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Now you can ask, 'Pass the beer and the brittle, please'

By Howard B. Owens

The chance to wed two great flavors was also an opportunity to bring two local companies together to develop a new product that helps both mark their business anniversaries, said Jeremy Liles, owner of Oliver's Candies in Batavia and Elba.

Hence, Oliver's Candies and Eli Fish Brewing Company have collaborated to bring Genesee County its own local version of beer brittle -- peanut brittle with a beer base instead of water to give the candy an added flavor dimension.

"I like the collaboration amongst businesses, and with this being our 90-year anniversary, I thought it was a fun project," Liles said. "I love Eili Fish and eat there often and those guys are great over there, so that's what I liked about it, just the whole collaboration idea and experimenting with something new, and introducing something new to our customers."

Master candy maker Doug Pastecki said he and Liles have been fascinated with the idea of beer brittle since reading several years ago about a collaboration in California between a candy company and Anchor Steam Brewing.  At the time, there was no local brewery, and using a mass-produced beer wasn't appealing so the idea got shelved.  As Oliver's 90th anniversary approached, Pasteck and Liles were casting about for a new product idea when the trade magazine re-ran the beer brittle story.  With Eli Fish coming up on its fourth anniversary, it seemed like a perfect time for the two companies to work together.

"We got together, we picked up the beer and we got it right in the first shot," Pastecki said.

The beer is a sweeter beer with a complex malt flavor, "Bad Bad Le Roy Brown," an Eli staple.

Malt, sugar, and peanuts go great together, Pastecki noted, and of course, peanuts are often served in bars so that aspect was also a natural fit.

That doesn't mean there wasn't some R&D involved in the process, said Adam Burnett, master brewer for Eli.

"When you just eat a lot of candies, drink a lot of beer, and figure out what goes well together, that's the fun part," Burnett.

Burnett said he was also energized by the opportunity to collaborate with a local legendary company, and from an industry he hasn't previously worked with.

"I definitely have a bit of an MO for doing collaborations by any means necessary," Burnett said. "I think it raises both brands. Every other collaboration I've done has been with breweries, which is a lot of fun for me, but this is outside my wheelhouse. I got to learn about what's going on here. Getting to learn about the history of Oliver's and getting to take part in something for a big anniversary for them is special for me. At Eli Fish, we're the new kids. It's nice to be taken into the old guard a bit."

The beer brittle is being sold at both Oliver's Locations -- Batavia and Elba -- as well as at Eli Fish.

Photos by Howard Owens.

New name, new beginning to take ice arena to 'the next level'

By Joanne Beck

There wasn’t just a group of some 150 people gathered outside of the city’s ice rink Friday; they were supporters, friends and family there in honor of the late David McCarthy and to take the rink to another level of existence. 

The event debuted a new sign for the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena and offered opportunity for a few words to be said in his honor.

“I just brought it to the McCarthy Foundation because it was important to me; David was important to me,” said Guy Pellegrino, who spearheaded a deal for the naming rights of the Evans Street ice arena. “I wanted to honor him, I wanted to honor my friend. What better way to do that, and look at this turnout, you can see what it means to the community.”

Pellegrino, owner of Pellegrino Auto Sales, worked with the city to buy the naming rights for $3,100 annually for 10 years. It was a “bittersweet” moment to see his vision realized, Pellegrino said.

“I would much rather have my friend here,” he said. “But, it’s an honor, quite an honor, to have his name up here. As far as I’m concerned, as long as I’m around I’m going to make sure it’s here.”

He and the late David McCarthy, who was killed at age 29 in an automobile accident in November 2006, played hockey together from 1983 to 1995, when the Batavia High Ice Devils made a run to the New York State finals. McCarthy was a talented athlete who served as team captain and was a “great, great” friend, Pellegrino has previously said.

He retired six years ago from playing hockey, and has a son who now plays at the rink, Pellegrino said. It gives him pause to see the place adorned with a special tribute.

“When I walk in, seeing the sign is pretty special,” he said. “It means something to me.”

Brian McCarthy, David’s brother and president of the Foundation, thanked the swarm of people there to celebrate a new beginning.

“From our family to some hockey families we haven’t seen since the 90s, it’s amazing, all of our supporters, friends and family, thanks for being here. How’s the sign look, pretty good, right?” Brian said to a rousing applause and cheers. “We’re here because of, basically, what hockey does for relationships. Our friend Guy Pellegrino came to us and said there’s an opportunity to name the rink, and I’d like it to be named after Dave. These guys have been teammates and buddies since they were five years old. Guy came to us and said ‘let’s make it happen.’”

The Foundation, Friends of the Rink, Genesee Amateur Hockey Association, city management and other supporters are working to do just that, he said. The overall goal is to improve youth athletics in Genesee County, he said.

“So we worked together to say let’s make this happen, just to support this place where so many of us have met and become friends and family, just to get more involved, just to show how much this building means to us,” Brian McCarthy said.

He thanked City Council and Manager Rachael Tabelski and her office staff, the organizations involved, Friends of the Rink founders Bob Gray and Sharon Valyear-Gray, the Foundation’s board of directors, GAHA, families, friends and supportive community members.

“A lot of feedback I’ve gotten is what a positive step this is for GAHA,” he said. “Let’s just embrace that for all hockey parents, building relationships like Dave and Guy had .. let’s do everything we can as parents to make this the best it possibly can be for kids.Use this as a stepping stone, make it about the kids, let’s use this as a stepping stone to take this organization and this building to the next level.”

Top photo: Community members gather outside of the officially named David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena Friday on Evans Street, Batavia. Speakers share some thoughts about the new name, the arena's namesake and how all involved will help to push momentum for improvements at the rink. Photos by Howard Owens.

Captain Greg Ireland: A look back while looking forward to new opportunities

By Joanne Beck

June 18 may be a bit anti-climactic for Greg Ireland as his official last day before retirement.

With some reserves of vacation time, Ireland opted to work his last shift this past weekend and use his paid time off for the remaining few weeks. That didn’t make reality sting any less.

“Walking out on my last day was emotional,” he said during an interview with The Batavian. “It’s definitely been part of my lifestyle. Emotions came in waves. It was the right decision at this time, I’ll have the opportunity to be home with my family … that’s going to allow me more time with my family and my kids. That was the main driver behind it.”

