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Man who allegedly tried to flee deputy arrested on multiple charges in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
James Saddler

A man already in custody after allegedly trying to flee from a deputy following a traffic stop has been arrested on a trio of City Court warrants containing more than a dozen criminal charges.

On the first warrant, James T. Saddler III, is charged with unlawful imprisonment, 1st, endangering the welfare of a child, assault, 3rd, menacing, 3rd, and menacing, 2nd. The charges stem from an alleged incident reported at 4 p.m. Nov. 21 on State St., Batavia. He is also charged with two counts of aggravated family offense.

Related to an alleged incident reported at 8:15 p.m. April 1 on Olyn Avenue, Batavia, Saddler is charged with endangering the welfare of a child, unlawful imprisonment, 2nd, and harassment, 2nd. 

The third warrant covers endangering the welfare of a child and two counts of harassment second. The alleged incident was reported at 2:50 p.m. April 12 at a location on Olyn Avenue, Batavia.

Saddler was picked up just after midnight Wednesday following an attempted traffic stop by Deputy Joseph Corona on Park Road. Saddler allegedly tried to flee from Corona on foot. He is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd, obstruction of governmental administration, 2nd, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, and driving with a suspended registration.

The Sheriff's Office listed Saddler's residence in Rochester. Batavia PD lists Saddler as "no permanent address" in Batavia.

The defendant is being held in Genesee County Jail without bail.

Photos: Batavia Concert Band opens 2014 season in Centennial Park

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavia Concert Band kicked off its 2014 summer season at Centennial Park this evening. 

The season has been dedicated to the late Wayne A. Burilson, conductor, who died March 26 at age 37.

The guest conductor tonight was John Kresse.

Shows this year are scheduled for 7 p.m. in the park on July 9, July 16, July 23 and July 30 (all Wednesdays).

The band will also play Friday, July 4, at GO ART!'s Picnic in the Park, which runs from noon to 5 p.m.

Speaking of Picnic in the Park and music, also performing are Stephanie Pietrzak, “America’s Polka Sweetheart,” at 1 p.m., and at 2:30 p.m. is “Trilogy,” a four-piece classic rock and roll band, followed at 4 p.m. by Gan Ainm, playing Irish and Irish American traditional music, led by John Ryan.

And speaking of live music in Batavia, the Ramble Music at Arts Festival is this Saturday in Jackson Square. The opening ceremony is at 11:15 a.m.

Photos: Conversion of old Carr's Warehouse displayed during open house

By Howard B. Owens

There was an open house this afternoon for the new mixed-use complex in Jackson Square.  

The former Carr's Department Store Warehouse is now four apartments and a downstairs office space.

One of the apartments is already rented. Thermory, a company that installs thermo-treated wood decks, has moved into the office space.

The building was purchased by developer Paul Thompson and partners, who invested more than $500,000 of their own money as well as leveraged $115,000 in state grants to complete the conversion project.

Features of the building include exposed original beams, industrial-grade wood floors and brick walls.

Volunteers concerned about dog confined to shelter while owner's legal case drags on

By Howard B. Owens

Some of the shelter volunteers call him "Boyfriend," which tells you something about how "Foxer" has won the hearts of the people who care for him every day.

The white and brown pit bull is sweet, kind and gentle and gets along well with the other dogs and people he meets.

The only serious issue for Foxer these days seems to be a question of how much longer he's going to be confined at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Officially, he's "evidence." 

Foxer, also known around the shelter as "Skully," is caught in a legal battle between his owner, Nina Kelso, and the government that is prosecuting her for allegedly mistreating him.

Kelso's case has been pending in Batavia City Court since Feb. 4 when she was charged with torturing or injuring an animal; failure to provide sustenance; and owning/harboring an unlicensed dog. 

The 29-year-old Batavia resident had another court appearance scheduled last week, but as with her previous court appearances, her case was continued, so Foxer's fate remains unresolved.

According to Batavia's Animal Control Officer James Sheflin, Kelso won't sign Foxer over to the shelter so he can be adopted, and since Kelso's case is still pending, the shelter has no choice but to keep him confined.

He can't even go to a foster home because he's considered evidence. Until his status changes he has to remain in the supervision and custody of the shelter.

