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Batavia schools to implement new program to help students who are falling behind in studies

By Howard B. Owens

In an effort to help students who are falling far behind in their studies, to the point where the students start to lose hope of catching up, principals Scott Wilson, Batavia High School, and Ashley John Grillo, Batavia Middle School, have developed an innovative new afterschool program to help the students make up for lost time.

Wilson described the program as "creative" at Tuesday's meeting of the City Schools Board of Trustees.

The board unanimously approved implementation of the program after Wilson's presentation.

The program will be held at the high school on Mondays through Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Wilson said he would anticipate from five to 15 students participating in each five-week segment.  

There would be a rotating group of teachers running the sessions each day and the program uses online courses designed to help students with makeup work as well as group learning.

"The goal is to have enough progress for the students to recover," Wilson said.

Students fall behind for a variety of reasons, from home life, to illness to other distractions and they often would like to keep up with their school work, Wilson said. That's hard to do when each day is filled with the current day's schoolwork.

During the course of the academic year, students get grades that are really just progress markers, Wilson explained, but the most important grade comes at the end of the school year, so the goal of the program is to provide midyear course correction for those who "go off-roading," Wilson said.

Wilson hopes to implement the new program starting in January.

When a baby stopped breathing, one of Settler's regular customers saved her life

By Howard B. Owens

There's a family in Batavia whose Christmas is going to be a whole lot brighter thanks to Liz Machala.

That's because there's a baby who is alive who might not be if not for Machala's ability to remain calm under stress and her knowledge of CPR.

Yesterday at Settler's Restaurant, Machala was eating lunch with friends, as she often does on Tuesdays at Settler's, when there was a big commotion on the other side of the restaurant.

"The father was yelling, 'she's not breathing, she's not breathing, somebody do something.' "

Restaurant owner John Spyropoulos immediately called 9-1-1 and dispatchers sent an ambulance for a 6-month-old in cardiac arrest.

Machala rushed from her seat and found the baby was turning blue.

"I turned her on her side," Machala said. "I pounded her on her back. I stuck my fingers down her throat. She had something stuck. I pounded her on her chest and flipped her over again to pound her on her back and she started screaming."

Machala said her only thought at that point was, "I'm happy."

The baby was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital for evaluation and this morning the baby's mother came in the restaurant and said she wanted to do something for Machala but Machala said she isn't looking for any attention.

She doesn't like a lot of attention on herself she said and was a bit reluctant to even talk with a reporter about yesterday.

"Anybody would have done what I did," she said. "Unfortunately, nobody did. People don't like to get involved. I, unfortunately, am one of those people who will get involved and get my ass kicked in the end." 

Machala learned CPR when she worked with mentally disabled people years ago.

This morning, Machala was in Settler's, as she usually is on Wednesday morning, with a group of friends.

As she was leaving, and the friends were all wishing each other a Merry Christmas, one of them told her, "Liz, I'm proud to know you."

"Now you're making me blush," Machala said.

UPDATE Thursday, Dec. 22, 10:20 a.m.: Falicia Tuczai posted the following on our link on Facebook:

I do not want my corrections to come across as rude, or negate the fact that I am truly grateful beyond measure for the impeccable aid my daughter received from Liz and everyone's assistance. But because this has gained so much publicized attention, I wanna clear up any inaccurate facts. First, I wanna bring attention to the other nurse that was involved in helping my daughter. She too was present, and from what I've gathered was actually the one who performed CPR. She certainly deserves as much praise as the lady already mentioned. However, I will not disclose her name with not having any type of prior consent. Thank you both sincerely for all your efforts in helping my daughter! We could obviously never repay such an act! The article does mention the "mother" going to the restaurant this morning to repay this nurse, however, that was not me as I have been with my daughter at the hospital. Additionally, my daughter's age is actually 14 months old. What she suffered from was a seizure. This has now been a reoccurrence to one she had in August. We hope to find answers to these sporadic unexplained episodes, but all things set aside she is healthy and happy and doing extremely well! So we appreciate all who were aware that reached out to us to check on her. As far as cardiac arrest, that is not something that occurred. It is common for the heart to shallow to a point it's hard to detect for a brief moment till your body stabilizes naturally. As she may have had food in her mouth, the seizure is what caused her to choke not visa versa. Seizures themselves are non-life threatening. It's other sources such as eating, driving etc. while an episode is happening that can be. I would never wish this experience on anyone, but with how common I learned of them to be, it never hurts to be knowledgeable on how to aid someone properly during a seizure and recognize the signs! It can be very intense and scary. Golisano children's neurological team has been amazing both times in our scares to bring comfort and awareness to us as well. And again thank you all so much to the nurses, EMTs, Drs Etc as well the outpouring of concern we received. Macie is one blessed and loved little girl.

