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Third annual 'Caring for the City Day' huge success

By Robin Walters


The third annual Caring for the City Day was a huge success. This day is co-hosted by Care-A-Van Ministries and dentists Russ Marchese and Marcella Morales-Ross and staff. This year the team was joined by 19 local agencies and churches as well. The main event of the day is the free dental clinic. Sixty patients received free dental services ranging from X-rays and cleanings, to fillings and extractions. The patients ranged in age from young children to the elderly. The clinic is held for those who do not have dental insurance.

Batavia Photo Club was on hand and offered free family portraits to the families. The families could actutally have their picture taken and it was printed on the spot. One couple noted that they had not had a family portrait taken in 13 years.  Free haircuts were given by Michelle Andre and Ellen Stanton. P.C. Publications was giving away free books to all who attended. Fidelis Health Care and Lake Plains were on hand to help those who did not have health insurance apply for benefits.

Emmanuel Baptist Church member Heidi Richmond did free face painting for the children. Community Action staff and volunteers offered a variety of goodies. Salvation Army was on the grounds offering their services and a variety of free bread to all. Other agencies and churches participating were: Agri-Business Child Development; Cornell Co-Op; UMMC; Office for the Aging; Indepdent Living; GCASA Smoke Free Program; St. Paul Lutheran Church; Habitat for Humanity; and there was a prayer table hosted by Pastor Charlie Piscitello and his wife, Judy.

Care-A-Van Ministries wants to thank Russ, Marcela and team and all of the agencies, churches and volunteers who helped make this day possible. You all truly made a difference for those living in your community!  Be sure to check out Care-A-Van's Facebook page for all pictures from this event.


Lightening strikes house, possibly causing fire

By Billie Owens

A house was struck by lightning and now there's the smell of smoke in the residence, located at 5024 Terry Hills Drive. The occupants have evacuated the premises.

Town of Batavia Fire Department is on scene and reports nothing is showing.

UPDATE 2:16 p.m.: The chief says there was definately a lightning strike and it has caused an electrical problem at the house. A thermal imaging camera is requested to check out the basement.

UPDATE 2:26 p.m.: National Grid has been notifeid with a 15 to 20 minute ETA for a rep to be on scene.

UPDATE 3:07 p.m.: Town of Batavia Fire back in service. Home owner advised by National Grid to contact an electrician.

Reader photo: Missing parrot

By Howard B. Owens

Karen, a Kingsbury Avenue resident, reports that yesterday around 1:15 p.m. her green Quaker parrot flew the coup.

She's worried about him and hoping an area resident might spot the parrot and, if not able to capture the bird, at least help her track him down.

The parrot has a red band with initials Y?B on it, plus a serial number.

Karen can be reached at 585-356-0191 or e-mail

Gautieri announces supermarket lease for downtown building

By Howard B. Owens

Downtown Batavia can support a supermarket and a group of businessmen who have done the marketing research to prove it have entered into a lease agreement to open a Save-A-Lot in the former Latina's location on Ellicott Street.

The new store will be 18,000 square feet.

"These guys have really got their heads straight," said Vito Gautieri, the building's owner. "We were looking at another chain, but this one looked like the best deal. I think it will be really good for Downtown Batavia."

The Gautieri's own Washington Towers and Vito said the family recognized the need to bring a supermarket downtown, both for the sake of tenants at Washington Towers and also 400 Towers.

"We really need a supermarket downtown," Gautieri said.

In fact, said Gautieri, the family decided to pass on an offer from a discount retail chain that would have filled all 40,000 square feet of the building because the need seems so great to bring a supermarket to the space.

The ownership group, operating locally as Batavia Food, Inc., has three other Save-A-Lot locations. The other stores are in Wheatland, Salamanca and Bradford, Pa.

Save-a-Lots operates as a kind of co-op of locally licensed stores. The new owners of the planned Batavia store have no affiliation with the owners of the Le Roy Save-A-Lot.

Gautieri said the owners of the Le Roy store were given first crack at the Batavia location, but for some reason a deal couldn't be put together.

Now Gautieri and his son, Vic, need to work on getting a tenant for the remaining 22,000 square feet on the first floor. He said they already have a couple of solid leads on possible tenants.

Gautieri is still working on ideas about what to do with the second floor. The space is currently 15,000 square feet, but because the building was constructed to support warehouse space on the second floor, the second floor roof could be raised and the area expanded to 25,000 square feet.

If Gautieri decides to expand the second floor, the space would either become premium office space or residential apartments.