And he's getting a little stir crazy.

During those hours he's confined to his cage, Foxer doesn't do much other than spin in circles. 

"In the kennel I think he gets a little bit of anxiety, but as you can see, as soon as he gets around humans he's happy and ready to go," Sheflin said. "I can't speak to how he was before we got him, whether he had a lot of human contact before, so I don't know if it's a separation-anxiety type thing."

Volunteer Brenda Cromwell said Foxer is walked daily and even gets a car ride from time to time, but still he spends about 23 hours a day in his cage.

Healthwise, he's doing much better. When he first came into the shelter (see picture below), he weighed 49 pounds. Today, he weighs 75 pounds.

He was treated by a vet for gastroenteritis. 

"He is food-obsessed and looks forward, anxiously, to his next meal," Cromwell said.

Another dog brought to the shelter a couple of weeks before Foxer was Nessa, owned by Lauren K. Pellegrino. Pellegrino's case, like Kelso's, is still pending, so Nessa remains confined to the shelter, but has adjusted to shelter life better than Foxer. Nessa displays no anxiety issues, but is as comfortable and happy around people as Foxer.

Photo of Foxer taken Feb. 4.

Nessa, above, today, and below, when she was first brought to the shelter.

Car wreck on East Main Street by Oliver's

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident is reported on East Main Street and the vehicles involved are now in the west parking lot of Oliver's Candies. A 12-year-old reportedly has a head injury. City fire and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 2:40 p.m.: This was a fender-bender. No one was transported. Responders clearing the scene. One person complained of pain, but waived medical treatment.

City historian visits Batavia, Ohio

By Larry Barnes

Photos and story by City Historian Larry D. Barnes.

This is the second in a series of articles about the other communities, located east of the Rocky Mountains, that are named “Batavia.” This one is about Batavia, Ohio, an incorporated village of around 1,500 people located east of nearby Cincinnati in Clermont County, Ohio. The village is governed by a mayor and six-member village council.

George Ely is regarded as the founder of Batavia, Ohio. The community was laid out in 1814 by David Bryan and George Ely on land owned by Ely. Bryan was County Clerk at the time. Ely was a founding Mason and also served in several other prominent roles including those of County Sheriff and newspaper editor.

Eight years earlier and prior to laying out the community, George Ely erected a cabin on the bank of the East Fork of the Little Miami River, a stream that flows on the western boundary of present-day Batavia. He also built a water mill there, the first of its kind in the county. Later, he added a tavern and store.

George Ely is credited with naming Batavia, Ohio, but the historical record provides no direct indication of how he came up with the name. However, an educated guess can be made. Ely and his wife emigrated from New Jersey to Ohio in 1804. Their New Jersey home was close to Philadelphia and both of them were from wealthy families in that area. It is quite possible, therefore, that they knew Paolo Busti, head of the Holland Land Company’s American headquarters in Philadelphia. It is also quite possible that they knew James Stevens, head clerk of the Holland Land Company office in Batavia, N.Y., given that he was from the same area of New Jersey as the Elys. Furthermore, it is conceivable that they knew Joseph Ellicott and many others who, by 1804, had come from the greater Philadelphia area to reside in Batavia, N.Y. Given these likely associations, the name “Batavia,” was probably well known to George Ely. Perhaps he simply found the name attractive and chose it for that reason alone.

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of fleeing from deputy during traffic stop

By Howard B. Owens

James T. Saddler III, 32, of Jerold Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd, obstruction of governmental administration, 2nd, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, and driving with a suspended registration. Deputy Joseph Corona attempted a traffic stop on a vehicle at 12:03 a.m. on Park Road for alleged traffic violations. Saddler was allegedly observed fleeing from the vehicle after it stopped in an attempt to escape apprehension. Once apprehended, Saddler allegedly provided false information about his identity. Saddler was jailed on $2,500 cash bail. Saddler is also wanted on unrelated warrants out of City of Batavia Court.

John Albert Snook, 26, of Gillette Road, Albion, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal contempt, 1st. Snook is accused of violating an order of protection which prohibited any contact with the protected party. Snook allegedly slapped or punched the protected person. Snook was jailed without bail.

Melissa G. Betances, 33, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, was arrested on a bench warrant. Betances is accused of a violation of probation. She was jailed on $25,000 bail.