After nearly 23 years as a city employee, Ireland has been a recognizable face throughout the community. He started out as an emergency medical technician when the city owned and operated its own ambulance service. He credits Sept. 4, 1999 as “the best day of my life” for a career move out of radio — and the airplanes and helicopters used for part of his traffic reporting job.

“I actually flew on an airplane for almost two years every morning. I did that for a bunch of stations up in Buffalo,” he said. “It was a great experience, but not what I wanted to do.”

So, an Alexander High School and Genesee Community College graduate, he worked in Buffalo for awhile before making the move. He began as an EMT in 1999, with a background of having volunteered for the Alexander fire department, and a year or two before that, Ireland took a first aid class. The handwriting seemed to be on the wall before a teenaged Ireland took serious note of it. He moved through the ranks from basic to intermediate EMT and then to paramedic. By 2002, he was offered a job as a firefighter, which was a major goal.

Much of it has been about community service, he said.

“I had some family members who are volunteer firefighters and I was interested in that. I actually took a first aid class and I was probably 14 or 15 years old. I join the volunteer fire department in Alexander when I was 16,” he said. “And then I got involved taking the EMT classes and always stayed involved in it, and then in 1999, the opportunity came up to do it. There's a job. Yeah. It turned into a great career.”

The Batavian asked Ireland to name a few scenarios about …
The most surprising thing about being a firefighter:
“Just how much of the camaraderie there is of the folks I work with, the family atmosphere. It's unlike any other profession, any other job that I've been a part of before,” he said. “It's pretty special to be a part of the fire department; just that family atmosphere. It's odd, because, people I work with, I know their wives, their families, their kids. You know, it's a little different than a regular office job, per se.”

A scary moment on the job: “I don't want to sound corny, but there's always like, people call us on their worst day. And when other people are running away, we're running in. So it's, I guess, it's always kind of scary, but it's the training and that in the preparation we've had for that we understand what to do and how to handle it. So I never really was scared, just, I was more prepared and handled it.”

A ritual or routine at the start of every day: “When I came to work, whether it was a day shift or night shift, or certain routines we go through, especially as the captain, the shift commander, it was my responsibility to put together the log sheet for that shift: who was working and what position, and that was part of our accountability system,” he said. “So we knew who was assigned to what position and what vehicles and that's when the commander comes on shift, whether it's day or night shift, that's the first thing we do. And then, I always called it ‘walking the floor,’ where I would go out to the vehicles, I would put those assignment sheets in each vehicle and I would get my gear out, set my gear out by my riding spot at engine 11. And get it ready so I could get into it at a moment's notice to go on a call … to give me a sense of okay, if there was a certain vehicle out for service, so which vehicles were we using that day or that night. A routine just so I knew that I was prepared for myself and for my crew.”

A most rewarding time on the job: “Not one specific one, a moment that blew me away. But one of the most rewarding parts I feel that I got to do was being the fire prevention officer. And when I was able to go out into, whether it was the schools or wherever we're doing a fire prevention program, and just have that face-to-face interaction. Especially with the kids. And I hope that would be my lasting legacy that I was able to make a positive impression on the kids, and whether it's to reduce their fear of firefighters or to make them more confident if there was an emergency, so that they knew what to do,” he said. “I always thought I was lucky that I was able to be the fire prevention officer and coordinate those visits with the schools and stuff. And over the last two years, it's been difficult with COVID, yeah, but we've definitely, we got creative with it.”

Lessons you have learned: “That there's a lot of really good-hearted people here in Genesee County, and in this area is incredible. A lot of times we encountered people on their worst day. And something so bad can be going on in their life, but a lot of times people keep a positive mindset. It's incredible. Especially in this day and age, you don't see that too much right? A lot of people are like, something could be going so bad, but they'll be like, well, it could be worse, you know, they put a positive spin on it. And going to the schools, the teachers, the administrators, they're incredible. The work they do for the kids in this community is something else.”

Top two memories that will always be with you: 1. “My first call I ever took back in 1999, in my first day working, I always remember that.” 2. “The year 2009 was a tough time. (The city proposed selling off the ambulance service.) And I was intimately involved with that being the union president at the time. So yeah, it was that transition. Just the way it all transpired. I wish there was more open communication between the city and us at the time. There wasn’t, and we moved on from it.”

That’s not to say he doesn’t recall those many other firefighting situations, he said. There was a time when a woman was hanging out of a window, desperate to get out of the burning home. He could see her head out of the second story window as a ladder was going up to get her out.

“And as we're climbing the ladder, she handed a baby out the window,” he said incredulously.

Ireland also climbed the professional ladder, from firefighter to lieutenant in 2015 and captain in 2018.

“I definitely enjoyed being a firefighter … that was the ultimate goal, to get promoted to the fire department as a firefighter. And on the flip side of that, from the 13 years I was a firefighter to become lieutenant, I really enjoyed my time as a firefighter, and almost thankful for the time I got to spend being a firefighter before being promoted to an officer, if that makes sense,” he said. “Just to be a firefighter, to learn the craft, and to enjoy that part of the job before being, and I was very thankful to be, promoted, but to be a firefighter before being promoted into the management side of things.”

He saw a saying somewhere about a parent only having 18 summers to spend with their kids before they go off to college. That has motivated Ireland to dig even deeper into family life and enjoy his family, including wife Ginelle, and two daughters, Lauren, 10, and 7-year-old Morgan. There will be outdoor gatherings, swimming, fishing, exploring new parks, lots of day trips, a yearly trek to the Adirondacks and a couple times a year in Florida, he said.

“And it doesn't seem like a lot. But I I know from when I was a kid, how busy my parents were,” he said.

Now for the exciting part of his story, as Ireland more fully launches the business he purchased in January. It began around this time a year ago when he began to talk with Jim Russell, a former City Councilman who owned Southern Tier Fire Extinguisher. Russell was planning to retire, and Ireland saw another opportunity, he said.

“I purchased the company, the assets, the equipment, the inventory,” Ireland said. “I wouldn't say a name change is  out of the question in the future … obviously, Southern Tier Fire Extinguisher is because where it originated was in Wayland. So it just made sense. Obviously, he gained a lot more business in this area and kept the southern tier, and I hope to do the same.”

