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Red Cross to conduct blood drive at UMMC -- donors urgently needed

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The American Red Cross will conduct a blood drive at United Memorial Medical Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, July 29. The mobile unit will be in front of the hospital at 127 North St., Batavia.

There is an urgent need for blood donors to offset shortages incurred in summer months and for type O negative donors. Donations in June were down by over 50,000 nationally.

All presenting donors at the blood drive on July 29th will receive a free gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts. Appointments may be made by calling (585) 344-4474. Walk-ins are welcome.

Generally to be eligible to donate, individuals must be 17 years of age or older, healthy and weigh at least 110 pounds. On the day of the donation, the American Red Cross recommends drinking an extra 16 ounce glass of water before and after the donation. They also suggest eating a healthy meal, avoiding high fat foods, before donating.

For the appointment (walk-ins are welcome) bring a driver’s license or two other forms of identification and a list of any current medications. After registration, presenting donors will have their blood pressure, temperature, pulse and hemoglobin measured. They will also be asked for a brief health history and asked about their travels to foreign countries.

The donation process itself usually lasts 8-10 minutes, but can be longer based on the donation. After donating, refreshments are provided. The entire process usually takes less than an hour to complete.

People can donate multiple times but must wait eight weeks/56 days between donations of whole blood.

Students explore career opportunities at weeklong Math, Science and Technology Camp

By Howard B. Owens

Middle school students from throughout Genesee County are participating this week in the 4th Annual Math, Science and Technology Camp put on by the Business Education Alliance.

Today the students were at the Genesee County Airport where they learned about aviation, airplane mechanics, air traffic control, Mercy Flight and racecar driver Val Stevens brought her car out to talk to the students about the science behind race cars.

The week includes learning about robotics at Post Farms, GPS-guided farm equipment at Empire Monroe Tractor, and GPS mapping, among other technologies.

"We make it fun and hands on," said Eve Hens, program coordinator. "The kids get to touch things and do things, explore and learn about careers they might not otherwise know about."

The cost to students is only $40 for the week thanks to underwriting by sponsors Liberty Pumps, Turnbull Heating and Air, Boshart Enterprises, Time Warner Cable and Odyssey Controls.

Photos: 67th season of racing opens at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

The 67th year of racing at Batavia Downs Race Track and Casino kicked off Batavia Downs on Monday evening and in a season when some of the dominant drivers of recent years are out for one reason or another, the competition for top driver in 2013 is wide open.

Especially after an opening night that saw eight different drivers trot into the winners circle.

Track announcer Joe Zambito.

To purchase prints of these photos, click here.

Girl's basketball program shows some Genesee Valley pride in tournament showing

By Howard B. Owens

Five girls from Genesee County are part of a Genesee Valley Pride basketball program that recently took third place in a national tournament held in Florida.

The team is made up of Samantha Jurek and Hunter Jurek, from Alden, Abby Kamysz, Attica, Tiara Filbert, Batavia, Rebecca Grimaudo, Churchville-Chili, Kayla Heimlich, Le Roy, Niki Templeton and Logan Fugle, both of Livonia, and Pembroke’s Rylee Mosher, Breanna Johnson and Michaela Nati.

This was the inaugural season for GV Pride, which competed in six regional tournaments before traveling to Florida. For more on the program, visit the team's Web site.

Car strikes bicyclist at West Main and Holland in the city

By Billie Owens

A car struck a bicyclist at West Main Street and Holland Avenue in Batavia. City police and Mercy medics are responding along with city fire.

UPDATE 5:21 p.m.: A female is being taken to UMMC with some cuts and abrasions on her feet and shins.

Caring For The City Day To Include Free Dental Clinic

By Robin Walters

Care-A-Van Ministries along with Dr. Russ Marchese and his office staff will be hosting the 5th annual Caring For The City Day. This annual event is being held this Friday, July 26th from 8 AM until 3 PM.  It is being held at Dr. Russ Marchese office at 401 East Main Street, Batavia. 

