City and towns to work together to create bike and walking path across the county
The vision is a bike and walking path that stretches from east to west across Genesee County and the means of funding it could come from a state grant, the City Council learned Monday night.
City Manager Jason Molino told council members that the city is working with officials in the Town of Batavia and Pembroke to help clear the way for funding of the project.
“Part of our planning with the BOA (Batavia Opportunity Area Plan) was to develop more pedestrian-friendly improvements to multi-modal aspects of pedestrian and bicycle traffic," Molino said. "What we’re talking about is a recreational bicycle path that hopefully in the long run will connect the east and west sides of the county together, so you can ride or walk continuously from the Erie County line to the Livingston County line.”
The Transportation Enhancement Program or TEP is offering grants of $200,000 to $2.5 million.
The first stage would be a path starting in East Pembroke, going through the city and ending at the soon-to-be-built 76-unit housing development off Seven Springs Road.
A TEP grant, if approved, would cover 80 percent of the funding.
Molino has high hopes for its impact on downtown Batavia.
“What this does for the downtown is it creates the opportunity for more activity and traffic in our downtown which is our primary commerce area," he said. "It connects the economic centers and creates more activity for our downtown businesses and our downtown in general.”
Molino says the three municipalities are working with National Grid as well as private businesses and property owners to develop a route for the trail. More details, including how much money the program would require, will be determined in the “next several weeks.”
In 2006 the City received $500,000 of TEP funding to complete the Ellicott Streetscape Project which cost a total of $750,000.
(via The Batavian's official news partner, WBTA)