Photo: School-bus riding bachorlette party

By Howard B. Owens

So I'm driving back from the Indian Falls incident and I'm on Route 5. As I approach Jim's Saloon -- it's about 8:15 p.m. -- I see a school bus parked out front. My first thought, "that's odd." When I get closer, I see a group of young women wearing pink sashes -- odder still.

So I whip my truck around, grab my camera, walk over and ask what's going on.

It's a bachorlette party.

It turns out, you can charter a school bus from First Student for any sort of group event.

Pictured are, more or less from the left, Samatha Lyons, Marla Mosler, Brianne Sliker, John Lawson (yes, a guy), Crista Swiatowy (the bride), Jamie Stone, Brittany Sliker, Alexandra Stimson, Kristina Rumble, Vickie Chatley and Jennifer Fisher

Swiatowy is marrying Justin Simson.

Motorcycle fire reported at Main and Jackson

By Howard B. Owens

A motorcycle is reportedly on fire on Main Street near Jackson Street, downtown Batavia.

City fire is dispatched.

The fire is reportedly right in front of The Mane Attraction Salon & Spa.

UPDATE 12:24 a.m.: Fire is out.

Police respond to disturbance on Thorpe Street

By Howard B. Owens

Police have responded to a disturbance on Thorpe Street. About 20 or more people were in the street yelling at each other, swinging at each other and making threatening gestures toward each other just before four Batavia police cruisers arrived on scene.

Within seconds, the street was nearly empty.

Earlier this evening, Batavia PD responded to a disturbance on Thorpe. The supervisor assigned a patrol to stick close to the area for the evening. That officer would have gone off duty just about the time the disturbance broke out.

Two car accident on East Main Street in the city

By Billie Owens

A  two-vehicle accident is reported in front of the muffler shop at 633 E. Main St. in the City of Batavia. One elderly person involved is disoriented. City fire and Mercy EMS responding.

Photo: Grill fired up at new South Beach patio

By Howard B. Owens

Even though there are some finishing touches left yet for the new patio at South Beach, the grill is open. Chef Arvin Ortiz opened the grill today with an offering of hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork. Throughout the remainder of the summer, the grill will be opened for lunch and dinner this weekend and, for now, lunch during the week. At times the menu will include ribs, chicken and other grilled dishes. Menu service from the main kitchen is also available on the patio. This afternoon, starting at 4, there will be live music on the patio, and the Ghost Riders play starting at 8 p.m., Saturday.

Police Beat: State Street man accused of intercourse with 14-year-old

By Howard B. Owens

Kasean Shannon, 19, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with three counts of sexual misconduct. Shannon allegedly had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old on three separate occasions in 2010.

Daniel Stephen Boynton, 25, Red Cedar Drive, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Boynton was stopped at noon, Thursday, on Route 77 in Corfu by Sgt. Greg Walker for allegedly driving 48 in a 35 mph zone. He was allegedly found in possession of a small quanity of marijuana.

Nicholas W. Higbee, 30, of 280 Matila St., Rochester, is charged with DWI, operating on a suspended or revoked license and unlawful possession of marijuana. Higbee was stopped at 12:03 a.m. on Route 77, Village of Corfu, by Officer Richard Retzlaff.

Ian Taylor McPhail, 22, of Gorham Street, Canandaigua, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. McPhail was reportedly found in a car parked on the shoulder of Colby Road at 1:15 a.m. by Deputy Frank Bordonaro.

Photos: Thursday evening auctions

By Howard B. Owens

I attended a couple of auctions Thursday, one on Liberty Street conducted by Harris Wilcox out of Bergen Byron, and the other on East Main Street Road conducted by Bontrager out of Batavia.

Auctions are a fun place for photography, but the Liberty Street auction had a little extra photographic interest -- a box of four old cameras, with three of them in good working condition and no visible damage. At $25, I was the successful bidder.

The East Main Street auction was at a location on the other side of the road from Blondie's. It's most recently been a car dealership (though vacant for at least three years) and was once the State Police barracks in Batavia. Ah, if only I could have afforded the wood-hulled boat that went for a mere $1,100.

Both real estate properties were also sold.

Slide show of more photos below, and photographic prints from both events can be purchased by clicking here.

Planning board approves destruction of Elks Lodge, disapproves sign painted by local artist

By Howard B. Owens

Art and culture clashed with reality Thursday night at the Genesee County Planning Board meeting when two projects dealing with a bit of Batavia's past and a bit of its present were considered.

