerous iPads from the store.
Apparently, the purchase did not go through for some reason.
The man left in a gray Chevy Tahoe with Georgia plates.
A deputy is responding.
UPDATE 11:08 a.m.: The Tahoe is a rental.
Tree down on Ross Street in the city
A tree and unknown-type wires are reportedly down in the roadway, partially blocking, at 151 Ross St. City fire is responding.
Photos: Fall Master Gardeners' Gala at Cornell Cooperative Extension

It was on a Saturday in September 10 years ago that I first drove into Batavia.
I returned to that event today to sort of mark the anniversary.
It was through a calendar item in the Gardener's Journal 10 years ago that I saw something about a Master Gardeners' Gala at the Cornell Cooperative Extension in a placed called Batavia.
"Batavia can't be too far of a drive," I thought, while sitting in my hotel room in Fairport.
I made the drive, and it was a bit more of a drive than I expected, but eventually, I found Batavia, and I found it charming.
I came out here looking for information on growing roses in Western New York (we were getting ready to move from Bakersfield, Calif.) and left charmed by this little city.
Little did I know then, that within two years, I would be starting an online news site for Genesee County and eventually moving here myself. But Billie and I are quite happy with that turn of events.
Thank you all for supporting our experiment in online-only news and embracing and accepting us as you have.
And yes, I've found it possible to quite successfully grow roses in Western New York.

Tree falls on house on Columbia Avenue in the city

A tree has fallen onto a house at 37 Columbia Ave. City firefighters are responding.
UPDATE 1:31 p.m.: The house is bieng evacuated.
UPDATE 1:48 p.m.: A large limb broke off a tree on property on Manhattan Avenue, which runs parallel to Columbia Avenue. The broken branch spans the entire length of the Columbia Avenue house.
UPDATE 1:52 p.m.: The city's fourth platoon is called into headquarters.
Photos: Batavia beats U-Prep with seven seconds left in game 30-26

U-Prep and Batavia kept everyone on their toes in a hard-fought game where mistakes were made on both sides last night at Salen's Stadium in Rocheter. Pictured above is Ray Leach for Batavia, catching a pass from quarterback Jerry Reinhart to win the game with 0:07 seconds left on the clock 30-26.
Highlights of the game: First quarter – Terrance Bethel Touchdown scored early 4:25, missed two point conversion, giving U-Prep a 6-0 lead. Batavia and U-Prep exchanged the ball until Batavia recovered a fumble.
Second quarter -- Batavia scores midway to tie it 6-6. U-Prep carried the ball and converted on a fourth down to score at 7:52 and lead 12-6. Batavia's Eric Davis goes out on a leg injury. Near the end Jerry Reinhart passed a 38-yard touchdown pass to Chandler Baker, two-point conversion is good. Batavia leads 14-12.
John Garlock recovers an onside kick, which Ray Leach scored for Batavia and led at halftime 22-12.
Second half -- Jonathan Williams touchdown for U-Prep at 6:17 thrown by Amari Masse; two-point conversion is good. Batavia's lead is cut to only two points, 22-20.
U-Prep runs 45 yards to Batavia 10-yard line at 7:36, batavia and U-Prep exchanged a fumble and interception. U-Prep scores late in the fourth to lead 26-22 with 2:52 left.
Batavia dominated on driving down the field with 7 sconds left on a pass caught by Ray Leach. Batavia wins 30-26.
Batavia moves to a 3-0; U-Prep moves to a 2-1 record.
To view photos and purchase prints click here.

Photos: Community Night at John Kennedy School

John Kennedy School hosted its annual Community Night on Friday evening.