The business covers the service, inspection and recharging of fire extinguishers. He will also work with fire suppression systems in kitchens, restaurants and automotive fire suppression systems and service bays as well, he said.

“It's crazy, pretty much just the opportunity, that it's been a great career, and I've been so fortunate that, in 1999, like I said, it was the best day of my life to start at the fire department, and I was just lucky to be a part of that,” he said. “My hope is that I did well and it continues with the next generation. The only thing constant is change. And the people change and I'm sure they're gonna do great at it.”

Top photo: Captain Greg Ireland of the City of Batavia Fire Department at this year's Memorial Day parade; and posing with his family when he was sworn in as lieutenant of the city fire department in 2015. His daughters are "super excited" to spend more time with dad now that he has retired from the City of Batavia Fire Department, he says. Submitted photos.

Power out on Batavia’s Southside

By Howard B. Owens

A power outage that began at 6:11 am is reported on the Southside of Batavia, effecting 1,220 National Grid customers. 

the outage area is from Walnut to Lehigh Avenue, south to the city line and north along Ellicott Street with a portion going north of Main Street at Bank. 

National Grid expects to restore power by 8:30 a.m. 

Local goods, produce and music featured at Farmers Market opening Friday

By Joanne Beck

Genesee Country Farmers Market got off on the right note on a sunshine-drenched day with fresh apples, wine, flowers, food trucks, and a guest appearance by Clayton Duffy of Attica playing acoustic guitar.

Duffy is one of the musicians joining the market this year, along with a harpist plucking classical tunes, a bluegrass group, and a duo playing a funk-jazz mix.

An assortment of goods -- from blankets and wine to apples and asparagus, food trucks and more can be found in the parking lot at Alva Place and Bank Street in Batavia.

Hours for the market are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Live music will be featured on periodic Fridays.

Photos by Alecia Kaus.

Officer Kevin Defelice, Sgt. Dan Coffey, and Animal Control Officer James Sheflin.

Serving up nutritious meals is a SNAP at library workshop series

By Joanne Beck

Sarah Martin is becoming a pro at talking, assembling, chopping, stirring and serving up nutritious lessons, along with a tasty edible, without missing a beat.

Martin is a SNAP-Ed nutritionist with Cornell Cooperative Extension. Her job got off to a slow start, thanks to all things COVID-19 a year ago, but then she was able to begin her monthly SNAP-Ed workshops in the fall.

“I’ll keep going as long as there’s interest,” she said during an interview Friday at her Batavia office. “The information we provide is general, healthy information. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and we use evidence-based curriculums.”

Her next workshop is set for 6 p.m. June 7 at Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia.

It will focus on the My Plate concept of filling about half your plate with fruits and vegetables, about a quarter of it for protein and another quarter grains, with a small dollop of dairy. Out of everything her lessons might include, she emphasizes grains, with a goal to make at least half of your grains whole grains, she said.

"I'm going to talk about the MyPlate, so I'm going to discuss the five food groups," she said. "And just talk about kind of balancing those groups and good ways to incorporate foods from each group and why it's important to eat all five groups."

Flash Quiz: What is the best way to know that the bread you are buying is a whole-grain product?
If you think that bread labeled with the words "multi-grain," "stone-ground," "100 percent wheat," "cracked wheat," "seven-grain," or "bran" fit the bill, the buzzer just went off. These loaves of bread are usually not whole-grain products, Martin said. Look for the word "whole" in the ingredient list.

There are three parts of a grain, and eating them whole means including each component that provides fiber, iron, B vitamins and other nutrients, she said. Those foods include oats, whole wheat products and brown rice. The other types of grain foods are processed, which removes those good nutrients and fiber, such as in white breads and pastas. She has plenty of information to share just about grains alone.

“We have a whole class on it,” Martin said.

SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and SNAP-Ed is a nutrition education program for those income-eligible folks that use SNAP benefits for food purchases. Grant-funded by the USDA, the program allows staff to provide nutrition education to primarily underserved communities, she said. That education might be taught at libraries, schools, clinics, and community centers while other types of work focus on policies, the environment, school wellness and fruit and vegetable "prescription" programs, she said.

“The beauty of SNAP-Ed is that with a lot of fad diets they tend to radicalize the diet,” Martin said. “What can you add to those things to really bump up the nutrition? So we're not trying to really overhaul anything, we're just trying to make sure everyone's informed, and to share discussion space on how to add nutrition to the day. For each individual group of nutrients, what are the ways you can eat those foods? So for vegetables, we go through a list of vegetables, some common foods, and list the fiber, vitamins and minerals.”

Speaking of vegetables, are beans, peas and lentils part of this food category? Actually, they can be counted in two groups: protein and vegetables, she said.

Flash Quiz: What color vegetable should you eat the most?
This is a trick question, Martin said, since varying your veggies ensures you get many different vitamins and minerals. Aim for what’s called a Rainbow Plate, she said, filled with an assortment of colors, such as carrots, broccoli and red peppers.

“A rainbow plate is full of colors, which indicate various levels of nutrients,” she said.

“Usually I'll present on a topic, but I try to make it a little more discussion. I invite everyone to chime in and ask questions. We make it a little bit of a discussion about what's your food experience? Where do you see the least foods being used or not? I try to keep it very engaging and interactive, we do sometimes bring in activities.”

Martin demonstrated how she might lead a class and walk members through a recipe. She made a chicken salad and laid out all of the ingredients, followed by chopping the celery, onion and apple. She then mixed in a mayo-Greek yogurt combination and seasonings. At the end, participants will get a sampling of the final dish. The recipe included multiple food groups, she said, of fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy, fat, and grain with an added slice of toasted whole wheat bread.

Another part of the education is to inform people about opportunities such as farmers' market programs; places where participants can use their SNAP dollars or stretch their food dollars, she said.

Melissa Kimbrell is Cooperative Extension’s regional coordinator, and she oversees grants and statistics-related details, such as the results of surveys after a workshop. She tries to gauge if people walked away with something they didn’t know when the talk began. And, perhaps most importantly, did they intend to incorporate some new food — 100 percent whole wheat, for example — or behavior to their lifestyle.