City historian visits other Batavias across the nation, will share his journey with readers

By Larry Barnes

Batavia, N.Y., was founded in 1801 by Joseph Ellicott, surveyor and land agent for the Holland Land Company. Batavia was named after the homeland of the Holland Land Company investors who owned most of Western New York. At that time, their nation, the Netherlands, was called The Republic of Batavia.

Since then, at least eight other American communities have come into existence with the name, “Batavia.” They are located in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas, Montana and California. However, none of these other communities had any connection to the Holland Land Company.

As City Historian for our Batavia, I am in the process of visiting the other Batavias to learn their history, visit with residents, discuss the origin of their name, and to take photographs. My first such trip was to Batavia, Ill., in the spring of 2011. Since then, I have also visited the other five Batavias east of the Rocky Mountains.

In the next few days, will carry a brief article and a few pictures pertaining to each of these places. As the reader will see, the other Batavias range from an incorporated community with 27,000 people to an unincorporated community with only a “handful” of people. As it has turned out, four of the six have direct historical links to Batavia, N.Y.

Larry D. Barnes

Batavia City Historian

June 2014

Cargill workers do volunteer clean up on ARC buses

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On June 25th,  Cargill observed their annual Green Day by sending 19 of the local employees to volunteer at the Genesee ARC Transportation Department.  The volunteers washed 18 buses and vans inside and out that are used by the Transportation Department in transporting children and adults with disabilities.  The community enrichment activity was part of the company’s Green Day event that is celebrated across Cargill’s 46 plants throughout the United States.

In a statement from Plant Manager, Joe Washburn, Cargill Animal Nutrition observes Green Day annually as an opportunity to celebrate their success of the past year, and to reflect on the ideals within the Green Book, a handbook held by all employees that lists the ideals by which Cargill will operate its business, and goals that are set out for all employees.  One of these goals is Community Enrichment. According to Washburn, “Everyone improves the communities in which they live and work for a better tomorrow.”  Cargill’s 46 Animal Nutrition Plants throughout the US are working to donate time to their local communities not just on Green Day, but throughout the year.  On a national level 1500 Cargill employees logged nearly 1400 hours of volunteer service. The company has donated $337,000 in community funds and $10,00 locally.

Cargill’s Batavia plant is located on Wortendyke Road.

YWCA reminds residents that domestic violence can have serious consequences

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

YWCA of Genesee County extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Nicole Sheehan, a 29-year-old Batavia native who died from an apparent domestic violence shooting a week ago in Lancaster.

This tragic incident is another painful reminder that domestic violence is about so much more than arguments and debates; it can have grave consequences, Executive Director Jeanne Walton said.

As a gentle reminder that YWCA is here to help with Domestic Violence Crisis & Prevention Services, the agency will be lighting its walkway this week at 301 North St. as a visual display that there is hope, Walton said. Victims can always confidentially call YWCA for guidance, help and referrals to appropriate avenues that will take them out of a potentially harmful situation and into safety.

"We ask that people join us in spirit as we light up our walkway in Nicole's memory," Walton said. "And to please help -- through your increased awareness -- those others who may be struggling with a domestic violence situation. We offer advocacy, safe housing and, perhaps most importantly, a 24-hour hotline so that everyone has opportunity to reach out for help when needed."

Domestic Violence Crisis & Prevention Services Director Cindy Earl said there is usually a Domestic Violence Services office in each county. If you're unsure about where to turn for help or guidance, call the hotline at (585) 343-7513.

"Everybody's mission is to find a safe location for a potential victim if they think the person's abuser is going to do something harmful," Earl said. "We take them very seriously and will do everything we can to put them in a safe location."

Sometimes abuse is not evident to friends, family and coworkers, she said. If you even suspect that something like that is going on in someone's life, reach out for help. And if you are in a relationship that makes you feel threatened in any way, make the call. It's free and confidential.

Sponsored Post: Parmenter Inc. donates $1000! Thank you for helping us reach 25% of our goal!

By Lisa Ace

You have helped us reach 25% of our goal. $1000 has been donated by Joe Parmenter Inc. to the Truth Ministries of Batavia!