This annual event includes a free dental clinic. The dental clinic is for those people who do not have dental insurance. Each person in need of dental care will  be evaluated for their individual need. There will be free cleanings, fillings, and even extractions performed. 

Along with the free dental clinic, there will be many other services and information offered by local churches and agencies. Free haircuts will be offered by local beauticians. There will be a prayer table set up for those in need of prayer. Batavia Photo club will be on hand to offer free family portraits. Kids will enjoy the face painting and games that will be available.  P. C.  Publications will be giving away free books. Community Action, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Mental Health Association, GCASA, Smoke Free Now Program, will be on site as well. 

Salvation Army, Discovery Chapel, Living Waters Apostolic Ministries who all currently work side by side with Care-A-Van will be their to offer their services and support. Fidelis Care will be available to assist people in need of health care insurance. 

The event is held rain or shine! This event is to let the people of Batavia know that God cares and so do we! Please let your family and friends know about the event. 

Law and Order: Man in jail accused of breaking the nose of another inmate

By Howard B. Owens

David Bruce Brusie, 40, of Fancher Road, Holley, is charged with assaul,t 2nd. Brusie, an inmate at the Genesee County Jail, is accused of punching another inmate and breaking his nose.

Rosemary R. Waters, 27, of 4035 W. Main Street Road, lowrr, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and trespass. Waters is accused of stealing makeup, valued at $6, from Dollar General. Waters was allegedly previously barred from the store for a prior shoplifting complaint.

Matthew W. Clark, 31, of 10 Washington Ave., Batavia, was arrested on a warrant from City Court for a traffic citation -- parking on a city street, 2 to 6 a.m.

Daniel P. Callahan, 29, of 8 Old Meadow Lane, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or higher and driving without stoplights. Callahan was stopped on Main Street at 12:01 a.m., July 9, by Officer Chad Richards.

Lizbel D. Cramer, 35, of 8 Lewis Place, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant out of City Court for traffic citations for alleged failure to obey stop sign and parking violations.

Bryon Gilbert Keller, 18, of Sumner Road, Corfu, is charged with unlawful dealing with a child. Keller is accused of allowing people under age 21 to consume alcohol while attending a party on his property.

Dariel Solivan Mendoza, 28, of Church Street, Bergen, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Mendoza allegedly pushed a person to the ground during an argument.

Lance Joseph Seppe, 27, of Genesee Street, Corfu, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th, and disorderly conduct. Seppe is accused of breaking items and issuing verbal threats while at a residence in Corfu at 7:39 p.m., Tuesday.

Charlotte Conable passes away at age 83

By Howard B. Owens

Charlotte Conable, the wife of the late Barber Conable, passed away yesterday in Sarasota, Fla., after a long battle with cancer. She was 83.

Conable was a graduate of Lafayette High School, Cornell University and George Washington University and wrote the books "Women at Cornell: The Myth of Equal Education."

Charlotte Williams was born in Buffalo. Her honors included being named a Woman of Distinction, an honorary doctorate from Genesee Community College, and being included in Feminists Who Changed America, 1963-1975.

She was a board member of the Women’s Hall of Fame, Seneca Falls and a trustee of Cornell University.

In 1952, Charlotte married Barber Conable, who would be elected to Congress, representing Batavia and parts of WNY, in 1964. He served 10 terms, earning the reputation as the "most respected member in Congress." In 1986, Ronald Reagan appointed him president of the World Bank.

Barber Conable died in 2003.

Charlotte Conable is survived by the couple's four children, Anne, of Bennington, Jane Schmieder, of East Bethany, Emily, of White Hall, Md., and Sam, Sarasota, Fla.

Services will be held in Alexander at a time to be determined.

(Full Obituary)

Batavia Opportunity Area public meeting set for July 29 at city hall

By Billie Owens

Press release:

A public meeting to discuss concepts and findings of the Batavia Opportunity Area (BOA) project will be held at the Board Room at City Hall, One Batavia City Centre, at 7 p.m. Monday, July 29.

The purpose of the Batavia Opportunity Area project is to advance the redevelopment of underutilized, vacant, abandoned or contaminated commercial and industrial sites within the City.