"The beautiful thing … is about working the food demonstrations into our classes,” Kimbrell said. “Our entire website focuses on recipes that have fewer ingredients, they're not cumbersome to make; they're fairly easy and straightforward. It really tries to prioritize nutrition and follow that sort of My Plate methodology that we're talking about, as far as how to approach your plate.”

She doesn’t just talk about that concept, but often follows it by visiting the website for recipes, she said.

“I use it all the time in my personal life, because it's just a one-stop-shop for easy, low-cost recipes that I know are nourishing.,” Kimbrell said.

These talks are given in areas that have people experiencing poverty, are underserved and where at least 50 percent of children qualify for the free or reduced school lunch program, she said.

“Because we believe that nutrition education and these types of services should be available to everyone regardless of socio-economic status,” she said. “So it's the way that we sort of strategically get ourselves into the community and where we hold the classes, that sort of dictates the target audience piece of it.”

That being said, no one is removed from a workshop or is required to show any type of proof as a SNAP recipient, she said.

Some popular topics have been how to understand food labels and ingredient lists better; making swaps for recipes when one doesn’t have or like one or more of the ingredients; how to add exercise to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle; and finding the hidden sugars in the myriad of foods and beverages.

“People are consuming so much sugar and calories through what they drink. And it really throws off the balance to the nutrition for their day. So we do have content where we try to really bring awareness to sugary beverages and the role they play, and also awareness to how much sugar is in these sort of casual things that we drink that we don't necessarily think have sugar in them,” Kimbrell said. “So another big goal of ours is to reduce the sugary beverage consumption and getting people to choose water, low-fat dairy, things like that, more often.”

“The feedback that we get from people is, I've had people tell me, ‘oh, you know, I switched from chocolate milk to white milk,' after we did a lesson on sugar, or I'm drinking more water now or I'm eating my veggies. That's what makes me smile,” she said.

Kimbrell admitted that she has struggled with reducing her pop consumption in trade for more water. But she has also learned ways to eliminate those 12 teaspoons of sugar per small bottle of cola, such as drinking noncaloric flavored seltzer.

These talks aren’t about hitting someone over the head with suggestions, but about providing information and facts so that people can make an informed decision, Martin said.

“We do leave that choice up to the person,” she said. “It's to help clarify, because there is a lot of information out there and misinformation. So I think it's to clarify what the science is saying about what good nutrition looks like. It's to maybe help with a healthy way of thinking about food. So, you know, food isn't just calories. Food is something that we share with our family and our friends. It's about trying to maybe make food a little more friendly.”

No registration is required for the monthly workshops, and they are free. For more information, go to:

Top photo: Sarah Martin, a SNAP-Ed nutritionist with Cornell Cooperative Extension, gives monthly talks that include a food demonstration the first Tuesday of each month at Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia. Sarah Martin leads her way through a recipe of chicken salad, offering tips and reminders about being sanitary, using safe knife skills, being prepared and how to substitute ingredients when needed. Her next workshop, about My Plate and the five food groups, is at 6 p.m. June 7 at Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia. Photos by Joanne Beck

Art sessions, show openings highlight June at GO ART!

By Press Release

Press release:

Friday, June 3, 2022, from 5 to 9 p.m. Open Art Night
Bring a project, start a new one, or come and hang out and learn a new art during our first Friday Open Art Session!  The bar is open and stocked with Beer, Wine, Cider, Mead and non alcoholic beverages.  Don't forget to bring a friend!

Saturday, June 4, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tie Making for Teens
For this month's teen workshop, teens will be learning how to sew a tie.  They can keep the tie for themselves or give it as a Father's day gift!  This workshop is FREE for teens ages 12-18 and lunch will be provided.  To register for this workshop please call (585) 343-9313 or online at

Thursday, June 9, 2022, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Hooked on Yarn
Want to get hooked on yarn?  Stop in and crochet the night away.  All skill levels welcome but please bring your own supplies.

Friday, June 10, 2022, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Gallery reception
Stop in Friday, June 10 between 6 and 8:30 p.m. to view a portion of AIDS posters which were once a private collection of Dr. Edward C. Atwater but now are part of University's River Campus Libraries Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation.  These posters are on loan from the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery where over 150 posters are currently on display.  For more information on our portion of the exhibit please visit

Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 5 to 8 p.m. Gallery Reception
Stop in, Thursday, June 16 between 5 and 8 p.m. for a chance to meet the artists of our two most recent exhibitions.  In the Tavern 2.o.1 Gallery John Midla's "Female Inmate Portraits" is on display.  The exhibit will run from June 1 until July 30, 2022, if you can't make the reception.  In the Oliver's Gallery in the Seymour Dining Room Madeleine Rusch's "Song Lyrics " will be on display from June 15 until July 30.  

GCEDC board approves incentive package for O-AT-KA Milk

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) Board of Directors approved an agreement supporting O-AT-KA Milk Products LLC’s 3,200 sq. ft. facility expansion in the town of Batavia at its board meeting on Thursday, June 2, 2022.

O-AT-KA Milk Products proposed $3.1 million investment will house two new 18,000-gallon tanks to increase capacities of cream-based liquor beverages and future expansions. The project is proposing to create two new jobs at a leading employer in Genesee County’s food and beverage manufacturing ecosystem.

O-AT-KA Milk Products has been a part of the Genesee County community since 1959. Some of their products include dairy-based beverages, evaporated milk, butter, milk powder, and other dairy products. This investment allows O-AT-KA Milk Products, LLC to diversify its offerings of dairy-based beverages.

O-AT-KA Milk Products, LLC requested approximately $208,109 in property, sales, and mortgage tax benefits. The project is estimated to generate $3.5 million of local fiscal benefits over 10 years from project-related payroll and increased tax revenues, equal to $27 dollars in economic activity for every $1 of public investment.

Batavia's Brisbane family focus of one-act play featuring feuding brothers

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Albert and George Brisbane are not history's first feuding brothers, of course, but their divergent ways are a part of Batavia's history, as is the role their father played -- James Brisbane -- in the settlement and development of the little village by the bend in the Tonawanda. 

