RCB will continue to operate Muckdogs in 2011 while seeking buyer
Here's a news release from Travis Sick, general manager of the Batavia Muckdogs.
Rochester Community Baseball announced today that it would continue operating the Batavia Muckdogs in the 2011 baseball season.
Naomi Silver, president and CEO of RCB, Inc., stated that "The Red Wings are very pleased to be able to continue to help Batavia in maintaining the operation of the Muckdogs. The Muckdogs are an extremely important asset; not only of great financial value as a Minor League Baseball franchise, but an important entertainment venue in the Batavia community.
"We would not want to walk away from the operation, leaving the team at risk of not being able to support itself financially while awaiting a sale. Our staying will permit the GCBC board the opportunity to seek out a sale of the Muckdogs on terms which will be most beneficial to the Batavia community."
The team has been for sale since late summer. To date, several inquiries have been made and conversations with potential suitors are ongoing.
Brian Paris, president of the Genesee County Baseball Club, the not-for-profit which owns the Muckdogs, said "We are appreciative and grateful that the Red Wings see fit to continue running the operation here in Batavia while we pursue a buyer.
"Our hope is that a local sale will occur, or that an individual or company will step forward with an interest in spending substantial sponsorship dollars, allowing the financial picture to improve. A company interested in naming rights, for example, would make a big difference here in Batavia, the way it has in most communities around the country."
Given the success of the Muckdogs' 2010 season on the field, it is anticipated that 2011 will be a good year for the operation.
Travis Sick, in his third year as general manager of the Muckdogs, is looking forward to solid sales both in advertising and at the ticket office.
Sick said: "We had a great year on the field this past season, and the Red Wings' dedication and support of this franchise bodes well for this community.
"I think our fans and advertisers were concerned that baseball might disappear from the Batavia landscape, but now we can move forward with our planning and sales for 2011. With the recent extension of the working relationship with the St. Louis Cardinals, I think we can expect another great year on the field."