Students at Jackson School show school board some of what they're learning

By Howard B. Owens

During Tuesday's City Schools board meeting, held at Jackson School, students and their teachers did a show-and-tell on some of the skills they've been learning through innovative classroom activities.

Above, kindergarteners count in increments of two to start a demonstration that included jumping in increments of two on a floor map, and then on a second trip through the map, picking up building blocks, which provides a lesson in groups and multiplication. Their teacher is Melissa Mattice.

Bottom photos, teacher Jessica Torrey works with her students in first grade on a demonstration of their writing and storytelling abilities.

During her presentation about progress at the school, Principal Diane Bonarigo said teachers and staff are very aware that the study skills and attitudes toward learning developed in kindergarten and first grade will have a big impact on a student's ability to eventually graduate from high school. 

Batavia man accused of selling heroin to task force agent

By Howard B. Owens
     Victor Guy

A 30-year-old Batavia resident has been arrested on a warrant for allegedly selling drugs to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force.

Victor D. "Grimes" Guy, of Pearl Street, is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd.

It's alleged that Guy sold heroin to an undercover agent on two separate occasions.

He was picked up on the warrant after being arrested by Batavia PD on Saturday on an unrelated incident and then turned over to the task force on the warrant.

He was arraigned in County Court yesterday and jailed on $25,000 bail or $50,000 bond.

Guy was arrested this week by Batavia PD on charges of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, obstructing governmental administration and DWAI drugs.

In 2012, Guy was accused of dealing crack cocaine. Information is not immediately available on the resolution of that case, but the Department of Correction's website indicates Guy has never served a prison term.

Mother accused of leaving twins home alone before fatal fire hires new attorney

By Howard B. Owens

The former Batavia resident who is accused of leaving her twin sons home alone one night in May before they died in a fire has hired a new criminal defense attorney.

Benjamin Bonarigo Sr. is now representing Heather Ace.

Ace is charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

The 25-year-old Stafford resident appeared in Batavia Town Court yesterday with her new attorney, who replaces Public Defender Jerry Ader.

No other actions were taken on her case and she is scheduled back in court in January.

She has pled not guilty to the charges.

According to court documents, Ace went out the night of May 26 after putting her kids to bed at 8 or 8:30 p.m. behind a door locked on the outside. She intended to go to the movies, according to statements, but instead went to a friend's house, smoked some marijuana and then went to a store and bought an alcoholic beverage called Four Loko. She then went to another friend's house and hung out.

Her mother called her to tell her her house was on fire. Ace was reportedly distraught and rushed to the house.

Micah and Michael Gard, both 2, succumbed to smoke inhalation, according to reports.

(Our news partner WBTA contributed to this report.)

County's new outdoor ice skating rink has ice

By Howard B. Owens

Tim Hens clears snow from the new outdoor ice skating rink at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia and he said the rink should open today, but if not today, tomorrow.

The rink was made possible when the Town of Oakfield donated it to the county for use in DeWitt.

Most days while there is ice will be open skating, Hens said, but he anticipates having puck and stick days (no hockey games, and there are no nets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Staff from Cedar Street Sales and Rentals are helping maintain the rink during the winter.

Photos: A winter view from atop the Old Courthouse

By Howard B. Owens

D.J. Snyder, a maintenance mechanic with Genesee County, shared these pictures he took from the cupola of the Old Courthouse in Batavia. He was up there with coworker Randy Boyce to replace fuses in the star hanging on the west side of the cupola.

Pedestrian hit by car at West Main and North Lyon, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A pedestrian has reportedly been struck by a car and there is a reported injury at West Main Street and North Lyon Street, in the City of Batavia.

City fire and Mercy EMS responding.

UPDATE 9:31 a.m.: Minor, if any, injury. Patient transported to UMMC for evaluation. Adult male. No damage to vehicle. 

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of menacing a police officer

By Howard B. Owens

Kevin G. Viehdeffer, 56, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with menacing a police officer. Viehdeffer allegedly brandished a knife toward a police officer during an investigation into an incident involving Viehdeffer at 11:23 p.m., Friday. He was ordered held without bail.

Victor D. Guy, 30, Pearl Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, obstructing governmental administration, DWAI drugs, failure to yield right of way on left turn and aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd. Guy was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 12:59 a.m. Saturday on Liberty Street, Batavia, by Officer Christopher Lindsay. Guy was allegedly found in possession of crack cocaine and heroin. He was turned over to the Sheriff's Office on a warrant.