A little about the organization: Truth ministries is a nonprofit program that began in Batavia in 2011. Steve and Mona Doyon saw a need to help the local lower-income youths in need of practical hygiene items as well as to offer spiritual guidance. Since creating the program they have helped more than 150 families a month year-round. The youths they help range from ages to 10 to 18.

The Doyons found that because some hygiene products are not covered under Food Stamps, many of the families did not have shampoo, soap, feminine products and other items that are necessities for a healthy life. This is the cornerstone of their donations, but clothing and food are also given. These items make the children feel more confident and increase their attendance in school.

A faith-based non-denominational recovery program was also developed for youths to support with issues such as drug, alcohol, and physical abuse that they have been exposed to or are going through themselves.

If you would like to make a donation to Truth Ministries, you can e-mail

Items can also be dropped off at Parmenter Tire and Auto, 4531 W. Saile Drive, Batavia.

UPDATED: Two men from Genesee County reported killed in Thruway crash in Henrietta

By Howard B. Owens

Two men from Genesee County are dead following a horrific multi-vehicle accident on the Thruway in Henrietta yesterday afternoon.

Trooper Jason Jones, PIO for Troop T, confirmed the two victims were from Genesee County, but said the State Police are not releasing the names pending notification of family members.

One victim was from Batavia, the other from Darien.

The accident was reported at 4:30 p.m. near Exit 46. Six vehicles were involved.

UPDATE July 1 (information from State Police press release): Killed in the accident were Michael F. Pehrson, 51, of Batavia, and Christopher M. Rheinheimer, 25, of Darien. They were pronounced dead at the scene after their pickup truck was struck head on by a commercial vehicle hauling a construction dumpster. That vehicle was traveling eastbound when it left its lane, crossed the center median, and traveled into westbound traffic, according to officials' preliminary investigation. State Troopers, Fire, EMS, and Thruway Authority personnel immediately responded to the scene. The operator of the commercial vehicle, Roger L. Labar, 51, of Prattsburgh, was transported to Strong Memorial Hosptial with non-life-threatening injuries. Seconds after the first collision, a westbound tractor-trailer hauling produce struck the damaged guide rail from the first collision, which punctured its fuel tank causing it to become fully engulfed in flames. The operator of the tractor-trailer, a 49-year-old man from Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, quickly exited the vehicle and was uninjured. A fourth vehicle traveling behind the tractor-trailer struck debris in the road causing it to spin and be struck head on by a fifth vehicle. The operator of the fourth vehicle, a 70-year-old man from Canandaigua, was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The driver of the fifth vehicle was uninjured. A sixth vehicle traveling westbound on I-90 struck debris causing damage to the vehicle only, no other injuries were reported. State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Collision Reconstruction Units responded to the scene and are handling the investigation. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets also responded to the scene to assist with the fuel fire and perishable cargo of the tractor-trailer. At this time, no charges have been filed against the commercial vehicle driver, and the investigation remains ongoing. All westbound traffic was diverted off the Thruway at Exit 45 (Victor) for the duration of the investigation at the scene.

Photos submitted by Mark Hough.

Law and Order: Motorcyclist accused of fleeing deputy, driving 120 mph

By Howard B. Owens

Chad Graham Desmit, 20, of Gillette Road, Albion, is charged with unlawful fleeing a police in a motor vehicle, 3rd, reckless driving, speeding (120 in 55 mph), failure to stop at stop sign and unsafe turn. Desmit allegedly failed to stop for an alleged traffic violation and instead fled from police. Deputy Joseph Corona attempted to stop Desmit at 9:24 p.m. Monday on Lockport Road, Oakfield. Desmit was allegedly pursued through the towns of Oakfield, Elba and Byron and into Orleans County, where he eventually stopped. Desmit was jailed on $10,000 cash bail or $20,000 bond.

Richard Gerald Harfford Jr., 36, of Central Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a bench warrant related to an unlawful possession of marijuana charge. Harfford was located by Batavia PD during an unrelated investigation and turned over to the Sheriff's Office. He was jailed on $340 bail.

Lance M. Mercado Sr., 24, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. Mercado allegedly tried to fight another person while in the presence of a police officer.