YWCA's Domestic Violence Awareness Walk is Oct. 6, newly certified as 5K course, too
Press release:
YWCA of Genesee County has decided to step things up with its annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk by offering a USATF (Track & Field) certified 5K for runners and walkers alike.
Described as a mostly flat and fast course, this race will also include family activities, Limited Edition purple baseball caps, a few words from Notre Dame High School Principal Wade Bianco and a purple powder finish line celebration. Bianco recently earned an honored spot in the Coaches category for the Section V Football Hall of Fame.
The event is set to begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, at YWCA, 301 North St.
“We don’t ever want to lose sight of why we started the walk in the first place: to honor victims and survivors of domestic violence,” Executive Director Jeanne Walton said. “But we are also aware that people love 5Ks! Three miles is just far enough for serious runners to feel competitive and not too far for walkers to enjoy as well. We strongly encourage people of all ages to wear some purple and help us to highlight Domestic Violence Awareness Month.”
A professional timing company will be on site with an inflatable arch and results will be available to participants during and after the event. Prizes will go to overall fastest male and female finishers and to the top two male and female finishers in each age category: 19 and under; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69 and 70-plus.
Perhaps the most notable aspect will be the haze of purple powder as participants engage in friendly interaction of tossing the clothing-safe powder on one another and in the air. Purple is the signature color of domestic violence awareness and will play a key role in coloring the day, organizers said.
For those that may work up an appetite, the YW’s traditional Harvest Supper will also be served that day from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Takeouts will be available. The supper is a way to highlight the area’s agricultural industry with hearty soups, stew, crusty breads, fresh fruit desserts and many other items that highlight ingredients provided by local farms and ag producers.
Cost is $25 for the 5K, $8 for the supper, or $30 for both events. Kids 10 and under may walk for free and Limited Edition 5K baseball caps will go to the first 150 paid registrants. For more information, go to or call (585) 343-5808.
Law and Order: Holley man arrested for allegedly damaging victim's property in GCC parking lot
Matthew Arthur Harder, 19, of Geddes Street, Holley, is charged with fourth degree criminal mischief. Harder was arrested following an investigation into damaged property in the parking lot of Genesee Community College at 9:15 a.m. on Sept. 9. He was arraigned on Sept. 15 in Town of Batavia Court and is to appear there at a later date. He was also issued an Order of Protection to stay away from the victim whose property was damaged. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong.
Richard Todd Harter, 40, of Townline Road, Byron, is charged with second-degree harassment. On Sept. 15, Harter was arrested on a bench warrant for the charge, out of Holley, and turned over to Holley PD. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings.
BHS student receives high academic honor

Campbell Anderson, a senior at Batavia High School, pictured with Principal Scott Wilson, has qualified as a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist. As far as Wilson knows, he's the only semifinalist in the region and one of only 99 in Western New York.
Anderson is a candidate for West Point and the Air Force Academy. He's also a standout in track and cross-country. Wilson said one of Anderson's unique accomplishments was completing all of the match courses offered by the high school, including advanced placement calculus, by the end of his sophomore year. The school has arranged his senior schedule so he can also take classes at Genesee Community College. He remains at the top of his class.
Photo and info provided by Scott Wilson.
Collins announces $1.4 million grant for Genesee County Airport
Press release:
Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today announced $1,411,200 in federal funding from the Federal Aviation Administration for the Genesee County Airport, located in Batavia. The grant will assist the Genesee County Airport in funding the final phase of its airport construction project. The airport is building an aircraft-parking apron, a taxiway extension, and removing of a number of runway obstructions.
“Using federal funds to support local infrastructure projects will help establish an environment that promotes future economic development and employment opportunities,” Congressman Collins said. “This $1,411,200 grant will provide Genesee County with the funding it needs to complete the final phase of its project. Grants like these allow for more efficient and effective airport operations that will benefit our region for years to come.”
“This crucial FAA grant will allow Genesee County to complete Phase 3 of our Airport project, which includes the removal of the old terminal building and hangar,” said Raymond Cianfrini, chairman of the Genesee County Legislature. “We appreciate our partnership with Congressman Collins and look forward to giving him and our community a tour of the completed project.”
The Congressman’s office remains available to assist any local government pursuing a federal grant.
Photo: Two local charities receive donations through GLOW Cup contest

As part of the GLOW Corporate Challenge last month, organizers put together a T-shirt design contest and this year, based on volunteer votes, Freed Maxick came up with the winning design. The prize was a $500 donation to the charity of their choice, and staff chose the UMMC Foundation and the Justice for Children Foundation.
Photo: Sam Schafer, Carmela Piazza, Liz Renz, Lori Aratari, Steve Tufts, Jason Armbrewster, Kim Mills (who also had the fastest women's time), Olivia Engel and Tim Moag. Aratari is with UMMC, Ambrewster with Justice for Children, Tufts and Piazza are with Merrill Lynch representing GLOW Cup, and the others are with Freed Maxick. Each charity received $250 and the balance of the proceeds from the event benefit the YMCA.