The Batavia Opportunity Area Steering Committee focused on five strategic sites that, if redeveloped, will be catalysts for area wide redevelopment including:

  • The Batavia City Centre site and adjacent Bank Street medical campus;
  • The Harvester Center;
  • The Della Penna site near Evans and Ellicott streets along with adjacent sites;
  • Tonawanda Creekside redevelopment near downtown; and
  • The Carr’s Warehouse Building (progress already under way)

In June, City Council approved the sale of the Carr’s Warehouse Building to the Batavia Development Corporation for disposal and redevelopment. Local developer Thompson Builds, Inc., is currently in the process of finalizing design and is expected to begin construction by the end of the summer, adding four new apartments to the second and third floors, and commercial/flex space to the first floor.

The steering committee has developed potential redevelopment scenarios for each of the other sites including plans and 3D visualizations that will be available at the meeting. Redevelopment scenarios proposed are based on an economic and market analysis prepared as part of the project. The committee also evaluated conditions of neighborhoods adjacent to the strategic sites.

Findings and concepts from the project will be used to facilitate future redevelopment at the sites and support requests for grants and financial assistance.

The steering committee members include: Edward Jones, City Planning Board, Jill Babinski, Genesee County Planning Dept., Lynn Freeman, Genesee County Chamber, Don Burkel, Business Improvement District, Julie Pacatte, Batavia Development Corporation and Jason Molino, City Manager.

For more information on the Batavia Opportunity Area project, visit the City’s website at

Kids in summer rec program collecting cans and bottles to benefit ARC youth programs

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Summer Recreation Program is well under way and entering the third week of the six-week program. Each year the program sponsors a Community Service Day for all of the children to volunteer and give something back to their community.

This year’s Community Service Project is scheduled for July 23 at all of the parks. There will be a community-wide can/bottle drive to raise money for youth programs at the Genesee ARC.

If you would like to contribute to this worthy cause, please feel free to deliver cans and bottles to any of the parks (Farrall, John Kennedy, Lambert, Williams, Woodward) on or before July 23 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Or you can take cans or bottles to the Batavia Youth Bureau located at 12 MacArthur Drive and program sponsors will make sure the donations are delivered to the parks.

Each park will also visit homes in their park’s neighborhoods on July 23 to solicit cans/bottles for the drive.

If you have any questions or would like to help in any way, please call the Youth Bureau at 345-6420. Thank you for your anticipated assistance and support!

Toni Funke

Program Coordinator


Batavia student makes the dean's list at Ithaca College

By Billie Owens

Melanie Case, a resident of Batavia and a Music Education major in the Class of 2016, was named to the dean's list in Ithaca College's School of Music for the Spring 2013 semester.

From day one, Ithaca College prepares students for success through hands-on experience with internships, research and study abroad. Its integrative curriculum builds bridges across disciplines and uniquely blends liberal arts and professional study. Located in New York's Finger Lakes region, the College is home to 6,100 undergraduate and 400 graduate students.

Four males in van with Maryland plates allegedly involved in two altercations in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Four black males in a 1999 Plymouth van with Maryland plates were reportedly involved in an altercation in the parking lot of the Best Western Crown Inn & Suites on Park Road in Batavia. Soon thereafter, the same people in the same van were reportedly involved in another altercation outside the Kwik Fill at the corner of Jackson and Ellicott streets in the city.

The van and its occupants have left the scene and law enforcement is trying to locate them.

Photo: Sing-along at HLOM history program for children

By Howard B. Owens

Jeff Ficher, the new assistant director at the Holland Land Office Museum, leads children participating in HLOM's Summer Heroes program in singing a Civil War Era song.

The eight-day program is just wrapping up its first week with a focus on the Underground Railroad.

The program is being led by Anne Marie Starowitz.

Law and Order: Buffalo duo accused of stealing shopping cart full of merchandise at Walmart

By Howard B. Owens

Marcianna Szczepanski, 21, of Abbot Road, Bufallo, and Yvonne A. Frye, 23, of Abbot Road, Buffalo, are charged with petit larceny. Szczepanski and Frye are accused of filling a shopping cart with merchandise and walking out the store without paying for any of the items. The total value of the merchandise is $898.21.