First up was a permit for demolition of the former Elks Lodge at 213 E. Main St. The board recommended approval of the permit with only one dissenting vote, from Lucine Kauffman.

Later in the meeting, the board was asked to consider a permit for sign painted on the back of a building on East Main Street.

While some might dispute that the sign is a work of art, it was painted by Batavia's renowned muralist Vinny DelPlato.

Main St. Pizza Company Owner Vic Marchese commissioned the work to provide DelPlato some extra work while the artist was in town this summer and he thought it would be a cool use of some blank space on the back of his building.

Only after the mural/sign was painted -- it depicts the top of Main St.'s pizza box -- did city officials let him know the painting constituted a sign for his business and he would need a sign permit.

The sign also allegedly violated city ordinances for size and location.

Last month, the county planning board recommended disapproval of an application for a variance to allow the sign. 

The board's votes are not binding. They're recommendations to the municipal planning and zoning boards.  

In the case of the Main St. sign, the application was resubmitted, according to board discussion, because the Batavia planning board agreed to consider it if a sign for Batavia Computer was added to the back of the building.

The Main St. painting isn't actually behind Main St. Pizza. It's behind Batavia Computer, and the owner of Batavia Computer said he thinks the location of the painting will confuse people about the location of his business, according to board discussion.

"It seems like this is a neighbor issue, but we're being asked to straighten it out," Kauffman said.

The revised plan leaves the painting in place, but ads door signs for both Main St. Pizza and Batavia Computer. The board seemed willing to consider a sign variance for Batavia Computer, but only as a separate application.

"We don't even know if the owner of Batavia Computer wants the sign," said board member Bob Bennett. "We have nothing with his signature on it."

Felipe Oltramari, senior planner for the county, said that part of the reason for the staff's recommendation to disapprove the application was that allowing such a large sign would set a precedent.

"How would the city say no to the next application?" Oltramari asked.

Kauffman noted that the point of a variance is to make an exception, not set a precedent.

The board held no discussion of the proposed demolition of the former Elks Lodge. A representative of UMMC and of the demolition company appeared at the meeting and were ready to answer questions, but no questions were asked.

In briefing Oltramari said there is no documented historical significance of the building.

County planning staff recommended approval of the demolition permit.

After the meeting, Oltramari shared a draft of a modification to the building that was approved in 1950. The modification added the current facade of the building. In our earlier report, we said that Frank Homelius designed the facade -- information that comes from a book about Frank and his father Henry Homelius. However, Frank died in 1941.

Photo: Taken the day DelPlato was finishing the Main St. painting.

HLOM acquires painting by local artist that depicts a bit of Batavia's lost history

By Howard B. Owens

The Holland Land Office Museum has acquired a painting by Richard Wright Ware that depicts a bit of West Main Street and the Tonawanda Creek that no longer exists.

Sometime in the late 1950s or '60s, the Batavia native painted the picture showing a view from the Walnut Street Bridge -- which was a traffic bridge then -- looking west down the Tonawanda with the former commercial buildings of West Main Street depicted on the right.

Those buildings would eventually be demolished, and the Walnut Street bridge converted for pedestrian use. That stretch of Main Street is now a grassy, tree-lined area.

County Clerk Don Read, at right, who serves on the HLOM board, acquired the picture at an auction and paid $600 for it.

Ware, known for his landscapes around Batavia and Naples, gained some regional acclaim and held shows locally in Rochester and the Finger Lakes.

"We like to have representative works of local artists," Read said.

The work, Read said, can be combined with photos HLOM has of that section of Batavia, to give museum visitors an idea of what the area was once like.

Executive Director Jeff Donahue said HLOM is always looking for artifacts that help tell the story of Genesee County and he said he would welcome tips from local residents on anything that might become available. It's important, he said, to ensure items of local historical importance are preserved.

The painting is already on display at HLOM.

UMMC in process of demolishing former Elks Lodge on East Main Street

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia, with its legacy of demolishing its own history, is about to lose another landmark building.

The former Batavia Elks Lodge at 213 E. Main St. was purchased in December by United Memorial Medical Center for $143,500.

Workers have already removed windows and completed asbestos abatement.

Colleen Flynn, spokeswoman for UMMC, said the hospital regularly tries to acquire property adjacent to its own facilities when possible.

"We're sort of landlocked," Flynn said. "When certain buildings come up for sale we buy them for future growth."

Her own office on North Street is in a house the hospital acquired to create more space for staff, she noted.