James Robert Pursel, 51, of Jackson Street, Batavia, is charged with assault, 3rd. Pursel allegedly struck another person with a framing nailer during a verbal argument. The incident was reported at 2:04 p.m., Thursday, at 4140 Veterans Memorial Drive, the location of Peebles Department Store. Pursel was arraigned in Batavia Town Court and released on his own recognizance.

Rosemary Waters, 30, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Waters allegedly stole four packages of eyeliner from a West Main Street business.

Melissa J. Stratheam, 32, of Dellinger Avenue, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. Stratheam posted $300 cash police bail and was released.

Joey A. Evans, 26, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with possession of a hypodermic instrument and unlawful possession of marijuana. Evans was arrested following an investigation into a reported disturbance on Ellicott Street at 1:58 p.m., Wednesday. Evans was held on $5,000 bail or $10,000 bond.

Gregory F. Frieday, 32, of Osterhout Avenue, Batavia, is accused of criminal mischief, 3rd. Frieday was ordered held without bail.

Danny D. Williams, 28, of Pearl Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. Williams was arrested following an investigation into a report of a stolen vehicle on Washington Avenue at 11 p.m., March 18. He was jailed on $7,500 bail.

Holden W. Byer, 25, of West Main Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant. Byer was arrested by Warsaw PD and turned over to Batavia PD on two bench warrants for alleged failure to comply with terms of his release under supervision of Genesee Justice. He was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Andrei P. Sliker, 25, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument. Sliker was charged when allegedly found in possession of a needle during an investigation into an unrelated incident at 9:15 p.m., Dec. 13.

James Marion Spangler, 40, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, is charged with strangulation, 2nd, assault, 3rd, criminal mischief, 4th, and criminal mischief, 3rd. Spangler was allegedly involved in a physical domestic at 11:55 p.m., Dec. 15, at a location on Pringle Avenue, Batavia.

First-graders at St. Joe's donate their own money to buy presents for patients at Golisano

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Miss Zambito’s first-grade class at St. Joe’s Catholic School spent the first few weeks of December raising their own money for a very special cause. These first-graders generously collected $160 of their chore, birthday and tooth-fairy money to purchase gifts for the girls and boys at Golisano Children’s Hospital.  

Batavia's first MMA event draws capacity crowd

By Howard B. Owens

It's only been a few months since it became legal to hold mixed martial arts events in New York, and one of the first such events in the state drew a sellout crowd in Batavia tonight at the Quality Inn and Suites.

Le Roy resident Richard Mitchell, owner of Ground Force Fights and himself a former professional MMA fighter, was the event's promoter.

First three photos, Mark Murry vs. John Gearhart. Murray won at 1:30 in the first round due to strikes.

In the dual main events, Morgan Cavanaugh vs, Eddie Ortiz Junior. Ortiz won at 1:55 in round 1.  Tom Shelby beat Nick Phelps at 1:55 in round 1.

Previously: Local promoter bringing one of the state's first MMA events to Batavia

Two photos above, Sean Keough vs. Yuri Panferov. Panferov won at 1:15 in round 1 after a verbal tapout by Keough. 

Vehicle flips over on Richmond Avenue, trapping occupants

By Billie Owens

A vehicle reportedly crashed and flipped over, landing in front of 209 Richmond Ave. in the city. People are trapped inside. City fire and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 9:54 p.m.: Everyone's out," says a first responder at the scene.

UPDATE 10:15 p.m.: The sole occupant, a male driver, complained of chest pain after the accident and was transported to UMMC for evaluation. The vehicle was eastbound on Richmond when the driver lost control for unknown reasons and the vehicle struck a tree and flipped over. The accident is under investigation.

Former Batavia Blue Devils turn out for annual alumni basketball game

By Howard B. Owens

The Evens beat the Odds 98-92 today in the annual Batavia High School boys basketball alumni game. 

Batavia's head coach, Buddy Brasky, said the oldest player on the floor today was from the Class of 1998 and there were players who graduated as recently as last year participating.

Brasky said it's just a good time for the players and coaches and fans. Afterward, they all go out for beer and pizza.  

The game was played at John Kennedy School.

The after-game photo at the bottom was posted by Brasky on Twitter.

Two families get make-up day at Walmart for Shop with a Cop

By Howard B. Owens

At last week's Shop with a Cop event at Walmart, two local families who were invited were unable to participate. Today, deputies from the Sheriff's Office went to Walmart to shop with those families and then help them wrap Christmas presents after the shopping was done.

Above, Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Deputy Cassidy Longhani, one of the newest members of the department.

Above, Deputy James Diehl.

UPDATE: Store manager Diane Waters shared this end-of-the-shopping-day photo,

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