James Brisbane became a very wealthy man in Batavia and Albert and George were his heirs, with George and his wife Sarah settling into the mansion that James Brisbane finished building in 1855.  The family sold the mansion and property that is now Austin Park to the City of Batavia in 1917, and until 2004, the building was City Hall. Since 2004, it's been the city's police headquarters. Since that is to change within a few years, the city has acquired a $20,000 grant to study what might be best for the historic building.

To help educate the public about the importance of the building, the Landmark Society of Genesee County, with a grant acquired through GO ART!, produced a play written by local historian Derek Maxfield about the Brisbanes, or more specifically, the feuding brothers, Albert and George.

The play is set in 1878 and centers on George's resentment of Albert. George, the younger brother, stayed home and tended to the family's financial affairs while Albert traveled the world, married multiple women, sired several children, and extolled the virtues of a socialist utopia.  

The play was set, in part, in 1878 because in that year native son Gen. Emory Upton paid a visit to his hometown; so for Maxfield it was a chance to bring this important historical figure into the drama.  

Brothers at Odds: The Brisbane Story debuts tonight at the First Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Batavia.  There are additional performances on June 11 and June 15. All performances begin at 7 p.m. and are free. 

The cast:

  • Daniel Snyder as Albert Brisbane
  • Derek Maxfield as George Brisbane
  • Quincy Maxfield as Sarah Brisbane
  • Jessica Maxfield as Anna the Servant
  • Michael Gosselin as Gen. Emory Upton
  • Wesley and Wyatt Fisher as the children

Batavia native's AIDS poster exhibit visits his hometown

By Joanne Beck

An exhibit culled from more than 8,000 posters collected from Batavia native Dr. Edward Atwater is coming to Batavia, Mary Jo Whitman says.

An education director for GO ART!, Whitman has been busy setting up the exhibit at GO ART!, 201 East Main St. Known personally and professionally as a history buff with an affinity for collecting relics of the time, Atwater spied his first poster on a subway, and he never looked back.

The late physician made it his mission to obtain posters about AIDS awareness — from all corners of the globe. Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester is currently hosting the first major exhibition that’s devoted to the University of Rochester’s vast HIV/AIDS-related posters.

“For those of us that didn’t experience the shame, the guilt, or the fear, it’s hard to really put magnitude of the AIDS epidemic into perspective, especially in the early days. I think this exhibit really helps in that capacity. Some of these posters are very eye opening and heart wrenching,” Whitman said to The Batavian. “Some bring to the forefront how awareness advocacy groups tried to dispel the misinformation on contraction and how the impact was beyond the scope of a few marginalized groups. Certainly, I encourage everyone to go to the Memorial Art Gallery to see the larger exhibit, it is worth the trip to Rochester, but I also think even at a much smaller scale, the portion of the exhibit that we have at GO ART! is a must-see.”

An opening reception for Up Against the Wall: Art, Activism and the AIDS Poster has been set for 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 10. GO Art! will have 28 of those posters on display in the Gallery in Seymour Dining Room.

Described as “visually arresting,” the exhibit — even on a smaller scale in Batavia — tell a story of how the very topic of AIDS evolved along with knowledge, awareness and treatments. From the crude but necessary — pictures illustrating how to put on a condom — to the poignant messages that life is to be protected by both men and women, this exhibit covers it all. There are black and white images with somber messages, a superhero named Condoman and vividly colorful graphics, all trying to convey the importance of protection in the face of a deadly disease. These displays aren't without a grain of humor, as one picture shows a man with an umbrella and the words "Don't forget your rubbers."

In those early days in the 1980s, there wasn’t much talk or action to prevent what grew into an epidemic of illness, death, and shame.

“From the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, groups already stigmatized by the community were impacted the most, including gay men and intravenous drug users,” Whitman said. “As if losing members of their community at an alarming rate, and living in fear of catching a deadly disease that the medical community knew little about, was not bad enough, the epidemic was used as a platform to paint people infected with HIV as the dangerous ‘other’ who posed a threat to public safety.

“The prominent rhetoric pushed the idea that the infected were degenerates, that they were dirty, and disease ridden, ultimately bringing HIV/AIDS upon themselves with their undesirable lifestyles,” she said. “This mentality and unfair treatment of infected groups not only had detrimental psychological impacts, the stigma manifested in discrimination throughout many different aspects of society, including health care, education, employment, families, and communities. The shame placed on these individuals, in many regards, enabled the spread of the virus as many were afraid to get tested, take proper precautions, and have open conversations with their partners out of fear of being harassed or even assaulted.”

Atwater’s insights led him on a trail of obtaining posters from various governments and health departments as hard evidence of how this topic was being portrayed in print. Posters were hung up in bathrooms, subways and other public spaces, and he worked diligently to secure copies of them all. His collection ballooned to more than 8,000 posters from more than 130 countries and in several languages.

A medical historian who was devoted to his workplace, University of Rochester Medical Center, Atwater donated his collection, among others, to the university’s River Campus Libraries’ Department of Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation. Not only do the posters illustrate the differing colors, graphics and words used throughout the world, but they also demonstrated “the wide range of communication strategies used to educate and inform people about this devastating global epidemic,” Whitman said. All of that underscores “how beauty and creativity have grown out of the tragedy and destruction of this deadly virus,” she said.

“Dr. Atwater, a native of Batavia, would have been pleased to have a selection of the posters he collected shown in his hometown,” she said.

The Batavia exhibit will run through June 12. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays, and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Rochester’s exhibit will be available through June 19.

The Atwater Collection at the University of Rochester highlights how public health posters specific to HIV/AIDS represent “one of the most significant, prolific, and creative chapters in the more than 150-year history of poster art,” said collection curator and Up Against the Wall book editor Jessica Lacher-Feldman.

The AIDS Education Poster Collection ( is housed in its entirety in the  Department of Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation at the U of R, and is the world’s largest single collections of visual resources related to the disease, Lacher-Feldman said. The entire collection has been digitized and is available and fully searchable online.

She encourages viewers to explore the posters and reflect on the scope and impact of HIV/AIDS in our communities and around the world. For more information about the GO ART! exhibit, call (585) 343-9313. For more information about the collection, contact Jessica Lacher-Feldman at


Top Photo: Dr. Edward Atwater with some of his poster collection. Photo by J. Adam Fenster, University of Rochester. Mary Jo Whitman shows some of the collection at the GO Art! building, 201 East Main St., Batavia. Photos by Howard Owens.