The building housed the Elks in Batavia for nearly 100 years. The current Art Deco facade was added in the 1920s and designed by Frank Homelius, a Batavia resident and one of the premier architects of Western New York in the early 20th Century. His father, Henry Homelius designed many of Batavia's grander homes of the 19th Century. (*see update below)

Flynn noted that the building does not have any historical designation.

Laurie Oltramari, president of the Genesee County Landmark Society, said given the current state of the north side of East Main Street, she doesn't thinking losing the building is going to detract too much from the character of the city.

"You've got to pick your battles, I guess, and this isn't one I would pick," she said.

Though, Oltramari, added, she hates to see such a building destroyed without a plan.

UMMC will landscape the property once the building is removed and has no immediate plans to construct another building at the location.

Jeffery Donahue, director of the Holland Land Office Museum, was saddened to hear the news the building would be torn down.

"It's always a shame to lose one of the landmark buildings of Batavia," Donahue said. "We lose a little bit of history every time."

UMMC won an award from the Landmark Society earlier this year for its restoration of the former St. Jerome's Hospital, turning it into senior housing.

"The building (Elks Lodge) was not in good condition for renovation," Flynn said. "We do everything we can to protect and preserve Batavia's history."

Later in the day, Flynn issued a press release with the following quote:

The former Elk’s Club required extensive updates and renovations for reuse and was not handicap accessible. Coupled with the costs associated with making it handicap accessible and meeting NYS Department of Health regulations for healthcare use, it was decided that the building should be razed and the site would be improved with appropriate landscaping.

Over the years, Batavia has seen the north side of his downtown district demolished and replaced by a characterless mall and lost such grand structures as the Trumbull Cary Mansion and the Dean Richmond Mansion (the location is now a parking lot).

Local author Bill Kauffman, who has lamented previous losses to Batavia's cultural heritage, most notably in his book Dispatches from the Muckdog Gazette, was upset this morning to hear about the Elks Lodge demolition.

"It's a shame," Kauffman said. "The Elks Lodge is a landmark of working-class Batavia, designed by Batavia's great architectual family."

UPDATE: County documents show an application was made in 1950 to add the current facade to the building. Frank Homelius died in 1941.  The information we use in the story above comes from a book on Frank and his father.

Batavia one of 30 chosen for 9/11 displays around the state

By Howard B. Owens

The State Museum is setting up 30 displays of 9/11 artifacts around the state and one of them will be at Batavia City Hall from Aug. 29 through the end of September.

The display will be open on Sunday, Sept. 11.

"It's memorializing a tragedy, but I think it's good for the city to be able to host something like this," said City Manager Jason Molino. "It will give the community a chance to reflect on the events of 9/11."

While details are still being worked out, Molino said, there will likely be some sort of city-hosted ceremony on 9/11.

County Clerk Don Read said he was glad to see Batavia picked as one of the 30 host cities.

"I think it is an excellent opportunity for the public to put themselves in a frame of mind to reflect on tragedy," Read said. 

Read called 9/11 "one of those legacy events" -- such as the Kennedy assassination -- when everybody remembers what they were doing and where they were when they heard about it.

"It's a chance to learn more about 9/11 and pay tribute to those who lost their lives on that day," Read said.

The State Museum has acquired more than 2,000 objects from Ground Zero and many of the artifacts that will be on display throughout the state, many of which will be viewed by the public for the first time.


By Melissa George


Batavia, NY: The Batavia Area Jaycees are proud to announce the 25th Annual Labor Day 5K Run & Walk being held on September 5, 2011 at MacArthur Park in Batavia, NY. 

Registration will begin at 8:00am and the race will begin at 10:00am.  The race fee is $12 for runners and $10 for walkers, with the fee going to $15 for the day of the race.  Medals and prizes will be given out to the top male and female runners after the race.  Sign up early to receive your free t-shirt.

The Batavia Area Jaycee’s 5K course is USA Track & Field certified #NY-06038-JG.

The Batavia Area Jaycees are also still looking for sponsorships for this event; if interested in participating or being a sponsor call 585-343-5775 or email us at


Free Community Dental Clinic To be Held Friday,August 12th

By Robin Walters

Care-A-Van Ministries will be hosting the 3rd annual "Caring for the City Day" free community dental clinic with Dr. Russell Marchese, Dr. Marcela and their team.

This dental clinic is for those who do not have dental insurance. Cleanings, fillings, and extractions will be offered.

17 other local agencies and churches will also be on site to offer free services, information and assistance to those attending  Caring for the City day.