Isaiah James Munroe, 23, of School Road, Stafford, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, endangering the welfare of a child and harassment, 2nd. The charges stem from an alleged domestic incident.

Photo: Yellow Rose of Texas in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

It's not often you see cactus growing in somebody's front yard in Western New York, but Ellicott Street resident Frank Belluuci has two potted beaver-tail cactus plants that are in bloom with gorgeous yellow flowers. 

The variety, he said, is known as "Yellow Rose of Texas." 

While Frank's cactus are potted and can be stored indoors during the winter -- I have seen, and he's seen, the same variety of cactus growing outside in WNY.

The flowers should produce an edible fruit, but the growing season here isn't long enough.

1930s era Golden Gloves champ from Batavia passes

By Howard B. Owens

One of Batavia's most accomplished boxers from the 1930s passed away last week -- Salvatore V. “Sam” Cintorino, who won five Golden Glove titles as a lightweight fighting as Sammy Devine.

Cintorino was the brother of Joseph Cintorino, who fought as Mickey Devine when he turned professional and became one of the biggest names in boxing to come out of Batavia.

The brothers were part of a vibrant boxing scene in Batavia in the 1930s when some 40 to 60 young men trained locally and fought all over WNY, even nationwide.

The 96-year-old Sam Cintorino was born Nov. 8, 1916 in Brooklyn to parents who immigrated from Italy. Soon after, the family moved to Batavia.

As Sammy Devine, Cintorino is a member of the Rochester Boxing Hall of Fame.

For his full obituary, click here.

Sherwin-Williams employee accused of assisting in burglary of store

By Howard B. Owens

An employee of Sherwin-Williams is accused of participating in a June 1 burglary of the paint store at 16 Liberty St., Batavia.

Rebecca G. Morse, 21, of 130 Bank St., Batavia, is accused of supplying a key to others and receiving some of the stolen cash in return.

Morse is charged with burglary, 3rd.

Whomever actually broke into the store, smashed the front door with a rock. A safe was opened and money was stolen.

The investigation is ongoing and no other arrests have been announced.

The investigation was conduced by Officer Kevin DeFelice and Det. Charles Dudek.

Morse, who no longer works for Sherwin-Williams, was arraigned and released on her own recognizance.

Law and Order: Man accused of recklessly using pellet gun

By Howard B. Owens

Richard T. Fleig, 33, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with reckless endangerment, 2nd. While a friend was setting up a target at a location on North Road, Le Roy, Fleig allegedly fired a pellet pistol down range. A pellet struck the friend's hand causing an injury.

Emily T. Cockman, 17, of East Main Road, Attica, is charged with petit larceny. Cockman and a 14-year-old are accused of stealing $35.07 in merchandise from Walmart.

Car crashes into tree near a house at South Spruce and Main streets in the city

By Billie Owens

A one-car accident is reported at South Spruce and Main streets in the city of Batavia. The vehicle struck a tree and is within 15 feet of a residence. City firefighters are responding along with Mercy medics. Batavia PD are on scene to help with traffic control.

UPDATE 11:20 p.m. (by Howard): Police say the driver of the car was eastbound on East Main Street when for an unknown reason, her car left the roadway and struck the curb and then drove across the front lawn of 534 E. Main St., and through the side yard on the east side of the house. The car went through the back yard and then turned northbound in the side yard on the South Spruce-side of the house. It then struck a tree and caught on fire. Both occupants were out of the car when police arrived. The driver was transported to UMMC with complaints of neck and back pain. The male passenger was unhurt. Nobody else was hurt. Police say the investigation is continuing and it's unknown if drugs or alcohol were a factor.

Top photo: Sparks and water fly as city firefighters use a radial saw to cut the hood off the car.  Second photo: Firefighters inspect the engine compartment after removing the hood. Third photo: A bike with a bent front tire that police said was ejected from the trunk of the car when the car struck the tree.

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