Muckdogs manager says 2022 roster stocked with talent, depth, leadership

By Howard B. Owens

As the collegiate-level Batavia Muckdogs enter their second season in the Perfect Game League, head coach Joey Martinez likes what he sees of his team.

"The roster was looking pretty good," Martinez told The Batavian on Thursday evening during a Chamber of Commerce event at Batavia Downs. " I definitely believe it's probably a lot more talented roster than last year. And we had a pretty good roster last year but this year is all I can say is we're super excited about our pitching staff."

Coming off a season in which the freshman PGCBL came up just short of a post-season birth, returning manager Martinez said he's excited about the squad he will field this year.

"In the first week these guys are buying in and our hitters are gonna come through," Martinez said. "It's gonna be hard to write a lineup every day. That's how much talent we got. We're excited about it, but Batavia should be excited about this roster."

There are key players returning from last season, most notably local prospects Tyler Prospero and Jerry Reinhardt, and their leadership will help the team, Martinez said.

"We have depth," he said. "We have leadership. We have these guys that have returners and I think in any organization it is crucial to have returners with leadership ability. So we have guys like Tyler Prospero and Jerry Reinhardt. These guys that are returning, they're upperclassmen. These guys are seasoned collegiate players. They've played here. They know what this is about here. This is their hometown. They know what culture we have. So having those guys around with depth, pitching, and leadership, I mean, it's a pretty, pretty good recipe we have going on right now."

The Muckdog's home opener is 7 p.m. Saturday at Dwyer Stadium. For the full season schedule, click here.

Photo: Assistant Coach Thomas Easton and Head Coach Joey Martinez.

Photo by Howard Owens.


No holiday from gas tax so far this summer

By Joanne Beck

As the day’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is at a 9-cent increase, Batavia's average was reportedly down by 13 cents at $4.72 a gallon, AAA Western and Central New York says.

Although some counties in New York State are adjusting prices even more by jumping on the gas tax “holiday” bandwagon, Genesee County is not one of them just yet, County Manager Matt Landers said. The option to suspend gas tax began on June 1.

“The Legislature and I have discussed the gas tax holiday option, and at this time the decision is to not opt in, which also happens to be the positon of the majority of counties in NYS,” Landers said to The Batavian Thursday. “Capping the gasoline sales tax at $3 a gallon, as some counties have done, could result in a savings at the pump of approximately 4 to 6 cents/gallon.”

But there are no assurances this savings would even get felt at the gas pump, Landers said. 

"Within Genesee County’s borders currently you can find variations of gas prices larger than 6 cents/gallon. When you travel to Monroe or Erie Counties, the variation in gas prices gets even larger, and this was before the gas tax holiday,” he said.

There are many reasons for the county’s stance not to establish that holiday, he said, including loss of revenues that could go for other budgetary needs. A “significant” portion of that income derives from travelers and non-residents that use gas stations at one of the two Thruway rest stops and three Thruway exits, he said. So the tax savings would be benefiting folks who don’t even live in Genesee County, he said.

Remaining status quo and not offering the tax break would mean less revenues toward tax stabilization in the 2023 budget, he said, or for helping to fund significant projects on the horizon, such as Phase 3 of the countywide water system and broadband initiative.

“The Legislature and I are monitoring the situation and we will review the data over the following months,” he said. “And again discuss opting into the gas tax holiday next quarter.”

The City of Batavia abides by the county's tax schedule per a long-term contract, City Manager Rachael Tabelski said, which means those prices at the pump will tack on the tax in Batavia as well.

 "We do not preempt the county on sales tax," Tabelski said. "And are under a 40-year sales tax agreement, giving the city 14 percent of all sales tax revenue collected in the county." 

AAA reported that, in addition to Batavia, several communities throughout the state are seeing lower gas prices before a tax is or is not added. These include:

  • Buffalo - $4.69 (down 15 cents from yesterday)
  • Elmira - $4.76 (down 11 cents from yesterday)
  • Ithaca - $4.77 (down 11 cents from yesterday)
  • Rochester - $4.76 (down 14 cents from yesterday)
  • Rome - $4.76 (down 13 cents from yesterday)
  • Syracuse - $4.72 (down 14 cents from yesterday)
  • Watertown - $4.78 (down 12 cents from yesterday)

Meanwhile, the state average for diesel fuel is at $6.36, a drop of 9 cents from yesterday. A year ago, the average cost for a gallon of diesel was $3.24.

With Memorial Day in the review mirror, motorists are hoping for some relief at the pump, AAA states. That will depend on oil prices, demand, and geopolitical factors. In a typical year, pump prices peak around Memorial Day and taper off over the summer, though summer prices are almost always more expensive than winter prices due to increased demand and summer blend fuel that is more expensive to produce, it states.

Tighten that seatbelt …

To conserve fuel, motorists should map routes, avoid peak traffic times like rush hour, and combine errands into one trip while using cruise control when possible. Drivers should also make sure tire pressure is at the vehicle’s recommended level for the best gas mileage while removing any unnecessary and bulky items from the car since it takes more fuel to accelerate a heavy vehicle.

Get more tips HERE

Motorists can benefit from comparing pump prices before filling up with the AAA Mobile App for iPhone, iPad and Android.

AAA members receive discounts at gas stations such as Fastrac, Maple Leaf Market and Shell. Learn more here. AAA members can save on gas by joining the Fuel Rewards at Shell program. Join now at Motorists can also locate gas prices across the country and stay up-to-date on the latest news and fuel-saving tips HERE 

As Upstate New York’s largest member services organization, AAA Western and Central New York provides more than 887,000 members with travel, insurance, financial and automotive related services. Since its founding in 1900, AAA has been a leading advocate for the safety and security of all travelers.

Visit AAA at or or download the mobile app at

Photo: A local gas station in Batavia boasts lower priced gas than the average on Thursday. Photo by Howard Owens.

New name and signage dedication set for Friday at Batavia ice rink

By Press Release

Press Release

The dedication and unveiling of the signage at the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena has been set for 6 p.m. Friday at 22 Evans St., Batavia.