Loma J. Burshtynsky, 55, of Otis Street, Batavia, is charged with felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Burshtynsky was arrested following a complaint at 7:33 p.m. Sunday of a driver entering Wendy's and becoming belligerent. Burshtynsky was jailed without bail.

A 17-year-old resident of Haven Lane, Batavia, is charged with forcible touching. The youth is accused of forcibly touching the intimate parts of another person.

Photos: A big cloud and some deer off Bank Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

From Downtown Batavia this evening, I spotted this towering cloud to the north, so I decided to drive out toward East Saile Drive to get a better look at it. On the way back down Bank Street Road, there were three deer reasonably near the road (they're often in that farmfield, but usually too far away for any lens I own), so I managed to get a couple of shots.

City fire hires experienced firefighter from Lockport

By Howard B. Owens

An experienced firefighter joined the City Fire Department today. Zach Gowanloch spent two-and-half years with Lockport before falling victim to a budget ax. Recently married and a new father, Gowanloch is also EMT trained.

"I came down, met with the chief, liked what I saw, was very impressed, met with a couple of the guys," Gowanloch said when asked about why he applied for the job. "It just seemed like a nice place to work."

Gowanloch and his wife are looking for a new home in Batavia.

Kids seek cool of Spray Park on day of first heat advisory of the summer

By Howard B. Owens

Kasandra Sturgeon plays with her sister Hannah at the Spray Park in Austin Park today. It was Hannah's first trip there.

Dozens of kids were out this afternoon on what may be the hottest day of the year so far. The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory, warning of an increased possibility of heat-related illness on a day with temperatures into the 90s and high humidity.

Stay cool and stay hydrated.

Sponsored Post: New this fall - Universal Pre-Kindergarten at Lucky Ducky Daycare!

By Lisa Ace

We're pleased to announce our Universal Pre-Kindergarten Pre-school
Program (UPK)
Lucky Ducky Daycare UPK Vision Statement:
At Lucky Ducky we believe children learn when they play and are able to freely explore, discover and problem solve in creative ways. Children naturally learn by doing, and as a teacher's role, we are obligated to promote this by allowing the children to use tools and materials in a creative environment that invites children to observe, be active to make
choices and to experiment. The environment as well as the teacher, is to foster a place for concrete opportunities, interactions with people, ideas, and materials in order to promote the child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth.
What is Universal Pre-Kindergarten? Universal Pre-kindergarten is a pre-school program for children turning four (4) on or before December 1. Activities are appropriate to the age and developmental level of the child.
Is it a half or full day? It is a half-day program in the morning for three hours, 9:00am - 12pm.
How many days a week? UPK meets five (5) days a week. Our program will operate the same as the Jackson Primary School calendar. Proof of residency is required.
How much does it cost? There is no charge or fee for your four (4) year old child to attend (For Batavia City School District).
How can I enroll my child? Enrollment is through the Batavia City
School District. Also, your child must meet all NYS immunizations and physical exam requirements. Requirements will be contained in the registration packet. Be sure to request your UPK site choice as Lucky Ducky Daycare.
How can I learn more about UPK? You may visit us at Lucky Ducky Daycare by making a visitation appointment and by picking up a registration packet at Batavia City School District Office, located at 260 State Street.
Lucky Ducky Daycare, dba • Divine Family Living, Inc. is located at 4007 Pearl Street Road in the town of Batavia. For more information on programs contact the Director, Kathy Seweryniak at 585-343-2465 or visit us online at:

Law and Order: Canadian accused of causing a ruckus at Darien Lake hotel

By Howard B. Owens

Ronald Aaron Arrindell, 29, of Austen Court, Ashawa, Ontario, Canada, is charged with obstructing governmental administration, 2nd, and disorderly conduct. Arrindell is accused of causing a disturbance at the Darien Lake Hotel and Resort. He allegedly refused to comply with being arrested and physically removed from the vehicle he was in. Arrindell was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Alexander Colon-Colon, 20, of Swan Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, no/insufficient tail lamp and failure to dim headlights. Colon-Colon was stopped at 2:47 a.m. Thursday on East Main Street, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Joshua M. Laureano, 23, of Lackawanna, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 5th, unlawful possession of marijuana and speeding. Laureano was stopped at 2:25 p.m. Saturday by State Police in the Town of Alabama. No further details released.

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