Sponsored Post: Register now for adult art classes starting September 22!
Explore your inner artist with adult art classes from the Queen of the Arts. Each week Jill Pettigrew will teach you a new way of creative art making though various mediums. From mixed media to painting and assemblage, learn a new style or technique in a fun relaxing atmosphere.
These are not your average "cookie cutter" paint-by-numbers class. You're free to develop and create at your own pace using Jill as your guide to the art-making process. Beginners are always welcome. Veteran artists will enjoy these classes too!
We're kicking off September with a special: "ART & SOUL" CLASSES -- BUY 3, GET ONE FREE! Bring a snack or beverage of your choice and relax with your friends, while making amazing artwork. Ages 18+. Pre-registration required. All materials included.
Thursday night classes will be held YWCA Genesee, located at 209 E. Main St. in Batavia. Or Friday classes will be held GO ART, located at 201 E. Main St. in Batavia. Classes begin at 6:30 p.m.; $25 per class includes ALL SUPPLIES! (4/$75!) Facebook message Jill or call/text 585-993-0860 EASY PAY:
Law and Order: Wood Street resident jailed after warrant issued on unauthorized use of vehicle
Elizabeth Michelle Grattan, 26, of Wood Street, Batavia, is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle in the third degree, leaving the scene of a property damage accident and unsafe backing. Grattan was arrested on a warrant after being located at a residence in the City of Batavia by Genesee County Probation. An arrest warrant was issued by the Town of Alabama Court to answer the charges stemming from an incident at 1 a.m. on Aug. 1 on Judge Road. She was arraigned Sept. 14 in Town of Oakfield Court and put in jail on $500 bail. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Richard Schildwaster.
Three-car collision with injuries reported at Ellicott and Evans streets

A three-car accident with injuries is reported at Ellicott and Evans streets. City fire and Mercy medics are responding.
UPDATE 12:01 p.m.: The only injury may be to a child who was shaken up by the collision and is being evaluated by medics.
Police respond to South Main Street for theft of smokes
City police are responding to an apartment in the 100 block of South Main Street for the larceny "... of cigarettes."
Mother of twin tots killed in State Street Road fire charged with endangering the welfare of a child

The arrest comes after an investigation into a structure fire at 8157 State Street Road, Batavia, which occurred on May 20 and claimed the lives of twins Micah and Michael Gard.
The children were inside their bedroom at the residence at the time. The investigation determined that the fire originated either inside of, or in close proximity to, the children's bedroom. The cause of the fire remains undetermined.
Ace is accused of leaving her 2-year-olds home alone inside her residence for a period of time estimated to be about an hour and a half, without providing, nor arranging for, supervision for them.
The case was investigated by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Genesee County District Attorney's Office, Genesee County Emergency Management Office and the Town of Batavia Volunteer Fire Department.
Ace was issued an appearance ticket and is scheduled to be in Town of Batavia Court at 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3.
According to Genesee County Sheriff's Investigator Jerry Brewster, Ace cooperated with law enforcement personnel during the investigation.
"She met with us at the (Genesee County) Jail for processing," he said. "We know the places she went (to), what she did and with whom during that time period. Since charges have been lodged relative to all of this, I am not at liberty to say more at this time.
"I will say, however, that she remained in Batavia. Additionally, she did not go to a bar."
Joe Burke, owner of the home where Ace lived with her sister, and also of the home next door where her parents lived, said the boys deserved better.
"She should have been charged with more than that (endangering the welfare of a child)," he said. "Those little boys certainly had the right to live."
Her parents no longer live next door, having relocated to Stafford, Burke said.
Property owner Joe Burke stands next to the two trees planted as a memorial to Micah and Michael Gard at the State Street Road location. Photo by Mike Pettinella.
Lost kitty trying to barge in Fordham Drive house

(Submitted photo.)
A reader, whose mother lives on Fordham Drive in Batavia, wrote to say this orange and white kitten wandered into her mother's garage yesterday and is desperately trying to go in her house. The feline has a very sweet, albeit persistent, disposition.
Anyone with information -- maybe it's your cat or your friend's cat or you'd like to have this cat or a relative wants a cat-- please call 344-1034.
HLOM to host presentation Sept. 30 about college's first 50 years
Press release:
The Holland Land Office Museum is hosting a presentation and review of Genesee Community College – The first 50 Years given by co-author Larry D. Barnes.
This event will be held at the Holland Land Office Museum at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30. There will be a book signing after the program. There is no cost and everyone is welcome. The museum is located at 131 W. Main St. in the City of Batavia.
The book, written by Barnes and Ruth E. Andes, both faculty members 1968 – 2014, is a history story of a dynamic achievement through innovative programs, workforce development and community involvement. It follows the College from a converted department store with 367 students to more than 7,000 students studying in more than 60 different programs.