We are asking that all of the families and friends of the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association, the Batavia men’s hockey league, the United High School teams, rink users and supporters of the David McCarthy Memorial Foundation, as well as the Batavia City Council and governing personnel, attend this event and show our support.  All interested individuals are also welcome to attend.

We are planning to also offer a fundraiser with a food stand opening at 5 p.m. before as well as after the presentation in the rink parking lot, featuring hotdogs, chips and water, with proceeds going to the foundation. The stand will be manned by individuals from the “friends of the rink” group.

The annual David McCarthy Memorial Golf Tournament will take place on Saturday, June 4th.

Please join us and show your support of the ice rink!

Photo by Howard Owens

HCR Home Care to celebrate new space at City Centre

By Joanne Beck

A ribbon-cutting for HCR Home Care has been set for noon June 8 at 47A Batavia City Centre, Batavia. CEO Louise Woerner is on the agenda to speak, as well as Director of Outreach & Community Education Kenneth Schonbachler. A celebration of the site will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Genesee Country Farmers Market adds new vendors and live music for Friday opening

By Tate Fonda

Genesee Country Farmers Market is back in Batavia this Friday, and it’s bigger than ever, Market Manager Kathryn Cringoli says.

In an interview with The Batavian, Cringoli shared her developing plans for the recurring event, which will take place in the Bank Street and Alva Place parking lot across from the Jerome Center. 

“We are planning a couple new food trucks this season that are going to be rotating,” Cringoli said. “We will also be having some food demonstrations. We will have a nutritionist from Cornell coming with a Master Gardener.”

An array of new, local options are to be available for purchase during Friday’s opening, Cringoli said.

“We have a couple new vendors this season,” she said. “We have individuals selling fudge and custom seasonings; we also have a gentleman that does pickles and olives.”

The market is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays. Live music will return on periodic Fridays, including this week, she said.

“I tried out one musician last year,” Cringoli said. “She had a harp, and played classical music while singing. This year, she’s coming back. I also have someone that has bluegrass coming, and a duo playing a funk jazz mix.” 

Acoustic guitarist Clayton Duffy of Attica will open the live music series this Friday with a set of original music and covers from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In an interview with The Batavian, he expressed his gratitude.

“When I was younger, I visited the farmers market weekly with my mother,” Duffy said. “Any way I can promote and sustain these local markets, I’d like to provide my music. On Friday, I’ll be playing songs from my new EP and a blend of crowd favorites from the 70s to now.”

The market will remain open through October 29. For more information and updates, see @batavianyfarmersmarket on Facebook, or visit HERE

Photo: Genesee Country Farmers Market in Batavia. Submitted by Kathryn Cringoli, market manager

Pride Month organizers host events to kick off June in Batavia

By Joanne Beck

Wednesday was a busy day as a prelude to Pride Month, and it was filled with several youth-focused events at sites throughout Batavia.

The day began with an opening ceremony of a Pride flag at Jerome Center’s War Memorial and youth sharing what pride means to them. Next was a LGBTQ youth support group at GO Art! to provide a “safe space to share challenges and triumphs, meet new friends and get ready for Pride.” Later in the evening, there was a “big, fabulous” block party at First Presbyterian Church, accented with an ice cream chill truck, rock painting, tie-dying and other assorted family activities.

Next up is a GLOW OUT 5K Run and Celebration that begins and ends at Centennial Park. That event is set for 5 to 9 p.m. on June 9.  It begins on Richmond Avenue in front of Centennial Park and winds around Bank and Ross streets, Washington and Ellicott avenues and back to Centennial.

Just a few days later is to be the GLOW OUT parade and festival, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 11 at Batavia City Centre parking lot. Some 15 vendors and an estimated 600 participants are expected for the event, according to the organizer, GLOW OUT President Gregory Hallock.

According to, Pride Month is celebrated every June as a tribute to those who were involved in the Stonewall Riots. On a hot summer’s night in New York on June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village. The raid resulted in bar patrons, staff, and neighborhood residents rioting onto Christopher Street outside, the website states. Among the many leaders of the riots was a black, trans, bisexual woman, Marsha P. Johnson, leading the movement to continue over six days with protests and clashes. Protestors clearly demonstrated their message, and demanded the establishment of places where LGBT+ people could go and be open about their sexual orientation without fear of arrest.

Batavia will be one of the numerous backdrops for Pride concerts, festivals, parades and other celebratory activities. 

Photos by Howard Owens

Pedestrian hit by car at East Main and Harvester, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

City Fire is responding to East Main Street and Harvester Avenue where a pedestrian has reportedly been hit by a car.

The patient is up and walking around.

Mercy EMS also responding.

UPDATE 11:53 a.m.: The pedestrian is refusing any assistance and moving along, an officer on scene reports.

Defendant apologizes for disappointing judge before being sentenced to jail

By Howard B. Owens
Andre Roberts

When Andre Lamar Roberts stepped into court on Tuesday, he would later reveal, he already knew he had messed up.

County Court Judge Melissa Cianfrini had told the 29-year-old Rochester resident at a previous court appearance that she saw potential in him.

At that appearance, Roberts entered guilty pleas to charges of resisting arrest and bail jumping in the third degree in satisfaction of multiple other charges against him. Pending sentencing, Cianfrini allowed him to enter a substance abuse program at GCASA.

He was there a week, according to the Probation Department, before he left in violation of the rules and went to a location where he could consume some edibles, drink some booze, and perhaps partake in cocaine (though he disputes that accusation). 

"I let myself down," Roberts said. "I disappointed myself by leaving.  I owe you a huge apology. You gave me a chance to get clean and change my life and I let you down."

He said the decision was a lapse in judgment.

"There is no excuse," he said. "I feel like I'm smarter than that, wiser than that, more mature than that."

He also said he regretted that his lapse of judgment meant that he was in jail when news reached him that his mother had died.

Roberts thanked his attorney, Fred Rarick, for his support and encouragement once Roberts realized he lost his chance to stay out of jail on his latest conviction.

District Attorney Kevin Finnell had earlier told Cianfrini that Roberts should be sent to jail, and Roberts couldn't disagree. Quoting from a devotional, the Daily Bread, and a psalm, Roberts said he put his faith in God that he could handle the judge's decision.