Batavia  Photo Club will be offering free family portraits to the families. The families will go home with their just taken photo.  Other agencies on hand will be Circle of Love, Community Action, Agri- Business Child Development, Cornell Co-op, Emmanuel Baptist church, Fidelis Care, UMMC, PC Publications, Lake Plains, Office for the Aging, Indpendent Living, Smoke Free Now, Salvation Army, and  Prayer Table by Pastor Charlie Piscitello. We are also hoping to be offering free hair cuts.

There will be face painting and games for the children as well.  The time is from 8:00 A.M until 3:00 PM at 401 East Main street. It is on a first come first served basis. Last year, Dr. Russ, Dr. Marcela and team gave free dental care to 68 patients.  We truly do appreciate everyone's support and prayers for this special community day!

Father and son share a dedication to local law enforcement

By Howard B. Owens

Eric Dibble dabbled in a couple of different careers, but in the end decided what he would be best at was the one career he grew up learning about -- law enforcement.

"I'd always been interested in police work with my father being in it while I was growing up," Dibble said. "I worked a few other jobs outside of college, but I just didn't feel any kind of satisfaction in the careers I had chosen. At one point, I stopped and started thinking again about law enforcement. I decided that working at a career I was interested in was probably the most important thing."

While Dibble is now an officer with the Batavia Police Department, his father remains in a senior position with the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, and he had only one question about his son's career choice.

"To be honest, the biggest thing I said to him was are you sure you want to work shift work and have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off," said Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble. "That’s the first thing I said. I think everything I said to him was all about working holidays and working shift work and how that affects your family."

Dibble said being the son of a well-known cop in the community has its benefits, but the Dibble name in law enforcement also carries weight.

"I think some people give me the benefit of doubt because of it and they think I can do a good job, but I also have to live up to any kind of expectations," Eric said.

While some fathers in law enforcement might warn their sons away from such a career, Gordon said that never entered his mind.

"I've known police officers who have told their kids not to go into this career, but I think Eric is capable of doing a great job," said Gordon.

He also couldn't have picked a better community for a career in law enforcement, the chief said.

"I think the Batavia Police Department is a great department and I think the fact that he’s working there is great," Gordon said. "We all think it’s a nice area or we wouldn’t live here. I think it’s a good area to be a police officer in. I don’t know that I’d want him to be a police officer in an urban setting, but I think around here, I think it’s a great place to live and a great place to be a police officer."

WBTA's Geoff Redick conducted an in-depth interview with Gordon and Eric Dibble. Segments will air Thursday at 6, 7 and 8 a.m. The entire interview will air during Friday's Main and Center.

Photo below submitted by Gordon Dibble, taken at Eric's graduation from the police academy in Monroe County.

Purple bench honoring Batavia's famed novelist installed outside the Pok-A-Dot

By Howard B. Owens

When you drive past the Pok-A-Dot today, you may notice a purple bench you've not seen before. It was installed today in honor of John Gardner, the world-famous novelist, poet and literary critic who grew up in Batavia and once considered the Pok-A-Dot his favorite eatery.

The bench, which cost a little less than $2,000, was bought and paid for by the John Gardner Society and installed by a city work crew.

"We wanted the bench to be in the spirit of both the Pok-A-Dot and John Gardner," said local author and Gardner Society member Bill Kauffman. "So, it is, ah, colorful (purple and yellow). Who knows -- maybe we'll paint polka dots on it later. Gardner once said,  'I think a writer who leaves his roots leaves any hope of writing importantly.' Well, his roots haven't forgotten him."

Kauffman said the group has talked for years about sponsoring a memorial for Gardner. Since the group holds its annual Gardner reading each October at the Pok-A-Dot and he included "the Dot" in one of his novels, it seemed like an appropriate spot for a memorial.

"We figured why not put a Gardner bench in front of this literary-culinary capital of Batavia?" Kauffman said.

Leona Pastore, whose family owns the Pok-A-Dot, was enthusiastic and helpful, Kauffman said. He also thanks City Manager Jason Molino for supporting the project and Ray Tourt and his staff for their assistance.

The plaque reads: JOHN C. GARDNER / Author, Teacher / 1933-1982 / Born in Batavia and raised on the family farm on Putnam Settlement Road, Gardner published more than 30 books of fiction, literary criticism, and advice for writers. The novel that brought him national recognition, The Sunlight Dialogues (1972), is set in Batavia and environs, including the Pok-a-Dot restaurant.

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