Finnell noted that Roberts had failed to appear for court appearances six times and that he had two probation revocations on his record, and one parole revocation.

"He continues to shun the court and the community and he could be part of it," Finnell said. " He is not a candidate to be released into the community."

Cianfrini told Roberts, "You don't need to apologize to me. You need to apologize to yourself and you need to apologize to your mother."

She noted that the young man's mother made every court appearance to support her son, and she believed in him and wanted the best for him.  

Cianfrini said she tried to show him the right path but "you need to decide who you're going to be in our society."

The judge told Roberts that he did need to be kept apart from the community for a while so he could have time to clear his head, think more clearly, and decide upon his priorities. 

"There are always going to be bumps in life, and it's how you deal with them that determines who you will be," she said. "It's up to you to decide what kind of person you want to be when you get out (of jail)."

She gave him nine months in jail on the resisting arrest conviction and eight months on bail jumping, to run consecutively.

Batavia Kiwanis announces 2022 Criminal Justice Award winners

By Press Release

Press release:

The Kiwanis Club of Batavia Criminal Justice Award is presented to a member or members of the community, law enforcement, or a criminal justice agency serving the citizens of Genesee County whose exceptional career achievements and conscientiousness to citizenship have demonstrated a spirit of selfless public service or demonstrated an act of exceptional valor or heroism.

The 2022 Award Recipients are:

Rosanne DeMare, Community Victim/Services Counselor, Genesee Justice
Rosanne started her career with Genesee Justice in 2006 and has worked with countless victims by supporting and guiding them through their role in the justice process.  She is compassionate when speaking to, or on behalf of victims and is determined to ensure that victim’s rights are met with the utmost respect and dignity at all stages of the criminal justice process.  The victims Rosanne has assisted wholeheartedly share their appreciation for all she did to help them get through some very trying times.

Rosanne always has the interests of the victims first and foremost and is ready, willing, and able to assist in whatever way necessary.  She will calculate large and complex restitution claims or simply be there to comfort a victim in distress.  She will supervise and entertain children while their parent or guardian is testifying in court and she will provide assistance to allow victims to travel to court to remain safe from a threat.  She will make phone calls, emails, whatever is necessary, to keep a victim apprised of the progress of their case or relieve their anxiety.  

Rosanne has a superior work ethic and is often the last one to leave on any given day.  Her dedication and professionalism to the mission of the Genesee Justice Victim Advocacy program is a true asset to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office and Genesee County.  Community Victim/Services Counselor Rosanne DeMare was nominated for this award by Genesee Justice Program Coordinator Diana Prinzi.

Thomas Graham, Justice, Town of Oakfield
Justice Thomas Graham began his law enforcement career on February 17, 1976, with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and retired after 29 ½ years of service.  During his tenure, he held the positions of Deputy Sheriff – Jail, Deputy Sheriff – Road Patrol, Dispatcher, and Sergeant.  Additionally, he was a Field Training Officer, was the lead for the Buckle Up New York Program and earned a Meritorious Service Award for his exceptional performance over an extended period of time.  He played an instrumental role in the operations of the Emergency Services Dispatch Center and was a K-9 handler for several years.

Honorable Graham is currently the Secretary and Treasurer of the Genesee County Magistrates’ and Court Clerks’ Association and is a board member on the Criminal Justice Advisory Council and Genesee County Traffic Safety Board.  He is also an instructor for the Rural Police Training Academy at Genesee Community College. 

Judge Graham has spent the past 48 years as a volunteer fireman and was the Assistant Chief of the Oakfield Volunteer Fire Department.

It is evident that Judge Thomas Graham is dedicated to the profession of law enforcement and has contributed extensively to the several organizations and boards he has served and currently serves.  Genesee County is very fortunate to have such an experienced, dedicated professional serving its citizens.  Justice Graham was nominated for this award by the Town of Oakfield Court Clerk Sandy Almeter.

Kevin Forsyth, Investigator, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office
Investigator Forsyth‘s career in law enforcement began in June of 2007, as a Probation Officer with the Genesee County Probation Department, and on July 11, 2015, he was hired as a Deputy Sheriff with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. 

Investigator Forsyth proved himself a valuable member of the road patrol division and was selected as a Field Training Officer.  He was awarded a Meritorious Service Award in 2017, reflecting his consistent high standard of work.  Investigator Forsyth’s excellent performance led to his promotion on November 30, 2019, to Investigator with the Criminal Investigation Division.  He demonstrates a consistent work ethic, is knowledgeable of the law, and is a valued, reliable member of the Investigation Division.  Investigator Forsyth presently serves the community spending countless hours investigating crimes, which through his effort and commitment, often lead to an arrest and the perpetrator brought to justice.  Along with his investigative responsibilities, Investigator Forsyth is also an instructor of Defensive Tactics, Taser, Aerosol Subject Restraint, Stinger Spike System and is trained as a Crisis Intervention Officer.  Investigator Forsyth is also a veteran of the United States Army.  

Investigator Kevin Forsyth was nominated for this award by the Chief of Criminal Investigations Joseph Graff.

Eric Hill, Youth Detective, City of Batavia Police Department
Youth Detective Hill was hired by the City of Batavia Police Department in 2005, and has served many roles within the department during his 17 years of service to the community.  He has served as a road patrol officer, Field Training Officer, one of the Department's Public Information Officers (PIO), has been a member of the Department's Emergency Response Team, and is active in community events such as Shop with a Cop.  

Youth Detective Hill was promoted to the position of Youth Detective in 2015, and has since worked alongside multiple partner agencies to ensure that the City's youth are served with professionalism and empathy, always emphasizing a restorative justice model.  Youth Detective Hill has worked with countless parents, teachers, and officers to assist them in dealing with difficult situations, all while ensuring that the best interest of the youth is met.  Eric has also worn the unofficial "hat" of being the Department's IT support.  He has worked alongside County IT, City officials, IT vendors and department members to ensure that the technology used to assist officers and citizens is kept operational.  Eric's technical background and skills have proven to be an indispensable resource to the staff.

Throughout his career, Youth Detective Hill handles all of his duties with professionalism and pride for the uniform he wears and the department he represents.  Youth Detective Hill was nominated for this award by City of Batavia Police Detective Sergeant Matt Lutey.

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